Organizational Development of The City Bank - Compressed

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Internship Report on Organizational Development of City

Bank Limited
An Internship Report on
Organizational Development of City Bank Limited
(An internship report to fulfill the requirement of a Bachelor Degree)

Supervised by:

Ms. Shayma Sadia Nurin


School of Business

Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology

Submitted by:

Farhan Tanvir Tonmoy


Program: Bachelor of Business Administration

School of Business

Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology

Date of submission:17/10/2021

Letter of Transmittal

17th October, 2021

Ms. Shayma Sadia Nurin
School of Business
Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology

Subject: Submission of internship report.

Dear Madam,

I am submitting my internship report on the title as Organizational Development of City Bank

Limited to you within the given time allowed to me by you. To complete my Bachelors of Business
Administration program, report is a pre-requisite. This report was conducted under your utmost
supervision and report is built under your superlative direction. During this internship program,
my assignment was to find the factors of organizational development various process of the City

I will be obliged if you accept my report and grant your final evaluating remark in order to acquire
my graduation accreditation. Thanking you in advance.

Your sincerely,
Farhan Tanvir Tonmoy
Program: BBA
Student Id:

Declaration of The Student

I am Farhan Tanvir Tonmoy, student of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (BBA)
declaring that this internship report on the topic of Organizational Development of City Bank
Limited have only been prepared for the fulfillment of internship course.
I hereby declare that this report has been solely prepared by me under my supervisor guideline and
to the best of my knowledge. It contains no materials previously published or written by any other
person, except the quotations and reference which have been duly acknowledged. It has not been
prepared for any another purpose, reward, or presentation.

Your sincerely,
Farhan Tanvir Tonmoy
Student Id:


First of all, I am very grateful to Allah for helping me to complete my report. I am very fortunate
to get the sincere guidance and supervision from a number of people, foremost I would like to
convey my sincere gratitude to Ms. Shayma Sadia Nurin, Lecturer, Ahsanullah University of
Science & Technology for her encouragement and cooperation in writing this report. I am also
indebted to her for his constant guidance. My family and friends also assist me in every step of my
work whenever I need them, I found them beside me.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all my course mates for their constant help
and inspirations.

Farhan Tanvir Tonmoy

Student Id:

Executive Summary
This report is prepared on the basis of my three-month practical experience at City Bank Limited.
This internship program helped me to learn about the practical scenario of organizational
development process of City Bank. City Bank is one of the fastest growing banks in the country.
In order to support the planned growth of its distribution, network and its various business
segments, City Bank is currently looking for impressive goal oriented, enthusiastic, individuals for
various business operations. This report has been presented based on my observation and
experience gathered from the company. The organization has many divisions and departments but
the focus is given on the organizational development & HR strategy department of HR division.

This report mentions about organizational development process of City Bank Limited. An analysis
is conducted to find out the employee perspective about organizational development. The result
that is found is quite considerable.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1............................................................................................................................................. 1

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Origin of the report............................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Objective of the report ....................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Methodology ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Limitations.......................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2............................................................................................................................................. 4

An overview of the City Bank Limited................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Background of the City Bank Limited .................................................................................. 5
2.2 Mission of the City Bank Limited ........................................................................................ 5
2.3 Vision of the City Bank Limited........................................................................................... 5
2.4 Core values of the City Bank Limited .................................................................................. 6
Chapter 3............................................................................................................................................. 7

Internship Duties and Experience ........................................................................................................ 7

3.1 Position, Duties and Responsibility:.................................................................................... 8
3.2 Skills Applied...................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Application of Academic knowledge .................................................................................. 9
Chapter 4........................................................................................................................................... 10

Organizational Development Process of the City Bank Limited. .......................................................... 10

4.1 Strategic Planning .................................................................................................................. 11
4.1.1 Human Resource Planning ..................................................................................... 11
4.1.2 Human Resources Accounting ................................................................................ 12
4.1.3 Succession Planning ............................................................................................... 12
4.1.4 HR Strategy Statement ........................................................................................... 13
4.2 Organization Culture ............................................................................................................. 15
4.3 Performance Development for Organizational Development ................................................ 16
4.3.1 Training Policy........................................................................................................ 16 Training Need Identification ....................................................................... 16 Training Categories ..................................................................................... 16

