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PART― I Ⅱ A/ 2015
Exami nat i On: ‐ LL. B. 1191∬ 91∵ : 1・ : ∵ : l ・ i l ・ : 1・ : =l F

Sut t eCt : Admi ni st r at 市 e Law of eW Cour so TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

懸 sr Rび cr ■ t t st И t t eη ′ αり′ 』 り四 f 〃 ω J l i a″ sl i 4
αι Fθ r / Rα ″ ω ′ ′ 。″ sルο J И R町
α″ ″ OⅣE α ″ asJ l i a″ / Fο ″ 躍 r ―I I . И 〃α″ est i ο s cα r Fy ι α″ α′ ″ αr ks.“

Q. 1. Dei ne and cxpl ai n t he devel opment Of Admi ni st r at i ve Law?Pl easc expl ai n about t he nat ur c
and scOpe of adnl i ni st r at i ve l aw?

Q. 2. What dO you knOw about J udi ci al Revi ew?Pl easc expl ai n i n det ai l t he l and mar k cases Of
j udi ci al お 宙ew?Mar bur y v Madi sOn( 1803) and McCul 106h v Mar yl and( 1819) ?

Q. 3. ヽ 生at i s Del cgat ed Legi si at i On?wЪ

at ar e t hc var i ous r easOns f Or 8TOWt h of Del cgat ed
Lcgi sl at i On?PI case i ndi cat c var i Ous cl assi f l cat i On Of Dcl egat ed Legi sl at i On?

Q: 4. Pl ease expl ai n i n det ai l t he pr i nci pl cs Of И │

グ′ Иルθ″ α″ ′ α″彪″ α″ グ″ ′ ″ θ ″
∫να?AI sO, di scuss Br each Of t hcse r ul es? ノ ″ χ ″ θαt t α

Q. 5。 ゝぬat ar c t hc var i ous pr cr Ogat

i ve v幻亘t s and const i t t l t i Onal r emedi es avai l abl e t O t he
aggr i cved per sOn?I s t her c any r cst r i ct i on On t he exer ci se Of wr i t J し
l r i sdi ct i On?
Q. 6. Pi case続 t e i n det ai l t he Of f l ce Of ombudsman at f eder al l evd?HOwi ndф
of f l ce Or f eder a1 0mbudsman? endcnt i s t hc

Q. 7: What do you under st and by J udi ci al cOnt r o1 0f Admi ni st r at 市

dOct r i nё e Di scr et i O五 ?what i s t he
Of pr Onl i ssor y est Oppel ?

Q. 8. Dei nc and exPI 西 n t he f 0110wi ng:

a) Bi as b) Re宙 ew under t hej uHsdi ct i Onal pr i nci pl c.

Q19. Pl easc ёt t pl ai n i t t det ai l t he f O110wi ng:

→ Pr ovi dent Fund b) Ri ght Of Appcal or Repr esent at i On c) Tenni nat i On Of seⅣ
l ce.
10: Pl ease speci f y t he pr Ocedl l r e t O be ObseⅣ
ed by t he l nqui r y of f l cer Or hqこ
dl l r i ng an l t t qui r y of t he accused per sOn l l nder t he Pl 珂 i r y Commi t t ce
ab ci vi l ScⅣ ant s c&D) Rul e町 1975.
UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB ° ° ● ● ● ● ● 0● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
・● ・ ・ ・ ・ ・・

PART― HI A2015
Exami nat i on: ― LL. B. 1191, 911・ :∵:∵ ■・ :∵:∵ : : Lf

Subi eCt : Admi ni st r at 市 e Law( Ol d COur se) TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

WEE1/ 1` t cη ツF1/ E9“ 島∠″
` sr i o“
s cα ′ 月ソ′ α α′ ′ αr λ s. :
` α ` sJ l i a″
` ″
“ “

Q. 1. Dё f l ne Admi ni st r at 市 e Law?1l ow can you di st i ngui sh bet ween t he Admi ni st r at 市 e Law and
Const i t ut i onal Law?What i s t he l l l l por t ance of Adnl i ni st r at i ve Law?

Q. 2. what i s meant by Del egat cd Lcgi sl at i on?What i s Lcgi sl at i ve cont r ol of Dcl egat cd
Lcgi si at i on and Pr occdur al Cont r ol of Del cgat ed Lcgi sl at i on?

