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ADH- Act- 3

p-100- 101

Nora- I have another duty which is equally sacred….. Helmer- you feel sure that it is right to
leave your husband and your children?

Global issue- conflict in relationships – field of inquiry – beliefs, values and education.
Techniques - Role- reversal- the roles are reversing. Nora is taking on a stronger, assertive
presence while Helmer is diminishing in power. Helmer’s ways of life are found inadequate
as Nora is questioning his claims on her- I am first and foremost a human being, which
refutes Helmer’s insistence that she is a “wife and a mother.”

Emotive Diction – questioning Helmer’s patriarchal attitudes through rhetorical questions;

“has a woman really ….husband’s life?
I have another duty, “my duty towards myself” that she calls ‘sacred’.

Theme of identity- her identity is no longer what Helmer and her father had created but that
which she will now create. Hence she will now take on the task of questioning everything-
religion, law and what the books say

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