6 Identifying Training Vendor ........................................................................... 16 Training Calendar .......................................................................................... 17 Training Approval and Training Cost .............................................................. 17 Responsibility ................................................................................................ 17
4.3.2 Performance Management Process for Organizational Development ........................... 17 An Overview of Performance Management Cycle of City Bank Limited ........... 17
4.3.3 Performance Improvement Plan for Organization Development .................................. 18 Performance Improvement Plan Appreciation ............................................... 18
4.4 Reward & Recognition Program for Organizational Development of City Bank Limited .... 18
4.4.1 Staff Appreciation Program .............................................................................. 18
4.4.2 The Golden Spirit Award .................................................................................. 19
4.4.3 The Chairman’s Excellence Award .................................................................... 19
Chapter 5........................................................................................................................................... 20

Analysis and Findings ......................................................................................................................... 20

5.1 Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 21
5.1.1 Quantitative Data .............................................................................................. 21
5.1.2 Statistical Graph of Survey Questionnaire .......................................................... 24
5.2 Findings .......................................................................................................................... 30
Conclusion and Recommendations .................................................................................................... 31
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 32
Recommendations....................................................................................................................... 33
Reference .......................................................................................................................................... 34
Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 354

Chapter 1
Organizational development is a critical and science-based process that helps organizations build
their capacity to change and achieve greater effectiveness by developing, improving, and
reinforcing strategies, structures, and processes. Organizational development in bank is a complex
phenomenon of a sustainable and multifunctional nature. The goal of organizational development
is to generate creative ideas and implement changes in order to provide an appropriate level of
rational interaction between the organizational development subjects.

Organization development is the attempt to influence the members of an organization to expand

their candidness with each other about their views of the organization and their experience in it,
and to take greater responsibility for their own actions as organization members. The topic under
consideration is organizational development, knowledge creation and change management.
Organization development is a response to change, a complex educational strategy intended to
change the beliefs, attitudes, values, structure of organization so that they can better adapt new
technologies, markets, and challenges, and the dizzying rate of changes itself according to current
situation of market in the new trend of globalization.

1.1 Origin of the report

The internship report has been prepared for making a study on Organizational Development of
City Bank Ltd. It is required to do an internship in an organization for the completion of Bachelor
of Business Administration program at Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. The
guideline and preparation of the report was supervised and directed by Ms. Shayma Sadia Nurin,
Lecturer, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology and I am thankful to her for assigning
this report.

1.2 Objective of the report

 To describe the organizational development practices of the City Bank Limited.

 To find-out the organization culture, training and development process in human resource
division of the City Bank Limited.
 To understand necessary steps to overcome the problems and make possible
improvement in the future.
 To know about the training and reward process and policy of the CBL.

1.3 Methodology

To make the report more meaningful and presentable, secondary data and information were used
widely. The secondary data are used to make the report richer and informative. The details of these
sources are gives below:

 Secondary sources:
 Annual report, publications, training materials

 Periodical statements of the bank, brochures, booklets etc.
 Official Website of the City Bank Ltd.
 Documentary file of the City Bank Ltd.
 Data Process and Analysis:

 Conducting a survey of twenty employees helped me to collect data. The

questionnaire is attached in the report in the Appendix. The survey helped me
in both deriving the information and also explaining the condition of perspective
of the employees of the concerned division.
 I conduct this survey on Google form and after that I gather all the data and made a chart
by using excel and SPSS.

1.4 Limitations

There were certain limitations while conducting the study. These are summarized below:

 The main obstacle while preparing this report was time. As the tenure of the internship
program was very short, it was not possible to highlight everything deeply.
 There were less records, publications as per my requirement.
 Work pressure in the office was another limitation restricting this report from being more
detailed or analytical.
 I can’t collect many data from my department as a matter of confidential and it was a major
barrier for complete my report.

Chapter 2
An overview of the City Bank

2.1 Background of the City Bank Limited
City Bank, established in 1983, is one of the oldest private commercial banks in Bangladesh. It is
a highly reputed bank among the top local banks that is well known for adopting global practices
by doing away with the age-old traditional and decentralized banking practices and culture.

City Bank was the visionary entrepreneurship of 13 local businessmen who braved the immense
uncertainties and risks with courage and made it possible for the Bank to rapidly march forward.
The sponsor directors, at the time commenced the journey with a capital of only Taka 3.4 crores
which is today worth an amount of Taka 2311.78 crores.

City Bank, in collaboration with American Express, has launched the prestigious American
Express Credit Card in Bangladesh and is the sole caretaker of the brand overseeing all its local
operations. City Bank is also the first bank in Bangladesh to have issued Dual Currency Credit
Card and it holds a principal membership of VISA and MasterCard franchises.

