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KarmaCircles Assignment

Question 1:
a) How will you influence a corporate user to encourage his/her colleagues to start using
- By mentioning the main features of the application first and then making sure they
understand how trustworthy and safe the POOLit community is. To do that I will
be telling them about the factors based on which we verify a user hence increasing
the application’s credibility. Also, informing them that the more verified users one
can get within their organisation/college, the more useful this application will be
for you and other users as well.

b) How will you encourage a user to send referrals or invites via the app to his/her
- We can give the users points for every invite they send which they can redeem to
get different items as per their preferences.

Question 2:
Ideas for Influencer Marketing - You are an influencer who has been asked to increase the
brand value for POOLit. List 2-4 creative ways of how you would like to showcase the
benefits of the product.

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