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= spelling errors to correct

…. = errors I've corrected

Female magazine:


a whole new young, innovative and educated demographic of people to our new and
first edition of Elevate Magazine - Change “new and first edition” to just first edition

ededition – edition
sports and people – needs caps
people as our first front cover story on Serena Clarke shows. - change to people, as
our exclusive interviewed story on Serena Clarke demonstrates.

and share with others and us your opinions and feedback! - change too many “ands”
Selena clarke: Young female CEO battling the hardships of working in a male domi- nant industry but thrving.

Gap year vs University. The insight from the experinceds to make your deciions easier.

Next Edition!Sneak peak article on how a rugby prodigy lost everything in one game. A story of struggle that
ends in extraordinary success.

writen by our most trusted foodie experts

exploring the stigma behind this challenging dietary lifestyle and reapin the benefits.

We have done a deep inves- tigation into the favourate family and single travel “go to's.”

trains vs planes. Cars vs Buses. Our personal prefrences, opinions and fears!

Summer dresses – chic or childish? everyone wants to know: have we grown out of playful floral paterns or
are thry still as cute as ever!

Show us your oufit inspo fis on instgram and tag us

Male magazine:

we are lucky to feature a miraculous story of our favourite rugby star, Billy Branson.
his inspring story can give us all hope for our futures

the hardet part so let us help you with our 7 step start to success.
We are all for freedom of speech, so we have made a list of dos and dont’s when publically speaking your

Just Keep Cooking! Brand new delicios recipes created by our very own expert Elevate chefs

Top 5 Best Sushi Restuarnts of 2022. What’s your favourouite dish? Let us know on our
socials using #ElevateYourFood

What I Eat in a Day. An INSIDER from our very own rugby star Billy Branson
on what he has to eat to keep up!
Hear from our trusted Elevate travelers on a list of the best places to travel in Europe, Asia and South America.

INSIDER: Travel on a Budget. Summers coming and we have tips on making your home country feel like a

Making Travellng Easy - we have constructed a check list of everything you will need for your

Festival Look book: Our fsvourite fest fitd to inspire your summer
Find out what our favourite rugby star Billy Branson wears when on the field. Go to outfits from top to bottom.

Show us your oufit inspo fis on instgram and tag us: or include the

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