2.2 Mission of the City Bank Limited

They are focused on their Mission of becoming the financial services group of choice in

Towards this extent, they intend to:

 Offer a wide array of products and services that differentiate and excite all customer
 Be the ‘Employer of choice’ by offering an environment where people excel and
leadership is created
 Continuously challenge processes and platforms to enhance effectiveness and efficiency
 Promote innovation and automation with a view to guaranteeing and enhancing excellence
in service
 Ensure respect for the community, good governance and compliance in everything they

2.3 Vision of the City Bank Limited

They are driven by their Vision of emerging as a financial supermarket with a winning culture,
while offering enjoyable experiences to their stakeholders.

2.4 Core values of the City Bank Limited
Our Values define the way we think, work and act. We believe that we can realize our vision and
mission when the expected behavior from our employees is clearly defined. Our core values reflect
the following:

• We are ‘results-driven’

• We are ‘engaged’ and ‘inspired’

• We are ‘accountable’ and ‘transparent’

• We are ‘courageous’ and ‘respectful’

• We are focused on ‘customer delight’

2.5 Department of City Bank

The bank organizes all the jobs considering their interrelationship and they are allocated in a
particular department to control the system effectively. The departments are fitted for the
particular works and the performance of a particular department is measured perfectly. City Bank
Ltd. Has following departments:

Human Resources Division Logistics and Support

Finance Division Information Technology

Audit and Inspection Division Retail

Marketing Division Credit Division

Corporate Banking SME

Consumer Banking Credit and Monitoring

Treasury Corporate Affairs

Service and Correspondent Banking Recovery and Legal

Brand Cards

Chapter 3
Internship Duties and Experience

3.1 Position, Duties and Responsibility:

 Position
 My position was an intern of City Bank Limited.
 I was placed to do my internship responsibilities to OD & HR Strategy Department, Human
Resource Division of City Bank Limited Head Office, City Bank Centre that is situated at
the 136 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan- 2.

 Duties & Responsibilities

 My duties are to be flexible and should be assigned to any job or job description as the
bank may deem fit and necessary from time to time.
 I did report to my supervisor Md. Omar Hossain Talukder, Officer, Talent Management,
OD & HR strategy, Human resource at City Bank Center, 136 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-
2, Dhaka-1212.
 I am working in the Organizational Development and HR strategy division of City Bank
which is situated in Gulshan-2. Here, I need to check the data and update it in Microsoft
excel sheet. I have to check the PIP (Performance improvement plan) and PMP
(Performance management plan) value of each employee. Besides that, I also working for
R&R (Reward and Recognition).
 The Key Performance Indicators for PIP shall be rated on a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 signifying
the highest level of achievement and 4 the lowest. Objective Measurement Standards for
each KPI shall define what an appraise needs to achieve against those individual KPIs to
achieve the rating. Typically, an achievement of above 115% shall translate into a rating
of 1 and an achievement of less than 75% shall translate into a rating of 4. I got all the file
of employee and I have to check if the measurement with value is correct or wrong.
 During my internship I did not permit to engage directly or indirectly with any other
company or financial institution or organization without prior written approval of the
authorized person of the bank.

3.2 Skills Applied In Workplace

 Using short cut techniques while inputting data in the software

 Using my presentation skill
 Mathematical skill while calculating value amount
 Be responsible and accountable while submitting file
 Can co-ordinate while organizing reward & recognition program

3.3 Application of Academic Knowledge

 Use KPI method to take correct decision on my work to go through right direction that I
learnt from training and development course.
 Applied ethical knowledge to be ethical in corporate place.
 Taking all ethical decision that I learnt from Business ethical course.
 Tried to behave nicely with my colleague and senior officer by applying that knowledge
that I learnt from Organizational behavior course.
 Tried to complete all my responsibilities as a corporate employee by applying that
knowledge that I learnt from human resource courses.
 Try to be legal to follow all employees law that I learnt from Business Law course.

Chapter 4
Organizational Development Process of the
City Bank Limited.

4.1 Strategic Planning
The benefits of strategic planning are well documented. A strategic planning process allows
organizations to set a direction, providing objectives and goals that are used for assessing progress
across the organization. Strategic planning also allows organizations to be proactive, by better
understanding opportunities and threats that may be on the horizon. Being proactive can improve
differentiation versus the competition and enable the efficient deployment of resources. Finally, a
strategic plan increases operational efficiency, helps to increase market share and profitability, and
makes the overall business more sustainable in the long term. Unfortunately, just having a strategic
plan is not enough. At many financial institutions, the strategic planning process fails because the
planning is done simply to say that bank or credit union has a plan. If an organization is not
committed to implementing the strategy, the planning effort may turn into a demoralizing factor.

