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1. I can feel my anger and still stay in control.

2. I am at peace and harmony with everyone and everything.

3. I can do better next time.
4. I release all my embodied anger!
5. I will remember to stop, relax and think before I act.
6. I clear and release all my angry thoughts and feelings!
7. I allow myself to acknowledge angry feelings without losing
8. I can express my anger in a respectful way.
9. I choose now to release anger and reclaim my happiness.
10. Controlling my anger comes naturally to me.
11. Being calm, relaxed, and in control is normal for me.
12. I am made of love and patience.
13. I can admit it when I make a mistake.
14. I find it easy to calm myself down and relax.
15. I am free of anger and live in a state of joy.
16. I transform and heal my anger to passion and choose to
use the energy positively.
17. I am free to be happy, peaceful, and joyful.
18. I clear all the ways I allow anger to direct my life!
19. I remember to breathe deeply when I feel angry.
20. I am becoming a positive person whom others can turn to
without fear.
21. I release my anger, and instead I choose peace, passion,
and playfulness.
22. I was able to be angry without exploding.
23. Diffusing anger is easy for me.
24. I notice when I am becoming angry and I choose to deal
with it in a positive way.
25. I clear all the ways I dwell in anger!
26. I can talk things out with other people.
27. I transform anger into peace.
28. I transmute the anger into the energy of peace.
29. Anger is temporary. Peace is forever.
30. I always speak my mind rather than let frustrations build
31. I am counting to ten.
32. I release all this burning anger!
33. I am able to calm myself down and detach from anger.
34. Each time I chose peace of mind over anger my life gets
35. Next time, I will notice that I am getting angry sooner.
36. I attract peace and harmony in all situations in my life.
37. Each time I release the anger in my heart, I regain space
for peace.
38. I choose to respond from love and compassion in all
39. I now choose to stay calm in difficult or frustrating
40. I clear all the ways I feel like boiling over with anger!
41. Each time I breathe in anger I choose to breathe out
42. It is important that I learn to manage my anger.
43. I have the power to regulate my emotions.
44. I am in control of my life and emotions.
45. I release all my righteous anger!
46. Making mistakes and learning from them is part of being
47. I clear and release any and all ways I am holding on to
49. I believe that it’s possible to break free from anger
and live a better life.
50. I control my anger by expressing myself in a firm yet
positive manner.
51. I can take a break if I need to.
52. I am transforming into someone who confronts problems
53. I get angry at the behavior, rather than the person.
54. I choose a life of peace, love, and joy and will not waste a
single moment being angry for no reason.
55. I can notice when I am becoming angry.
56. I am able to diffuse my anger and channel it in a more
productive way.
57. It feels great to handle my anger.
58. I love myself enough to be calm and release anger.
59. I am gaining more and more control over my emotions.
60. I am a naturally calm, easy-going, and positive person.
61. Being calm and at peace is part of my nature.
62. It is my choice to feel anger or peace. I choose peace.
63. Every day I cultivate peaceful energy in my body.
64. I will remain calm and centered in frustrating situations.
65. I refuse to wast my life being angry when I remember that
happiness is my birthright.
66. Each moment wasted being angry is a moment of being
happy that is forever lost.
67. If I feel angry I can take a step back and remain in control.
68. I am a passionate, peaceful, and powerful person.
69. I remain calm even when under intense stress.
70. I dedicate my life to peace and harmony.
71. Managing my anger will create a better life for myself and
my loved ones.
72. Each time I feel anger, I choose instead to focus on my
73. Each day it is becoming easier to diffuse my anger.
74. I am a calm and loving person.
75. I am controlling my anger by changing my anger-
triggering thoughts.
76. I am in control.
77. When I apologize to others, it helps lessen the effects of
the anger.
78. I am now becoming peaceful and free of anger.
79. I will choose a different way to respond. 
80. I am responsible for my anger.
81. I have a right to assert myself.
82. Staying relaxed is becoming easier.
83. It feels better to act out of love than anger.
84. I will control myself.
85. I am a powerful, peaceful, and playful person.
86. I am calm, focused, and relaxed.
87. I transform my anger into peace and offer my peace to
the world.
88. It feels better to let go of anger!
89. Outside circumstances and situations will not take away
my inner peace.
90. I release all the emotional shocks and traumas which
have created resulted in this anger!
91. Free of anger. I am happy, peaceful, and loving.
92. I forgive myself for my past angry outbursts. 
93. I clear all the ways I am inflamed with anger!
94. I am a forgiving person.
95. I am free of anger, hatred, and discontent.
96. I can remember to count to ten and take deep breaths.
97. I choose to transform my anger into positive action.
98. I choose to be calm and relaxed.
99. Anger management is changing my life for the better.
100. It’s ok to be angry, but I must express it in a controlled
101. Managing anger will help to repair and strengthen my
bond with friends and family.
102. In the past, I would let anger cause me suffering. Now I
choose to be peaceful.
103. I owe it to myself to manage my anger.
104. No matter what happens on the outside, I am at peace on
the inside.
105. I am doing it!
106. I am starting to effectively manage my anger.
107. I release all the vengeful anger!
108. Thinking positively in tough situations is just something I
do naturally.
109. I walk my life in a state of peace, love, and joy. and I
refuse to allow anger to change my course.
110. I express my anger without shaming the person.
111. Acting out my anger is a choice, a choice that I choose not
to do.