Q. 3. what i s W五 t J ur i sdi ct i on of t l l さ Hi gh cOur t undcr Ar t i cl e 199 of t he Const i t ut i on of Pよ i st an

1973?I s t her e any r est r i ct i on on t hc exer ci se of Wr i t J l l r i sdi ct i on? !

Q. 4. Pl ease wr i t e i n det ai l t he r ol e of t hc Ombudshan at f edeFal l CVcl ?How i ndepcndent and

cf f ect i ve i s t hc Of f l ce Of ombudsmi n?

Q. 5. Dcf l nc and Expl dn t he f ol 10wi ng:

a) Rcvi cw undcr t hej ur i sdi ct i onal pr i nci pl e b) Bi aS and i t s var i ous t t r nl s.

Q. 6. 恥 / hat do you know abOut t he gr owt h of Admi ni st r at 市 e Tr i bunal s?Wher e t he appcal l i cs

agai nst t he deci si Ons Of t he Admi ni st r a“ ve Tr i bunal s?How i ndepcndent ar e t he Admi ni st r at i vc

Tr i bi nal s i n Paki st an?

Q. 7. Def l ne and Expl ai n t he f o1l owi ng undcr t he C市 i l Ser vant s Act 1973:

→ Pr OmOt i On b) Pr Obat i On c) Ter mi nat i on of SeⅣ i ce.

Q. 8. Pl casc expl ai n what pr ocedur c shal l be obsё Ⅳed when a Goヤ er l l l nent ser vant i s pr ocё eded

電ai nst under t he Gover r ment Ser vant s( El ■ ci ency&Di sci pl i ne) Rul es, 1973?

Q. 9. a) C市 i l Ser vant b) Seni Or i t y c) Pensi on&gr t t ui t y l

Q. 10. What ar e t he var i ous gr ounds and ki nds 6f Pcnal t i es?WVhat pr ocedl l r e t o be obseⅣ ed by

t he i nqui r y of f l cer or i nqu静 y commi t t ee agai nst an accused undcr t he Put t ab Ci ヤ i l Ser vant s( E&
D) R, l cS, 1975.
UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB ・●・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● .

PART― I I I S/ 2015 ・……●…・

: Rol l No. … …………・
Exami nat i On: ‐ LL. B. :

TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.
Subject: Administrative Law (Old Course)
NOTE: Afiempt any FIW questions' All questions carry equal marks

and scope of administrative law?

Ligislation? PleaJe indicate various classification of Delegated

judicial review? Marbury V Madison (1803) and McCulloch V Maryland

sza? Also, diseuss Breach bfthese nrles?

Law as enunciated bY Prof' A'V' DioeY and

. Q . 5 . Please explain in detail the concept of Rule of
compaxe it with French Drort Administratifr

problems of administrative adjudication?

the followiag under the Civil Servants Act'

Q.7. Please explain in detail
a) Civil Servant b) ad hoc appointment c) Selection
(E & D) Ruies' 1973:
under the Govemment Servants
Q.8. Please elaborate the following
a) Authority b) Misconduct c) Grounds of
shal l be
15hen apじ i SOn apr
Qう P19ase dei nc Pr Obat i on and expl ai n i n d9t 譴
ant s Act , 1974?
ent hl ё s f or coni r ma■ on u“ er t he Puni ab Ci Vi l SeⅣ

committee under the

of inquiry by the inquiry officer or inquiry
Q.10. what is the procedure
Punjab Civil Servants (E & D) Rules, 1975?
UNI VERSI TY OF TⅡ E PUNJ AB ° ° ° ° ° ° ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 00● ● 00。
● ・ ・・

PART― ⅡI S/ 2015
Exami nat i on: ‐ LL. B. 1191, 91∵ : ∵ : ∵ : =: ∵ : =: 1l f

SuЦ eCt : Admi ni st r at i ve Law cew COur se) TI PI E ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt any FIW questions in all. Fo(IR questionsfrom PART-I
and ONE questionfrom PART-II. All questions carry equal matks.


by Prof. A.v. Dicey? Also,

Q. 1. Please explain in detail the notion of Rule of Law as expounded
critically- analyze it with French concept "Droit Admi:ristratif '?