 4.1.1 Human Resource Planning

Human Resources Planning (HRP) is the process of analyzing a Bank’s human resources needs
under changing conditions and developing the activities necessary to satisfy these needs.

HRP systematically forecast City Bank future demand for, and supply of, employees. By
estimating the number and types of employees that will be needed, the human resources
department can better plan its recruitment, selection, training, career planning and other related
activities. HRP - or employment planning, as it is also called – allows the department to staff the
Bank at the right time with the right people. Not only can it help companies meet their affirmative
action goals; effective HRP improves a department’s ability to respond proactively and in a
socially responsible manner to the challenges it faces.

The data collected for City Bank Limited HRP can be used for the following purposes:

 Improve the utilization of human resources

 Efficiently match personnel activities and future organizational objectives
 Achieve economies in hiring new employees
 Expand the human resource management information base to assist other personnel
activities and other organizational units
 Make major and successful demands on local labor markets
 Coordinate different human resource management programs such as affirmative action
plans and hiring needs.

 4.1.2 Human Resources Accounting

In order to come to use the HR data effectively, City Bank follow the principles of HR accounting
in recording the HR related information. The data can be easily managed by a customized database
to suit the management decision process of the Bank regarding HR. The following information is
essential in order to come to a sound and transparent decision regarding all HR issues such as
transfer, promotion or redundancy:

 Education rating
 Training received
 Job history
 Performance rating
 Intelligence and emotional quotient

 4.1.3 Succession Planning

Even with the most well planned organizations – employees leave either through resignation,
termination or even death. An unexpected health ailment, such as a heart attack, can lead to death
and change a corporate structure overnight. The permanent loss of an employee can have a lasting,
damaging effect on any business that is not properly prepared. Succession plans establish the
identity of the individual who will step in and assume the role of a departed MD, Division Head,
Branch Manager, or other key employee, allowing City Bank to make the transition and continue
performing. However, the repercussions of an employee loss, particularly when coupled with the
lack of a succession plan, can lead to corporate disorganization, negative press coverage, loss of
customers, loss of market share, and low employee morale.

 4.1.4 HR Strategy Statement

City Bank HR strategy statement is “Develop a performance oriented winning culture to attract and retain
and talent where they feel motivated to perform and strive for continuous development and where HR is
perceived as an aligned & true business partner.”

Challenges Opportunities
Change acceptance
anddisruption Well structured
impact across the organization

Fianacial flexibility
New way of learning

Resource bandwidth
with HR

Figure: Implementation challenges and opportunities

4.2 Organization Culture
City Bank culture aligns with its mission, core values that thoughtfully considered and support the
business objectives that allow the bank to fulfill its mission. Once established, City Bank core
values communicated throughout the organization. City Bank culture instilled rather than imposed.
Simple platitudes cannot produce a desired culture, especially if actions are inconsistent with the
expressed cultural values. Instead, values should be consistently reinforced and demonstrated
through senior leaders’ actions.

Achieving acceptable level of financial results is crucial. The argument is that without adequate
profitability, a bank pursuit of its vision as well as its long term health and ultimate survival is
jeopardized. Besides, neither shareholders nor creditors will continue to sink additional funds into
an enterprise that can’t deliver satisfactory financial results. Even so, the achievement of financial
performance by itself is not enough. Managers pay attention to the bank strategic well being- its
competitiveness and overall long term business position. Unless City Bank performance reflects
improving competitive strength and stronger long term market position, its progress is less than
inspiring and its ability to continue delivering good financial performance is suspect. The central
issue associated with organizational culture is its linkage with organizational performance.

City Bank has integrated programs, policies, and strategies for corporate culture development,
based on recognizing that the company’s performance is affected through cultural factors within
the organization. The effectiveness of this organizational cultural approach helps the bank counter
the effects of competitors, especially large banks like Citibank, Eastern Bank Limited, and UCB.
Thus, the corporate culture is used as a strategic tool that aligns human resources with City Bank
corporate mission and vision statements, and related long-term strategic plans of the business for
achieving and maintaining leadership in the global financial services market.

City Bank organizational culture is for ethics and teamwork in the banking operations, with
cultural traits that motivate employees to abide by the organization’s philosophy and core values.
The resulting human resource management situation reflects the needs of the company in terms of
culturally supporting its competitive advantages in the financial services industry. The following
characteristics define City Bank corporate culture:

 Leadership accountability
 Ethical conduct
 Disciplined management of risk
 Team orientation
 Empowerment through diversity

4.3 Performance Development for Organizational Development
To acquire the goals set for the development of an organization, human resource evolution is
essential where continuity of employees and management training is of utmost importance to
ensure the development of indispensable professional qualities such as skills and competencies.
To ensure these and accomplish the desired objectives City Bank Limited has an excellent
institution exhibited for the sole purpose of training where specialist provide their services.

