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Section 8


Part A



8.1.1 General

The specifications of this section are intended for design of

reinforced (non-prestressed) concrete bridge members and structures.
,Bridge members designed as prestressed concrete shall conform to
Section 9.

8.1.2 Notations

= depth of equivalent rectangular stress block (Article
= depth of equivalent rectangular stress block for balanced
strain condition, mm (Article
av = shear span, distance between concentrated load and face of
support (Articles and
A = effective tension area of concrete surrounding the
flexural tension reinforcement and having the same
centroid as that reinforcement, divided by the number of
bars or wires, sq. mm; when the flexural reinforcement
consists of several bar sizes or wires, the number of bars or
wires shall be computed as the total area of reinforcement
divided by the area of the largest bar or wire used (Article
= area of an indivichial bar, sq. mm (Article 8.25.1)

The specifications of Section 8 are patterned after and are in genera] conformity
with the provisions of ACI Standard 318 for reinforced concrete design and its
commentary, ACI 3I 8R, published by the American Concrete Institute.

A, = area of core of spirally reinforced compression member Cm = factor relating the actual moment diagram to an equivalent
measured to the outside diameter of the. spiral sq. aim uniform moment diagram (Article
( Article d = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of
A„ = area of concrete section resisting shear transfer. sq. m oi tension reinforcement, mm. For computing shear
( Article strength of circular sections, d need not less than the
Af = area of reinforcement in bracket or corbel resisting moment, distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of
sq. mm. (Article and tension reinforcement in opposite half of member. For
= gross area of section, sq. mm. computing horizontal shear strength of composite
Ah = area of shear reinforcement parallel to flexural tension members, d shall be the distance from extreme compression
reinforcement sq. mm. (Articles and fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement for entire
An = area of reinforcement in bracket or corbel resisting tensile composite section.
force N, (N,„), sq. mm. (Articles and d' = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of
A, = area of tension reinforcement, sq. mm. compression reinforcement, mm.
A', = area of compression reinforcement, sq. mm. --- distance from centroid of gross section, neglecting the
A,1 = area of reinforcement to develop compressive strength of reinforcement,- to centroid of tension reinforcement, mm.
overhanging flanges of 1-and T-sections (Article db = nominal diameter of bar or wire, mm.
Ask = area of skin reinforcement per unit height in one side face. (lc = thickness of concrete cover measured from extreme tension
sq. mm. per m. (Article fiber to center of bar or wire located closest thereto (Article
= total area of longitudinal reinforcement ( Articles and Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete, MPa (Article 8.7.1)
A, = area of shear reinforcement within a distance s EI = flexural stiffness of compression member (Article
= area of shear-friction reinforcement, sq. mm. (Article Es = modulus of elasticity of reinforcement, MPa (Article 8.7.2)
A„ = area of an individual wire to be developed or spliced. 4 = average bearing stress in concrete on loaded area (Articles
3q. mm. (Articles and 8.30.2) and
Al = loaded area (Articles and = extreme fiber compressive stress in concrete at service loads
A2 = maximum area of the portion of the supporting (Article
surface that is geometrically similar to and concentric f = specified compressive strength of concrete, MPa
with the loaded area (Articles and = square root of specified compressive strength of concrete,
b = width of compression face of member MPa
bo = perimeter of critical section for slabs and footings = average splitting tensile strength of lightweight aggregate
(Articles and concrete, MPa
= width- of cross section at contact surface being fr = fatigue stress range in reinforcement, MPa (Article
investigated for horizontal shear (Article ftnin = algebraic minimum stress level in reinforcement (Article
b., = web width, or diameter of circular section (Article t. = modulus of rupture of concrete, MPa (Article
= distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis = tensile stress in reinforcement at service loads, MPa
(Article (Article
f 's = stress in compression reinforcement at balanced conditions ?Aux = nominal moment strength of a section in the direction of the
(Articles and x axis (Article
ft = extreme fiber tensile stress in concrete at service loads Wier = nominal moment strength of a section in the direction of the
(Article y axis (Article
fy = specified yield strength of reinforcement, MPa Mu = factored moment at section
h = overall thickness of member, mm. M ax = factored moment component in the direction of the x axis
hf = compression flange thickness of I- and T-sections (Article
Ia = moment of inertia of cracked section transformed to = factored moment component in the direction of the y axis
concrete (Article 8.13.3) (Article
effective moment of inertia for computation of Mn, = value of smaller end moment on compression member due
deflection (Article 8.13.3) to gravity loads that result in no appreciable
moment of inertia of gross concrete section about sidesway calculated • by conventional elastic frame
centroidal axis, neglecting reinforcement. analysis, positive if member is bent in single
= moment of inertia of reinforcement about centroidal axis of curvature, negative if bent in double curvature (Article
member cross section
k = effective length factor for compression members (Article M2b = value of larger end moment on compression member due to gravity loads that result in no appreciable sidesway
LA = additional embedment length at support or point of calculated by conventional elastic frame analysis, always
inflection, mm. (Article positive (Article
Ld = development length, mm (Article 8.24 through 8.32) = value of larger end moment on compression member due to
Ldh = development length of standard hook in tension, lateral loads or gravity loads that result in appreciable
measured from critical section to outside end of hook sidesway, defined by a deflection A, greater than L./1500,
(straight embedment length between critical section and calculated by conventional elastic frame analysis, always
start of hook (point of tangency) plus radius of positive. (Article
bend and one bar diameter), mm. • (Article 8.29) n = modular ratio of elasticity = E s/E, (Article
Lib = Lhb x applicable modification factor N = design axial load normal to cross section occurring
= basic development length of standard hook in tension, mm. simultaneously with V to be taken as positiye for
Liu = unsupported length of compression member (Article compression, negative for tension and to include the effects of tension due to shrinkage and creep (Articles
M = computed moment capacity (Article and
Ma = maximum moment in member at stage for which deflection N, =design tensile force applied at top of bracket or corbel
❑ is being computed (Article 8.13.3) acting simultaneously with V, to be taken as positive for
Mb = nominal moment strength of a section at balanced strain tension (Article
conditions (Article = factored axial load normal to the cross section
Mc = moment to be used for design of compression member occurring simultaneously with V. to be taken as positive
(Article for compression, negative for tension; and to include the
M a. = cracking moment (Article 8.13.3) effects of tension due to shrinkage and creep (Article
= nominal moment strength of section

8-4 8-5
Yt = distance from centroidal axis of gross section,
Nun = factored tensile force applied at top of bracket or corbel
neglecting reinforcement, to extreme fiber in tension (Article
acting simultaneously with V,, to be taken as positive for
tension (Article
= quantity limiting distribution of flexural reinforcement
Pb = nominal axial load strength of a section at balanced strain
condition (Article
c alpha) = angle between inclined shear reinforcement and longitudinal
Pc = critical load (Article
axis of member
Pc = nominal axial load strength of a section at zero eccentricity
(Article = angle between shear-friction reinforcement and shear plane
= nominal axial load strength at given eccentricity (Articles and
13,,x = nominal axial load strength corresponding to M nx , with p b(beta) = ratio of area of reinforcement cut off to total area of
bending considered in the direction of the x axis only reinforcement at the section (Article
(Article = ratio of long side to short side of concentrated load or
= nominal axial load strength corresponding to M ny , with reaction area; for a circular concentrated load or reaction
bending considered in the direction of the y axis only area, p c --- 1.0 (Article and
(Article I3d = absolute value of ratio of maximum dead load moment to
P„ xy = nominal axial load strength with biaxial loading (Article maximum total load moment, always positive P1 = ratio of depth of equivalent compression zone to depth from
Pu = factored axial load at given eccentricity fiber of maximum compressive strain to the neutral axis
r = radius of gyration of cross section of a compression member (Article
(Article = correction factor related to unit weight for concrete (Articles
s = spacing of shear reinforcement in direction parallel and
to the longitudinal reinforcement, mm. 1.1(mu) = coefficient of friction (Article
sW = spacing of wires to be developed or spliced, mm. p(rho) = tension reinforcement ratio = Adb,,d, A/bd
= span length, m P' = compression reinforcement ratio = A'/bd
V = design shear force at section (Article Pb = reinforcement ratio producing balanced strain condition
v = design shear stress at section (Article (Article
V, = nominal shear strength provided by concrete (Article = ratio of volume of spiral reinforcement to total volume of
Ps core (out-to-out of spirals) of a spirally reinforced
v, = permissible shear stress carried by concrete (Article compression member (Article = reinforcement ratio used in Equation (8-4) and Equation (8-
-- design horizontal shear stress at any cross section 48)
(Article = moment magnification factor for members braced against
vh = permissible horizontal shear strength (Article
sidesway to reflect effects of member curvature between
V„ = nominal shear strength (Article ends of compression member
= nominal horizontal shear strength (Article
S. = moment magnification factor for members not braced
Vs = nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement
against sidesway to reflect lateral drift resulting from lateral
and gravity loads
V„ = factored shear force at section (Article
4 (phi) = strength reduction factor (Article
we = weight of concrete, kg/m 3

8.1.3 Definitions plain reinforcement - Reinforcement that does not conform to the
'tion of deformed reinforcement.
The following terms are defined for general use in Sectio-n Required:strength - Strength of a member or cross section
Specialized definitions appear in individual Articles. hd to resist factored loads or related internal moments and forces
combinations as are stipulated in Article 3.22.
Bracket or corbel - Short (haunched) cantilever that projects from vice Load - Loads without load factors.
the face of a column or wall to support a concentrated load or bea m iral reinforcement - Continuously wound reinforcement in the
reaction. See Articles and of a cylindrical helix.
Compressive strength of concrete (fa - Specified compressive Splitting tensile strength (f„,) - Tensile strength of concrete
strength of concrete in Megapascals (MPa). determined in accordance with "Specifications for Lightweight
Concrete, structural lightweight - A concrete containing ates for Structural Concrete" AASHTO M 195** (ASTM C
lightweight aggregate having an air-dry unit weight as determine.d by 330).
"Method of Test for Unit Weight of Structural lightweight Concrete" stirrups or ties - Lateral reinforcement formed of individual units,
(ASTM* C567), not exceeding 1,800 kg/m 3 . In this specification, a or closed, or of continuously wound reinforcement. The term
lightweight concrete without natural sand is termed "all-lightweight s" is usually applied to lateral reinforcement in horizontal
concrete" and one in which all fine aggregate consists of normal weight manbess and the term "ties" to those in vertical members.
sand is termed "sand-lightweight concrete." Tension tie members - Member having an axial tensile force
Deformed reinforcement - Deformed reinforcing bars, deformed sufficient to create tension over the entire cross section and having
wire, welded smooth wire fabric, and welded deformed wire fabric. limited concrete cover on all sides. Examples include: arch ties,
Design load - All applicable loads and forces or their related hangers carrying load to an overhead supporting structure, and main
internal moments and forces used to proportion members. For design tension elements in a truss.
by SERVICE LOAD DESIGN, design load refers to loads without load Yield strength or yield point (f y ) - Specified minimum yield
factors. For design STRENGTH DESIGN METHOD, design load strength of yield point or reinforcement in Megapascals (MPa)
refers to loads multiplied by appropriate load factors. .,
Design strength - Nominal strength multiplied by a strength
reduction factor, 4) '(.[ Si CONCRETE
Development length - Length of embedded reinforcement required
to develop the design strength of the reinforcement at a critical section. The specified compressive strength, f ', of the concrete for
Embedment length - Length of embedded reinforcement provided each part of the structure shall be shown on the plans. The
beyond a critical section. requirements for f ', shall be based on tests of cylinders made and
Factored load - Load, multiplied by appropriate load factors, used tested in accordance with the standard methods of AASHTO.
to proportion members by the STRENGTH DESIGN METHOD.
Nominal strength Strength of a member or cross section
calculated in accordance with provisions and assumptions of the
STRENGTH DESIGN METHOD before application of any strength
reduction factors.

* Amerian Society for Testing and Materials

11 * Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and methods of Sampling and

8-8 8-9
8.3 REINFORCEMENT 8.5.3 The coefficient of thermal expansion and contraction for normal
weight concrete may be taken as 0.0000108 per deg C.
8.3.1 The yield strength or grade of reinforcement shall be shown on
the plans. 8.5.4 The coefficient of shrinkage for normal weight concrete may be
taken as 0.0002.
8.3.2 Reinforcement to be welded shall be indicated on the plans and
the welding procedure to be used shall be specified. 8,5.5 Thermal and shrinkage coefficients for lightweight concrete shall
be determined for the type of lightweight aggregate used.
8.3.3 Designs shall not use a yield strength, f„„ in excess of 415 MPa

83.4 Deformed reinforcement shall be used except that plain bars or 8.6 STIFFNESS
smooth wire may be used for spirals and ties.
8.6.1 Any reasonable assumptions may be adopted for computing the
8.3.5 Reinforcement shall conform to the specifications listed in relative flexural and torsional stiffnesses of continuous and rigid frame
AASHTO, except that,. for reinforcing bars, the yield strength and members. The assumptions made shall be consistent throughout the
tensile strength shall correspond to that determined by tests on full- analysis.
sized bars.
8.6.2 The effect of haunches shall be considered both in determining
moments and in design of members.
Part B


8.4 GENERAL 8.7.1 The modulus of elasticity, E„ for concrete may be taken as
043 4T7 for values of Iv, between 1500 and 2500 kg/m 3 . For
wc 13 (0- )
All members of continuous and rigid frame structures shall be normal weight concrete (w, = 2,300 kg/m 3 ), E, may be considered as
designed for the maximum effects of the loads specified in Articles 3.2
4700 Nrf7-
through 3.22 as determined by the theory of elastic analysis.
8.7.2 The modulus of elasticity, E,, for nonprestressed steel
reinforcement may be taken as 200,000 MPa.
8.73 Poisson's ratio may be assumed as 0.2.
8.5.1 In general, provision for temperature changes shall be made in
simple span length exceeds 12 m.
8.5.2 In continuous bridges, the design shall provide for thermal
stresses or for the accomodation of thermal movement with rockers.
8.8.1 The span length of members that are not built integrally with their
sliding plates, elastomeric pads, or other means.
supports shall be considered the clear span plus the depth of the
member but need not exceed the distance between centers of supports.

8-10 8- I I
8.8.2 In analysis of continuous and rigid frame members, distances to The deflection of cantilever arms due to service live load plus
the geometric centers of members shall be used in the determination of impact preferably should be limited to 1/300 of the cantilever arm except for
moments. Moments at faces of support may be used for member the case including pedestrian use, where the ratio preferably should be
design. When fillets making an angle of 45 degrees or more with the 1/375.
axis of continuous or restrained member are built monolithic with the
member and support, the face of support shall be considered at a section
where the combined depth of the member and fillet is at least one and TABLE 8.9.2 Recommended Minimum Depths for Constant Depth
one-half times the thickness of the member. No portion of a fillet shall Members
be considered as adding to the effective depth. Minimum Depth
in meters*
Superstructure Type Simple Spans Continuous Spans
8.8.3 The effective span length of slabs shall be as specified in Article
Bridge slabs with main
3.24.1. reinforcement parallel to traffic 1.2(S + 3)/30 (S +3)130? 0.165
T-Girders 0.070S 0.0655
Box-Girders 0.060S 0.055S
8.9 CONTROL OF DEFLECTIONS pedestrian Structure Girders 0.0335 0.0335

8.9.1 General * When variable depth members are used, values may be adjusted to account for change
in relative.stifEness of positive and negative moment sections.
S = span length as defined in Article 8.8 in meter.
Flexural members of bridge structures shall be designed to have
adequate stiffness to limit deflections or any deformations that may
adversely affect the strength or serviceability of the structure at service 8.10 COMPRESSION FLANGE WIDTH
load plus impact.
8.10.1 T-Girders
8.9.2 Superstructure Depth Limitations The total width of slab effective as a T-girder flange shall
The minimum depths stipulated in Table 8.9.2 are recommended not exceed one-fourth of the span length of the girder. The effective
unless computation of deflection indicates that lesser depths may be flange width over-hanging on each side of the web shall not exceed six
used without adverse effects. times the thickness of the slab or one-half the clear distance to the next
8.9.3 Superstructure Deflection Limitations For girders having a slab on one side only, the effective
When making deflection computations, the following criteria are overhanging flange width shall not exceed 1/12 of the span length of the
recommended. girder, six times the thickness of the slab, or one-half the clear distance
to the next web. Members having simple or continuous spans preferably should
be designed so that the deflection due to service live load plus impact shall Isolated T-girders in which the T-shape is used to provide
not exceed 1/800 of the span, except on bridges in urban areas used in part a flange for additional compression area shall have a flange thickness
by pedestrians whereon the ratio preferably shall not exceed 1/1000. not less than one-half the width of the girder web and an effective
flange width not more than four times the width of the girder web.