Q.2. What do you understand by Adminisuative Action?

what are various classifications of
Administrative Action?

vires? Also speciff review of

Q.3. what is meant by jurisdictional principte or dochine of ultra
i ndi ngs‐ oF‐ l aw and f mdi ngs Of f act s?

me● es年 , γ anabl e, Ⅲ d per sOP I s i 7' any

Q. 4 Ⅲ ⅢCOnsi t ut お nal l響 aggr i evё
r est r i ct i O1 6n t he

ёt t ё i ci se 6f Wr i J wi sdi ct i oP ,
: ,

q.!. ftease elaborate the concept of separation of powers in comparative p€rspective. i.e'
Pakislag. and U.S? Also discuss tte system of Checks & Balances in special reference
with the

Legislative and procedural

Q.6. Define and explain Delegated Legislation? what are Judicial,
control of Delegated Legislation?

q.Z. p1."." explain various reasons for growth of Administrative Adjudication? Please explain
judicial control of administrative discretion?

Q.8. What do you know about the gowth of Administrativl Tribunals?

M:t" t]I: appeal lies
against the'decisions of the Adminisnative Tribunals? How independent are the Adminishative
Tribunals in Pakistan?


Q. 9. Please explain in detail the foilowing:

a) Selection Authority b) Probation c) Seniority'

by the authorized
e.10. What are the various kinds of Penalties? What procedure to be observed
olhcer rn case oI uutlaron of proceedings against accused officet under the Punjab civil
Sё r vant , c&D) Rul es, 1975?
・・ ・ ・
● ● ● ● ● ● ● 00000● ● ●

PART二 I I I A/ 2016
Exami nat i on: 中 LL. B. : e191! 、 911: ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : =Li

Subject: Administrative Law (New Course) TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

questions in all. FouR questions from PART-I und
' A*;pt any FIVE
question from PART-II. All questions catry equal msrks.


and growth of Administrative

Q. 1 Define Administrative law? Explain the development
law and its distinction from Constitutional Law?

What is meant by delegated legislation? Discuss

the legislative and procedural
controts on delegated legislation?
principle of Audi Alteram
Q:3 Discussthe scope of Principles of natural justice and discuss
Partem and Concept of Bias in detail?

ls there anything like 'Absolute Discretion'

in the administrative law? Discuss
Q: 4
the constitution of tslamic Republic
Q: 5 The powers under Article 199 and Article 184(3)of
not to supplanting or stultifying the
of pakistan aim at effecting the rule of law and
in context of Pakistan'
executive authority. critically evaluate the statement
and highlight its significance as
Q: 6 Define Judicial Review of Administrative action
enunciaied by Superior Courts in Pakistan?
and establishing rule of law
Q:7 Administrative Law aims at instituting good governance
in its modern context. Critically analyze the statement'
of the office of Federal ombudsman in
Q:g Discuss the composition role and effectiveness


under service Tribunal Act
Q:g who is competent to file an appeal before service Tribunal

Ser vant under puni ab Ci V‖

Q: 10 Define and exPlain Pr obat i on and Pr omot i On Of Ci V‖
Servant Act 1974

´・・・・・・・・・ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ooo● ● ●.
PART一 l H A/ 2016

ノ … Exal l l i l 121l
… 1ッ L. B.
ニー・‐ J ・ l J・l. ¨?Y∬
¨ ¨ ?l¨ l ・¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨: …
: 1・ f l ・ f l ・ 11・ : l ・ 三
Sl l hi CCt : A〔 i nl i ni st r at 市 c Law( Ol d COI I r sc)
TI ル I E AI 」 l 」 ( ) WED: 3 hr s.
PAPI ] R: V MAX. ルl ARKS: 100
IYOTIj: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questiotts corry ecluctl

Q' r 'Define and exptain the growth and development

of Administrative law? Also discuss
the difference between Administrative raw
and constitutionat Law?

Q:2 Define delegated legistation? Discuss

the main principles of delegated Legislation
enunciated by Superior Courts in pakistan

Q:3 Discttss the scope

of Principles of naturaljr-rstice and discuss
principle of Audi Alteram
Partem and Concept of Bias in detail?

