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Unit Map

Dhahran Ahliyya Schools

Al Shaikh, Suha / Grade 7 Computer / Grade 7 / ‫( ال ساب ع ال صف‬Intermediate School -

Unit: Information Technology (Week 3, 4 Weeks)

Stage 1: Desired Results

Standards & Expectations

‫وال توق عات ال م عاي ير‬
Technology, Grades 6-8, Technology
Standard 5. Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethi
cal behavior.

 5.08 Exhibit legal and ethical behaviors when using information and technology, and discuss conse
quences of misuse.

Standard 6. Technology Operations and Concepts

Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations.

 6.09 Use current techniques for input and output devices.

7-9 expectations.docx
Enduring Understanding Essential Questions
‫ال عم يق ال فهم‬ ‫ال جوهري ة األ س ئ لة‬

1. The effects of technology in h 1. Why do we need technology?

er daily life. 2. What is the impact of technolo
2. The value of ethics personally gy on society ?
and technically.
3. The amount of technological d
evices that are used every day

Knowledge Skills
‫ال مح توى‬ ‫ال مهارات‬

Students will know .. Students will be able to :

1. Key terms: Technology, Ethics, and secu 1. Define technology

rity of data and information. 2. List examples of different technologies u
2. Variable technologies used in their life. sed in life and school.
3. Positive and negative uses of technologie 3. Compare between positive and negative
s. uses of technology.
4. The most basic ways that technology has 4. Use ethics while using technology.
changed our world. 5. Protect data and information by using pa
5. How technology has changed the way stu sswords, antivirus, backup files.
dents learn. 6. Compare and contrast technology and sci
6. That it is important to evaluate all forms ence.
of technology to determine if they are po 7. Describe impacts that technology has ha
sitive or negative. d on society.
7. Ethical and unethical uses of technology. 8. Explain why changes in technology are n
8. technology is the study of how humans d ot always positive.
evelop new products to meet needs and 9. Identify if a type of technology is positiv
wants. e or negative in our society.
9. Technological change is seen through inv
entions, innovations, and the evolution o
f technological artifacts, processes, and s
10. The use of technology can have unintend
ed social, cultural, economic, political, an
d environmental consequences.

Technology Unit Presentation

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

‫ال خ تامي ال ت قوي م‬
‫االول ى ال وحدة اخ ت بار‬
Summative: ‫) وورق ة ق لم ( ت حري ري ة اخ ت بارات‬: ‫ةوحد اخ ت بار‬
‫ ال مدارس موق ع ع لى االخ ت بار ع قد س ي تم‬Moodle

‫ادائ ية مهمة‬
‫أدائ ية اخ ت بارات‬: ‫يعمل اخ ت بار‬
Students will design posters

Comp7 Unit 1 Test 1.mht

Practical Test
Grade 7- rubric.docx
Stage 3: Learning Activities

Learning Activities
‫ال ت ع لم أن شطة‬

1. Begin with an entry question how do you use technology every da

y and where . (H)
2. Introduce the Essential Question why do we need technology and
what is the impact of technology on society (W)
3. Introduce Unit general Objectives like defining technology and dis
cussing the positive and negative use of technology (W)
4. Introduce key vocabulary Like technology ,ethics ,ergonomics.(E)
5. Students will discuss the differences between personal and techn
ology ethics (E)
6. Students will discuss the deference between the negative and pos
itive use of technology and see a video (E)
7. Students will draw a comparison table of negative and positive eff
ects and uses of technology( peer to peer .(E)
8. Students will list examples of ethics, safety rules and classroom r
ules that they use and follow ,then they will compare between thi
s categories of terms according to the uses and meaning and give
examples by using comparison table .(E)
9. At the conclusion of lesson of the unit students review their know
ledge by answering self - check questions worksheet.(E-2,T)
10. Students will perform summative task by creating a poster as a te
acher to give warning or advice for students who uses computer l
ab and school properties.(E-2,T)
11. Conclude the unit with quiz students will answer an end of unit qu
estions and submit it to Moodle . (E-2,T)

IT L-A-Plan
‫ ال وحدة م فردات‬Unit Vocabulary HOM & Life Skills ‫ ال مهارات‬،‫ية‬ ‫عادات ال ح يات‬
‫ال ع قل‬

Technology :The use of science to Life Skills

 Caring / ‫االه تمام‬
solve problems  Problem Solving / ‫ال م ش ك الت حل‬
 Cooperation / ‫ال ت عاون‬
 Common Sense / ‫ال س ل يم ال ت قدي ر‬
Habits of Mind
Ethics: Standard help you to deci  Managing impulsivity / ‫ب ال تهور ال تح كم‬
de how to act Lifelong Guidelines
 Trustworthiness / ‫ال موث وق ية‬
 Truthfulness / ‫ال صادق ية‬
 Active listening / ‫ال ن شط اإل ص غاء‬
 No Put-downs / ‫األذ ى ك ف‬
computer system :Hardware -Softwa
re -Users-Data

Hardware :touchable parts

Software :Programs and Applicatio


Information:data After processin


Data:Information before processin

Field Trips ‫ ال ق ب ل ية ال م عرف ة‬Prerequisites
‫ ال م يدان ية ال زي ارات‬/ ‫ال م عا شة ال خ برة‬

 Technology Basic Knowledge

 Classroom rules
 Safety rules

Integration Reflection
‫ال دمج‬ ‫ال تأمل‬
Survey will be conducted on moodle


Computer Concepts in action

2-Glenco Online Learning Center

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