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Helmer: You have loved me as a wife should love her husband.

was simply that in your inexperience you chose the wrong
means. But do you think I love you any the less because you
don’t know how to act on your own initiative? No, no. Just
lean on me. I shall counsel you. I shall guide you. I would
not be a true man if your feminine helplessness did not
make you doubly attractive in my eyes. You mustn’t hide
the hard words I said to you in those dreadful moments
when my whole world seemed to be tumbling about my
ears. I have forgiven you, Nora. I swear it to you; I have
forgiven you.
Nora : Thank you for your forgiveness[She goes out through the
door, right]
Helmer : No, don’t go- (Looks in) What are you doing there?
Nora : (offstage). Taking off my fancy dress.
Helmer : (by the open door). Yes do that. Try to calm yourself and get your balance again,
my frightened little songbird. Don’t be afraid. I have broad
wings to shield you. (Begins to walk around near the door)
How lovely and peaceful this little home of ours is, Nora.
You are safe here; I shall watch over you like a hunted dove
which I have snatched unharmed from the claws of the
falcon. Your wildly beating little heart shall find peace with
me. It will happen, Nora; it will take time, but it will
happen, believe me. Tomorrow all this will seem quite
different. Soon everything will be as it was before. I shall no
longer need to remind you that I have forgiven you; your own
heart will tell you that it is true. Do you really think I could
ever bring myself to disown you, or even to reproach you?
Ah, Nora, you don’t understand what goes on in a husband’s
heart. there is something indescribably wonderful and
satisfying for a husband in knowing that he has forgiven his
wife- forgiven her unreservedly, from the bottom of his heart.
it means that she has become his property in a double sense;
he has, as it were, brought her into the world anew; she is now
not only his wife but also his child. From now on that is what
you shall be to me, my poor, helpless, bewildered little
creature. never be frightened of anything again, Nora. just open
your heart to me. I shall be both your will and conscience.
what’s this? Not in bed? Have you changed?

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