Q:4 what do you mean by judicial control of Administrative

Discretion? what is meant by
promissory estoppels? Explain.

Q:5 The powers under Article 199 and

Article 184(3)of the constitution
of rslamic Republic
of Pakistan aim at effecting the rule of
law and not to supplanting or
stultifying the
executive authority' critically evaiuate
the statement i' context of pakistan.
Q:6 Rule of Law is a hallnrark of Administrative
law, discuss the development of rulc
in the light of Dicey expositions? of law

Q:7 Does service Tribunal under Punjab

civil servant Act and Rules provide
forum against untawfulAdministrative
action ? Discuss

Q:8 Discuss the composition role and effectiveness of the

office of Federal ombudsman
detail? i,

who is competent to file an appeal before service

Tribunal under service Tribunal Act;,j
1,973. Discuss the procedure for ' ^"',u
filing such an appeal?
Q: 10 Define misconduct' what are the various grounds
and r<inds of penalties imposed on
Civil Servant proved guilty of misconduct?

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

PART― ⅡI s/ 2016

Exami nat i On: _LL. B. : Rol l No. ¨

¨ ¨ ¨ ....・ ¨ ¨ ―

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●・●

Subi eCt : Admi ni st r at i ve Law( New Cour se) TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

NOTE: Attempt aay FWE questione in alt. FOUR questione fiom ?ART-I
and ONE question fiom pAnT-IL AII questions iany equal marks.


q' 1 Administrative Law aims at instituting good governance

and estabrishing rure of raw
,however in absence of effective administrative parriamentary
and judiciar contror it
may be instrumentar to injustice and misdistribution.criticary
analyze the statement.
Q:2 Define deregated regisration? Discuss the
main principres of deregated Legisration
enunciated by Superior Courts in pakistan ?

Q:3 Discuss the scope of principres of naturar justice

and discuss principre of Audi Alteram
Partem and Concept of Bias in detail?

Q:4 conferment of Discretionary powers on public

functionaries on one hand effectivery
safe guard and contror exercise of such powers
on the other sine qua non to achieve
the objective of welfare State. ? Discuss

Q:5 The powers under Articre 1gg and Articre

1g4(3) of the constitution of rsramic Repubric
of Pakistan aim at effecting the rule of law
and not to supplanting or stultifying the
executive authority' criticary evaruate the
statement in context of pakistan.
Q:6 Define Judiciar Review of Administrative
action and highright its significance as
glorified by Superior Courts in pakistan?

Q:7 Define and exprain forowing A). principre

of Estopper B) presumption of varidity of
Public Acts

Q: 8 Discuss the composition rore and effectiveness

of the office of Federar ombudsman in


Q: 9 who is competent to fire an appear before service

Tribunar under service Tribunal Act
1973. Discuss the procedure for filing such
an appeal?

Q: 10 Def i ne mi scOnduct . vvhat ar e t he var i Ous gr Ounds and ki nds of Penal t i esi mposed On
Ci v: I Ser vant pr oved gu‖ t y of mi scOnduct .
UNI VERSl l l Y OF TⅡ E PUNJ AB ° ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
・ ・ ・・ ・
PART―I I 13 Annual ‐ 2017
1: l : り ! ヽ 91∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : : Li

Sut t eCt : Administrative Law (New Course)

TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr se
PAPER: V Ml dKo MARKS: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions in all. FOUR questions from PART-I and ONE question
from PART-II. All questions carry equal mark.

Q.1. Please explain in detail tlre concept of Rule of Law as enunciated by Prof. A.V. Dicey?
Also, critically uralyze it witti l-'i't:::,.:j'i i.:,.:ii,':ption'oDroitllr.dministratif'?

r. i ),. itr.r: ancJ"t . i-irriinistrative i ,i:v,i'i i'i,,:Asr,: elaborate the concept of separaticn of
powers rii !r ; :ir 1: ''' ir.l ': i: i'.i,lt':t'!:,r:',i:tive. i.e. UIi, U.S iii:d Pakistan?

Q.3. What is Delegated Legislation? What are the various reasons for growth of Delegated
Legislation? Please explain in detail the Title based classification of Delegated Legislation?

Q.4. What is meant by Judicial Control of Administrative Discretion? Please explain the
concept in detail.