8 12
- 8-13 For integral bent caps, the effective flange wid th
overhanging each side of the bent cap web shall not exceed six tim es $.12.2 In T-girder construction, one intermediate diaphragm is
recommended at the point of maximum positive moment for spans in
the least- slab thickness, or 1/10 the span length of the bent cap. For
excess of 12
cantileverered bent caps, the span length shall be taken as two times th e
length of the cantilever span.
8.12.3 Straight box girder bridges and curved box girder bridges with
an inside radius of 245 m or greater do not require intermediate
8.10.2 Box Girders diaphragms. For curved box girder bridges having an inside radius less
than 245 m, intermediate diaphragms are required unless shown The entire slab width shall be assumed effective for otherwise by tests or structural analysis. For such curved box girders, a
compression. maximum diaphragm spacing of 12 m is recommended to assist in
resisting torsion. For integral bent caps, see Article


8.13.1 Computed deflections shall be based on the cross-sectional
8.11.1 The thickness of deck slabs shall be designed in accordance properties of the entire superstructure section excluding railings, curbs,
with Article 3.24.3 but shall not be less than specified in Article 8.9. sidewalks, or any element not placed monolithically with the
superstructure section before falsework removal.
8.11.2 The thickness of the bottom slab of a box girder shall be not
less than 1/16 of the clear span between girder webs or 140 mm, except 8.13.2 Live load deflection may be used on the assumption that the
that the thickness need not be greater than the top slab unless required Superstructure flexural members act together and have equal deflection.
by design. The live loading shall consist of all traffic lanes fully loaded, with
reduction in load intensity allowed as specified in Article 3.12. The
8.11.3 When required by design, changes in girder web thickness shall live loading shall be considered uniformly distributed to all longitudinal
be tapered for a minimum distance of 12 times the difference in web flexural members.
8.13.3 Deflections that occur immediately on application of load shall
be computed by the , usual methods or formulas for elastic deflections.
8.12 DIAPHRAGMS Unless stiffness values are obtained by a more comprehensive analysis,
immediate deflections shall be computed taking the modulus of
8.12.1 Diaphragms shall be used at the ends of T-girder and box girder elasticity for concrete as specified in Article 8.7 for normal weight or
spans unless other means are provided to resist lateral forces and to lightweight concrete and taking the moment of inertia as either the gross
maintain section geometry. Diaphragms may be omitted where tests or moment of inertia, I g , or the effective moment of inertia, l c as follows:
structural analysis show adequate strength. Depth of diaphragm shall
be at least equal to two-thirds of the girder depth.
cr) 114 mcl < I g (8-1)

ma g ma

8-14 8-15
where re ference to load factors and strengths as provided in STRENGTH
f, I gly t (8-2) All applicable provisions of this specification shall apply
and f = modulus of rupture of concrete specified in Article toboth methods of design, except Articles 3.5 and 3.17 shall not apply
for design by STRENGTH DESIGN.
For continuous members, effective moment of inertia may be
taken as the average of the values obtained from Equation (8-1) for the 8.14.13 The strength and serviceability requirements of
critical positive and negative moment sections. For prismatic members, STRENGTH DESIGN may be assumed to be satisfied for design by
effective moment of inertia may be taken as the value obtained from Eq. SERVICE LOAD DESIGN if the service load stresses are limited to the
(8-1) at midspan for simple or continuous spans, and at support for values given in Article 8.15.2.
8.14.2 Composite Flexural Members
8.13.4 Unless values are obtained by a more comprehensive analysis,
the long-time deflection for both normal weight and lightweight Composite flexural members consist of precast and/or
concrete flexural members shall be the immediate deflection caused by cast-in-place concrete elements constructed in separate placements but
the sustained load considered, computed in accordance with Article 'so interconnected that all elements respond to superimposed loads as a
8.13.3, multiplied by one of the following factors: wit. When considered in design, shoring shall not be removed until the
supported elements have developed the design properties required to
(a) Where the immediate deflection has been based on 1,, the support all loads and limit deflections and cracking
multiplication factor for the long-time deflection shall be taken as 4. The entire composite member or portions thereof may be
(b) Where the immediate deflection has been based on the used in resisting the shear and moment. The individual elements shall
multiplication factor for the long-time deflection shall be taken as be investigated for all critical stages of loading and shall be designed to
3 - 1.2(AVA.j... 1.6. support all loads introduced prior to the full development of the design.
strength of the composite member. Reinforcement shall be provided as
necessary to prevent separation of the individual elements.
Part C If the specified strength, unit weight, or other properties
DESIGN of the various elements are different, the properties of the individual
elements, or the most critical values, shall be used in design.
8.14 GENERAL In calculating the flexural strength of a composite
8.14.1 Design Methods member by strength design, no distinction shall be made between
shored and unshored members. The design of reinforced concrete members shall be
made either with reference to service loads and allowable stresses as When an entire member is assumed to resist the vertical
provided in SERVICE LOAD DESIGN, or, alternatively, ,vith shear. the design shall be in accordance with the requirements of Article

8.15.5 or Article 8.16.6 as for a monolithically cast member of the sa me of transverse reinforcement shall be provided that are designed for
cross-sectional shape. tra nsverse bending due to loads from columns and spandrel walls and
for shrinkage and temperature stresses. Shear reinforcement shall be fully anchored into th e
interconnected elements in accordance with Article 8.27. Extended TABLE 8.14.3 Effective Length Factors, k
and anchored shear reinforcement may be included as ties for horizontal
shear. Rise-to-Span 3-Hinged 2-Hinged Fixed
Ratio Arch Arch Arch The design shall provide for full transfer of horizontal
shear forces at contact surfaces of interconnected elements. Design for 0.1 - 0.2 1.16 1.04 0.70
horizontal shear shall be in accordance with the requirements of Article 0.2 - 0.3 1.13 1.10 0.70 or Article 0.3 - 0.4 1.16 1.16 0.72

8.14.3 Concrete Arches If transverse expansion joints are not provided in the deck The combined flexure and axial load strength of the arch slab, the effects of the combined action of the arch rib, columns and
ring shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 8.16.4 and deck slab shall be considered. Expansion joints shall be provided in
8.16.5. Slenderness effects in the vertical plane of an arch ring, other splandrel walls.
than tied arches with suspended roadway, may be evaluated by the
approximate procedure of Article with the unsupported length, Walls exceeding 2.45 m in height on filled spandrel
taken as one-half the length of the arch ring, and the radius of arches shall be laterally supported by transverse diaphragms or
gyration, r, taken about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the arch at counterforts with a slope greater than 45 degrees with the vertical to
the quarter point of the arch span. Values of the effective length reduce transverse stresses in the arch barrel. The top of the arch barrel
factor,k, given in Table 8.14.3 may be used. In Equation (8-41), C. and interior faces of the spandrel walls shall be waterproofed and a
shall be taken as 1.0 and 41 shall be taken as 0.85. drainage system provided for the fill. Slenderness effects between points of lateral support and

between suspenders in the vertical plane of a tied arch with suspended 8.15 SERVICE LOAD DESIGN METHOD (Allowable Stress
roadway, shall be evaluated by a rational analysis taking into account Design)
the requirements of Article
8.15.1 General Requirements The shape of arch rings shall conform, as nearly as is
practicable, to the equilibrium polygon for full dead load. Service load stresses shall not exceed the values given in
Article 8.15.2. In arch ribs and barrels, the longitudinal reinforcement
shall provide a ratio of reinforcement area to gross concrete area at least 8.153.2 Development and splices of reinforcement shall be as
equal to 0.01, divided equally between the intrados and the extrados. required in Articles 8.24 through 8.32.
The longitudinal reinforcement shall be enclosed by lateral ties in
accordance with Article 8.18.2. In arch barrels, upper and lower levels

8-18 8-19
8.15.2 Allowable Stresses loaded area, including any increase due to supporting surface being
l arger than the loaded area, shall be multiplied by a factor of 0.75. Concrete Reinforcement
Stresses in concrete shall not exceed the following:
The tensile stress in the reinforcement, f' 5 shall not exceed the Flexure
Extreme fiber stress in compression; fc 040f',
Grade 275 reinforcement .................................................. 140 MPa
Extreme fiber stress in tension for plain concrete, f t 0 21 fr
Grade 415 reinforcement ..................................................... 168 MPa
Modulus of rupture, f„ from tests, or if data are not available: In straight reinforcement, the range between the maximum tensile
. stress and the minimum stress caused by live load plus impact shall not
Normal weight concrete 0 70 4f
exceed the , 'value given in Article Bends in primary
"Sand-lightweight" concrete .................................................. 0.504f ', reinforcement shall be avoided in regions of high stress range.
"All-lightweight" concrete ............................................ 0.454f ',
8.15.3 Flexure Shear For the investigation of stresses at service loads, the
For detailed summary of allowable shear stress, v c , see Article straight-line theory of stress and strain in flexure shall be used with the following assumptions. Bearing Stress The strain in reinforcement and concrete is directly
proportional to the distance from the neutral axis, except that for deep
The bearing stress, fb , on loaded area shall not exceed 0.30 f flexural members with over all depth to span ratios greater than 2/5 for
continuous span and 4/5 for simple spans, a nonlinear distribution of
When the supporting surface is wider on all sides than the loaded strain shall be considered.
area, the allowable bearing stress on the loaded area may be multiplied
by -47C2TA—i , but not by more than 2. In reinforced concrete members, concrete resists no
When the supporting surface is sloped or stepped. A2 may be taken
as the area of the lower base of the largest frustrum of the right pyramid The modular ratio, n = ES/E C , may be taken as the nearest
or cone contained wholly within the support and having for its upper whole number (but not less than 6). Except in calculations for
base the loaded area, and having side slopes of 1 vertical to 2 deflections, the value of n for lightweight concrete shall be assumed to
horizontal. be the same as for normal weight concrete of the same strength.

When the loaded area is subjected to high edge stresses due to In doubly reinforced flexural members, an effective
deflection or eccentric loading, the allowable bearing stress on the modular ratio of 2E./E, shall be used to transform the compression

reinforcement for stress computations. The compressive stress in such When the reaction, in the direction of the applied shear,
reinforcement shall not be greater than allowable tensile stress. introduces compression into the end regions of a member, sections
located less than a distance d from face of support may be designed for
the same shear, V as that computed at a distance d. An exception
8.15.4 Compression Members
occurs when major concentrated loads are imposed between that point
The combined flexural and axial load capacity of compression and the face of support. In that case sections closer than d to the
members shall be taken as 35 perCent of that computed in accordanc e support shall be designed for V at distance d plus the major
with the provisions of Article 8.16.4. Slenderness effects shall be concentrated loads.
included according to the requirements of Article 8.16.5. The term p u
in Equation (8-41) shall be replaced by 2.5 times the design axial load. Shear Stress Carried by Concrete
In using the provisions of Articles 8.16.4 and 8.16.5, 4) shall be taken as Shear in Beams and One-way Slabs and Footings
For members subject to shear and flexure only, the allowable shear
8.15.5 Shear
stress carried by the concrete. v c , may be taken 0.08 . A more Shear Stress
detailed calculation of the allowable shear stress can be made using: Design shear stress, v, shall be computed by: V .—

Vc 0.075"\if 7.60p,.! 0.] 331 f (8-4)
M .)
V Note:
V=— (8-3)
(a) M is the design moment occurring simultaneously with -V at
where V is design shear force - at section considered, b w is the width of the section being considered.
web, and d is the distance from the extreme compression fiber to the
centroid of the longitudinal tension reinforcement. Whenever (b) The quantity Vd1M shall not be taken greater than 1.0.
applicable, effects of torsion* shall be included. Shear in Compression Members For a circular section, b w shall be the diameter and d
need not be less than the distance from the extreme compression fiber For members subject to axial compression. the allowable shear
to the centroid of the longitudinal reinforcement in the opposite half of stress carried by the concrete, v, may be taken as 0_08 \ 1f7. A more
the member. detailed calculation can be made using: For tapered webs, b,, shall be the average width or 1.2
times the minimum width, whichever is smaller. v c = 0.075 1+ 0.09 N (8-5)

* The design criteria for combined torsion. and shear given in "Building Code
Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" — American Concrete Institute 318 Bulletin fhe quantity N/A, shall be expressed in Megapascals.
may be used.

8-22 8-23 Shear in Tension Members (v — vt)b.s
A. = (8-7)
For members subject to axial tension, shear reinforcement shall be When inclined stirrups are used:
designed to carry total shear, unless a more detailed calculation is made
using: (v vc)b,,s
A, = (8-8)
)1 17
N f.(sin a + cos a)
v c = 0.075[1+ 0.6 (8-6) When shear reinforcement consists of a single bar or a
single group of parallel bars all bent up at the same distance from the
(a) N is negative for tension. (v vc)bwd
(b) The quantity N/A g shall be expressed in megapascals. AY = (8-9)
f. sin cc Shear in Lightweight Concrete
where (v - v c) shall not exceed (1/8) If
The Provisions for shear stress, v e , carried by the concrete apply to
normal weight concrete. When lightweight aggregate concrete are used, When shear reinforcement consists of a series of
one of the following modifications shall apply: parallel bent-up bars or groups of parallel bent-up bars at different
distances from the support, the required area shall be computed by
(a) When fd is specified, the shear stress, v c , shall be modified by Equation (8-8).
substituting 1.8f, for -Nif7 but the value of 1.8fd used shall not
exceed Only the center three-fourths of the inclined portion of
any longitudinal bent bar shall be considered effective for shear
(b) When f is not specified, the shear stress, v c , shall be multiplied by
0.75 for "all-lightweight" concrete and 0.85 for "sand-lightweight"
concrete. Linear interpolation may be used when partial sand Where more than one type of shear reinforcement is
used to reinforce the same portion of the member, the required area
replacement is used.
shall be computed as the sum of the values computed for the various
types separately. In such computations, v, shall be included only once. Shear Stress Carried by Shear Reinforcement Where design shear stress v exceeds shear stress carried When (v - v c ) exceeds (1/6) if the maximum
by concrete v, shear reinforcement shall be proVided iii accordance spacings given in Article 8.19 shall be reduced by one-half.
with this Article. Shear reinforcement shall also conform to the general
requirements of Article 8.19. The value of (v -v t ) shall not exceed (1/3) \if When shear reinforcement perpendicular to the axis of When flexural reinforcement located within the width
the member is used: of a member used to compute the shear strength is terminated in a
tension zone. shear reinforcement shall be provided in accordance with
(v v.)b..s
Ay = (8-7) Article 8,24.1.4.]

8-25 Shear Friction (c) Coefficient of friction p in Eq. (8-10) and Eq. (8-11) shall be] Provisions for shear-friction are to be applied where it concrete placed monolithically 1 4A.
is appropriate to consider shear transfer across a given plane, such as :
an existing or potential crack, an interface between dissimilar materials, concrete placed against hardened concrete with surface
or an interface between two concretes cast at different times. intentionally roughened as specified in Art. 1.0X A crack shall be assumed to occur along the shear pla ne concrete placed against hardened concrete not intentionally
considered. Required area of shear-friction reinforcement AO' across roughened ........................................................................... 0.6X
the shear plane may be designed using either Art. or an y
other shear transfer design methods that result in prediction of strength concrete anchored to as-rolled structural steel by headed studs
in substantial agreement with results of comprehensive tests. or by reinforcing bars (see Article 0 7?
Provisions of paragraph through shall apply for all
calculations of shear transfer strength. where k = 1.0 for normal weight concrete; 0.85 for 'sand-
lightweight" concrete; and 0.75 for "all lightweight" concrete. Shear-friction design method
Linear interpolation may be applied when partial sand
replacement is used.
(a) When shear-friction reinforcement is perpendicular to
shear plane, area of shear-friction reinforcement A,, shall Shear stress v shall not exceed 0.09f ', nor 2.5 MPa.
be computed by Net tension across shear plane shall be resisted by
= (8-10) additional reinforcement. Permanent net compression across shear
plane may be taken as additive to the force in the shear-friction
reinforcement A vff„ when calculating required AA'.
where p. is the coefficient of friction in accordance with Art. Shear-friction reinforcement shall be appropriately
placed along the shear plane and shall be anchored to developed the
(b) When shear-friction reinforcement is inclined to shear specified yield strength on both sides by embedment, hooks, or welding
plane such that the shear force produces tension in shear- to special devices.
friction reinforcement, area of shear-friction
reinforcement A rf shall be computed by For the purpose of Art., when concrete is
placed against previously hardened concrete, the interface for shear
V transfer shall be clean and free of laitance. If p. is assumed equal to
Avr = (8-11)
L(µ sin oaf + cos af) 1.0k, interface shall be roughened to a full amplitude of approximately
where ctf is angle between shear-friction reinforcement 6 mm.
and shear plane. When shear is transferred between as-rolled steel and
concrete using headed studs or welded reinforcing bars, steel shall be
clean and free of paint.

8-26 8-27 Horizontal Shear Design for Composite Concrete compressive or tensile force to be transferred, and provisions made to
Flexural Members. transfer that force as horizontal shear between interconnected elements.
Horizontal shear shall not exceed the permissible horizontal shear stress In a composite member, full transfer of horizontal shear v h in accordance with paragraph
forces shall be assured at contact surfaces of interconnected elements. Ties for horizontal shear Design of cross sections subject to horizontal shear may
be in accordance with provisions of Paragraph or When required, a minimum area of tie reinforcement shall be
or any other shear transfer design method that results in prediction of provided between interconnected elements. Tie area shall not be
strength in substantial agreement with results of comprehensive tests. less than 0.34 b y sify , and tie spacing s shall not exceed four
times the least web width of support element, nor 0.60m. Design horizontal shear stress v dh at any cross section
may be computed by (b) Ties for horizontal shear may consist of single bars or wire,
V (8-11 A) multiple leg stirrups, or vertical legs of welded wire fabric
Vdh =
hvd (smooth or deformed). All ties shall be adequately anchored into
interconnected elements by embedment or hooks.
where V is design shear force at section considered and d is for entire
composite section. Horizontal shear V dh shall not exceed permissible (c) All beam shear reinforcement shall extend into cast-in-place
horizontal shear v h in accordance with the following: deck slabs. Extended shear reinforcement may be used in
satisfying the minimum tie reinforcement.
(a) When contact surface is clean, free of laitance, and intentionally
roughened, shear stress v h shall not exceed 0.25 MPa. Special Provisions for Slabs and Footings

(b) When minimum ties are provided in accordance with paragraph Shear capacity of slabs and footings in the vicinity of, and contact surface is clean and free of laitance, but concentrated loads or reactions shall be governed by the more severe of
not intentionally roughened, shear stress v h shall not exceed 0.25 two conditions:
(a) Beam action for the slab or footing, with a critical section
(c) When minimum ties are provided in accordance with paragraph extending in a plane across the entire width and located at a, and contact surface is clean, free of laitance. and distance d from the face of the concentrated load or reaction
intentionally roughened to a full magnitude of approximately 6.5 area. For this condition, the slab or footing shall be designed in
mm, shear stress v h shall not exceed 1.10 MPa. accordance with Articles through, except at
footings supported on piles the shear on the critical section shall
(d) For each percent of tie reinforcement crossing the contact surface be determined in accordance with Article
in excess of the minimum required by permissible v h
may be increased by 0.0018f, in MPa. (b) Two-way action for the slab or footing, with a critical section
perpendicular to the plane of the member and located so that its
perimeter b o is a minimum, but not closer than d12 to the
perimeter of the concentrated load or reaction area. For this

condition, the slabs or footing shall be designed in accordance Special Provisions for Slabs of Box Culverts
with Articles and
For slabs of box culverts under 600 m or more fill, shear stress v, Design shear stress, v, shall be computed by: may be computed by:

v =bad vc = +1Dp (8-14)
12 M
where V and b 0 shall be taken at the critical section defined in but v, shall not exceed 0.151,77 For single cell box culverts only, v,
for slabs monolithic with walls need not be taken less than 0.116if 7,7 Design shear stress, v, shall not exceed v, given by and v, for slabs simply supported need not taken less than 0.10
Equation (8-13) unless shear reinforcement is provided in accordance The quantity VdJM shall not be taken greater than 1.0 where M is the
with Article moment occurring simultaneously with V at the section considered. For
slabs of box culverts under less than 600 m of fill, applicable provisions
of Articles 3.24 and 6.4 should be used.
2 Vt
v c 40.8 + s 0.1511f (8-13)
13, 12 Special Provisions for Brackets and Corbels* Provisions of paragraph shall apply to brackets