Development is an affiliated process designed to relate the tasks to the point that trainees can
acquire both enhanced work performance and character maturity. It helps a person to become a
better version of themselves through growth advancement and capacity increment.

 4.3.1 Training Policy

At City Bank Ltd. (CBL) they believe that people are their major assets and thus they need to
invest behind the development of their talents to prepare them for further career and leadership
growth. The Bank believes that appropriate forms of training/learning interventions and enabling
opportunities contribute to human resources development by the way of upgrading the functional
competencies, leadership competencies and existing potentials which benefits both the employee
and the organization. Apart from institutionalized training, on the job training, coaching,
mentoring, assigning challenging jobs and other interventions of similar kind will also be done for
employee development.

 Training Need Identification

At CBL, development needs of employees are identified through a two-layered approach, namely
macro & micro. The macro approach tends to identify the key development areas (both functional
and leadership) of people in the organization, which will have a direct impact on the success of the
business strategy. The micro approach tries to discover the development areas of an individual
through the annual performance appraisal process.

 Training Categories

Training and development interventions cater for two major purpose, one it helps individuals pick
up the skills to do their current job properly and second it aids in developing the employee’s skills
to move to the next level.

 Identifying Training Vendor

In case of local or international training it is primarily the responsibility of the HR to select the
training vendor/institute. The respective division will provide assistance where necessary.

 Training Calendar

Upon collection of all the needs and finalization/selection of training providers, HR will prepare
a yearly training calendar based on the identified training needs of the employees.

 Training Approval and Training Cost

All training nomination needs to be approved by line manager and divisional head before the
employee can attend the training. In case of international training the training and travel
authorization must be taken from MD. When an individual has been nominated by CBL to attend
a specific training, all training cost will be carry by CBL.

 Responsibility

Training is a shared responsibility of the individuals, supervisors and of the Company. The
Human Resources/Division - is responsible for coordinating local and foreign training for CBL
employees according to the requirements of the Divisions.

4.3.2 Performance Management Process for Organizational Development

Performance Management (PM) is a process in which managers and employees work together to
plan, monitor and review an employee’s work objectives and overall contribution to the
organization. It is a continuous process of setting objectives, assessing progress, providing on-
going coaching and feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their objectives and career
goals, in support of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organization. The City Bank
(CBL) has Result Driven as a stated value and it promotes its efficacy through following outcomes
of the PM process.

 An Overview of Performance Management Cycle of City Bank Limited

Goal Setting is an exercise which links the job description to current organizational objectives.
The exercise culls out the specific tasks that a job-holder needs to work upon for the current
performance cycle that aligns to organizational priorities. The performance management year for
The City Bank (CBL) is January to December. The top management of the bank (MANCOM) is
expected to formulate the overall business plan and each division would sketch their divisional
plan based on the overall organizational business plan for the coming year by the year end of the
previous year. The Board, Managing Director and MANCOM shall give itself certain targets along
with strategies to achieve the same with respect to risk and other metrics. The Managing Director,
along with the Divisional Heads would further break down this objective for the various business
divisions and functions.

4.3.3 Performance Improvement Plan for Organization Development

The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) needs to be initiated only when the employee has
consistently been unable to reach desired standards of delivery. As a thumb rule, there should be
at least two instances where the appraiser has recorded underperformance of an employee. Such
recording may be in a written or electronic format where both the employee and the human
resource division are marked or relevant systems updated. The purpose of the policy is to outline
CBL’s approach to managing incidents of underperformance, once it has been established that this
is due to an employee’s lack of capability or behavior as exhibited at the workplace.

 Performance Improvement Plan Appreciation

All employees who have been part of the appraisal process and contributed to the success of The
City Bank Limited for the given year need to be rewarded in co-relation to their ratings. Employees
who have returned good ratings shall be given Merit Increases subject to overall organization
performance and the variable pay policy of the bank. Variable pay, however, shall be solely linked
to performance only.

4.4 Reward & Recognition Program for Organizational Development of City

Bank Limited

City Bank Limited (CBL) feels that the individual and team effort and performance should be
regularly appreciated and recognized so as to keep their employees motivated to give in their best
efforts. And more importantly by recognizing these performances, City Bank reinforce, with their
chosen means of recognition, the actions and behaviors they want CBL employees to repeat most.