1. I recognize that anger is something I experience, not

something that I am.
2. I’m able to enjoy other aspects of life despite the anger I’m
currently experiencing.
3. I can hold space for my anger without letting it consume me.
4. My anger cannot force me to hurt anyone, including myself. I
am still in control.
5. My anger is temporary, and will not last forever.
6. I can be angry and still remain in control of my actions.
7. I can experience anger without it becoming part of my core
8. It is okay for me to experience anger.
9. I won’t let anyone (including myself) shame me for experiencing the
natural emotion of anger.
10. Anger is a natural response to injustice, pain, and fear.
11. Being angry does not make me a bad person.
12. Anger is a feeling, and feelings aren’t good or bad.
13. It is okay if I cry when I am angry.
14. My anger deserves to be acknowledged and expressed in
appropriate ways.
15. I recognize when my anger no longer serves me, and I let it go
16. I thank my anger for the way it has empowered me and helped
me to process a situation, and dismiss it when it is no longer useful.
17. Now that I have felt my anger, I will let myself feel peace.
18. I will reach out for help when I am unsure of how to release
my anger.
19. I am moving away from anger and stress, and into a place of
peace and security.
20. With each breath I take, I let go of my anger, and relax into
21. When I breathe out, I release my anger and stress, and when I
breathe in, I breathe in peace and love.
22. I release all anger, fear, excuses, and guilt completely.
23. I understand that too much anger is hurting my life and
those around me.
24. I will only yell in the car when I’m alone and no one will be
upset by it.
25. I am starting to effectively manage my anger.
26. I am ready to reclaim my power to change
28. I choose now to discharge bitterness and redeem my joy.
29. I don’t need to fix this.
30. Making mistakes and learning from them is part of being
31. I clear all the ways I feel like boiling over with anger!
32. I can feel white hot anger, and still remain at peace
surrounding that.
33. I release the grudges I held in the past, and I feel free!
34. My mind is free from distractions and my vision is clear.
35. I am able to diffuse my anger and channel it in a more
productive way.
36. Outside circumstances and situations will not take away
my inner peace.
37. It’s impossible to control other people and situations. The
only thing I can control is myself and how I express my feelings.
38. I can negotiate without blurring my boundaries.
39. Diffusing anger is easy for me.
40. It’s ok to be angry, but I must express it in a controlled
41. I can heal.
42. Clutter does not protect me. I feel at ease with a clutter-
free mind and clutter free space.
43. I understand anger is a symptom of something bothering
44. I can release this anger upwards into the air, like incense
45. I free myself from that anger and move forward to a higher
46. I lovingly release the past and welcome all new good.
47. Anger is simply fire energy ready to be transformed.
48. I don’t need to feel threatened here. I can relax and stay
49. I have the power to regulate my emotions.
50. I have lots of things to express but don’t have the words.
51. I vow to myself to stop violent outbursts.
52. I choose to be patient.
53. I release all the emotional shocks and traumas which have
created resulted in this anger!
54. I am free from the burdens of my past.
55. I am not responsible for your anger. I am responsible to be
my best self.
56. Time to relax and slow things down. Take a time out if I get
uptight or start to notice my cues.
57. Each day it is becoming easier to diffuse my anger.
58. Controlling my anger comes naturally to me.
59. I trust the universe.
60. I no longer hold back expressing my emotion.
61. I want a better happier life and am willing to work on
myself to get it.
62. I trust myself.
63. I am responsible for my anger.
64. I will not destroy mine or other people’s things in anger.
65. I dedicate my life to peace and harmony.
66. It is my choice to feel anger or peace. I choose peace.
67. If people criticize me, I can survive that. Nothing says that I
have to be perfect.
68. I choose to transform my anger into positive action.
69. I am thrilled with everything exactly as it is now.
70. I choose a life of joy.
71. People put erasers on the ends of pencils for a reason. It’s
okay to make mistakes.
72. I accept that there are many things I cannot control.
74. I will manage my anger.
75. My spirit is free and joyful!
76. I am no longer afraid to give attention to my anger.
77. I choose to liberate this feeling in positive, not negative
78. I let go of my fear.
79. Feeling stuck is a feeling, not a fact.
80. I vow to only express anger at the right target.
81. I choose to respond with love.
82. My past does not define me.
83. Peace is my choice.
84. I have no need for anger in my life.
85. I am a calm and loving person.
86. I can handle this.
87. I refuse to waste any more time being angry.
88. Staying calm is becoming easier and easier.
89. I can talk things out with other people.
90. I am a peaceful person.
91. I am at peace and harmony with everyone and everything.
92. I will choose a different way to respond.
93. I can do better next time.
94. I transform and heal my anger to passion and choose to
use the energy positively.
95. This is a difficult movement, but I’m keeping steady.
96. I transform anger into peace.