Pc is the ratio of long side to short side of concentrated load or
reaction area. and corbels with a shear span-to-depth ratio a„./c1 not greater than unity.
and subject to a horizontal tensile force N, not larger than V. Distance d
shall be measured at face of support. Shear reinforcement consisting of bars or wires may be
used in slabs and footings in accordance with the following provisions: Depth at outside edge of bearing area shall not be less
Shear stresses computed by Equation (8-12) shall be investigated than 0.5d.
at the critical section defined in and at success.tve Section at face of support shall be designed to resist
sections more distant from the support.
simultaneously a shear V; a moment [Va,,. + N, (h d)], and a horizontal
tensile force N,. Distance h shall be measured at the face of support.
(b) Shear stress v, at any section shall not exceed 0.0754F; and v
shall not 0.25 \Fr (a) Design of shear-friction reinforcement Ayr to resist shear V shall
be in accordance with Article 8.15,5.4. For normal weight
(c) Where v exceeds 0.0751rr„ shear reinforcement shall be provided concrete, shear stress v shall not exceed 0.09 f ', nor 2.5 MPa.
accordance with Article For "all lightweight" or "sand lightweight" concrete, shear stress
v shall not exceed (0.09 - 0.03a,/d) f ', nor (2.5 - 0.87 a,/d) in

* These provisions do not apply to beam ledges. The PCA publication. "Notes on AC1
318-83." contains an example design of beam ledges--Part 16, example 16-1

(b) Reinforcement A f to resist moment [Va.„ + - d)] shall be
computed in accordance with Articles 8.15.2 and 8.15.3.
(c) Reinforcement A n to resist tensile force 1% 1, shall be computed by
= Njfs . Tensile force Ti c shall not be taken less than 0.2V
unless special provisions are made to avoid tensile forces.
plate -‘
(d) Area of primary tension reinforcement A, shall be made equal to /0-.- A. (primary
the greater of (Af + A.), or (2A,f13 + A n ). We reinforcement) Closed stirrups or ties parallel to A s , with a total area anchor bar
Ab not less than 0 5 (A, - A.), shall be uniformly distributed within two- 2
thirds of the effective depth adjacent to A,. 3 Ratio p = A,/bd shall not be taken less than 0.04

(f Vfy). A h (closed
stirrups or ties At front .face of bracket or corbel, primary tension
reinforcement A, shall be anchored by one of the following: Framing bar to anchor -
stirrups or ties

(a) a structural weld to a transverse bar of at least equal size; weld to

be designed to develop specified yield strength f y of A, bars;

(b) bending primary tension bars A, back to form a horizontal loop,

or Figure

(c) some other means of positive anchorage.

8.16 STRENGTH DESIGN METHOD (Load Factor Design) Bearing area of load on bracket or corbel shall not
project beyond straight portion of primary tension bars A s , nor project 8.16.1 Strength Requirements
beyond interior face of transverse anchor bar (if one is provided). Required Strength

The required strength of a section is the strength necessary to resist

the factored loads and forces applied to the structure in the
combinations stipulated in Article 3.22. All sections of structures and
structural members shall have design strengths at least equal to the
required strength. Design Strength The strain in reinforcement and concrete is directly
proportional to the distance from neutral axis. The design strength provided by a member or cross
section in terms of load, moment, shear, or stress shall be the nominal The maximum usable strain at the extreme concrete
strength calculated in accordance with the requirements and c ompression fiber is equal to 0.003.
assumptions of the strength design method, multiplied by a strength
reduction factor 4).* The stress in reinforcement below its specified yield
strength, fy , shall be E s times the steel strain. For strains greater than
that corresponding to fy , the stress in the reinforcement shall be The strength reduction factors, 4), shall be as follows:
considered independent of strain and equal to fy .
(a) Flexure = 0.90 The tensile strength of the concrete is neglected in
(b) Shear ........................................ 4 --- 0.85
flexural calculations.
(c) Axial compression with
spirals = 0.75 The concrete compressive stress/strain distribution may
ties - = 0.70 be assumed to be a rectangle, trapezoid, parabola, or any other shape
(d) Bearing on concrete = 0.70 that results in prediction of strength in substantial agreement with the
results of comprehensive tests.
The value of 4) may be increased linearly from the value for
compression members to the value for flexure as the design axial load A compressive stress/strain distribution, which assumes a
strength, 4)P„, decreases from 0.10 f, A g or (1)Pb whichever is smaller, to concrete stress of 0.85 f ', uniformly distributed over an equivalent
zero. compression zone bounded by the edges of cross section and a line
parallel to the neutral axis at a distance a = 131c 'From the fiber of The development and splice lengths of reinforcement maximum compressive strain, may be considered to satisfy the
specified in Articles 8.24 through 8.32 do not require a strength requirements of Article The distance c from the fiber of
reduction factor. maximum strain to the neutral axis shall be measured ;n a direction
perpendicular to that axis. The factor 13 i shall be taken as 0.85 for
8.16.2 Design Assumptions concrete strengths, f c up to and including 28 MPa. For strengths above
28 MPa, 13 1 shall be reduced continuously at a rate of 0.05 for each 7 The strength design of members for flexure and axial
MPa of strength in excess of 28 MPa but i shall not be taken less than
loads shall be based on the assumptions given in this article, and on the 0.65.
satisfaction of the applicable conditions of equilibrium of internal
stresses and compatibility of strains. 8.16.3 Flexure

* The coefficient ilt provides for the possibility that small adverse variations in material Maximum Reinforcement of Flexural Members
strengths, workmanship, and dimensions, while individually within acceptable tolerances
and limits of good practice, may combine to result in understrength. The ratio of reinforcement p provided shall not exceed
0.75 of the ratio p b that would produce balanced strain conditions for

8-34 8-35
the section. The portion of IN balanced by compression reinforceme nt When the compression flange thickness is less than a,
need not be reduced by the 0.75 factor. the design moment strength may be computed by: Balanced strain conditions exist at a cross section when Vvi n = +RA, - A sf)fy (d - a / 2) + Afffy (d - 054) (8-19)
the tension reinforcement reaches the strain corresponding to its
specified yield strength, fy , just as the concrete in compression reaches
its assumed ultimate strain of 0.003.
0.85f . c (b b w )hf Rectangular Sections with Tension Reinforcement Only Asf = f (8-20)
Y The design moment strength, (t)Mn, may be

computed by: - A sfyy
a= (8-21)
0.85f ' c la w

4M1 41Asfyd(1- 0.61 The balanced reinforcement ratio, p b, is given by:
f' (8-15)

= cl{ A.sfy(d !)]

2 = bw ) [0.3513 I f 'cl( 600 n
Pb v (8-22)
where (8-16) b fy 600+ fy ) i

Asfy where
a= Ag
0.85f' c b
pf = (8-23)
bwd The balanced reinforcement ratio, p b, given by: For T-girders and box-girder construction, the width of
the compression face, b, shall be equal to the effective slab width as
0.85fl 1 Pc 600 defined in Article 8.10.
Pb = (8-18)
f 600f Rectangular Sections with Compressions
Reinforcement Flanged Sections with Tension Reinforcement Only The design moment strength, (1)M n , may be computed
as follow: When the compression flange thickness is equal to or
greater than the depth of the equivalent rectangular stress block, a, the
design moment strength, OK, may be computed by Equation (8-15)
A s -A' s )
0.853 1 ( l i 600 )
and (8-16). bd fy d 600-

8-36 8-37 Other Cross Sections
then +mu = RA,-A',) 4 (d-a/2) + A', 4 (d - d')] (8-25)
For other cross sections the design moment strength, 4,Mu , shall be
computed by a general analysis based on stress and strain compatibility
using assumptions given in Article 8.16.2. The requirements of Article
a= (A, — A' s )fy shall also be satisfied.
0.85f' c b 8.16.4 Compression Members General Requirements When the value of (A, - A' s )/bd is less than the value
required by Equation (8-24), so that the stress in the compression The design of members subject to axial load or to
reinforcement is less than the yield strength, f y , or when effects of combined flexure and axial load shall be based on stress and strain
compression reinforcement are neglected, the design moment strength compatibility, using the assumptions given in Article 8.16.2.
may be computed by the equations in Article Alternatively, a Slenderness effects shall be included according to the requirements of
general analysis may be made based on stress and strain compatibility Article 8.16.5.
using the assumptions given in Article 8.16.2. Members subject to compressive axial load combined The balanced reinforcement ratio p b for rectangular with bending shall be designed for the maximum moment that can
sections with compression reinforcement is given by: accompany the axial load. The factored axial load, 1 3 ,,, at a given
eccentricity shall not exceed the design axial load strength enonsoo
0.8513 1 f' c ( 600 f
Ph + (8-27)
fy •600 + fy (a) For members with spiral reinforcement conforming to Article
P„0, ) = 0.85 [0.85 f (A 5 - A,5 ) + fy Ast ] (8-29)
d' (600+ f
= 0.75
f' s = 600 (8-28)
d 600 Y ) fY
(b) For members with tie reinforcement conforming to Article

P r(n, a,,) = 0.80 [0.85 f (A, - A.) + fy Ast ] (8-30)

= 0.70
The maximum factored moment, mu , shall be magnified for slenderness
effects in accordance with Article 8.16.5. Compression Member Strengths

The following provisions may be used as a guide to define th e ab y d (8-34)

6 f
range of the load-moment interaction relationship for memb ers
subjected to combined flexure and axial load. Pure Compression

Y (8-35)
The design axial load strength at zero eccentricity, OP., may b e d 600 )
computed by:
& Combined Flexure and Axial Load
4P0 = *0 • 85 f (As Asa + Astfy] (8-31)
The strength of a cross section is controlled by tension when
For design, pure compressive strength is a hypothetical condition the. nominal axial load strength, 13 „, is less than the balanced load
since Article limits the axial load strength of compression -
sirength, Pb , and is controlled by compression when P r, is greater than
members to 85 and 80 percent of the axial load at zero eccentricity. Pure Flexure The nominal values of axial load strength, P., and moment
st rength, M,,, must be multiplied by the strength reduction factor, 4, for
fhe assumtions given in Article 8.16.2 or the applicable equations iFtisl compression as given in Article
for flexure given in Article 8.16.3 may be used to compute the design
moment strength, 4M,, in pure flexure. • 4.16A3 Biaxial loading Balanced Strain conditions . In lieu of a general section analysis based on stress and strain
compatibility, the design strength of noncircular members subjected to
Balanced strain conditions for a cross section are defined in biaxial bending may be computed by the following approximate
Article For a rectangular section with reinforcement in one exp ressions
face, or located in two faces at approximately the same distance from 1 _ 1 4_ 1 1
the axis of bending, the balanced load strength, +Pb, and balanced (8-36)
Poky — P. P. P.
moment strength, 4/4, may be computed by:
when the factored axial load,
4) 13 b = [ 0. 85 f ' bab + A's f's As fy]
P„ z 0.1 r c iis (8-37)

+Mb = 4[0.85 f ba b (d - d" - ab12)

+A', f', (d - d' d" ) + Asfydl (8-33) < (8-3 8)
ONIrtx OMny

8-40 8-41
when the factored axial load, J. For compression members braced against sidesway, the
effects of slenderness may be neglected when IcL uir is less than 34 -
P u < 0.1 f',A, (8-39) (12MibiM2b)-
8.16.5 Slenderness Effects in Compression Members For compression members not braced against sidesway,
the effects of slenderness may be neglected when IcL uir is less than 22. General Requirements For all compression members where kl..Ir is greater The design of compression members shall be based o n than 100, an analysis as defined in Article shall be made.
forces and moments determined from an analysis of the structure. Such
an analysis shall include the influence of axial loads and variable Compression members shall be designed using the
moment of inertia on member stiffness and fixed-end moments, the factored axial load P., derived from a conventional elastic analysis and
effect of deflections on the moments and forces, and the effect of th e a magnified factored moment, m e , defined by:
duration of the loads. In lieu of the procedure described in Article, (8-40)
Mc = E'b M2b SsM2s
slenderness effects of compression members may be evaluated in
accordance with the approximate procedure in Article Approximate Evaluation of Slenderness Effect 8b (8-41) The unsupported length, of a compression member

shall be the clear distance between slabs, girders, or other members
capable of providing lateral support for the compression member. 8. 1.0 (8-41A)
Where haunches are present, the unsupported length shall be measured El'. •
to the lower extremity of the haunch in the plane considered. tirEPc
and The radius gyration, r, may be assumed equal to 0.30
it 2 EI
times the overall dimension in the direction in which stability is being Pc 2 (8-42)
considered for rectangular compression members, and 0.25 times the ( kL u
diameter for circular compression members. For other shapes, r may be For members braced against sidesway, 8, shall be taken as 1.0. For
computed for the gross concrete section. members not braced against sidesway, 8,, shall be evaluated as for a
braced member and 8„ for an unbraced member. For compression members braced against sidesway, the
effective length, k, shall be taken as 1.0, unless an analysis shows that a
In lieu. of a more precise calculation, EI amay be taken either as
lower value may be used. For compression members not braced against
sidesway, k shall be determined with due consideration of cracking and
Ecld 5 +
reinforcement on relative stiffness and shall be greater than 1.0. El -= (8-43)
or conservatively as ma gnified by 8, computed from the corresponding conditions of
re straint about that axis.
EIS 2.5
EI = (8-44) When a group of compression members on one level
1 +IL
comprise a bent, or when they are connected integrally to the same
superstructure, and collectively resist the sideway of the structure, the
where 13d is the ratio of maximum dead load moment to maximum total
load moment and is always positive. For members braced against value of 8, shall be computed for the member group with EP. and EF I c
sidesway and without transverse loads between supports, C m may be equal to the summations for all columns in the group.

taken as:
8.16.6 Shear
Cm = 0.6 + 0.4 (M itiM2b) (8-45) Shear Strength
but not less than 0 4 Design of cross sections subject to shear shall be based
For all other cases C r. shall be taken as 1.0. If computations show that there is no moment at either V. 5 4) V. (8-46)

end of a compression member braced or unbraced against sideway or
that computed end eccentricities are less than (15 + 0.03h) mm, M2b and where V. is factored shear force at the section considered and V. is the
nominal shear strength computed by
M25 in Equation (8-40) shall be based on a minimum eccentricity of (15
+ 0.03h) mm about each principal axis separately. The ratio Mib/M2b in
V. = V, + V. (8-47)
Equation (8-45) shall be determined by either of the following:

(a) When the computed end eccentricities are less than (15 + 0.03h) where V, is the nominal shear strength provided by the concrete in
mm, the computed end moments nlay be used to evaluate M —2b accordance with Article, and V, is the nominal shear strength
in Equation (8-45). provided by the shear reinforcement in accordance with Article Whenever applicable, effects of torsion* shall be included.
(b) If computations show that there is essentially no moment at either
end of the member, the ratio M 1 b/M2b shall be equal to one. When the reaction, in the direction of applied shear,
introduces compression into the end regions of a member, sections In structures that are not braced against sideway, the loiated less than a distance d from the face of support may be designed
flexural members framing into the compression member shall be for the same shear V. as that computed at a distance d. An
designed for the total magnified end moments of the compression exception occurs when . major concentrated loads are imposed
member at the joint. between that point and the face of support. In that case sections closer
than d to the support shall be designed for V at a distance d plus When compression members are subject to bending major concentrated loads.
about both principal axes, the moment about each axis shall be
• The design criteria for combined torsion and shear given in "Building Code
Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" AC1318 may be used..

8-44 8-45 Shear Strength Provided by Concrete Shear in Compression Members Shear in Beams and One-Way Slabs and Footings For members subject to axial compression, V, may be computed by

For members subject to shear and flexure only, V, shall be comput ed 0.07N
u f
by: V, = 1+ A wd (8-50)
6 b
F.,c +120P4 i
\lc =
(m bwd
V, = (1/6) ', 13,4 (8-51)

or Note:
V, = (1/6) 4f 7, b„,d (8-49)
The quantity N„ /A s shall be expressed in MPa.

where 13„, is the width of web and d is the distance from the extreme Shear in Tension Members
compression fiber to the centroid of the longitudinal tension
reinforcement. Whenever applicable, effects of torsion shall be For members subject to axial tension, shear reinforcement shall be
included. For a circular section, b„„ shall be the diameter and d need not designed to carry total shear, unless a more detailed calculation is made
be less than the distance from the extreme compression fiber to thi using
centroid of the longitUdinal reinforcement in the opposite half of the
member. For tapered webs, b y, shall be the average width or 1.2 times 03Nu)(f' c
the minimum width, whichever is smaller. v, = [ 1 + b wd (8-52)
(a) V, shall not exceed 0.3 if b„„d when using more detailed (a) N u is negative for tension.
calculation. The quantity N u /Ag shall be expressed in MPa.

(b) The quantity V u d/Mu shall not be greater than 1.0 where M. is the Shear in Lightweight Concrete
factored moment occurring simultaneously with V,, at the section
being considered. The provisions for - shear stress, v c , carried by the concrete apply to
normal weight concrete. When lightweight aggregate concretes are
used, one of the following modifications shall apply:

(a) When fe, is specified, the shear strength, V c , shall be modified

by substituting 1.8 fc , for ',Tr:, but the value of 1.8 f c , used
shall not exceed -4F7,7

8-46 8-47
(b) When fc, is not specifed, V, shall be multiplied by 0.75 for "j Where more than one type of shear reinforcement is
lightweight" concrete, and 0.85 for "sand-lightweights us ed to reinforce the same portion of the member, shear strength V,
concrete. Linear interpolation may be used when partial sand s hall be computed as the sum of the V, values computed for the various
replacement is used tWes.