Q.5. What do you know about Judicial Review? Please explain in detail the land mark cases
ofjudicial review? Marbuqy V Madison (1803) and McCulloch V Maryland (1819)?

Q.6. Write a note on the following:

a) The Jurisdictional Prin,;iple cr Lloctrine of Ultra Vires

b) Review of Findings of Law and Findings of Facl..

Q.7. The Principles of Natural Justice occupy a unique place in administrative law? Please
elaborale and explain the concept in detail?

Q.8. Please explain in detail the Constitutional Law Remedies/Public Law Remedies
available to the aggrieved party?


Q.9. Defing and Explain the following under the Civil Servants Act 1973:

a) Promotion b) Probation c) Termination of Service.

Q.10. What are the various kinds of Penalties? What procedure to be observed by the
authorized of,ficer in case of initiation of proceedings against accused person under the

Pur-rjab Civil Servants (E & D) Rules, 1975.
PART - III: SuPPlementary - 2017
Examination:- t'L.8. (03 Years ! Rolt No. ..................... :

Subject: Administrative Law (New Course) TIME ALLOWED:3 hrs.



NOTE: Aftempt any FIVE questions in all. FOUR questions from PART-I and ONE question
from PART-II. All questions carry equal mark.

Q.1. Define and explain the development of Administrative Law? Please explain about the
natue and scope of administrative law?

Q.2. DeIine and exptain Administrative Law? Please elaborate the concept of separation
powers in comparative perspective. i.e. UK, Pakistan and U.S?

Q.3. What is Delegated Legislation? What are the various reasons for growth of Delegated
Legislation? Please indicate legislative control of Delegated Legislation?

Q.4. Please explain in detail the principles of Audi Alteram Partem ^td Nemo Ju dex
Causa Sua withrelevant case.laws? Also discuss breach ofthese rules?

the land mark cases

Q.5. What do you know about Judicial Review? Please explain in detail
ofjudicial review? Marbury V Madison (1803) and McCulloch V Maryland (1819)?
jurisdiction under article
Q.6. What is meant by prerogative writs? Please explain the write
199 and 184(3) of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973? Is there any restriction on the exercise
of Writ Jurisdiction?

Q.7. Define and Explain the following:

a) Judicial Control of Administrative Discretion b) Bias

Q.8. What do you know about the growth of

Administrative Tribunals? Explain
constitutional Developments regarding Service Laws until 1973? Where the appeal lies
against the decisions of the Service Tribunals? How independent are Service Tribunals in


Q.9. Please explain in detail the following under the Civil Servants Act 1973:

a) Probation b) Confirmation c) Seniority

Q.10. What are the various kinds ofPenalties? Please specify the procedure to be observed by
the Inquiry offtcer or inquiry committee during an Inquiry of the accused person under the
Prurjab Civil Servants (E & D) Rules, 1975.
● ● ● ● ● ● 0● ● ● 0● 0● ● ● ● ● 0● ● ● ●.

PART―I H: Annual ‐ 2018

Exami nat i on卜 L. L. B. ( 03 Year め 1取 I 1191∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : =Lf
―Sut t ect : Admi ni st r at 市 e Lav7 o町 eVJ COur so TI ME ALLOWED33 hr s。



Q.l' What is Delegated Legislation? What is necessity of Delegated Legislation? Please indicate
various classification of Delegated Legislation? Is there any Limitation on Delegated

Q.2. Please explain in detail the notion of Rule of Law as enunciated by Prof. A.V,. Dicey? Also,
critically analyze it with French concept "Droit Administatif,?

Q.3. What do you know about Judicial Review? Please explain in detail the land mark cases of
judicial review? Marbury V Madison (1803) and McCulloch V Maryland (tslg)?

Q.4. Please explain in detail the princip le of Audi Alteram Partem? Also, discuss Breach of the
Audi Alteram P artem rule?

Q.5. What is Writ Jurisdiction of the High Court? Please explain all the Prerogative writs in
detail? Is there any restriction on the exercise of writ Jurisdiction?

Q.6. Ptease writes in detail the office of Ombudsman at federal level? How independent is the
office of federal Ombudsman?