97. I am free of anger, hatred, and discontent.
99. I deserve only happiness and now am free of anger. I live
and let live. I am in control of my life.
100. I need to get this anger under control.
101. I choose to respond from love and compassion in all
102. I release all the vengeful anger!
103. When I apologize to others, it helps lessen the effects of
the anger.
104. I accept that others may not share my path or desires.
105. I am in control of how I choose to approach and respond.
106. I let go of my resentment.
107. I don’t have to respond to this right this minute.
108. Next time, I will notice that I am getting angry sooner.
109. I’d rather be happy than be right.
110. I intend to have a better life- it’s up to me to do the work of
self improvement.
111.  believe that it’s possible to break free from anger and live
a better life.
112. Anger will push every one I love away and I don’t want
113. I am made of love and patience.
114. I want to release this angry feeling.
115. I will not react!
116. I intend to be the best person I can be – that means
changing some things.
117. Each day, my anger is becoming easier to manage.
118. I choose to be calm and relaxed.
119. I now understand that anger is powerful and has to be
120. Today I choose to move forward.
121. I clear all the ways I am inflamed with anger!
122. I alchemize anger into peace.
123. Anger is a necessary emotion; it’s okay to experience it
124. I can notice when I am becoming angry.
126. I hold space for this emotion for the brief time it serves me,
then I release it.
127. Everything is fuel for growth and connection. I am an
alchemist, after all.
128. I let go!
129. I am healing myself.
130. I love myself and the people around me!
131. I am controlling my anger by changing my anger-triggering
132. I release old hurt, anger and resentment easily.
133. Violent outbursts are not allowed.
134. I am counting to ten.
135. I have a right to assert myself.
136. I can remember to count to ten and take deep breaths.
137. I don’t want to be angry.
138. Clutter is anything that does not support my better self.
139. Nothing can take away my calmness!
140. I release control and trust my instincts.
141. Nothing says I have to be competent and strong all the
time. It’s okay to feel unsure or confused.
142. I gently embrace my past disappointments with care and
insight, and I let them go.
143. I am in control of my life.
144. Being angry hurts my kids.
145. I am a naturally calm, easy-going, and positive person.
146. I am handling this well.
147. I notice when I am becoming angry and I choose to deal
with it in a positive way.
148. I am doing it!
149. I transform my anger into peace and offer my peace to the
150. When I get into an argument, I can use my control plan
and know what to do. I can take a time out.
151. This challenge will assist me to grow.
152. I am able to be angry without exploding.
153. I acknowledge these powerful feelings, observing and
154. I let go of anger although it is not easy when I feel hurt.
155. I refuse to waste my life being angry when I remember that
happiness is my birthright.
156. I am free!
157. It’s okay to be uncertain or insecure sometimes. I don’t
need to be in control of everything and everybody.
158. I forgive and act with understanding and compassion.
159. I attract peace and harmony into all situations in my life.
160. Everything is okay!
161. This is not about me.
162. I am now becoming peaceful and free of anger.
163. I allow myself to acknowledge angry feelings without losing
164. I am a kind-hearted person!
165. Relax!
166. I can become a better person.
167. I know anger is a kind of energy flowing through me that I
have to regulate.
168. Everything I need in my life already exists within me.
169. I’m allowed to breathe a little bit deeper into this.
170. I understand that angry outbursts are scary to witness and
be around.
171. I promise myself to not inflict my anger on people around
me – it’s destructive.
172. There isn’t any need to doubt myself. What other people
say doesn’t matter.
173. I breathe in calm and love.
174. I am able to calm myself down and detach from anger.
175. I realize that being angry with someone ties me to that
person and keeps me from growing and reaching higher
vibrational levels.
177. I replace my destructive emotions with peace and
contentment through forgiveness.
178. I am more than my thoughts. I am more than my emotions.
179. I release all this burning anger!
180. I now choose to stay calm in difficult or frustrating
181. Under pressure, I will be responsive, not reactive.
182. I vow to work on being less angry.
183. I always speak my mind rather than let frustrations build
184. I’m strong enough to ask someone for help or support.
185. I honor others’ truths and paths.
186. Cool down!
187. I owe it to myself to manage my anger.
188. I know what was done to me was wrong and i’m justifiably
189. I feel as light as a feather!
190. They are waiting for my reaction but I won’t give them any!
191. I am forgiven.
192. I trust my intuition.
193. I vow to only express anger at the right time.
194. I can focus on the good.
195. Acting out my anger is a choice, a choice that I choose not
to do.
196. I make it a point to listen for the message behind the
anger, and I am not afraid.
197. How can I be so unreasonable?
198. Being calm, relaxed, and in control is normal for me.
199. I release all my righteous anger!
200. Each time I chose peace of mind over anger my life gets
201. Anger is temporary.

