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Name: Joshua D.

Lacson Section: Polaris 1-A Date: 08/31/22

Portfolio/ePortfolio Task #3 – Reflection Paper

For 30 points, write your reflection of not less than 200 hundred words based on the
given guide questions. Note: Your answers for the 3 questions in your organized paragraph/s as
a whole and not per number.

1. What are the cultural practices and beliefs in your family. Community or province?
2. Do you observe them? Have they influenced your language, thoughts, emotions,
personalities, etc.? In what way?
3. How do you live or adapt to your everyday life in your present kind of culture?

Eating as a family is one of the most cultural practices and beliefs to which we are
accustomed. We always practice the habit of being together in one place when we eat lunch or
dinner. Even if one of us is unable to return home, we always notify one another ahead of time.
This cultural practice of ours promotes healthier eating habits, self-esteem, strengthen
relationships, and learning to listen and respect one another. Because, we believe that the
family sits down together, stays together. During eating, it is also a perfect opportunity for us
to talk about our problems and as well as for the planning ahead of our future. We learn to
value and discussed the accomplishments we’ve done and share the little things that we do.

Furthermore, but because of these cultural customs, it influences how I act toward the
society. This includes establishing good planning practices in my daily routine, which provides
and expands my organizational ability. In addition, it boosts and develops my confidence in
communication, which also helps me establish good and logical language to one another. As a
result, my family's cultural customs shape me to become a better person who respects others
and has a sense of belonging and self-worth.

Additionally, I live and adapt to this culture, which has helped and shaped me into the
person I am today, and it has taught me how to value my family and circle of friends. As a
result, making it easier for me to integrate into my current culture.

Overall, my family culture improves my quality of life and increases my overall well-
being through the behaviors and languages that I learned through the influence of my family
cultural customs. Furthermore, if you increase your cultural awareness or understanding of
other cultures by respecting each other and embracing differences and similarities, you will be
able to engage in more meaningful conversations with those around you.

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