There are many types of reward and recognition as described by their policy and applicable for
CBL employees. The policy has been prepared in line with the tax law of land where applicable.
Under this policy, reward and recognition is one-time cash or non-cash award for outstanding
performance by CBL employees.

 4.4.1 Staff Appreciation Program

This is an informal and non-monetary recognition given to individuals for a work well done. This
can be done by giving the individual a “Thank You” card, a thank you and appreciating mail or a
certificate of special achievement recognizing his/ her efforts that were worth the appreciation.

 4.4.2 The Golden Spirit Award

The purpose of the Golden Spirit Awards is to reward those permanent employees who show
exemplary achievement, contribution, and performance in their jobs and other related duties
beyond their own work scope. The Golden Spirit Award aims at rewarding employees who:

 Show a positive attitude toward work responsibilities, co-workers and customers and serve
as a role model for others.
 Showed a positive attitude towards work responsibilities, co-workers and customer and
serve as a role model for others.
 Show commitment to quality in carrying out job responsibilities and have the potential and
willingness to take new initiatives and perform above and beyond the regular scope.

 4.4.3 The Chairman’s Excellence Award

The purpose of the Chairman’s Excellence Awards is to motivate, recognize, and reward
outstanding performance that supports the overall organizational goals of CBL. This award aims
to recognize those employees who have continually gone above and beyond the call of duty and
have truly made a difference through their relentless hard work and dedication. Employees must
consistently perform in an exemplary manner, exceeding the expectations of their position, and
their performance must bring major financial benefit or major process benefit for CBL.

Chapter 5
Analysis and Findings

5.1 Analysis

This chapter is all about the analysis that was conducted to get a clear view about
the organizational development of the City Bank Limited. This part also includes the
 Research Design

Variable Information Source of Methods Researchers

Needed information’s

Dependent Gender of 20 employees Qualitative: Farhan

variable: the of HR Tanvir
respondent Division of Survey
Employee City Bank
perspective Limited
Age of the

 Collection from design

The questionnaire consisted of two parts Part A- The questionnaire asked for some personal
information like age, gender, years of experience at City Bank Limited. Part B- The questionnaire
was detailed in such a way so that the employee can express their perspective level. Moreover, the
questionnaire form also included some questions out of which a qualitative conclusion can be
drawn. The options are assigned on a nominal scale. The questionnaire is attached in the report
later in the Appendix.

 Sample Size

The survey is done on 20 employees in the HR division.

 Data Analysis

After entry all the data in excel sheet I made a chart which are provided in the report.

5.1.1 Quantitative Data

 Gender

The survey was done on 12 male (60%) and 8 female (40%).

 Age of the Respondents

In the survey it was found that 12 employees (60%) are between the age of 20-30 years of age. 6
(30 %) of them are between the age of 31-40 years of age. Lastly only 2 (10%) of them are above
40 years of age.

 Years of Work Experience at City Bank Limited

 2 of the respondents have experience of 1 year.
 2 of the respondents have the experience of 2 years.
 6 of them have the experience of 3 years.
 4 of the respondents have the experience of 4 years.
 1 of them has the experience of 5 years.
 4 of them have the experience of 6 years.
 1 of them has the experience of 7 years.

Correlation between the Level of Agreement/ Disagreement and Age

20-30 31-40 > 40 Total
Level of Agree 5 1 0 6
Agreement/ Strongly
Disagreement and 7 3 2 10
Age Neutral 0 3 0 3
Disagree 0 1 0 1

Strongly Disagree 0 0 0 0
Total 12 8 2 20

Table: Level of perspective of the entire organizational development of City Bank Limited * age
(cross tabulation)

Correlation Between Agreement Level and Age



Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

20-30 31-40 <40

Figure: Correlation between the level of agreement/ disagreement of

organizational development and age

As shown in the chart the employees between the ages of 20-30 years of ages are mostly agreed.
This may be because the facilities they provide finely coincide with the organizational
development and meet it by their needs.

5.1.2 Statistical Graph of Survey Questionnaire

1. Employee in this organization are an important source of information

for organizational development.

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree 50%

Agree 25%

Neutral 25%

Disagree 0

Strongly disagree 0

0 0.2 0.4 0.6

50% of the employees are agree that employee in this organization are an extremely important
source of information. 25% employees are agreed and rest of the employees are neutral. So, we
can understand there are some lacking of source of information or some employee can’t get any
proper information from another employee.

