Ucsp 11 - WLP 2022-2023

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Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.

WEEKLY TEACHER LEA CAMILLE B. PACLE LEARNING AREA Understanding Culture, Society & Politics
LEARNING DATE September 5-9, 2022 QUARTER / WEEK First Quarter
PLAN Week 3

MELC Explain the importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural understanding

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities

1 At the end of the lesson, Cultural Variation and A. Classroom routine:
Monday the students will be able Universals
to: a. Prayer
 Define cultural variation b. Reminder of the classroom
and cultural universals - Health protocol
 Differentiate cultural - Social distancing
variation and cultural c. Checking of Attendance
universals d. Quick “kumustahan”
 Identify types of cultural
variation B. Lesson Proper:
 Evaluate scenarios where A.Recall (Elicit)
The teacher will show three terms and students will relate them to each other.
cultural variation and
universals applies
B. Motivation (Engage)
The teacher will ask the students to share their insights in the following

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

Students will be act as a chef. As a delegate of the Philippine team, you will
select dishes that represents the fusion of our local delicacy. Which among the
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
suggested cuisines you will select? After selecting, discuss the influences of the
cuisine to your peers who will evaluate your presentation.

Students will discuss in pairs the following term based on the handout to be
provided by the teacher:
1. cultural variation
2. Cultural universals
3. Sub-culture
4. Counter culture
5. High Culture
6. Popular Culture
D. Developing Mastery (Explain)
Students will read and understand the different scenarios below. Students will
give their stand on each scenario and explain.
1. Universalists believe that human rights are universal and applicable to
every member of the human race. Should universal human rights be
applied to cultures that reject them?
2. If each culture is entitled to its own beliefs and culturally accepted
practices, is it ever acceptable to be intolerant of another person or
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
3. Does the idea that all cultures and customs should be respected decrease
instances of discrimination based on race and/or culture?
E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)
Ask the students the following questions:
1. What is cultural variation and its types? Give example for each/
2. How cultural universals affect cultural variation?
3. Is cultural universals really applicable to the world?
F. Evaluation
Students will answer 10-item quiz through a group quiz. (p. 9-10 of module)
1. D
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. A
At the end of the lesson, Cultural Ethics A. Classroom routine:
the students will be able
to: a. Prayer
2  Define the meaning of b. Reminder of the classroom
Tuesday taboo and culture ethic - Health protocol
 Identify taboos in the - Social distancing
Philippines from various c. Checking of Attendance
cultures across the world d. Quick “kumustahan”
 Judge culture scenarios
based from cultural ethics B. Lesson Proper:
A. Recall (Elicit)
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What is cultural variation?
2. What are the types of cultural variation?
3. How does cultural variation differ from cultural universals?

B. Motivation (Engage)
The teacher will present pictures of different norms and traditions from various
countries in the world. Students will label them according to the country they are
Example: barong and saya = Philippines
Hanbok = South Korea

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

Ask the students to have a small group discussion about the following

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

From the pictures, students will develop the meaning of taboo and cultural
ethics. Students will make a list of taboos in the Philippines according to te
following facets:
1. Work
2. School
3. Wedding
4. Marriage
5. Animal Caring
6. Wake of the Dead
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
7. Etiquettes
E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)
The students will be asked to create a Relationship Diagram between taboo
and cultural ethics.
F. Evaluation
Judge 5 cultural scenarios (p. 15) in different countries and label those
that are taboo and not. Justify your answer based on cultural ethics. (5 points
 Explain the concept of Ethnocentrism A. Classroom routine:
 Identify cultural scenarios a. Prayer
showing ethnocentrism b. Reminder of the classroom
 Discuss drawbacks of - Health protocol
ethnocentrism - Social distancing
3 c. Checking of Attendance
Wednesday  Create awareness on
ethnocentrism d. Quick “kumustahan”

B. Lesson Proper:
A. Recall (Elicit)
Through a yell/clap students will cite examples of taboo practices in various
countries – Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, China, Sweden and Singapore.

B. Motivation (Engage)
The students will watch a video regarding Ethnocentrism. Students will answer
the following queries after watching:
1. Why do you think the people in the video behave that way?
2. Do you think what the Japanese do is ethical or not? Why or why not?
3. Do you think our culture as Filipinos are better than the ones you’ve seen
in the video? Why or why not?

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

From the questions asked, students will create a concept map of
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
Ethnocentrism and brainstorm what is its connection to cultural relativism.
Students then verify their concept map on the texts on their module about the
examples and meaning of ethnocentrism (p.19).

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Task 1. Ethnocentricity or Relativity
Which of the following pictures portray Ethnocentrism and Cultural

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

Students will answer the following questions:
1. Why do you think Ethnocentrism occurs?
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
2. How ethnocentrism affects cultural relativism and unity in diversity?
3. What can we do to fight ethnocentrism?