8.16.63 Shear Strength Provided by Shear Reinforcement When shear strength V, exceeds (1/3) 41 - 7b,,d; spacing
of shear reinforcement shall not exceed one-half the maximum spacing Where factored shear force V u exceeds shear strength given in Article 8.19.3.
+V„ shear reinforcement shall be provided to satisfy Equations (8-46)
and (8-47), but not less than that required by Article 8.19. Shear Shear strength V, shall not be taken greater than (2/3)
strength V, shall be computed in accordance with Articles 4714.4.
through When flexural reinforcement, located within the width When shear reinforcement perpendicular to the axis of of a member used to compute the shear strength, is terminated in a
the member is used: tension zone, shear reinforcement shall be provided in accordance with
Avf d Article
V5 = Y (8-53)
s Shear Friction
where A„ is the area of shear reinforcement within a distances. Provisions for shear-friction are to be applied where it When inclined stirrups are used: is appropriate to consider shear transfer across a given plane, such as:
an existing or potential crack, an interface between dissimilar materials,
Avf,(sin + cos ct)d or an interface between two concretes cast at different times.
V. = (8-54) Design of cross sections subject to shear transfer as
described in Article shall be based on Equation (8-46), where When a single bar or a single group of parallel bars all shear strength V T, is calculated in accordance with provisions of Article
bent up at the same distance from the support is used: or
V, =- Avfy sin cc (1/4) IiFc b„,d (8-55) A crack shall be assumed to occur along the shear plane
considered. Required area of shear-friction reinforcement A„ f across When shear reinforcement consists of a series of
the shear plane may be designed using either Article or any
parallel bent-up bars or groups of parallel bent-up bars at different
other shear transfer design methods that result in prediction of strength
distances from the support, shear strength V, shall be computed by
in substantial agreement with results of comprrehensive tests.
Equation (8-54).
Provisions of Article through shall apply for, all
calculations of shear transfer strength. Only the center three-fourths of the inclined portion of
any longitudinal bent bar shall be considered effective for shear

8-48 8-49 Shear-friction design method: Shear-friction reinforcement shall be appropriately
placed along the shear plane and shall be anchored to develop the
(a) When shear-friction reinforcement is perpendicular to shear plane, specified yield strength on both sides by embedment, hooks, or welding
shear strength shall be computed by to special devices.

V n =A vffy il (8-56) For the purpose of Article, when concrete is
placed against previously hardened concrete, the interface for shear
whereµ is coefficient of friction in accordance with Article (c). transfer shall be clean and free of laitance. If 1.1. is assumed equal to
1.07, interface shall be roughened to a full amplitude of approximately
(b) - When shear-friction reinforcement is inclined to shear plane, such 6 mm.
that shear force produces tension in shear-friction reinforcement, shear
strength V„ shall be computed by When shear is transferred between as-rolled steel and
concrete using headed studs or welded reinforcing bars, steel shall be
V u = Aly (II sin af + cos ac s) (8-56A) clean and free of paint.

Where U f is angle between shear-friction reinforcement and shear plane. Horizontal Shear Strength for Composite Concrete
Flexural Members
(c) Coefficient of friction [I in Equation (8-56) and Equation (8-56A) In a composite member, full transfer of horizontal shear
shall be
Concrete placed monolithically ................................................ 1.4X once shall be assured at contact surfaces of interconnected elements.
Concrete placed against hardened concrete with surface Design of cross sections subject to horizontal shear may
intentionally roughened as specified in Article . 1.0?.
Concrete placed against hardened concrete be in accordance with provisions. of paragraph or,
........................ 0.6X Or any other shear transfer design method that results of prediction of
not intentionally roughened
strength in substantial agreement with results of comprehesive tests.
Concrete anchored to as-rolled structural steel by headed
studs or by reinforcing bars (see Article ............ 0.7X Design of cross sections subject to horizontal shear may
be based on
where X = 1.0 for normal weight concrete; 0.85 for "sand lightweight"
concrete; and 0.75 for "all lightweight" concrete. Linear interpolation V uh
may be applied when partial sand replacement is used. (8-57)

'Where V u is factored shear force at section considered, If ni, is nominal Shear strength V n shall not be taken greater than 0.2
horizontal shear strength in accordance with the' folloWing, and where d
f Acv nor 5.5A„, in newtons, where A c ,„ is area of concrete section is for the entire composite section.
resisting shear transfer.
(a) When contact surface is clean, free of laitance, and intentionally Net tension across shear plane shall be resisted by
roughened, shear strength V ni, shall not be taken greater than 0.6
additional reinforcement. Permanent net compression across shear b.d in newtons.
plane may be taken as additive to the force in the shear-friction
reinforcement A vff„, when calculating required A.

8-50 8-51
(b) When minimum ties are provided in accordance with paragraph Special Provisions for Slabs and Footings, and contact surface is clean and free of laitance, but
not intentionally roughened, shear strength Vith shall not be taken Shear strength of slabs and footings in the vicinity of
greater than 0.613„d in newtons. concentrated loads or reactions shall be governed by the more severe of
two conditions:
(c) When minimum ties are provided in accordance with paragraph, and contract surface is clean, free of laitance, and (a) Beam action for the slab or footing, with a critical section
intentionally roughened to a full amplitude of approximately 6 extending in a plane across the entire width and located at a
mm., shear strength V ith shall not be taken greater than 2.4 b.d in distance d from the face of the concentrated load or reaction
newtons. area. For this condition, the slab or footing shall be designed in
accordance with Articles through except at
(d) For each percent of tie reinforcement crossing the contact surface footings supported on piles the shear on the critical section shall
in excess of the minimum required by, shear strength be determined in accordance with Article
V ith may be increased by (0.004 f y J b.d) in newtons.
(b) Two-way action for the slab or footing, with a critical section Horizontal shear may be investigated by computing, perpendicular to the plane of the member and located so that its
in any segment not exceeding one-tenth of the span, the change in perimeter b 0 is a minimum, but need not approach closer than d/2
compressive or tensile force to be transferred, and provisions made to to the perimeter of the concentrated load or reaction area. For
transfer that force as horizontal shear force between interconnected this condition, the slab or footing shall be designed in
elements. The factored horizontal shear force shall not exceed accordance with Articles and
horizontal shear strength 4) V ith in accordance with paragraph 8.16_6.5.3,
except that length of segment considered shall be substituted for d. Design of slab or footing for two-way action shall be based
on Equation (8-46), where shear strength V„ shall not be taken greater Ties for horizontal shear thin shear strength V, given by Equation (8-58), unless shear
reinforcement is provided in accordance with Article
(a) When required, a minimum area of the tie reinforcement shall be
provided between interconnected elements. Tie area shall not be (
less than 0.34b„s / fy , and tie spacing shall not exceed four times = 1+2 -
1/ f Alf
bod b0d (8-58)
the least web width of support element, nor 600 mm. pc 6 3

(b) Ties for horizontal shear may consist of single bars or wire,
multiple leg stirrups, or vertical legs of welded wire fabric. All '13, is the ratio of long side to short side of concentrated load or
ties shall be adequately anchored into interconnected elements by !faction area, and b o is the perimeter of the critical section defined in
embedment or hooks. icle (b).

(c) All beam shear reinforcement shall extend into cast-in-place 8.16:6.6.3 Shear reinforcement consisting of bars or wires may be used
deck slabs. Extended shear reinforcement may be used in in slabs and footings in accordance with the following provisions:
satisfying the minimum tie reinforcement.

8-52 8-53 Special Provisions for Brackets and Corbels*
(a) Shear strength V, shall be computed by Equation (8-47), whe re
shear strength V, shall be in accordance with paragraph (d) and Provisions of Article shall apply to brackets
shear strength V s shall be in accordance with paragraph (e).
and corbels with a shear span-to-depth ratio a vid not greater than unity,
and subject to a horizontal tensile force Nun not larger than V,.
(b) Shear strength shall be investigated at the critical section defined
Distance d shall be measured at face of support.
in, and at successive sections more distant _from the
support. Depth at outside edge of bearing area shall not be less
(c) Shear strength V, shall not be taken greater than (1/2)4f ', b 0 d,
than 0.5d.
where b 0 is the perimeter of the critical section defined in
paragraph (b). Section at face of support shall be designed to resist
simultaneously a shear V„, a moment (V„a„ + N u, (h - d), and a
(d) Shear strength V, at any section shall not be taken greater than
horizontal tensile force is1„,. Distance h shall be measured at the face of
(1/6) 4 -f7: b ed, where 13,, is the perimeter of the critical section
defined in paragraph (b).
(a) In all design calculations in accordance with Article,
(e) Where the factored shear force V„ exceeds the shear strength 4N,
strength reduction factor 4, shall be taken equal to 0.85.
as given in paragraph (d), the required area and shear strength
V, of shear reinforcement shall be calculated in accordance with
(b) Design of shear-friction reinforcement Avf to resist shear V, shall
be in accordance with Article For normal weight
concrete, shear strength V, shall not be taken greater than 0.2 Special Provisions for Slabs of Box Culverts
f bwd nor 5.5 b wd in newtons. For "all lightweight" or "sand-
lightweight" concrete, shear strength V n shall not be taken For slabs of box culverts under 600 mm more fill,
greater than (0.2 - 0.97a,„id)f„ 13„,d nor (5.5 - 1.9 aid) b,„d in
shear strength V, may be .computed by:

' c + 31p -
ye = (0.18VT lbd (8-59) (c) Reinforcement Af to resist moment (V„ + 14„ (h-d)) shall be
Mu computed in accordance with Articles 8.16.2 and 8.16.3.

but V, shall not exceed (1/3) If ', bd. For single cell box culverts ma :. (d) Reinforcement A n to resist tensile force hlik shall be determined
V, for slabs monolithic with walls need not be taken less than (1/4) off from N„, 4,AT, fy . Tensile force N u, shall not be taken less than
bd, and V, for slabs simply supported need not be taken less than (1/5) 0.2V„ unless special provisions are made to avoid tensile forces.
frTbd. The quantity-V„d/M u shall not be taken gteater than 1.0 where Tensile force N„, shall be regarded as a live load even when
Mu is the factored moment occurring simultaneously with V u at the tension results from creep, shrinkage, or temperature change.
section considered. For slabs of box culverts under less than 600 mm
of fill, applicable provisions of Articles 3.24 and 6.4 should be used.
* These provisions do not apply to beam ledges. The PCA publications, "Notes on ACI
318-83" contains an example design of beam ledges - Part 16, example 16-3.
(e) Area of primary tension reinforcement A, shall be made equal to
the greater of (A f + A.) or

+ A.
A. (primary Closed stirrups or ties parallel to A s , with a total area Ab reinforcement)
not less than 0.5(A, - shall be uniformly distributed within two.
thirds of the effective depth adjacent to A,. anchor bar Ratio p = A,/bd shall not be less than 0.04(1 Vf y). At front face of bracket or corbel, primary tension

reinforcement A, shall be anchored by one of the following:
A,, (closed
stirrups or ties)
(a) a structural weld to a transverse bar of at least equal size; weld to

be designed to develop specified yield strength 4 of A, bars.
Framing bar to anchor
stirrup* or ties
(b) bending primary tension bars A, back to form a horizontal loop,

(c) some other means of positive anchorage. Figure Bearing area of load on bracket or corbel shall not

project beyond straight portion of primary tension bars A,, nor project 8.16.7 liming Strength
beyond interior face of transverse anchor bar (if one is provided). The bearing stress fb, on concrete shall not exceed 0.85+
f except as provided in Articles,, and When the supporting surface is wider on all sides than the
loaded area, the allowable bearing stress on the loaded area may be
multiplied by ,FA77, but not by more than 2. When the supporting surface is sloped or stepped, A2 may

be taken as the area of the lower base of the largest frustum of a right
pyramid or cone contained wholly within the support and having for its
upper base the loaded area, and having side slopes of 1 vertical to 2

8-56 8-57 When the loaded area is subjected to high edge stresses Bends in primary reinforcement shall be avoided in regions of high
due to deflection or eccentric loading, the allowable bearing stress on Stress range.
the loaded area, including any increase due to the supporting surfac e
being larger than the loaded area, shall be multiplied by a factor of Fatigue stress limits need not be considered for concrete deck slabs with
0.75. primary reinforcement perpendicular to traffic and designed in
accordance with the approximate methods given under Article 3.24.3,
8.16.8 Serviceability Requirements Case A. Application Distribution of Flexural Reinforcement

For flexural members designed with reference to load factors and To control flexural cracking of the concrete, tension reinforcement
strengths by Strength Design Method, stresses at service load shall be shall be well distributed within maximum flexural zones. When the
limitpd to satisfy the requirements for fatigue in Article, and design yield strength, fy , for tension reinforcement exceeds 275 MPa.
for distribution of reinforcement in Article The requirements the bar sizes and spacing at maximum positive and negative moment
for control of deflections in Article 8.9 shall also be satisfied. sections shall be chosen so that the calculated stress in the
reinforcement at service load f 5 , in MPa does not exceed the value Service Load Stresses computed by:.

For investigation of stresses at service loads to satisfy the fs = , , 0.6fy (8-61)

requirements of Article and, the straight-line theory of
when e
stress and strain in flexure shall be used and the assumptions given in
Article 8.15.3 shall apply.
effective tension area, in square mm, of concrete surrounding
8.16.83 Fatigue Stress Limits the flexural tension reinforcement and having the same
centroid as that reinforcement, divided by the number of bars
The range between a maximum tensile stress and minimum stress or wires. When the flexural reinforcement consists-of several
in straight reinforcement caused by live load plus impact at service load bar or wire sizes, the number of bars or wires shall be
shall not exceed: computed as the total area of reinforcement divided by the area
of the largest bar or wire used.
ff = 145 - 0.33 f + 55 (r/h) (8-60)
thickness of concrete cover measured from extreme tension
where: fiber to center of the closest bar or wire in mm. For
calculation purposes the thickness of concrete cover used to
ff stress range in MPa. compute (1, shall not be taken greater than 50mm.
nun = algebraic minimum stress level, tension positive,
compression negative in MPa;
rib = ratio of base radius to height of rolled-on transverse
deformations; when the actual value is not known,
use 0.3.

The quantity z in Equation (8-61) shall not exceed 30 MN/m f or 8.17.2 Distribution of Reinforcement
members in moderate exposure conditions and 25 MN/m for memb ers in
severe exposure conditions. Where members are exposed to very agressive Flexural Tension Reinforcement in Zones of
exposure or corrosive environments, protection should be provided b y Maximum Tension
increasing the denseness or impreviousness to water or furnishing oth er
protection such as a waterproofing protecting system, in addition to. Where flanges of T-girders and box-girders are tension,
satisfying Equation (8-61). tension reinforcement shall be distributed over an effective tension
flange width equal to 1/10 the girder span length or a width as defined
in Article 8.10.1, whichever is smaller. If the actual slab width, center-
Part D to-center of girders webs, exceeds the effective tension flange width,
and for excess portions of the deck slab overhang, additional
longitudinal reinforcement with area not less than 0.4 percent of the
REINFORCEMENT excess slab area shall be provided in the excess portions of the slab. For integral bent caps of T-girder and box-girder

8.17 REINFORCEMENT OF FLEXURAL MEMBERS construction, tension reinforcement shall be placed within a width not
to exceed the web width plus an overhanging slab width on each side of
8.17.1 Minimum Reinforcement the bent cap web equal to one-fourth the average spacing of the
intersecting girder webs or a width as defined in Article for At any section of a flexural member where tension integral bent caps, whichever is smaller.
reinforcement is required by analysis, the reinforcement provided shall
be adequate to develop a moment at least 1.2 times the cracking If the depth of the side face of a member exceeds 0.9 m,
moment calculated on the basis of the modulus of rupture for normal longitudinal skin reinforcement shall be uniformly distributed along
weight concrete specified in Article both side faces of the member for a distance d12 nearest the flexural
tension reinforcement. The area of skin reinforcement, A s k in square
(1) .MT, > 1.2 M,, (8-62) nun. per meter of height on each side face shall be (d-750). The
maximum spacing of skin reinforcement shall not exceed the lesser of The requirements of Article may be waived if the d/6 and 300 mm. Such reinforcement may be included in strength
area of reinforcement provided at a section is at least one-third greater computation if a strain compatibility analysis is made to determine
than that required by analysis based on the loading combinations stresses in the individual bars or wires. The total area of longitudinal
specified in Article 3.22. skin reinforcement in both faces need not exceed one-half of the
required tensile reinforcement. Transverse Deck Slab Reinforcement in T-Girders

and Box Girders

At least one-third of the bottom layer of the transverse

reinforcement in the deck slab shall extend to the exterior face of the
outside girder web in each group and be anchored by a standard 90-

8-60 8-61
degree hook. if the slab extends beyond the last girder web, su c h 8.17.33 Closed stirrups or ties may be formed in one piece by
reinforcement shall extend into the slab overhang and shall have an Overlapping the standard end hooks of ties or stirrups around a
anchorage beyond the exterior face of the girder web not less than th at longitudinal bar, or may be formed in one or two pieces by splicing
provided by a standard hook. with Class C splices (lap of 1.7 Ld)- Bottom Slab Reinforcement for Box Girders In seismic areas, where an earthquake that could cause
major damage to construction has a high probability of occurrence, Minimum distributed reinforcement of 0.4 percent of lateral reinforcement shall be designed and detailed to provide adequate
the flange area shall be placed in the bottom slab parallel to the girder s trength and ductility to resist expected seismic movements.
span. A single layer of reinforcement may be provided. The spacing of
such reinforcement shall not exceed 450 mm.
8., Minimum distributed reinforcement of 0.5 percent of
the cross-sectional area of the slab, based on the least slab thickness, 8.18.1 Maximum and Minimum Longitudinal Reinforcement
shall be placed in the-bottom slab transverse to the girder span. Such
reinforcement shall be distributed over both surfaces with a maximum The area of longitudinal reinforcement for compression
spacing of 450 nun. All transverse reinforcement in the bottom slab members shall not exceed 0.08 times the gross area, A g , of the section.
shall extend to the exterior face of the outside girder web in each group
and be anchored by a standard 90-degree hook. The minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement shall not
be less than 0.01 times the gross area, A 8 ,. of the section. When the
8.17.3 Lateral Reinforcement of Flexural Members cross section is larger than that required by consideration of loading, a
reduced effective area may be used. The reduced effective area shall Compression reinforcement used to increase the strength not be less than that which would require one percent of longitudinal
of flexural members shall be enclosed by ties or stirrups which shall be reinforcement to carry the loading. The minimum number of
at least 10 mnt in size for longitudinal bars that are 32 mm or smaller, longitudinal reinforcing bars shall be six for bars in a circular
and at least 12 mm in size for 36 mm, 45 mm, 55 mm, and bundled arrangement and four for bars in a rectangular arrangement. The
longitudinal bars. Welded wire fabric of equivalent area may be used minimum size of bars shall be 16 mm.
instead of bars. The spacing of ties shall not exceed 16 longitudinal bar
diameters. Such stirrups or ties shall be provided throughout the 8.18.2 Lateral Reinforcement
distance where the compression reinforcement is required. This
paragraph does not apply to reinforcement located in a compression General
zone which has not been considered as compression reinforcement in
the design of the member. In a compression member that has larger cross- section than that
required by conditions loading, the lateral reinforcement requirements Torsion reinforcement, where required, shall consist of may be waived where structural analysis or tests show adequate strength
closed stirrups, closed ties, or spirals, combined with longitudinal bars. and feasibility of construction.
See Article or Ties Spirals
Tie reinforcement for compression members shall conform to the
Spiral reinforcement for compression members shall conform to
the following: All bars shall be enclosed by lateral ties which shall be Spirals shall consist of evenly spaced continuous bar o r
at least 10 mm. in size for longitudinal bars that are 32 nun or smaller.
wire, with a minimum diameter of 10 mm. and at least 12 mm in size for 36mm. 45mm, 55mm, and bundled
longitudinal bars. Deformed wire or welded wire fabric of equivalent The ratio of spiral reinforcement to total volume of
area may be used instead of bars.
core, P$, shall not be less than value given by The spacing of ties shall not exceed the least dimension
of the compression member or 300 mm. When two or more bars larger
ps = 0.45 (—A-g--1)-L (8-63) than 32 mm are bundled together, tie spacing shall be one-half that
Ac fy
specified above.