I feel empowered in my choice to let go!
 I am gaining more and more control over my emotions.
 I will forgive myself.
 I remain calm even when under intense stress.
 I release all my embodied anger!
 It feels great to handle my anger.
 I am ready to release whatever is meant to go.
 I am able to let go of my anger and speak from a place of love
and kindness to those around me.
 I attract peace.
 Managing anger will help to repair and strengthen my bond with
friends and family.
 I can’t hurt those whom I love!
 I trust in the fate I am destined for.
 I let go of my pain.
 Each time I breathe, I relax and let go.
 I choose a life of peace.
 It is important that I learn to manage my anger.
 I vow to not yell or hit in anger – I am a better person than that.
 Managing my anger will create a better life for myself and my
loved ones.
 I express my anger without shaming the person.
 I transmute the anger into the energy of peace.
 I should forgive myself.
 I will remember to stop, relax and think before I act.
 I forgive myself for my past angry outbursts.
 I am enough.
 This isn’t my problem.

 I will find methods to ease my anger outbursts.
 I will model the change I want to see in the world.
 If this person wants to go off the wall, that’s their thing. I don’t
need to respond to their anger or feel threatened.
 I remain calm and clear-minded in the face of rage and sarcasm.
 Free of anger, I am peaceful.
 Anger is my bitter enemy.
 I embrace my natural power. I feel no need to force anything.
 Each time I feel anger, I choose instead to focus on my
 I know how to calm down, and I can do it if I try.
 I give up the need to be right and focus on the need to be kind.
 I let go of my anger.
 I replace my anger with understanding.
 I can take a break if I need to.
 Letting go of my pain helps me heal.
 I will remain calm and centered in frustrating situations.
 Being angry isn’t helping.
 I have great peace within and nothing shall offend me.
 I know they know my weakness but this time I am gonna
surprise them!
 I get angry at the behavior, rather than the person.
 I welcome all my emotions, even when they feel big.
 I am calm, focused, and relaxed.
 I can recognize that my anger comes from having my old
primary feelings re-stimulated.
 I am completely healed of all anger and resentment.
 I can be good!
 It’s okay to walk away from this fight.

 I will control myself.

 I am a passionate, peaceful, and powerful person.
 I have the power to change.
 I can admit it when I make a mistake.
 I am a powerful, peaceful, and playful person.
 People are going to act the way they want to, not the way I want
them to act.
 I forgive those who wronged me, for myself.
 I’m tired of being angry.
 I trust that all of my dreams are coming true.
 I hear this strong message from my body and honor it.
 It takes courage to face frustration with a deep breath and a
mind willing to change.
 I find it easy to calm myself down and relax.
 I am kind.
 In my anger, I find the gift of self-understanding.
 I trust that my dedication and hard work are paying off.
 Being calm and at peace is part of my nature.
 I can feel my anger and still stay in control.
 I get to choose my present and future.
 I am a logical person!
 Anger management is changing my life for the better.
 I’ll find the words to express what I need and what I’m angry
 I stay calm and collected at all times.
 Anger is temporary. Peace is forever.
 I can express my anger in a respectful way.
 I clear and release all my angry thoughts and feelings!