F. Evaluation
Direction: As a responsible student and citizen you can do something in
mitigating ethnocentrism in your own simple ways. Compose a 100-word essay to
create awareness about ethnocentrism and make a commitment in mitigating it.
Content -------------- 50%
Organization -------- 25%
Conciseness ---------15 %
Creativity --------------10%
TOTAL -------------100%
 Determine cultural Acquiring Culture and A. Classroom routine:
4 relativism Cultural Relativism
Thursday  Identify ways and terms to a. Prayer
acquire culture b. Reminder of the classroom
 Explain importance of - Health protocol
cultural relativism to attain - Social distancing
cultural understanding c. Checking of Attendance
d. Quick “kumustahan”

B.Lesson Proper:

A. Recall (Elicit)
Students will be asked to differentiate the meaning of Ethnocentrism and
Cultural Relativism through a Venn diagram.
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.

B. Motivation (Engage)
The students will be asked to give their reaction to this situation: “One of the
lasting issues that multicultural countries face is racism and discrimination. Even
in the most developed countries like United States, this issue haunts them. If you
are the president of that country, how will you address the issue of racism and
discrimination to break cultural barriers? “

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

Students will discuss among themselves the common reaction the class had
in the first activity. From that, they will relate the function and importance of
cultural relativism. After which, they will define the following terms to acquire
culture based on their module:
1. Acculturation
2. Enculturation
3. Assimilation
4. Culture Shock

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Students will give examples of acculturation, assimilation, enculturation, culture
shock and cultural relativism through a poem, jingle or rap. Then, the students will
expound the examples to the concept of cultural relativism.

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

Students will present a short skit about cultural relativism in the Philippines.
Content ------------- 30%
Presentation ------- 25 %
Creativity ------------ 25%
Cooperation-------- 20%
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
F. Evaluation
Write an essay (150-300 words) explaining the importance of cultural relativism in
attaining cultural understanding using the picture below.

Content -------------- 50%
Organization -------- 30%
Creativity --------------20%
TOTAL -------------100%
5  Identify meanings and Students will do the following activities in their module:
Friday examples of terms in Cultural Relativism
cultural relativism 1. I Locate (p. 25)
CLASSROOM  Locate essential words 2. What I Have Learned (p.31)
BASED related to cultural 3. Assessment (p.32-33)
MANAGEMENT relativism

Prepared by: Checked by:

PSB Teacher Head-Teacher III
WEEKLY TEACHER LEA CAMILLE B. PACLE LEARNING AREA Understanding Culture, Society & Politics
LEARNING DATE September 12-16, 2022 QUARTER / WEEK First Quarter
PLAN Week 4
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.

Analyze key features of interrelationships of biological, cultural and sociopolitical processes in human evolution & analyze the significance of cultural,
social, political and economic symbols and practices
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities
1 At the end of the lesson, Significance of Cultural, A. Classroom routine:
Monday the students will be able Social, Political, and
to: Economic Symbols and a. Prayer
 Identify cultural, social, Practices b. Reminder of the classroom
political, and economic - Health protocol
symbols - Social distancing
 Discuss cultural, social, c. Checking of Attendance
political, and economic d. Quick “kumustahan”
 Analyze the significance B. Lesson Proper:
of cultural, social, political, A.Recall (Elicit)
and economic symbols Before you start with the discussion, notice the pictures below. Are you
and practices. familiar with some of Filipino symbols and practices? Identify them and write down
your answer below each picture.


Motivation (Engage)
Write down your thoughts on which among the two social symbols do you often
see? Compare them and explain which of the two should be more posted.
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

Students will give the meaning of each of the following symbols and practices
. 1. Jeepneys 2. Philippine National Flag 3. Bayanihan 4. Circumcision 5. Fiesta 6.
Philippine Eagle 7. “L” hand gesture 8. clenched fist in the Philippines 9. yellow
color 10. black color

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Compare and contrast the importance of cultural, social, political, and economic
symbols. Use the given graphic organizer.

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

Examine the following symbolic interactions. Give the importance of the
symbols in the interaction that took place.

1. While Rina and Gregorio are strolling in the school, the Philippine national
hymn begin to play in the background. Rina suddenly stops and stand still
while putting her right hand on her chest. Gregorio saw what Rina did and do
the same.
2. In Tiktok community, there’s a specific trending hand gestures called “woah”
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
step. When Luis and his friends are reporting, they did the hand gestures and
their classmates laugh.
3. A German tourist is strolling around Rizal park. In front of Rizal’s monument,
he stumbled across this beautiful young lady and as being felt sorry for he
might have hurt her, he combines his two palms, put it in front of his chest
and repeatedly bow his head to the young lady. The lady said that she is not

F. Evaluation
Analyze the following symbols and practices in the Philippines. Give its
importance to our society. Write your answer in two sentences.
1. Fiesta- Philippines celebration of patrons
2. White color to wear in weddings- white is believed to be sign of purity
3. Painting of fruits- believed to bring prosperity
4. National Flag- symbolizes Philippines as a country
5. Paintings in recycable masks- creativity of Filipinos

At the end of the lesson, B. Classroom routine:

the students will be able
to: a. Prayer
2  Determine terms in b. Reminder of the classroom
Tuesday biological and cultural - Health protocol
evolution - Social distancing
 Identify the field of social c. Checking of Attendance
science that deals with d. Quick “kumustahan”
biological and cultural
evolution B. Lesson Proper:
 Explain the importance of A. Recall (Elicit)
the various fields of social Activity 1: Recall Me! The result will determine your prior knowledge.
science to biological and Correct or Incorrect. Write the word Correct if the idea of the statement is
cultural evolution of the true and the write word Incorrect if otherwise. (p.1)
B. Motivation (Engage)
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
Students will guess some ancient things like cuneiform, abacus, pyramids and
etc. through puzzle pictures that will be presented to them.