where fy is the specified yield strength of spiral reinforcement but not Ties shall be located not more than half a tie spacing
more than 415 MPa. from the face of footing or from the nearest longitudinal reinforcement
of a cross-framing member, The clear spacing between spirals shall not exceed 75
mm or be less than 25 mm or 1 1/3 times the maximum size of coarse No longitudinal bar shall be more than 600 nun.
aggregate used. measured along the tie, from a restrained bar on either side. A
restrained bar is one which has lateral support provided by the corner of Anchorage of spiral reinforcement shall be provided by a tie having an included angle of not more than 135 degrees. Where
1 1/2 extra turns of spiral bar or wire at each end of a spiral unit. longitudinal bars are located around the perimeter of a circle. a
complete circular tie may be used. Spirals shall extend from top of footing or other support
to the level of the lowest horizontal reinforcement in members Seismic Requirements
supported above.
In seismic areas, where an earthquake which could cause major Splices in spiral reinforcement shall be lap splices of 48 damage to construction has a high probability of occurrence, lateral
bar or wire diameters but not less than 300 mm, or shall be welded. reinforcement for column piers shall be designed and detailed to
provide adequate strength and ductility to resist expected seismic Spirals shall be of such size and so assembled to permit movements.
handling and placing without distortion from designed dimensions.
8.19 LIMITS FOR SHEAR REINFORCEMENT Spirals shall be held firmly in place by attachment to 8.19.1 Minimum Shear Reinforcement
the longitudinal reinforcement and true to line by vertical spacers. A minimum area of shear reinforcement shall be provided
in all flexural members, except slabs and footings, where:

8-64 8-65
(a) For design by Strength Design, factored shear force V u exceed s 1843 Spacing of. Shear Reinforcement
one-half the shear strength provided by concrete Of,.
spacing of shear reinforcement placed perpendicular to the axis of
(b) For design by Service Load Design, design shear stress member shall not exceed d12 or 600 mm. Inclined stirrups and bent
exceeds one-half the permissible shear stress carried by concret e
ionginidinal reinforcement shall be so spaced that every 45-degree line
vc . .ding toward the reaction from the mid-depth of the member, d/2,
to the longitudinal tension reinforcement shall be crossed by at least one
- Where shear reinforcement is required by Arti c l e line of shear reinforcement. or by analysis, the area provided shall not be less than.
AV 0.3 45bws
= ( 8- 64) 8.20.1 Reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses shall be
fy provided near exposed surfaces of walls and slabs not otherwise
where b y, and s are in mm. reinforced. The total area of reinforcement provided shall be at least
264 mm /m in each direction. Minimum shear reinforcement requirements may be
waived if if is shown by test that the required ultimate flexural and shear 8.20.2 The spacing of shrinkage and temperature reinforcement shall
capacity can 'be developed when shear reinforcement is omitted. not exceed three times the wall or slab thickness, or 450mm.
8.19.2 Types of Shear Reinforcement '.8.21 SPACING LIMITS FOR REINFORCEMENT
S.19.2.1 Shear reinforcement may consist of : 811.1 For cast-in-place concrete the clear distance between parallel
bars in a layer shall not be less than 1.5 bar diameters, 1.5 times the
(a) Stirrups perpendicular. to the axis of the member or making an maximum size of the coarse aggregate, 40 mm.
angle of 45 degrees or more with the longitudinal tension
reinforcement. 8.21.2 For precast concrete (manufactured under plant control
conditions) the clear distance between parallel bars in a layer shall be
(b) Welded wire fabric with wires located perpendicular to the axis
not less than 1 bar diameter, 1 1/3 times the maximum size of the coarse
of the member. aggregate, or 25 mm.

(c) Longitudinal reinforcement with a bent portion making an angle

8.21.3 Where positive or negative reinforcement is placed in two or
of 30 degrees or more with the longitudinal tension
more layers, bars in the upper layers shall be placed directly above
Combinations of stirrups and bent longitudinal reinforcement. (-those in bottom layer with the clear distance between layer not less than
(d) 25 mm.

(e) Spirals. 8.21.4 The clear distance limitation between bars shall also apply to
the clear distance between a contact lap splice and adjacent splices or Shear reinforcement shall be developed at both ends in bars.
accordance with requirements of Article 8.27.

8-66 8-67
8.21.5 Groups of parallel reinforcing bars bundled in contact to act as a 8.223 In corrosive or marine environments or other severe exposure
unit shall be limited to 4 in any one bundle. Bars larger than 36 nun conditions, , the amount of concrete protection shall be suitably
shall be limited to two in any one bundle in beams. Bundled bars shall increased, by increasing the denseness and imperviousness to water of
be located within stirrups or ties. Individual bars in a bundle cut off the protecting concrete or other means. Other means of positive
within the span of a member shall terminate at points at least 40 bar corrosion protection may consist of, but not be limited to, epoxy-coated
diameters apart. Where spacing limitations are based on bar diameter, a bars, special concrete overlays, and impervious membranes; or a
unit of bundled bars shall be treated as a single bar of a diameter combination of these means.*
derived from the equivalent total area.
8.22.4 Exposed reinforcement, inserts, and plates intended for bonding
8.21.6 In walls and slabs the primary flexural reinforcement shall be with future extensions shall be protected from corrosion.
spaced not farther apart than 1.5 times the wall or slab thickness, or
450 mm. 8.23 HOOKS AND BENDS


8.22.1 The following minimum concrete cover shall be provided for The term "standard hook" as used herein shall mean one of the
reinforcement: following:

Minimum Cover (mm) (I) 180-deg bend plus 4d b extension, but not less than 65 mm, at free
Concrete cast against and permanently end of bar.
exposed to earth ........................................................................... 75 (2) 90-deg bend plus 12db extension at free end of bar.
Concrete exposed to earth or weather (3) For stirrup and tie hooks
Primary reinforcement ................................................................ 50
(a) 16 mm bar and smaller, 90-deg bend plus 6db extension at free
Stirrups, ties, and spirals ............................................................ 40
end of bar, or
Concrete deck slabs in mild climates
Top reinforcement ....................................................................... 50 (b) 20 mm, and 25 mm, 90-deg bend plus 12d b extension at free
Bottom reinforcement ................................................................ 25 end of bar, or
Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact (c) 25 mm and smaller, 135-deg bend plus 6d b extension at free
with ground end of bar.
Primary reinforcenient ................................................................ 40
Stirrups, ties and spirals ................................ 25
Concrete piles cast against and/or
8.23.2 Minimum Bend Diameters
permanently exposed to earth ...................................................... 50 Diameter of bend measured on the inside of the bar, other
8.22.2 For bundled bars, the minimum concrete cover shall be equal to than for stirrups and ties, shall not be less than the values in Table
the equivalent diameter of the bundle, but need not be greater than 50
mm, except for concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth
in which case the minimum cover shall be 75 mm.
* For additional information on corrosion protection methods, refer to National Cooperative
Highway Research Report 297, "Evaluation of Bridge Deck Protective Strategies".

8-68 8-69
TABLE Minimum Diameters of Bend Continuing reinforcement shall have an embedment
Minimum Diameter l ength not less than the development length Ld beyond the point where
Bar size
6 bar diameters bent or terminated tension reinforcement is no longer required to resist
10 mm through 25 mm
28 mm, 32 mm and 36 mm 8 bar diameters
45 mm and 55 mm 10 bar diameters Tension reinforcement may be developed by bending
across the web in which it lies or by making it continuous with the The inside diameter of bend for stirrups and ties shall not
reinforcement on the opposite face of the member.
be less than 4 bar diameters for sizes 16 mm and smaller. For bars
larger than size 16 mm diameter of bend shall be in accordance with Flexural reinforcement within the portion, of the member
Table used to calculate the shear strength shall not be terminated in a tension
zone unless one of the following conditions is satisfied. The inside diameter of bend in smooth or deformed
welded wire fabric for stirrups and ties shall not be less than 4-wire The shear at the cutoff point does not exceed two-thirds
diameters for deformed wire larger than 136 and 2-wire diameters for all
of that permitted, including the shear strength of shear reinforcement
other wires. Bends with inside diameters of less than 8-wire diameters provided.
shall not be less than 4-wire diameters from the nearest welded
intersection. Stirrups area in excess of that required for shear is
provided along each terminated bar over a distance from the
termination point equal to three- fourths the effective depth of the
member. The excess stirrup area, A„, shall not be less than 0.4 b wsify .
Spacing, s, shall not exceed d/(8 No where Pb is the ratio of the area of
8.24.1 General

The calculated tension or compression in the reinforcement cu; off to the total area of tension reinforcement at the
reinforcement at each section shall be developed on each side of that
section by embedment length, hook or mechanical device, or a
combination thereof. Hooks may be used in developing bars in tension For 36 mm bars and smaller, the continuing bars
provide double the area required for flexure at the cutoff point and the
shear does not exceed three-fourths that permitted. Critical sections for development of reinforcement in Adequate end anchorage shall be provided for tension
flexural members are at points of maximum stress and at points within
the span where adjacent reinforcement terminates or is bent. The reinforcement in flexural members where reinforcement stress is not
provision of Articles must also be satisfied. directly proportional to moment, such as: sloped, stepped, or tapered
footings; bracket; deep flexural members; or members in which the Reinforcement shall extend beyond the point at which it tension reinforcement is not parallel to the compression face.
is not longer required to resist flexure for a distance equal to the
effective depth of member, 15 bar diameter, or 1/20 of the clear span, 8.24.2 Positive Moment Reinforcement
whichever is greater, except at supports of simple spans and at the free
ends of cantilevers. At least one-third the positive moment reinforcement in
simple members and one-fourth the positive moment reinforcement in

8-70 8-71
continuous members shall extend along the same face of the member At least one-third of the total tension reinforcement
into the support. In beam, such reinforcement shall extend into the provided for negative moment at the support shall have an embedment
support at least 150mm. length beyond the point of inflection not less than the effective depth of
the member, 12 bar diameters or 1/16 of the clear span, which ever is When a flexural members is part of the lateral load greater.
resisting system, the positive moment reinforcement required to be
extended into the support by Article shall be anchored to 8.25 DEVELOPMENT OF DEFORMED BARS AND DEFORMED
developed the specified yield strength, f,,, in tension at the face of the WIRE IN TENSION
The developement length, Ld, in mm shall be computed as the At simple supports and at point of inflection, positive product of the basic development length defined in Article 8.25.1 and
moment tension reinforcement shall be limited to a diameter such that the applicable modification factor or factors defined in Article 8.25.2
Ld computed for fy by Articles 8.25 satisfies Eq. (8-65); except Eq. and 8.25.3, but Ld shall be not less than that specified in Article 8.25.4.
(8-65) need not be satisfied for reinforcement treminating beyond
centerline of simple supports by a standard hook, or a mechanical 8.251 The basic development length shall be:
anchorage at least equivalent to a standard hook.
36 nun bar and smaller .............. 0.02 Ab c, / .N ':
Ldp (8 - 65) but not less than 0 06 d b fy
+ La
V 45 mm bars 25 fy / .rc
55 mm bars .................................... 35 fy
where M is the computed moment capacity assuming all positive deformed wire .................................... (3d bfy / 8) Alf ',
moment tension reinforcement at the section to be fully stressed. V is
the maximum shear force at the section. Ld at a support shall be the 8.25.2 The basic development length shall be multiplied by the
embedment length beyond center of support. At a point of inflection, L a following applicable factor or factors:
shall be limited to the effective depth of the member or 12 d b,
whichever is greater. The value MJV in the development length Top reinforcement so placed that more than
limitation may be increased by 30 percent when the ends of the 300 mm of concrete is cast below
reinforcement are confined by a compressive reaction. the reinforcement 1 4 Lightweight aggregate concrete when f c ,
8.243 Negative Moment Reinforcement is specifed 1.8f,„
but not less than 1.0 Negative moment reinforcement in a continuous,
restrained, or cantilever members, or in any member of rigid frame, When f,, is not specified
shall be anchored in or through the supporting member by embedment "all lightweight" concrete 1 33
length, hooks, or mechanical anchorage. "sand lightweight" concrete 1.18
Linear interpolation may be applied Negative moment reinforcement shall have an embedment when partial sand replacement is used.
length into span as required by Articles 8.24.1.

8-72 843 Bars coated with epoxy with cover less than 8.26 DEVELOPMENT OF DEFORMED BARS IN COMPRESSION

3db or clear spacing between bars The development length, Ld, in mm, for deformed bars in
less than 6d 1 5 compression shall be computed as the product of the basic development
All other cases 1 15 length of Article 8.26.1 and applicable modification factors of 8.26.2,
but Ld shall not be less than 200 mm.
The product obtained when combining
the factor for top reinforcement 8.26.1 The basic developement length shall be . . .(dbfy14) '47
with the applicable factor but not less than ............................................... 0.04 db fy
for epoxy coated reinforcement
need not be taken greater than 1.7 8.26.2 The basic development length may be multiplied by applicable
factors when:
8.25.3, The basic development length, modified by the appropriate
factors of Article 8.25.2, may be multiplied by the following factors Anchorage or development for reinforcement strength is
when: not specifically required, or reinforcement is in excess of that required
by analysis (A5 required)/(A. provided) Reinfo. rcement being developed in the length
under consideration is spaced laterally at least Reinforcement is enclosed in a spiral of not less than 6
150 mm on center with at least 75 mm clear mm in diameter and not more than
cover measured in the direction of the spacing .......... 0.8 100 mm pitch 075 Anchorage or development for reinforcement 8.27 DEVELOPMENT OF SHEAR REINFORCEMENT

strength is not specifically required or
reinforcement in flexural members is in excess 8.27.1 Shear reinforcement shall extend at least to be centroid of the
of that required by analysis tension reinforcement, and shall be carried as close to the compression
and tension surfaces of the member as cover requirements and the
(A5 required)1(A, provided) proximity of other reinforcement permit. Shear reinforcement shall be
anchored at both ends for its design yield strength. Reinforcement is enclosed within a spiral of not
less than 6 mm in diameter and not more 8.27.2 The ends of single leg, single U, or multiple U-stirrups shall be
than 100 mm pitch ................................................ 0.75 anchored by one of the following means:

8.25.4 The development length, Ld, shall not be less than 300 mm A standard hook plus an embedment of the stirrup leg
except in the computation of lap splices by Article 8.32.3 and length of at least 0.5 Ld between the mid-depth of the member d12 and
development of shear reinforcement by Article 8.27. the point of tangency of the hook. An embedment length Ld above or below the mid-depth

of the member on the compression side but not less than 24 bar or wire
diameters or, for deformed bars or deformed wire, 300 mm.

8-74 8-75
8.28 DEVELOPMENT OF BUNDLED BARS Bending around the longitudinal reinforcement through at
least 180 degress. Hooking or bending stirrups around the longitudinal
The developement length of individual bars within a bundle, in
reinforcement shall be considered effective anchorage Only when the
tension or compression, shall be that for the individual bar, increased by
stirrups make an angle of at least 45 degrees with the longitudinal
20 percent for a three-bar bundle, and 33 percent for four-bar bundle.
8.29 DEVELOPMENT OF STANDARD HOOKS IN TENSION For each leg of welded smooth wire fabric forming single
U-stirrups, either. 8.29.1 Development length Ldh in mm, for deformed bars in tension
terminating in a standard hook (Article 8.23.1) shall be computed as the Two longitudinal wires at 50mm spacing along the
product of the basic development length Lhb of Article 8.29.2 and the
member at the top of the U.
applicable modification factor or factors of Article 8.29.3, but Ldh shall
not be less than 8d b or 150 mm, whichever is greater. One longitudinal wire located not more than d14 from
the compression face and second wire closer to the compression face
8.29.2 Basic development length Lhb for a hooked bar with f, equal to
and spaced at least 50 mm from the first wire. The second wire may be
located on the stirrup leg beyond a bend or on a bend of not less than 8-
415 MPa shall be 100 d b/-sr
f 7:
wire diameters.
8.29.3 Basic development length Lhb shall be multiplied by applicable For each end of a single leg stirrup of welded smooth or modification factor or factors for:
welded deformed wire fabric, there shall be two longitudinal wires at a Bar yield strength Bar with fy other than
minimum spacing of 50 mm and with the inner wire at least the greater
415 MPa ............................ fy/415
of d14 or 50 mm from mid-depth of member d/2. Outer longitudinal
wire at the tension face shall not be farther from the face than the
8.293.2 Concrete cover
portion of primary flexural reinforcement closest to the face.
For 36 mm bar and smaller, side cover
(normal to plane of hook) not less than 60 mm.,
8.27.3 Pairs of U-stirrups or ties so 'placed as to form a closed unit
and for 90 deg hook, cover on bar extension
shall be considered properly spliced when the laps are 1.7 Ld.
beyond not less than 50 mm ..................................... 0.7
8.27.4 Between the anchored ends, each bend in the continuous portion Ties and stirrups
of a single U- or multiple U-stirrup shall enclose a longitudinal bar.
For 36 mm bar and smaller, hook enclosed
8.27.5 Longitudinal bars bent to act as shear reinforcement, if extended vertically or horizontally within ties or
into a region of tension, shall be continuous with the longitudinal stirrup-ties spaced along the full development
length La not greater than 3d b , where db is
reinforcment and, if extended into a region of compression, shall be
diameter of hooked bar ............................... 0.8
anchored beyond the mid-depth, d/2, as specified for development
length in Article 8.25 for that part of the stress in the reinforcement
required to satisfy Equation (8-8) or Equation (8-54).

