History of Computer

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Assignment #1 History Of Computer ID #10729

Computer is derived from a Latin word “computare” which means “to calculate” “to count” , “to sum
up” or “to think together”.

A computer is an electronic device that accepts input data and instructions with the help of input
devices from the users, stores them until needed, processes it and then produces the output as a result
with the help of output devices.

THE ABACUS Abacus is the first mechanical calculating device. The Abacus was used to be
performed addition and subtraction easily and quickly? The Abacus, started using before about 5,000

years ago in Asia and is still in use today.

This device is allowing the users to make the computations using a system of sliding beads arranged on a
rack. It dividing into two parts called ‘Heaven’ and ‘Earth’. Heaven was the upper part and Earth was the
lower one. Thus any no. can be represented by placing the beads at proper place.

LEIBNIZ CALCULATOR In 1694, a German mathematics and philosopher, Gottfried Leibniz

modified the Pascal calculator and he developed a machine which could perform various calculation
based on multiplication and division as well. Leibniz’s mechanical multiplier working by a system of gears
and dials.
ANALYTICAL ENGINE In 1833, a scientist from England Charles Babbage invented a machine.
Which could keep our data safely? This device was called Analytical engine and it deemed the first
mechanical computer. In this analytical engine included such feature which is used in today’s computer
language. For this great invention of the computer, Sir Charles Babbage is also known as the father of
the computer.

Z3 in 1941 German engineer Konrad Zuse had developed a computer the Z3, to design airplane and

EDVAC Von Neumann designed the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) in 1945.
The EDVAC computer had a memory to hold both a stored program as well as data.

UNIVAC-1 in 1951, the UNIVAC-1(Universal Automatic Computer), built by Remington Rand, become
one of the first commercially available computer.
Computer generation start on based when major technological changes in computers Start, like the use
of vacuum tubes, transistors and the microprocessor. To 2018, there are five generations of the

FIRST GENRATION In the first generation of computers vacuum tubes were used. Vacuum tubes
were widely used in computers from 1940 to 1956. Vacuum tubes were larger components and the first
generation computers being quite large in size, reserving up a lot of space in a room. Some of the first
generation computers took up a whole room.

ENIAC  is a great example of a first generation computer. It consisted of nearly 20,000 vacuum tubes,
also 10,000 capacitors and 70,000 resistors. It weighed over 30 tons and a large space is required to
keep this computer . Other examples of first generation computers include the EDSAC, IBM 701,
and Manchester Mark 1.

SECOND GENERATION In second generation of computers the transistors are used instead of

vacuum tubes. Transistors were widely used in computers from 1956 to 1963. Transistors are smaller in
size than vacuum tubes and make computers to be smaller in size, faster in speed, and cheaper to build.
The first computer to use transistors was the TX-0 and was introduced in 1956. Other computers that
used transistors include the IBM 7070.

THIRD GENERATION In third generation of computers IC (integrated circuits) are used. By using
the IC's in computers it helped in reducing the size of computers even more compared to second-
generation of computers and made them faster.

Nearly all computers to 1960s have utilized IC's. IC's are still used in computers today. After 45 years
later, today's computers have roots going back to the third generation.

FOURTH GENERATION In fourth generation of computers the microprocessor are used, which is

more commonly known as CPU. Microprocessors along with integrated circuits, helped make it possible
for computers to fit easily on a desk and for the introduction of the laptop.

Some of the initial computers to use a microprocessor are the Altair 8800, and Micral. Today's
computers still use a microprocessor, despite the fourth generation being considered to have ended
in 2010.
FIFTH GENERATION In fifth generation of computers the  AI (artificial intelligence) is used , an
exciting technology that has many potential applications around the world. Leaps have been made in AI
technology and computers, but there is still much room for improvement.

The examples of fifth generation of computer are Apple's Siri on the iPhone and Microsoft's Cortana on
Windows 8 and Windows 10 computers. The Google search engine also use AI to process user searches.

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