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Republic of the Philippines

Palompon Institute of Technology Tabango

Tabango, Leyte
Office of Instruction
General and Teacher Education Unit
2nd Semester A.Y. 2021-2022

MTEC 1 – Introduction to ICT Specialization 1

Answer Sheet

Evaluation No. 3
Name: Juanito E. Ando Program & Year: BTLED 1 - Major in Home Economics

Child's name Favorite pet Weekly allowance

Sally Dog $ 10.00
Dan Cat $ 25.00
Izik Parrot $ 8.00
Robert Rabbit $ 12.00
Jim Dog $ 20.00
Allen Parrot $ 5.00
Mathew Rabbit $ 10.00
Liz Cat $ 5.00
Brandon Snake $ 12.00
Paul Cat $ 16.00
Robert Rabbit $ 12.00
Michael Dog $ 15.00

1. Using the conditional formatting do the following:

a. higlight Child's name column with color yellow having a duplicate name.
b. highlight favorite per column with color red having a duplicate pet name.
c. highlight weekly allowance column with color green having the same amount of allowance.

2. Copy the table above and paste it below.

a. Using a top / bottom rules, higlight only the highest value in Weekly Allowance column with color red.

Child's name Favorite pet Weekly allowance

Sally Dog $ 10.00
Dan Cat $ 25.00
Izik Parrot $ 8.00
Robert Rabbit $ 12.00
Jim Dog $ 20.00
Allen Parrot $ 5.00
Mathew Rabbit $ 10.00
Liz Cat $ 5.00
Brandon Snake $ 12.00
Paul Cat $ 16.00
Robert Rabbit $ 12.00
Michael Dog $ 15.00
Salesperson Items bought Items sold Expenses Income
Dan 3 6 30 60
Maria 3 4 30 40
Izik 8 7 80 70
Brad 6 4 60 40
Lucy 5 5 50 50
Nathan 3 9 30 90
Brenda 8 6 80 60
Heather 8 4 80 40
Dan 3 4 30 40
Bruce 7 6 70 60

3. Highlight the entire rows in which the income is greater than the expenses.

a. Using the New Rule, highlight the entire rows with color blue in a condition that
Income coloum is greater than the Expenses column.
b. Apply a new rule in higlighting the entire rows.
c. Specifically, select this type of rule: Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
d. Enter the correct formula in the cell like as shown below.

e. Click Format to fill the rows with blue color based upon the condition.
f. Your output should like this one below.

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