8-76 Excess reinforcement
Where anchorage or development for f,, is 0.36 db (fy 140)/11 (8-66)
not specifically required, reinforcement in
but not less than
excess of that required by analysis .......... (A, required)/
(A, provided)
2.5 — fy
(8-67) Lightweight aggregate. concrete ............................ 1.3 sw

8.29.4 For bars being developed by a standard hook at discontinuous

ends of members with both side cover and top (or bottom) cover over The basic development length of welded deformed wire
hook less than 60 mm, hooked bar shall be enclosed within ties or fabric, with no cross wires within the development length, shall be
stirrups spaced along the full development length L a not greater than determined as for deformed wire in accordance with Article 8.25.
3db, where d b is diameter of hooked bar. For this case, factor of Article shall not apply.

8.29.5 Hooks shall not be considered effective in developing bars in



8.30.1 Deformed Wire Fabric The development length, Ld, in mm of welded deformed

wire fabric measured from the point of critical section to the end of wire
shall be computed as the product of the basic development length of
Article or and the applicable modification factor or 10 mm through 25 mm
factors of Articles 8.25.2 and 8.25.3 but Ld shall not ne less than 200
mm except in computation of lap splices by Article 8.32.5 and 28 mm through 36 mm

development of shear reinforcement by Article 8.27.

45 mm and 55 mm The basic development length of welded deformed wire

fabric, with at least one cross wire within the development length nOt
less than 50 mm from the point of critical section, shall be ;

Figure 8.29.1 Hooked-Bar Details for Development of Standard

* The 140 has units of MPa.


8.31.1 Any mechanical device shown by tests to be capable of

developing the strength of reinforcement without damage to concrete
ties or stirrup— may be used as anchorage.
ties required

831.2 Development of reinforcement may consist of a combination of

iess than mechanical anchorage plus additional embedment length of
115 mm reinforcement between point of maximum•bar stress and the mechanical
Section AA


Splices of reinforcement shall be made only as shown on the design

drawings or as specified, or as authorized by the Engineer.

8.32.1 Lap Splices

Figure 8.29.4. Hooked-Bar Tie Requirements
832.1.1 Lap splices shall not be used for bars larger than 36 mm.,
except as provided in Articles and
8.30.2 Smooth Wire Fabric Lap splices of bundled bars shall be based on the lap
The yield strength of welded smooth wire fabric shall be splice length required for individual bars within a bundle. The length of
considered developed by embedment of two cross wires with the closer lap, as prescribed in Article 8.32.3 or 8.32.4 shall be increased 20
cross wire not less than 50 pun from the point of critical section. percent for a three-bar bundle and 33 percent for a four-bar bundle.
However, development length Ld measured from the point of critical Individual bar splices within the bundle shall not overlap.
section to outermost cross wire shall not be less than:
832.1.3 Bars spliced by noncontact lap splices in flexural
. fy (8-68) members shall not be placed transversely farther apart than 1/5 the

sw 7 required length of lap or 150 mm.

modified by (A 5 required)/(A s provided) for reinforcement in excess of
that required by analysis and by factor of Article 8.25.2 for lightweight 832.14 The length, Ld, shall be the development length for the
specified yield strength, fy , as given in Article 8.25.

aggregate concrete, but Ld shall not be less than 150 mm except in

computation of lap splices by Article 8.32.6.
8.32.2 Welded Splices and Mechanical Connections Splices shall be staggered at least 600 mm and in such
manner as to develop at every section at least twice the calculated Welded splices or other mechanical connections may be tensile force at that section but not less than 140 MPa for the total area
used. Except as provided herein, all welding shall conform to the latest of reinforcement provided.
edition of the American Welding Society publication, "Structural
Welding Code Reinforcing Steel." In computing tensile force developed at each section,
spliced reinforcement may be rated at the specified splice strength. A full welded splice shall have bars butted and welded to Unspliced reinforcement shall be rated at the fraction of fy defined by
develop in tension at least 125 percent of the specified yield strength of the ratio of the shorter actual developement length to La required to
the bar. develop the specified yield strength fy . A full mechanical connection shall develop in tension or Splices in tension tie members shall be made with a full
compression. as required, at least 125 percent of the specified yield welded splice or a full mechanical connection in accordance with
strength of the bar. Article or Splices in adjacent bars shall be staggered
at least 750 mm. Welded splices and mechanical connections not meeting
requirements of Articles and may be used in TABLE Tension Lap Splices
accordance with Article
Maximum Percent of A,
8.32.3 Splices of Deformed Bars and Deformed Wire in Tension Spliced within Required
Lap Length The minimum length of lap for tension lap splices shall be (As provided)/(A. required)* 50 75 100
as required for Class A, B, or C splice, but not less than 300 mm.
Equal to or greater than 2 Class A Class A Class B
Class A 1 0 Ld Less than 2 Class B Class C Class C
Class B 1 3 Ld
Class C .................................... 1.7 Ld Lap splices of deformed bars and deformed wire in

832.4 Splices of Bars in Compression
tension shall conform to Table Lap Splices in Compression
832.3.3 Welded splices or mechanical connections used where the
area of reinforcement provided is less than twice that required by The minimum length of lap for compression lap splices shall be
analysis shall meet the requirements of Article or 0.07fy d b in mm, but not less than 300 mm. When the specified concrete
strength, f is less than 20 MPa, the length of lap shall be increased by Welded splices or mechanical connections used where the one-third.
area of reinforcement provided is at least twice that required by analysis
shall meet the following: * Ratio of area of reinforcement provided to area of reinforcement required by
analysis at splice location.

8-82 8-83
When bars of different size are lap spliced in compression, spli ce Lap splices of welded deformed wire fabric, with no cross
length shall be the larger of development length of the larger bar, or wires within the lap splice length, shall be determined as for deformed
splice length of smaller bar. Bar sizes 45 mm and 55 mm may be lap wire in accordance with Article
spliced to 36 mm and smaller bars.
832.6 Splices of Welded Smooth Wire Fabric in Tension
In compression members where ties along the splice have a n
effective area not less than 0.0015hs, the lap splice length may be The minimum length of lap splices of welded smooth wire fabric
multiplied by 0.83, but the lap length shall not be less than 300 mm. shall be in accordance with the following:
The effective area of the ties shall be the area of the legs perpendicular
to dimension h. 832.6.1 When the area of reinforcement provided is less than
twice that required by analysis at the splice location, the length of End Bearing Splices overlap measured between the outermost cross wires of each fabric
sheet shall not be less than one spacing of cross wires plus 50 nun or
In compression members when spirals are used for literal restraint less than 1.5L d, or 150 mm.
along the splice, the lap splice length may be multiplied by 0.75, but the
lap length shall not be less than 300 mm. 832.6.2 When the area of reinforcement provided is at least twice
that required by analysis at the splice location, the length of overlap
In bars required for compression only, the compressive stress may measured between the outermost cross wires of each fabric sheet shall
be transmitted by bearing of square cut ends held in concentric contact not be less than 1.5 Ld or 50 mm.
by a suitable device. bar ends shall terminate in flat surfaces within 1
112 degrees of a right angle to the axis of the bars and shall be fitted
within 3 degrees of full - bearing after assembly. End bearing splices
shall be used only in members containing closed ties, closed stirrups, or
spirals. Welded Splices or Mechanical connections

Welded splices or mechanical connections used in compression

shall meet the requirements of Article or

8.32.5 Splices of Welded Deformed Wire Fabric in Tension The minimum length of lap splices of welded deformed

wire fabric measured between the ends of each fabric sheet shall not be
less than 1.7 L d or 200 mm, and the overlap measured between the
outermost cross wires of each fabric sheet shall not be less than 50 mm.

Section 9


Part A


9.1.1 General

The specifications of this section are intended for design of

prestressed concrete bridge members. Members designed as reinforced
concrete, except for a percentage of tensile steel stressed to improve
service behavior, shall conform to the applicable specifications of
Section 8.

Exceptionally long span or unusual structures require detailed

consideration of effects which under this Section may have been
assigned arbitrary values.

9.1.2 Notations

As = area of non-prestressed tension reinforcement (Article 9.7

and 9.19)
A', = area of compression reinforcement (Article 9.19)
As * = area of prestressing steel (Artic1c9.17)
Asc = steel area required to develop the compressive strength of
the overhanging portions of the flange (Article 9.17)
= steel area required to develop the compressive strength
of the web of a flanged section (Article 9.17 - 9.19)
area of web reinforcement (Article 9.20)
b = width of flange of flanged member or width of rectangular
by = width of cross section at the contact surface being
investigated for horizontal shear (Article 9.20).

= the modulus of rupture of concrete, as defined in Article
b' = width of a web of a flanged member L (Article 9.18)
CR, = loss of prestress due to creep of concrete (Article 9.16)
CR, = loss of prestress due to relaxation of prestressing steel = total prestress loss, excluding friction (Article 9.16)
(Article 9.16) = effective steel prestress after losses
nominal diameter of prestressing steel (Article 9.17 and = average stress in prestressing steel at ultimate load
9.27) f 's = ultimate strength of prestressing steel (Articles 9.15 and
d = distance from extreme compressive fiber to centroid of the 9.17)
= yield strength of non-prestressed conventional
prestressing force, or to centroid of negative moment fsy
reinforcing for precast girder bridges made continuous reinforcement in tension (Articles 9.19 and 9.20)
d t distance from the extreme compressive fiber to the centroid f = yield strength of non-prestressed conventional reinforcement
of the non-prestressed tension reinforcement (Articles 9.7 compression (Article 9.19)
and 9.17-9.19) = yield point stress of prestressing steel (Article 9.15)
ES = loss of prestress due to elastic shortening (Article 9.16) = overall depth of member (Article 9.20)
e = base of Naperian Logarithms (Article 9.16) = moment of inertia about the centroid of the cross section
= average concrete compressive stress at the c.g. of the (article 9.20)
prestressing steel under full dead load (Article 9.16) = friction wobble coefficient per meter of prestressing steel
= average concrete stress at the c.g. of the prestressing steel at (Article 9.16)
time of release (Article 9.16) L = length of prestressing steel element from jack end to point x
f = compressive strength of concrete at 28 days (Article 9.16)
= compressive strength of concrete at time of initial prestress • = moment causing flexural cracking at section due to
f "c,
(Article 9.15) externally applied loads (Article 9.20)
= average splitting tensile strength of lightweight aggregate Ma * = min steel cracking moment. (Article 9.20)
concrete, MPa. 145, = composite dead load moment at the section (Article 9.18)
fa = stress due to unfactored dead load, at extreme fiber of Mdhic = non-composite dead load moment at the section (Article
section where tensile stress is caused by externally applied 9.18).
loads (Article 9.20) = maximum factored moment at section due to externally
= compressive stress in concrete (after allowance for all applied loads (Article 9.20)
prestress loses) at centroid of cross section resisting Mn = nominal moment strength of a section
externally applied loads or at junction of web and flange Mu = factored moment at section 5 OM, (Articles 9.17 and 9.18)
when the centroid lies within: the flange (In a composite p = Adladt ratio of non-prestressed tension reinforcement
member, fp, is resultant compressive . stress at centroid (Articles 9.7 and 9.17-9.19)
of composite section, or at junction of web and flange p t = A,*/bd, ratio of prestressing steel (Articles 9.17 and 9.19)
when the centroid lies within the flange, due to both p' = A',/bd, ratio of compression reinforcement (Article 9.19)
prestress and moments resisted by precast member Q = statical moment of cross sectional area, above or below
acting alone)(Article 9.20) the level being investigated for shear, about the centroid
= compressive stress in concrete due to effective prestress (Article 9.20)
forces only (after allowance for all prestress losses) at SH = loss of prestress due to concrete shrinkage (Article 9.16)
extreme fiber of section where tensile stress is caused by s = longitudinal spacing of the web reinforcement (Article 9.20)
externally applied loads (Article 9.20)

Sb = noncomposite section modulus for the extreme 9.13 Definitions
fiber of section where the tensile stress is caused by
externally applied loads (Article 9.18). The following terms are defined for general use. Specialized
S, — composite section modulus for the extreme fiber of section definitions appear in individual articles.
where the tensile stress is caused by externally applied
loads (Article 9.18) Anchorage Seating Deformation of anchorage or seating of tendons

t = average thickness of the flange of a flanged member in anchorage device when prestressing force is transferred
(Articles 9.17 and 9.18) from jack to anchorage device.
Ta = steel stress at jacking end (Article 9.16) Bonded Tendon Prestressing tendon that is bonded to concrete either

T„ = steel stress at any point x (Article 9.16) directly or through grouting.

v = permissible horizontal shear stress (Article 9.20) Coating - Material used to protect prestressing tendons against
V, = nominal shear strength provided by concrete (Article 9.20) corrosion, to reduce friction between tendon and duct, or to
Vci = nominal shear strength provided by concrete when diagonal debond prestressing tendons.
cracking results from combined shear and moment (Article Couplers (Couplings) Means by which prestressing force is

9.20) transmitted from one partial-length prestressing tendon to

V cy, = nominal .shear strength provided by concrete when diagonal another.
cracking results from excessive principal tensile stress in Creep of Concrete - Time-dependent deformation of concrete under
web (Article 9.20) sustained load.
Vd = shear force at section due to unfactored dead load (Article Curvature Friction - Friction resulting from bends or curves in the
9.20) specified prestressing tendon profile.
Vi — factored shear force at section due to externally applied Debonding (blanketing) Wrapping, sheathing, or coating prestressing

loads occurring simultaneously with M r. (Article 9.20) strand to prevent bond between strand and surrounding
V nh = nominal horizontal shear strength (Article 9.20) concrete.
Vp = vertical component of effective prestress force at section Duct - Hole or void. formed in prestressed member to accomodate
(Article 9.20) tendon for post-tensioning.
V, = nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement Effective Prestress - Stress remaining in conci ete due to prestressing
(Article 9.20) after all calculated losses have been deducted, excluding
Vu = factored shear force at section (Article 9.20) effects of superimposed loads and weight of member, stress
Yt = distance from centroidal axis of gross section, neglecting remaining in prestressing tendons after all losses have occured
reinforcement, to extreme fiber in tension (Article 9.20) excluding effects of dead load and superimposed load.
= friction curvature coefficient (Article 9.16) Elastic Shortening of Concrete - Shortening of member caused by
a = total angular change of prestressing steel profile in radians application of forces induced by prestressing.
from jacking end to point x (Article 9.16) End Anchorage Length of reinforcement, or mechanical anchor, or

13i = factor for concrete strength, as defined in Article hook, or combination thereof, beyond point of zero stress in
(Articles 9.17-9.19). reinforcement; mechanical device to transmit prestressing
y* = factor for type of prestressing steel (Article 9.17) force to concrete in a post-tensioned member.
= 0.28 for low-relaxation steel End Block -Enlarged end section of member designed to reduce
= 0.40 for stress-relieved steel anchorage stresses.
= 0.55 for bars

Friction (post-tensioning) - Surface resistance between tendon and duct 9.2 CONCRETE
in contact during stressing.
Grout Opening or Vent - Inlet, outlet, vent, or drain in post-tensioning The specified compressive strength, f of the concrete for
duct for grout, water, or air. each part of the structure shall be shown on the plans. The
Jacking Force - Temporary force exerted by device that introduces requirements for f ' shall be based on tests of cylinders made
tension into prestressing tendons. and tested in accordance with the standard methods of AASHTO
or ASTM (see Section 8.2).
Loss of Prestress - Reduction in prestressing force resulting from
combined effects of strains in concrete and steel, including
effects of elastic shortening, creep and shrinkage of concrete,
relaxation of steel stress, and for post-tensioned members, 9.3 REINFORCEMENT
friction and anchorage seating.
9.3.1 Prestressing Steel
Post Tensioning - Method of prestressing in which tendons are
tensioned after concrete has hardened.
Precompressed Zone - Portion of flexural member cross-section Wire, strands, or bars shall conform to one of the following
compressed by prestressing force.
Prestressed Concrete - Reinforced concrete in which internal stresses
have been introduced to reduce potential tensile stresses in "Uncoated Stress-Relieved Wire for Prestressed Concrete."
concrete resulting from loads.
Pretensioning - Method of prestressing in which tendons are tensioned
"Uncoated Seven-Wire Stress-Relieved Strand for
before concrete is placed.
Prestressed Concrete," AASHTO M 203.
Relaxation of Tendon Stress - Time-dependent reduction of stress in
prestressing tendon at constant strain.
"Uncoated High-Strength Steel Bar for Prestressing
Shear lag - Nonuniform distribution of bending stress over the cross
Concrete," ASTM A 722.
Shrinkage of Concrete - Time-dependent deformation of concrete
Wire, strands and bars not specifally listed in AASHTO M
caused by drying and chemical changes (hydration process).
204, AASHTO M 203, OR AASHTO A 722 may be used
Tendon - Wire, strand, or bar, or bundle of such elements, used to
provided they conform to minimum requirements of these
impart prestress to concrete.
Transfer - Act of transferring stress in prestressing tendons from jacks
or pretensioning bed to concrete member.
9.12 Non-Prestressed Reinforcement
Transfer Length - Length over which prestressing force is transferred
to concrete by bond in pretensioned members.
Friction caused by unintended deviation of Non-prestressed reinforcement shall conform to the
Wooble Friction -
requirements in Article 8.3.
prestressing sheath or duct from its specified profile or
Wrapping or Sheathing - Enclosure around a prestressing tendon to
avoid temporary or permanent bond between prestressing
tendon and surrounding concrete.