2.Top managers in any important decision seek information or

advice from the board of directors.

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree 45%

Agree 25%

Neutral 25%

Disagree 5%

Strongly disagree 0

0 0.2 0.4 0.6

45% employee are strongly agree that top managers in any important decision seek information
or advice from the board of directors. But, it can also see that 25% employee are neutral and 5%
employee are disagreeing with this statement. It means top managers sometimes didn’t seek
information from board of directors for important decision making.
3. In this organization we often organize internal training of our
employees for a better understand about organization and their duty.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree 35%

Agree 40%

Neutral 20%

Disagree 5%

Strongly disagree 0%

0% 20% 40% 60%


75% employee are agreed that City Bank often organize training for their employee. But, 20%
employee are neutral and 5% employee are disagreed. It means City Bank can’t focus all the
employee who need a training and development program.

4.In this organization every employee can work with a good working

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree 30%

Agree 50%

Neutral 20%

Disagree 0%

Strongly disagree 0%

0% 20% 40% 60%


30% employee are strongly agreed and 50% employee are agreed that they can work with a good
working environment. So, it can be understanding that City Bank have a very good working
environment for their employee.

5. In this organization we explicitly reward employee who give
their best contribution for this organization.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree 20%

Agree 40%

Neutral 10%

Disagree 30%

Strongly disagree 0%

0% 20% 40% 60%


30% employee are disagreed with this statement. It clearly understands that City Bank can’t
explicitly reward all employee who give their best contribution for this organization. It can also
see that almost 60% employee are agreed with this statement.

6. Effective communication with every department plays a

vital role in organizational development.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree 40%

Agree 40%

Neutral 20%

Disagree 0%

Strongly disagree 0%

0% 20% 40% 60%


Almost 80% employee believe that effective communication with every department plays a vital
role in organizational development. It really helps a company to grow up fast and maintain an
effective balance with every department.

7. This organization introduces enough new policies and
procedures for organizational development.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree 25%

Agree 60%

Neutral 15%

Disagree 0%

Strongly disagree 0%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%


Almost 85% employee believes that City Bank introduces enough new policies and procedures
for organizational development. New policies are very important for any organizational
development and City Bank strictly maintain it.

8. The goals of this organization are clearly stated and

understandable to employee.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree 30%

Agree 45%

Neutral 20%

Disagree 5%

Strongly disagree 0%

0% 20% 40% 60%


30% employee strongly agreed that the goals of this organization are clearly stated and
understandable to employee and 45% employee agreed with this statement. But, there are 5% of
employee who disagreed with this statement. So, it can be say that some employee of this
organization doesn’t have a clear view about the goal.

9. The priorities of this organization were understood by its
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree 35%

Agree 40%

Neutral 25%

Disagree 0%

Strongly disagree 0%

0% 20% 40% 60%


Almost 75% of employee agreed that the priorities of this organization understood by them. It is
a very essential matte because, if an employee can understand about his/her priorities then they
can feel independent and they can provide a better contribution for the organization.

10. Team building is an important part of organizational

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree 55%

Agree 40%

Neutral 5%

Disagree 0%

Strongly disagree 0%

0% 20% 40% 60%


95% employee believe that team building is an important part of organizational development.
From these it can be stated that, City Bank work as a team.

11. The leadership strategy of this organization is well
organized and help its progress.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree 20%

Agree 65%

Neutral 15%

Disagree 0%

Strongly disagree 0%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%


Leadership is a major role for organizational development. In here, almost 85% employee are
agreed that leadership strategy of this organization is well organized and help its progress.
Besides that, 15% employee are neutral with these statement.

12. CBL identifies specific problem areas in organization and outlines

steps and resolve them in their planning change program.

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree 40%

Agree 55%

Neutral 5%

Disagree 0%

Strongly disagree 0%

0% 20% 40% 60%


Almost 95% employee believe that CBL identifies specific problem areas in organization and
outlines steps and resolve them in their planning change program. By identifies specific problem
it can easy to understand the employee’s problem and then it is easy to solve that problem.

5.2 Findings
1. Most of the employees are agree that employee in this organization are an extremely important
source of information.

2. Most employees agreed that top managers in any important decision seek information or advice
from the board of directors.
3. 5% employees are disagreeing with this statement “In this organization we often organize
internal training of our employees”.
4. 30% employee are disagreed with this statement that, City Bank explicitly reward employee
who give their best contribution for this organization.
5. 5 % employees thinks that this organization can’t explicitly reward employee who give their
best contribution for this organization.
6. Almost 80% employee believe that effective communication with every department plays a vital
role in organizational development.
7. Almost 85% employee believes that City Bank introduces enough new policies and procedures
for organizational development.