 I release my anger, and instead I choose peace, passion, and
 I am in control.
 I have everything I need.
 My anger is a signal. Time to talk to myself and to relax.
 Breathe.
 I need to let go.
 Each time I release the anger in my heart, I regain space for
 I have no place for anger in my life as I know that anger destroys
the beauty of the heart as well as the beauty of the face.
 I choose a life of peace, love, and joy and will not waste a single
moment being angry for no reason.
 I vow to work on changing my anger problem.
 I remember to breathe deeply when I feel angry.
 I don’t want to scare my kids or spouse ever again.
 I can’t lose my control!
 I release anger and negative emotions to let the joys of life flow
through me.
 No matter what happens on the outside, I am at peace on the
 I understand anger is a kind of prison keeping me away from
what I want.
 I clear and release any and all ways I am holding on to anger!
 I am unchained.
 I always keep my composure.
 They cannot provoke me!
 I can use everything as a catalyst for something better.
 I gently release my need for control.
 I was able to be angry without exploding.
 I need to be kinder to myself.
 I am free to be happy, peaceful, and joyful.
 I am in control of my life and emotions.
 It’s nice to have other people’s love and approval, but even
without it, I can still accept and like myself.
 I can transform anything negative into something helpful.
 I am the only person who can make me mad or keep me calm.
 I am transforming into someone who confronts problems
 I give easily.
 If I feel angry I can take a step back and remain in control.
 I can choose to react in a loving and peaceful way.
 Working on my anger is improving my life.

I am a forgiving person.
 I am already there.
 I want to grow and change and move past this thing that makes
me angry.
 I love myself enough to be calm and release anger.
 Each moment wasted being angry is a moment of being happy
that is forever lost.
 I am free of anger and live in a state of joy.
 I can forgive myself.
 This small aspect can’t change me!
 I see the good in others.
 I have the power to become the person I want to be.
 Take a minute to feel this. I have time.
 I choose now to release anger and reclaim my happiness.
 Each time I breathe in anger I choose to breathe out peace.
 I clear all the ways I allow anger to direct my life!
 Everything is going to be alright.
 I promise to find healthier ways to get that angry energy out.

 I am free from worry.
 When I see or hear others enter into a heated argument or
become angry, I am always able to maintain a cool head.
 I understand that anger is powerful and has to be controlled.
 I want to stop being angry.
 There is always a solution of the highest good.
 I am learning what supports my highest self.
 As I relax my body, the positive energy of the universe can
reach me.
 My angry past is healed with forgiveness.
 I accept the disappointments of my past and heal my future.
 I am becoming a positive person whom others can turn to
without fear.
 Staying relaxed is becoming easier.
 I don’t have to do anything.
 In the past I would let anger cause me suffering. Now I choose
to be peaceful.
 I am not getting influenced!
 I walk my life in a state of peace, love, and joy. and I refuse to
allow anger to change my course.
 I control my anger by expressing myself in a firm yet positive
 I am liberated.
 I am better than that.
 I clear all the ways I dwell in anger!
 I know that angry outbursts will get me fired.
 Thoughts are passing clouds and I am the sky. Emotions are
falling leaves and I am the earth.
 Thinking positively in tough situations is just something I do
 As long as I keep my cool, I’m in control of myself.
 It feels better to act out of love than anger.
 I feel angry, that must mean I have been hurt, scared or have
some other primary feelings.
 Most things we argue about are stupid and insignificant.
 I release my expectations to open myself to the wonders of the
 Every day I cultivate peaceful energy in my body.
 I respect and love myself enough to let go of anger and live in
 I will heal.
 I am a strong, poised woman. I cannot be moved.
 It feels better to let go of anger!
 I vow, for my own benefit, to only express anger in a controlled
 I can take care of this tomorrow.
 I release anger constructively by myself, and I forgive those
whom I am angry with.
 I can relax.
 I meet others’ anger with aloof coolness and courage.
 Free of anger. I am happy, peaceful, and loving.
 I know that angry outbursts are traumtizing for my kids and

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