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EXTRACT- 98-99

Nora- I mean then I passed from Papa’s hands into yours….that’s why I am leaving you.

Global issue- identity. Nora defines and rediscovers her identity. She had been just a doll, a
wife and a daughter, who was controlled and dominated by the men- her father and her
husband. Rejecting her roles- of a wife, of a mother.
Techniques –
Role -reversal- Nora is taking control. She is now the stronger one while Torvald is the weak
one- diminishing in stature as Nora is now redefining her identity. ‘your doll-wife’ and
papa’s doll-child and now she is demanding her rights. ‘I must educate myself first.
Diction- stronger. I am leaving you or strong verbs such as ‘playtime is over. Accuses
Torvald – you arranged everything the way you wanted. ‘you’re not the man to educate me’
Theme of marriage and family – realistic description of marriage and family that has trapped
Nora and clamped her being.

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