9-6 9-7

ANALYSIS 9.7.1 Cast-in-Place Post-Tensioned Bridges

9.4 GENERAL The effect of secondary moments due to prestressing shall be

included in stress calculations at working load. In calculating ultimate
Members shall be proportioned for adequate strength using these strength moment and shear requirements, the secondary moments or
specifications as minimum guidelines. Continuous beams and other shears induced by prestressing (with a load factor of 1.0) shall be added
statically indetermine structures shall be designed for adequate strength algebraically to the moments and shears due to factored or ultimate
and satisfactory behavior. Behavior shall be determined by elastic dead and live loads.
analysis. taking into account the reactions, moments, shear, and axial
forces produced by prestressing, the effects of temperature, creep, 9.7.2 Bridges Composed of Simple-Span Precast Prestressed
shrinkage, axial deformation, restraint of attached structural elements, Girders Made Continuous
and foundation settlement. General
When structural continuity is assumed in calculating live loads plus
9.5.1 In all bridges, provisions shall be made in the design to resist impact and composite dead load moments. the effects of creep and
thermal stresses induced, or means shall be provided for movement shrinkage shall be considered in the design of bridges incorporating
caused by temperature changes. simple span precast, prestressed girders and deck slabs continuous over
two or more spans.
9.5.2 Movements not otherwise provided for, including shortening
during stressing, shall be provided for by means of hinged columns, Positive Moment Connection at Piers
rockers, sliding plates, elastomeric pads, or other devices. Provision shall be made in the design for the positive
9.6 SPAN LENGTH moments that may develop in the negative moment region due to the
combined effects of creep and shrinkage in the girders and deck slab,
The effective span lengths of simply supported beams shall not and due to the effects of live load plus impact in remote spans.
exceed the clear span plus the depth of the beam. The span length of Shrinkage and elastic shortening of the pier shall be considered when
continuous or restrained floor slabs and beams shall be 'the clear significant.
distance between faces of support. Where fillets making an angle of 45
degrees or more with the axis of a continuous or restrained slab are Non-prestressea positive moment connection
built monolithic with the slab and support, the span shall be measured reinforcement at piers may be designed at a working stress of 0.6 times
from the section where the combined depth of the slab and the fillet is at the yield strength but not to exceed 250 MPa.
least one and one-half times the thickness of the slab. Maximum
negative moments are to be considered as existing at the ends of the
span, as above defined. No portion of the fillet shall be considered as
adding to the effective depth.

9-9 Negative Moments Flexure Negative moment reinforcement shall be proportioned by The transverse design of segmental box girders for flexure shall
strength design with load factors in accordance with Article 9.14_ consider the segments as rigid box frames. Top slabs shall be analyzed
as variable depth sections considering the fillets between top slab and The effect of initial precompression due to prestress in webs. Wheel loads shall be positioned to provide maximum moments,
the girders may be neglected in the negative moment calculation of and elastic analysis shall be used to determine the effective longitudinal
ultimate strength if the maximum precompression stress is less than 0.4 distribution of wheel loads for each load location (see Article 3.11).
f ', and the continuity reinforcement, p, in the deck slab is less than Transverse prestressing of top slabs is generally recommended.
0.015; where p = Adbd,.
9.7.33 Torsion The ultimate negative resisting moment shall be
calculated using the compressive strength of the girder concrete In the design of the cross section, consideration shall be given to
regardless of the strength of the diaphragm concrete. the increase in web shear resulting from eccentric loading or geometry
of structure.. Compressive Stress in Girders at Piers at Service Loads
The compressive stress in ends of girders at piers resulting from
addition of the effects of prestressing and negative live load bending 9.8.1 T-Beams
shall not exceed 0.60f For composite prestressed construction where slabs or
9.7.3 Segmental Box Girders flanges are assumed to act integrally with the beam, the effective flange
width shall conform to the provisions for T-girder flanges in Article General 8.10.1. Elastic analysis and beam theory may be used in the For monolithic prestressed construction, with normal slab
design of segmental box girder structures. van and girder spacing, the effective flange width shall be the distance
center-to-center of beams. For very short spans, or where girder In the analysis of precast segmental box girder bridges, spacing is excessive, analytical investigations shall be made to
no tension shall be permitted across any joint between segments during determine the anticipated width of flange acting with the beam.
any stage of erection or service loading. For monolithic prestressed design of isolated beams, the In addition to the usual substructure design flange width shall not exceed 15 times the web width and shall be
considerations, unbalanced cantilever moments due to segment weights adequate for all design loads.
and erection loads shall be accomodated in pier design or with auxiliary
struts. Erection equipment which can eliminate these unbalanced 9.8.2 Box Girders
moments may be used. For cast-in-place box girders with normal slab span and
girder spacing, where the slabs are considered an integral part of the

9-10 9-11
to be eff- 40 DIAPHRAGMS
width shall be assumed
10;1 General
on, abx girders of unusual propo choess . rx , Diaphragms shall be provided in accordance with Articles 9.10.2
gir ''essi entirerders, ysisth:hila
siboivetiotidasnoebfssean sectusn,, 9.10.3 except that diaphragms may be omitted where tests or
c°°Prs.0t0,4For analysis show adequate strength.
to cletellnille str ,.. •
; ' ...,,,,..'
ag1/1961'be provided at the * n mai i 0.2 T-Beams
. ., . al henctillg' except at the junction .
510I :too ,.Diaphragms or other means shall be used at span ends to strengthen
Wag' ered.
°xe greircicluir ,fiec edge of the slab and to transmit lateral forces to the
cteeeltfilel°1rif Intermediate diaphragms shall be placed between the
, BOX GIRDERS :., .. at the points of maximum moment for spans over 12 m.
j o ..p. •
0 joip ViE13 larICKNESS .'
0 Box Girders
- .10.3.1 For spread box beams, diaphragms shall be placed within
9 f
ge flange thickness shall be — of
15n and between boxes at span ends and the points of maximum
1 101) f duc,e'd.'
99 • between
0 jail or.fillets
top or Webse byet not
ed forless
than puromm for spans over 24 m.
fhe be r otti 17-
play 10.3.2 For precast box multi-beam bridges, diaphragms are
e tilicoess
dotoe.dil red &oleo to 140 gun. only if necessary for slab end support or to contain or resist
tension ties.
fIli tlifil
ei °thm,o!
.... 33 For cast-in-place box girders, diaphragms or other means
.; ootto0oor(' bottoro flange but thidcliess
not less shall
thanbe141013m i
'tied at span ends to resist lateral forces and maintain section
7 or webs
reduced for f
factory Produeed
9. ' „fl
e - eri fillets be
'Intermediate diaphragms are not required for bridges with
f il 0101. of curvature of 245 m.or greater.
c e 11"clale55
to 125
cii5tari ,00:111
_...5t011 : - 034 For segmental box girders, diaphragms shall be placed
or i
;box at span ends. Intermediate diaphragms are not required
s shall be tapered f ,:i with inside radius of curvature of 245 m: or greater.
Precv) tool thicknes
ce ill vveb thickness. . -.
,i Web Am. 5
9.9w thedifferen
gir"-- 0.3.5 For all types of prestressed boxes in bridges with inside
es ill
etli311 Oa eurvature less than 245 m., intermediate diaphragms may be
cc the spacing and strength of diaphragms shall be given

CO aeration in the design of the structure.


9.11.1 General
Deflection calculations shall consider dead load, live load,
prestressing, erection loads, concrete creep and shrinkage,. and steel 9.13 GENERAL
9.13.1 Design Theory and General Consideration
9.11.2 Segmental Box Girders Members shall meet the strength requirements specified
Deflections shall be calculated prior to casting of segments and herein.
they shall be based on the anticipated casting and erection schedules.
Calculated deflections shall be used as a guide against which actual Design shall be based on strength (Load Factor Design)
deflection measurements are checked. and on behavior at service conditions (Allowable Stress Design) at all
load stages that may be critical during the life of the structure from the
9.12 DECK PANELS time prestressing is first applied.

9.12.1 General Stress concentrations due to the prestressing shall be

considered in the design. Precast prestressed deck panels used as permanent forms
spanning between stringers may be designed compositely with the cast- The effects of temperature and shrinkage shall be
in-place portion of the slabs to support additional dead loads and live considered.
9.13.2 Basic Assumptions The panels shall be analyzed assuming they support their
self-weight, any construction loads, and the weight of the cast-in-place The following assumptions are made for design purposes for
concrete, and shall be analyzed assuming they act compositely with the monolithic members.
cast-in-place concrete to support moments due to additional dead loads
and live loads. Strains vary linearly over the depth of the member
throughout the entire load range.
9.12.2 Bending Moment Before cracking, stress is linearly proportional to Live load moments shall be computed in accordance with strain.
Article 3.24.3. 9.13.23 After cracking, tension in the concrete is neglected. In calculating stresses in the deck panel due to negative 9.13.3 Composite Flexural Members
moment near the stringer, no compression due to prestressing shall be
assumed to exist. Composite flexural members consisting of precast and/or cast-in-
place concrete elements constructed in separate placements but so

considered on an individual area basis. In such cases, the Engineer
interconnected that all elements respond to superimposed loads as a unit shall satisfy himself completely that the controls over materials and
shall conform to the provisions of Articles through,
fabrication procedures will provide the required strengths. The, and the following. provisions of this Section are equally applicable to prestressed
concrete structures and components designed with lower concrete Where an entire member is assumed to resist the vertical strengths.
shear, the design shall be in accordance with the requirements of
Articles 9.20.1 through 9.20.3. 9.15.1 Prestressing Steel The design shall provide for full transfer of horizontal Stress_ at anchorage after seating
shear forces at contact surfaces of interconnected elements. Design for Pretensioned members
horizontal shear shall be in accordance with the requirements of Article .................. 0.70 f for stress relieved strands
9.20.4. ............................. 0.75 f ', for low relaxation strands In structures with a cast-in-place slab on precast beams, Slight overstressing up to 0.85 fy * for short periods of time may
the differential shrinkage tends to cause tensile stresses in the slab and be permitted to offset seating losses, provided the stress after
in the bottom of the beams. Becapse the tensile shrinkage develops seating does not exceed the above values.
over an extended time period, the effect on the beams is reduced by
creep. Differential shrinkage may influence the cracking load and the Post-tensioned members 0 70 f
beam deflection profile. When these factors are particularly significant, Overstressing up to 0.90 fy * for short periods of time may be
the effect of differential shrinkage should be added to the effects of permitted to offset seating and friction losses provided the stress
loads. at the anchorage does not exceed the above value. The stress at
the end of the seating lass zone must not exceed 0.83 fy *
9.14 LOAD FACTORS immediately after seating.
Stress at service load + after losses ........................................ 0.80 fy *
The computed strength capacity shall not be less than the largest
value from load factor design in Article 3.22.

The following strength capacity reduction factors shall be used;

For factory produced precast prestressed concrete members 4 = 1.0

For post-tensioned cast-in-place concrete members = 0.95
For shear 4) = 0.90

9.15 ALLOWABLE STRESSES + Service load consists of all loads contained in Article 3.2 but does not include overload
The design of precast prestressed members ordinarily shall be * Includes bonded prestressed strands
based on f ' c — 35 MPa. An increase to 41 MPa is permissible where,
in the Engineer's judgment, it is reasonable to expect that this strength
will be obtained consistently. Still higher concrete strenghts may be

9-16 9-17
9.15.2 Concrete Cracking Stress * Temporary Stresses Before Losses Due to Creep and

Shrinkage Modulus of rupture from tests or if not available.
For normal weight concrete ...... 0.624F,
Compression For sand-lightweight concrete ............ 0.524f
Pretensioned members .................................... 0.60 f' d For all other lightweight concrete ....... 0.454l7
Post-tensioned members 0 55 f
Tension Anchorage Bearing Stress
Precompressed tensile zone ................ No temporary
allowable stresses are specified. See Article for Post-tensioned anchorage at service load .............. 20 MPa
allowable stresses after losses. (but not to exceed 0.9 f 'ci)
Other Areas
In tension areas with
no bonded reinforcement .............. 1.4 MPa or (1/4) qf 9.16 LOSS OF PRESTRESS

Where the calculated tensile stress exceeds this value, bonded 9.16.1 Friction Losses
reinforcement shall be provided to resist the total tension force in
the concrete computed on the assumption of uncracked section. Friction losses in post-tensioned steel shall be based on
experimentally determined wobble and curvature coefficients, and shall
The maximum tensile stress shall not exceed . . . . 0.62 4F:, be verified during stressing operations. The values of coefficients
assumed for design, and acceptable ranges of jacking forces and steel Stress at Service Load After Losses Have Occurred elongation shall be shown on the plans. These friction losses shall be
calculated as follows:
Compression ................................................................ 0.40 4f",
To = T,eik'• Pc') (9-1)
Tension in the precompressed tensile zone
(a) For members with bonded reinforcement* ........ (1/2) NiF, When (kx + 1.ta) is not greater than 0.3, the following equation may be
For severe corrosive exposure conditions, used:
such as coastal areas .......................................... ..(1/4) To = T„ (1 + kl + pa) (9-2)
(b) For members without bonded
reinforcement ...................................................................... 0

Tension in other areas is limited by allowable temporary stresses

specified in Article
*Refer to Article 9.18

* Refer to Article 9.18

9-18 9-19
The following values for K and pi pay be used when experimental data where
for the materials used are not available: = total loss excluding friction in MPa;

Type of Steel Type of Duct Kim 11 SH = loss due to concrete shrinkage in MPa;
Wire or ungalvanized Bright, metal sheathing 0.006560 0.30
strand Galvanized metal ES = loss due to elastic shortening in MPa;
sheathing 0.004920 0.25
Greased or asphalt-coated CR, = loss due to creep of concrete in MPa;
and wrapped '0.006560 0.30
Galvanized rigid 0.000656 0.25 CR, = loss due to relaxation of prestressing steel in MPa.
High-strength bars Bright metal sheathing 0.000984 0.20
Galvanized metal
sheathing 0.000656 0.15 Shrinkage

Friction losses occur prior to anchoring but should be estimated for design Pretensioned Members
and checked during stressing operations. Rigid ducts shall have sufficient
strength to maintain their correct alignment without visible wobble during SH = 117 - 1.03 RH (9-4)
placement of concrete. Rigid ducts may be fabricated with either welded or
interlocked seams. Galvanizing of the welded seam will not be required. PoStrtengoned.Members.
9.16.2 Prestress Losses SH = 0.80 (117 - 1.03 RH) (9-5) General where RH = mean annual ambient relative humidity in percent

Loss of prestress due to all causes, excluding friction, may be Elastic Shortening
determined by the following method.* The method is based on normal
weight concrete and one of the following types of prestressing steel: Pretensioned Members
1.72 or 1.86 GPa, seven-wire, stress relieved or low-relaxation strand;
1.70 GPa stress-relieved wires; or 1.0 to 1.10 GPa smooth or deformed
bars. Refer to documented tests for data regarding the properties and ES = (9-6)
the effects of lightweight aggregate concrete on prestress losses.

TOTAL LOSS Post-tensioned Members*

SH + ES + CR S + CR & (9-3) ES:= 0.5

'Should more exact prestress losses be desired, data representing the materials to be used,
the methods of curing, the ambient service condition and any pertinent structural details
Certain tensioning procedures may alter the elastic shortening losses.
should be determined for use in accordance with a method of calculating prestress losses that
is supported by appropriate research data. See also FHWA Report FHWA/RD 85/045, Criteria
for Designing Lightweight Concrete Bridges.

where Relaxation of Prestressing Steel*
E, = modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel strand, which can
be assumed to be 193,000 MPa; Pretensioned Members
Ea = modulus of elasticity of concrete in MPa transfer of stress,
which can be calculated from:
1.72 to 1.86 GPa Strand
CR, = 138 - 0.4ES - 0.2 (SH + CR C ) (9-10)
Ed = 0.43 w 3r2 (9-8) for stress relieved strand
in which w is the concrete unit weight in kg/m and f 'd is CR, = 34.5 - 0.10ES -0.05 (SH + CR C ) (9-10A)
in MPa; for low relaxation strand
fir = concrete stress at the center of gravity of the prestressing
steel due to prestressing force and dead load of beam Post-tensioned Members
immediately after transfer; fcir shall be computed at the section
or sections of maximum moment. (At this stage, the initial 1.72 to 1.86 GPa Strand
stress in the tendon has been reduced by elastic shortening of CR, = 138 - 0.3FR - 0.4ES - 0.2 (SH +CR,) (9-11)
the concrete and tendon relaxation during placing and curing for stress relieved strand
the concrete for pretensioned members, or by elastic CR, = 34.5 - 0.07FR - 0.1ES - 0.05(SH + CR C ) (9-11 A)
shortening of the concrete and tendon friction for post- for low relaxation strand
tensioned members. The reductions to initial tendon stress due
to these factors can be estimated, or the reduced tendon stress 1.65 GPa Wire
can be taken as 0.63 f ', for stress relieved strand or 0.69 f CR, = 124 - 0.3FR - 0.4ES - 0.2 (SH + CR C ) (9-12)
for low relaxation strand in typical pretensioned members.)
1.0 to 1.1 GPa Bars Creep of Concrete CR, = 20

Pretensioned and post-tensioned members. where

CR, = 12 fcir - 7 f,d, (9-9) FR = friction loss stress reduction im MPa below the level of 0.70
where f ' s at the point under consideration computed according to
Article 9.16.1
fcds = concrete stress at the center of gravity of the prestressing ES,SH and CR, = appropriate values as determined for and CR, either
steel due to all dead loads except the dead load present at pre-tensioned or post-tensioned members
the time the prestressing force is applied.

* The relaxation losses are based on the initial stress equal to the stress at
anchorage allowed by Article 9.15.1.

9-23 Estimated Losses flange thickness "t", and which satisfy Eq. (9-20), the design flexural
strength shall be assumed as
In lieu of the preceding method, the following estimates of total
losses may be used for prestressed members or structures of usual
design. These loss values are based on use of normal weight concrete, P*f
su *)]
41M il = 41[A, *f. *41— 0.6 (9-13)
normal prestress levels, and average exposure conditions. For
exceptionally long spans, or for unusual designs, the method in Article or a more exact method shall be used.
For rectangular or flanged sections with non-prestressed tension
TABLE Estimate of Prestress Losses reinforcement included, in which the depth of the equivalent rectangular
stress block, defined as (A.,* fs,,* + Asfsy ) 1(0.85 f b), is not greater
Total loss
than the compression flange thickness "t", and which satisfy Eq. (9-24),
Type of the design flexural strength shall be assumed as
Prestressing Steel f = 28 MPa f = 35 MPa
Pretensioning Strand 310 MPa

pi n =0{A s *.c.„ *d 1— 0.6

pcu * d t Pfsy
Wire or Strand 220 MPa 277 MPa f ,c d pc
Bars 151 MPa 158 MPa
+A s fsy d t [l — P * fsu * + PfsY
* Losses due to friction are excluded. Friction losses should be computed
I }

according to Article 9.16.1.