8. 30% employee strongly agreed that the goals of this organization are clearly stated and
understandable to employee and 45% employee agreed with this statement.

9. Almost 75% of employee agreed that the priorities of this organization understood by them.

10. 95% employee believe that team building is an important part of organizational development.

11. 15% employee are neutral with the statement that leadership is a major role for organizational

12. Almost 95% employee believe that CBL identifies specific problem areas in organization and
outlines steps and resolve them in their planning change program.

Conclusion and

One cannot deny the success that City Bank has achieved so far in Bangladesh. Taking capital and
reserve value from $3 crore to $400 crore is no ordinary task. The bank has a full-fledged HR
system; it takes out the ‘human factor’ of their success. Organizational development department
of City Bank is working all the time to sustain and satisfy its employees. According to my own
experience the working environment of the organization is very inspiring. However, the
organization needs to work a lot to satisfy its experienced and old employees. The organization is
always keen to implement new rules and actions for improvement.

Involvement programs help capture the creativity, energy, and ideas many people have. They also
allow departments and individuals to work cross-functionally, and create an environment of
learning and constant renewal. This may improve work methods and processes continually, reduce
the costs of doing business, improve safety, and reduce accidents. Exchanging ideas always
improves communication and the knowledge that top management is open and willing to act on
the ideas improves trust.

According to the result of the analysis and my practical observation the employees seem quite
satisfied and fulfilled working in the organization. Still it is not worth less to work towards
perfection. Therefore the organization is all the time moving towards making the work
environment the ‘employee choice.’ The result of the analysis can be coinciding with the practical
situation of the organization. Hopefully the standards and effects of employee perspective will be
even better in the near future

Though I am very small person to do recommend a bank like City Bank Limited. But for the
requirement of report I have to do this. I can recommend City Bank on the basis of my personnel
working experience in the organizational development department. I can recommend City Bank
Limited (HR division) on following issue-

 Some employees suggested that they should be provided with more training on safety and
security. Therefore, CBL could organize training on safety and security for the welfare and
safe guard of employees.
 CBL could work more on making the salary and benefits they provide to make them more
attracting as employees find this factor very important to boost their satisfaction level.
 CBL could work more on their premises to protect against natural calamities, so that
employees feel safe as it is a very essential in employee satisfaction for organizational
 To be fair, a program must not favor one employee over another, merely because of his or
her position within the organization, or his relationship with his supervisor. There must be
an effective means of identifying employees who should be recognized. In many programs,
there is an easy means by which employees can nominate others for recognition. As a
supplement to a nomination program, supervisors can keep lists of notable employee
achievements. According to my opinion there is a slight discrimination among departments
at CBL. This may be a critical point for the organization. Therefore, CBL could work to
diminish the sense of discrimination among employees, to keep them satisfied.

 Khan, M. K. (2020, December 31). City Bank Annual Report. Annual reports. Retrieved
October 17, 2021, from
 Khan, M. K. (2019, December 27). Bank That Generations Bank On. Annual reports.
Retrieved October 10, 2021, from
 2020. Annual Report on City Bank Limited. City Bank.



Dear Respondent,

I, Farhan Tanvir Tonmoy, student of Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology (BBA
Department) is conducting a survey to measure the level of employee satisfaction in the HR of
City Bank Limited. This survey is done to derive information that would help me to furnish my
internship report. It would be very kind of you if you accurately respond to the questionnaire. I
assure you that information is going to be used for academic purpose only.



Gender: Male Female

Age: 20-30 31-40 above 40

Years of work in the organization:


Part B

1. Employee in this organization are an important source of information for organizational

a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

2. Top managers in any important decision seek information or advice from the board of
a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

3. In this organization we often organize internal training of our employees for a better
understand about organization and their duty.
a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

4. In this organization every employee can work with a good working environment.
a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

5. In this organization we explicitly reward employee who give their best contribution for
this organization.
a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

6. Effective communication with every department plays a vital role in organizational

a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

7. This organization introduces enough new policies and procedures for organizational
a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

8. The goals of this organization are clearly stated and understandable to employee.
a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

9. The priorities of this organization were understood by its employees.

a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

10. Team building is an important part of organizational development.

a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

11. The leadership strategy of this organization is well organized and help its progress.
a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

12. CBL identifies specific problem areas in organization and outlines steps and resolve them
in their planning change program.
a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree


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