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

Students will identify what is being asked in p. 3.
__________11. A symbolic system through which people communicate and
through which idea values, beliefs, and knowledge are transmitted,
expressed, and shared.
__________12. It refers to our cultural heritage in the form of structures,
monuments, historical sites, and other artifacts.
__________13. Sociologists refer to this as the combination of objects and rules
of using them that speaks about their culture.
__________14. Cultural period where the used of metal such as bronze, copper,
and iron flourished.
__________15. The Thinking Man –species to which all modern human beings
D. Developing Mastery (Explain)
Match Column A to Column B to identify what field of Social Science is
referring to in p. 3.

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

The students will be asked to define biological and cultural fields of study
and give their examples/ application.

F. Evaluation
Compose a 200-word essay that appreciates the importance of the various
fields of social sciences to the biological and cultural evolution of the world. (Refer
from p. 5 for criteria).
 Trace the human Human Capacity for Culture A. Classroom routine:
biocultural evolution
 Identify the different a. Prayer
species in human b. Reminder of the classroom
- Health protocol
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
biocultural evolution - Social distancing
3  Analyze the Biological c. Checking of Attendance
Wednesday Capacity of Human to d. Quick “kumustahan”
Develop Culture
B. Lesson Proper:
A. Recall (Elicit)
Students will enumerate the various fields of social science in biocultural
evolution and their significance.

B. Motivation (Engage)
Contributions to Civilization. Can you identify the ancient civilization that
brought the world some of these greatest inventions or achievements? Choose
your answers inside this table and write them at the space provided below each
picture (p.6).

C.Discussion of Concepts (Explore)

Students will create a concept map of different species of human based
from the text on their module. (p.5-7)
1. Hominids “Manlike Primates”
2. Homo Habilis “Handy Man”
3. Homo Erectus “The Upright Man”
4. Homo Sapiens “The Thinking Man”

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

The Evolution of Man
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
A. Write inside the boxes the corresponding name of the species and
determine the biological and cultural capacity of each.

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

Students will answer the following questions:
1. What do you think of the human biocultural evolution? Do you agree? Why
or why not?
2. Enumerate the species of human according to its timeline.
3. What are the significant differences and similarities in each species?

F. Evaluation
Direction: Create a timeline of the species of human and draw the significant
changes or things on each species.
Content -------------- 50%
Organization -------- 25%
Creativity --------------25%
TOTAL -------------100%
 Determine the Cultural Cultural and Sociopolitical A. Classroom routine:
4 and Sociopolitical Development of Humans
Thursday Development of Humans a. Prayer
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
 Identify components of b. Reminder of the classroom
culture - Health protocol
 Explain the early types of - Social distancing
society c. Checking of Attendance
d. Quick “kumustahan”

B.Lesson Proper:

A. Recall (Elicit)
Students will be asked to differentiate the highlights of each species in the
human biocultural evolution.

B. Motivation (Engage)
The students will be asked to create a list of things being used in the following
1. Hunting and gathering
2. Horticulture
3. Agriculture
4. Industrial

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

Students will discuss among themselves the common reaction the class had
in the first activity. From that, they will relate the function and importance of the
tools they have classifies. After which, they will define the following terms based
on their module:
1. Hunting and gathering Society
2. Horticultural Society
3. Agricultural Society
4. Industrial Society
5. Material Society
6. Non-material society
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
D. Developing Mastery (Explain)
Students will give examples of each type of society and components of
culture. Then, they will enumerate practices or activities of early people that are
still being practiced or observed by the people today.

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

Students will present a short skit about the various society discussed. They
will showcase the culture for each society.
Content ------------- 30%
Presentation ------- 25 %
Creativity ------------ 25%
Cooperation-------- 20%

F. Evaluation
Students will create a poster of the different society featuring the
Content -------------- 50%
Organization -------- 30%
Creativity --------------20%
TOTAL -------------100%
5  Identify the different The Legacy of Early Students will do the following activities in their module:
Friday legacy of early humans Humans to Contemporary
 give examples Tangible Population 1. Assessment 3 (p. 12-13)
Reference: DepEd Order No. 17, s.
CLASSROOM cultural heritage and 2. Cultural Heritage (p.13)
BASED Intangible cultural 3. Read Deppen (p.14-15)
MANAGEMENT heritage 4. Answer Assessment (p.15)

Prepared by: Checked by:

PSB Teacher Head-Teacher III

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