9.17.3 Flanged Sections
For sections having prestressing steel only, in which the depth of
the equivalent rectangular stress block, defined as (A sifsi,*)1(0.85f b')
9.17.1 General
Prestressed concrete members may be assumed to act as is greater than the compression flange thickness "t" and which satisfy
uncracked members subjected to combined axial and bending stresses Eq. (9.21), the design flexural strength shall be assumed as
within specified service loads. In calculations of section properties, the
transformed area of bonded .reinforcement • may be included in Asrfsu
pretensioned members and in post-tensioned members after grouting; Mn = Asrfsu *d[l — 0.6 + 0.85 f' g (b — b' )(t)(d — 0.5t)
prior to bonding of tendons, areas of the open ducts shall be deducted. b'df',
9.17.2 Rectangular Sections
For sections with non-prestressed tension reinforcement included,
For rectangular or flanged sections having prestressing steel in which the depth of the equivalent rectangular stress block, defined as
only, in which the depth of the equivalent rectangular stress block. (A sh,*)/(0.85f ',lb') is greater than the compression flange thickness
defined as (A s *fsu *) / (0.85 f ' cb), is not greater than the compression "t", and which satisfy Eq. (9-25). the design flexural strength shall be
assumed as

9-24 9-25
r provided that:
A 111.1 1 + A f (d, – d)
OK, = 4)1A si.f. *11 – 0 -- -
s - s sy
(1) The stress-strain properties of the prestressing steel
b'dec approximate those specified in AASHTO.
(2) The effective prestress after losses in not less than 0.5 f
+ 0.85 NO – bXtXd 05t) (9-14a)

where At ultimate load, the stress in the prestressing steel of

precast deck panels shall be limited to:
- 4
Air = As Ad in Eq. (9 1 );

fs ,„ * = 6.90- E1 + fse (9-19)
Air = + (As fiy/f.,,*) - A. in Eq. (9-14a)

As( = 0.85 f (b - b')t/f.* but shall not be greater than f 5„* as given by the equations in
Article In the above equation:
Ast- = the steel area required to develop the ultimate compressive
strength of the overhanging portions of the flange. D = nominal diameter of strand in mm.
= effective stress in prestressing strand after losses in MPa.
9.17.4 Steel Stress L„ = distance from end of prestressing strand to center of panel in
nun. Unless the value of f s „* can be more accurately known
from detailed analysis, the following values may be used: 9.18 DUCTILITY LIMITS

Bonded Members . . 9.18.1 Maximum Prestressing Steel

with prestressing only (as defined);
Prestressed concrete members shall be designed so that the steel is
'e)] (9-17) yielding as ultimate capacity is approached. In general, the
fga* = f [ 1- (7*/13i) (p*f
reinforcement index shall be such that;
with non-prestressed tension reinforcement included;
(P * f su i/f for rectangular sections (9-20)
i and
,* = Pst1 74P*Ps ±sit(Pfs
fm d pe
Asr fs,,*/(b'df for flanged sections (9-21)
Unbonded members . . . f + 100
'does not exceed 0.360 i . (See Article 9.19 for reinforcement indices of
sections with non-prestressed reinforcement).

For members with reinforcement indices greater than 0.3613 1 , the

design flexural strength shall be assumed not greater than:

For rectangular sections .For rectangular. sections

2 2
41 Nin = (i) i(0.3613, - 0.0813 1 ) f ',bd Pf5Y
) + P*fsu*
) P 'f'Y
0.36f3i (9-24)
For flanged sections
2 For flanged sections
ttivin = $[(0.36 p i - 0.08 13, ) f
+ 0.85 f (b b') t (d 0.501 (9-23)
(A5 f,)/(b'df l c ) + (A. fs „)/(lo'd f 'c) - (A', f ' y )/(b'd f ' c ) c 0.360 1
9.18.2 Minimum Steel
Design flexural strength shall be calculated based on Eq. (9-13a) or Eq. The total amount of prestressed and non-prestressed (9-14a) if these values are met, and on Eq. (9-22) or Eq. (9-23) if these
values are exceeded.
reinforcement shall be adequate to develop an ultimate moment at the
critical section at least 1.2 times the cracking moment M .
9.20 SHEAR*
+11FI„ _ 1.2 K r *
9.20.1 General
where Prestressed concrete flexural members, except solid slabs
K r * = (fr + fpc )S c - Kunc (SciSb - 1 )
and footings, shall be reinforced for shear and diagonal tension stresses.
Voided slabs shall be investigated for shear, but. shear reinforcement
Appropriate values for Mcv„ and Sb shall be used for any
intermediate composite sections. Where beams are designed to be non- may be omitted if the factored shear force, V„, is Mess than half the shear
strength provided by the concrete 4 V,.
composite, substitute Sb for S, in the above equation for the calculation
of M. Web reinforcement shall consist of stirrups perpendicular The minimum amount of non-prestressed longitudinal to the axis of the member or welded wire fabric with wires located
reinforcement provided in the cast-in-place portion of slabs utilizing perpendicular to the axis of the member. Web reinforcement shall
precast prestressed deck panels shall be 529 -mm /m of slab width. extend, to a distance d from the extreme compression fiber and shall be
carried as close to the compression and tension surfaces of the member
9.19 NON-PRESTRESSED REINFORCEMENT as cover requirements and the proximity of other reinforcement permit.
Web reinforcement shall be anchored at both ends for its design yield
Non-prestressed reinforcement may be considered as contributing strength in accordance with the provisions of Article 8.27.
to the tensile strength of the beam at ultimate strength in an amount
equal to its area times its yield point, provided that:
The method for design of web reinforcement presented in the 1979 interim
AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges is an acceptable alternate.

9-28 9-29 Members subject to shear shall be designed so that 9.20.23 The shear strength, V shall be computed by

Vu (V, + V,) (9-26) V = [(0.3 If + 0.3 fp.) b'd] + Vp (9-29)

where V, is the factored shear force at the section considered, V, but d need not be taken less than 0.8h.
is the nominal shear strength provided by concrete and V, is the
nominal shear strength provided by web reinforcement. For a pretensioned member in which the section at a
distance h/2 from the face of support is closer to the end of the member When the reaction to the applied loads introduces than the transfer length of the prestressing tendons, the reduced
compression into the end regions of the member, sections located at a prestress shall be considered when computing The prestress force
distance less than h/2 from the face of the support may be designed for may be assumed to vary linearly from zero at the end of the tendon to a
the same shear V, as that computed at a distance h12. maximum at a distance from the end of the tendon equal to the transfer
length, assumed to be 50 diameters for strand and 100 diameters for Reinforced keys shall be provided in the webs of precast single wire.
segmental box girders to transfer erection shear. Possible reverse
shearing stresses in the shear keys shall be investigated, particularly in 9.203 Shear Strength Provided by Web Reinforcement
segments near a pier. At time of erection, the shear stress carried by the
shear key shall not exceed (1/6) 4f',. The shear strength provided by web reinforcement shall
be taken as
9.20.2 Shear Strength Provided by Concrete
Vs = (9-30) The strength provided by concrete, V e , shall be taken as
the lesser of the values Vd or Vcw.
where A, is the area of web reinforcement within a distance s. V, shall The shear strength, Vd, shall be computed by not be taken greater than (2/3) b 'd.

= 0.05 -sif b'd + Vd Vi Ma/MI/tax (9-27) The spacing of web reinforcing shall not exceed 0.75h or
600 mm. When V 5 exceeds (1/3) .4 b'd, this maximum spacing shall
but need not be less than 0.14 Alf b'd and d need not be taken less be reduced by one-half.
than 0.8h.
9.203.3. The minimum area of web reinforcement shall be
1! •
The moment causing flexural cracking at the section due to
externally applied loads, M a., shall be computed by (1/ 3)b's
A► (9-31)
= I* (0.5 'If + fa) 1 Y, (9-28)
where b' and s are in mm and f,y in MPa.
The maximum factored moment and factored shear at the section
due to externally applied loads, M ma,, and V i , shall be computed from The design yield strength of web reinforcement, f, y , shall
the load combination causing maximum moment at the section. not exceed 415 MPa.

9-30 9 31
- Horizontal, shear may be investigated by computing, in
9.20.4 Horizontal Shear Design--Composite Flexural Members any segment not exceeding one-tenth of the span, the change in
compressive or tensile force to be transferred, and provisions made to In a composite member, full transfer of horizontal shear transfer that force as horizontal shear between interconnected elements.
forces shall be assured at contact surfaces of interconnected elements. The factored horizontal shear force shall not exceed horizontal shear
strength 4 V nh in accordance with paragraph, except that length Design of cross sections subject to horizontal shear may of segment considered shall be substituted for d.
be in accordance with provisions of paragraph or, or
any other shear transfer design method that results in prediction of Ties for Horizontal Shear
strength in substantial agreement with results of comprehensive tests.
(a) When required, a minimum area of tie reinforcement shall be
9.20.43 Design of cross sections subject to horizontal shear may - provided between interconnected elements. Tie area shall not be
be based on less than (1/3) b ys/fy, and tie spacing s shall not exceed four times
the least web width of support element, nor 600 mm.
Vu \T ut, (9-31a)
(b) Ties for horizontal shear may consist of single bars or wire,
where V u is factored shear force at section considered, V uh is nominal multiple leg stirrups, or vertical legs of welded wire fabric. All ties
horizontal shear strength in accordance with the following, and where d shall be adequately anchored into interconnected elements by
is for the entire composite section. embedment or hooks.

(a) When contact surface is clean, free of laitance, and intentionally

(c) All beam shear reinforcement shall extend into cast-in-place deck
roughened, shear strength V nh shall not be taken greater than 0.6 slabs. Extended shear reinforcement may be used in satisfying the
b„ d, in newtons. minimum tie reinforcement.

(b) When minimum ties are provided in accordance with paragraph

9.21 ANCHORAGE ZONES, and contact surface is clean and free of laitance, but not
intentionally roughened, shear strength V nh shall not be taken 9.21.1 For beams with post-tensioning tendons, end blocks shall
greater than 0.6134 in newtons. be used to distribute the concentrated prestressing forces at the
anchorage. Where all tendons are pretensioned wires or 7-wire strand,
(c) When minimum ties are provided in accordance with paragraph
the. use of end blocks will not be required. End blocks shall have, and contact surface is clean, free of laitance, and
sufficient area to allow the spacing of the prestressing steel as specified
intentionally roughened to a full amplitude of approximatley 6.5
in Article 9.25. Preferably, they shall be as wide as the narrower flange
mm, shear strength V ui, shall not be taken greater than 2.41 b ycl
of.the beam. They shall have a length at least equal .to three-fourths of
in newtons.
the depth of the beam and in any case 600 mm. In post-tensioned
members, a closely spaced grid of both vertical and horizontal bars
(d) For each percent of tie reinforcement crossing the contact surface
in excess of the minimum required by, shear strength shall be placed near the face of the end block to resist bursting stresses.
Amounts of steel in the end grid should follow recommendations of the
V uh may be increased by (1.10fy1415)134 newtons.
supplier of the anchorage. Where such recommendations are not
available the amount of steel in the grid shall be designed and shall
consist of at least 10 mm bars on 75 mm centers in each direction

9-32 9-33
placed not more than 40 mm from the inside face of the anchor bearing Part D
9.21.2 Closely spaced reinforcement shall be placed both
vertically and horizontally throughout the length of the end block in
accordance with accepted methods of end block stress analysis. 9.24 FLANGE REINFORCEMENT

9.21.3 In pretensioned beams, vertical stirrups acting at a unit Bar reinforcement for cast-in-place T-beam and box girder flanges
stress of 140 MPa to resist at least 4 percent of the total prestressing shall conform to the provisions in Articles and except
force shall be placed within the distance of d14 of the end of the beam, that the minimum reinforcement in bottom flanges shall be 0.3 percent
the end stirrups to be as close to the end of the beam as practicable. For of the flange section.
at least the distance d from the end of the beam, nominal reinforcement
shall be placed to enclose the prestressing steel in the bottom flange. 9.25 COVER AND SPACING OF STEEL
For box girders, transverse reinforcement shall be provided and
anchored by extending the leg into the web of the girder. 9.25.1 Minimum Cover

The following minimum concrete cover shall be provided for

prestressing and conventional steel:
9.22 CONCRETE STRENGTH AT STRESS TRANSFER Prestressing Steel and Main Reinforcement .......... 40 mm
Unless otherwise specified, stress shall not be transferred to
concrete until the compressive strength of the concrete as indicated by Slab Reinforcement
test cylinders, cured by methods identical with the curing of the
members, is at least 28 MPa for pretensioned members (other than Top of Slab ......................................................... 40 mm
piles) and 24 MPa for post-tensioned members and pretensioned piles. Bottom of slab ................................... 25mm

9.23 DECK PANELS Stirrups and Ties ................................................... 25mm

9.23.1 Deck panels shall be prestressed with pretensioned strands. In locations where members are exposed to salt water,
The strands shall be in a direction transverse to the stringers when the salt spray, or chemical vapor, additional cover should be provided.
panels are placed on the supporting stringers. The top surface of the
panels shall be roughened in such a manner as to ensure composite 9.25.2 Minimum Spacing
action between the precast and cast-in-place concrete. The minimum clear spacing of prestressing steel at the
9.23.2 Reinforcing bars, or equivalent mesh, shall be placed in the ends of beams shall be as follows:
panel transverse to the strands to provide at least 230 mm /m of panel.
Netensioning steel: three times the diameter of the steel or 1 1/3 times
the maximum sin. of the concrete aggregate, whichever is greater.

9-34 9-35
Post-tensioning ducts: 40 ram or 1 1/2 times the maximum size of the Engineer and enclosed in a housing long enough to permit the necessary
concrete aggregate, whichever is greater. movements. When anchorages or couplers are located at critical
sections under ultimate load, the ultimate strength required of the Prestressing strands in deck panels shall be spaced bonded tendons shall not exceed the ultimate capacity of the tendon
symmetrically and uniformly across the width of the panel. They shall assembly, including the anchorage or coupler, tested in an unbonded
not be spaced farther apart than 1 1/2 times the total composite slab state.
thickness or more than 450 mm.
9.26.2 The anchorages of unbonded tendons shall develop at least 95
9.25.3 Bundling percent of the minimum specified ultimate strength of the prestressing
steel without exceeding anticipated set. The total elongation under When post-tensioning steel is draped or deflected, post- ultimate load of the tendon shall not be less than 2 percent measured in
tensioning ducts may be bundled in groups of three maximum, provided a minimum gauge length of 3.0 m.
that the spacing specified in Article 9.25.2 is maintained in the end 900
mm of the member. 9.26.3 For unbonded tendons, a dynamic test shall be performed on a
representative specimen and the tendon shall withstand, without failure, Where pretensioning steel is bundled, all bundling shall 590,000 cycles from 60 percent to 66 percent of its minimum specifed
be done in the middle third of the beam length and the deflection points Ultimate strength, and= also 50 cycles from 40 percent to 80 percent of
shall be investigated for secondary stresses. its minimum specified ultimate strength. The period of each cycle
involves the change from the lower stress level to the upper stress level
9.25.4 Size of Ducts and back to the lower. ' The specimen used for the second dynamic test
need not be the same used for the first dynamic test. Systems utilizing For tendons made up of a number of wires, bars. or multiple strands, wires, or bars may be tested utilizing a test tendon of
strands, duct area shall be at least twice the net area of the prestressing smaller capacity than the full - size tendon. The test tendon shall
steel. duplicate the behavior of the full size tendon and generally shall not
have less than 10 percent of the capacity of the full size tendon. For tendons made up of a single wire, bar or strand, the Dynamic tests are not required on bonded tendons, unless the anchorage
duct diameter shall be at least 6 mm larger than the nominal diameter of is located or used in such manner that repeated load applications can be
the wire, bar, or strand. expected on the anchorage.

9.26.4 Couplings of bonded tendons shall be used only at locations

9.26 POST-TENSIONING ANCHORAGES AND COUPLERS specifically indicated and/or approved by the Engineer. Couplings shall
not be used at points of sharp tendon curvature. All couplings shall
9.26.1 Anchorages, couplers, and splices for bonded post-tensioned develop at least 95 percent of the minimum specified ultimate strength
reinforcement shall develop at least 95 percent of the minimum of the prestressing - steel without exceeding anticipated set. The
specified ultimate strength of the prestressing steel, tested in an coupling of tendons shall not reduce the elngation at rupture below thc
unbonded state with out exceeding anticipated set. Bond transfer requirements of the tendon itself. Couplings and/or coupling
lengths between anchorages and the zone where full prestressing force Components shall be enclosed in housings long enough to permit the
is required under service and ultimate loads shall normally be sufficient necessary movements. All the coupling components shall be
to develop the minimum specified ultimate strength of the prestressing completely protected with a coating material prior to final encasement
steel. Couplers and splices shall be placed in areas approved by the in concrete.

9-36 9-37
9.26.5 Anchorages, end fittings, couplers, and exposed tendons shall Section 10
be permanetly protected against corrosion. STRUCTURAL STEEL


9.27.1 Three-or seven-wire pretensioning strand shall be bonded
beyond the critical section for a development length in mm not less tha n 10.1 APPLICATION

(fui* 10.1.1 Notations

3 fse)D (9-32)
6.9 A .= area of cross section (Articles, 10.34.4,,, 10,48.4.2,, and 10.55.1)
where D is the nominal diameter in mm, f*., and f se are in MPa, and the
A =- bending moment coefficient (Article
parenthetical expression is considered to be without units.
AF = amplification factor (Articles and 10.55.1)
(Afy)bf = product of area and yield point for bottom flange of steel
9.27.2 Investigations may be limited to those cross sections nearest section (Article
each end of the member which are required to develop their full
(Afil = product of area and yield point of that part of reinforcing
ultimate capacity. which lies in the compression zone of the slab (Article
9.27.3 Where strand is debonded at the end of a member and tension at product of area and yield point of that part reinforcing which
service load is allowed in the precompressed tensile zone, the
lies in the compression zone of the slab (Article
development length required above shall be doubled. product of area and yield point for web of steel section (Article
area of flange (Articles,,, and
9.28 BEARINGS 10.56.3)
area of compression flange (Article
Bearing devices for prestressed concrete structures shall be
A' total area of longitudinal reinforcing steel at the interior
designed in accordance with Article 10.29 and Section 14. support within the effective flange width (Article
Ars total area of longitudinal reinforcing slab reinforcement steel
for each beam over interior support (Article
As area of steel section (Articles
A area of web of beam (Article
a distance from cent e r of bolt under consideration to edge of
plate in millimeters (Articles and 10.56.2)
a = spacing of transverse stiffeners (Article
a = depth of stress block (Figure 10.50A)
a = ratio of numerically smaller to the larger end moment (Article

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