Q.7. Define and Explain the following:

a) Review of Findings of Law and Findings of fact b) Bias

Q.8. What do you know about the growth of Administrative Tribunals? Where the appeal lies
against the decisions of the Administrative Tribunals? How independent are the Administrative
Tribunals in Pakistan?


Q.9. Please explain in detail the following:

a) Promotion b) Termination of Service c) Employment after Retirement

Q.10. Please specify the procedure to be observed by the lnquiry officer during an Inquiry of the
accused person under the Punjab civil servants (E & D) Rules, 1975.
PA=― I Ll 。

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18 .●


● ●

1: l : I N91∵ : ∵ : ∵: ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : : l i
Sut t eCt : Admi ni st r at i ve Law cWeW Cour so
NoTE: Attempt FrYE questions in all, selecting
question from part-Ir. A, questions
F\(IR euestions from part-I and oNE
carry rt""imarks.

Q' l ' what do you unc{erstancl by Administrative Action? what are
various classifications of
Admi nistrati ve Action?

Q' 2' Please explain in detail the notion of Rule of Law as expounded
by prof. A.v. Dicey? Also,
oritically anaryze it with French concept ..Droit
Q'3' what is meant by jurisdictional prinoiple or doctrine of ultravires?
AIso specifirreview of
Iir:dings of'law and findings of facts?

Q'4' what constitutional law remedies are available to the aggrieved person?
Is there any
on the exercise of Writ Jurisdiction?

Q'5' Please elaborate the concept of separation of powers in comparative

perspective. i.e. [JK,
Pakistan and u'S? Also discuss the system
of Checks & Balances in special reference witlr the

Q'6' Detine and explain Delegated Legislation? what are Judicial, Legislative
and procedural
control of Delegated Legislation?

Q'7' Please explain various reasons for growth of Administrative Ad.juclication? please explain
j udici al control of admini
strative discretion?

Q'8' what do you know about thc' groMh of Adn-rinistrative Ti.ibunals?

where the appeal lies
against the decisions of the Administrative
Tribunals? How independent are the Administrative
Tribunals in pakistan?


Q. 9. Please explain in detail thc following:

a) Selection Authority b) probation c) Seniority.

Q'10' what are the various kinds of Penalties? what procedure

to be observed by the authorized
officer in case of initiation of proceedings agai.rsi
accused officer under the punjab civil
Servants (E & D) Rules, lg75?
UNTVERSTTY OF THB PUNJAB :':':-'-'-"..o"""""
L.L.B. (03 Years) Part - III Annual Exam - 2019 I .lgttllo;:'.':';:':'j:'i'j. . !
Subject: Administrative Law (New Course) Paper: V Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIW questions in all. FOIIR Questions from Part-I and ONE question from
Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.l. Define and explain the development of Administrative Law? Please explain about the nature and
scope of administrative law? Please specify how it enters into Pakistan?

Q. 2. What do you know about Judicial Review? Please explain in detail the land mark cases of judicial
review? Marbury V Madison (1803) and McCulloch V Maryland (1819)? What was the impact of the
decisions of these cases on judiciaries of the world?

Q.3. What is Delegated Legislation? What is judicial, legislative and procedural control of Delegated
Legislation? Is there any restriction on Delegated Legislation?

Q.4. Please explain in detail the principles of Audi Alteram Partem and nemo judex in cdusa sua? Afso,
discuss Breach of these rules?

Q.5. What are the various prerogative writs and constitutional remedies available to the aggrieved person?
Is there any restriction on the exercise of Writ Jurisdiction?

) Q.6. Please explain in detail the offrce of Ombudsman at federal level? How independent is the office of
f'ederal Ombudsman? Do you think the decisions of the Ombudsman provide adequate remedy to the
aggrieved person?
Discretion? What is the doctrine of ;
e.7. what do you understancl by Judicial cont-ol of Aclministrative
promissory estopPel?

Q. 8. Define and explain the following:

a) Bias and its kinds b) Review under the jurisdictional principle.


Q.9. Please explains in detail the following:

b) Civil Servant b) Selection Authority c) Probation'

penalties? what procedure to be observed by the authorized officer in

e.10. what are the various kinds of
case of initiation of proceedings against accused officer under
the Govemment Servants (E & D) Rules'
Subi eCt : Administrative Law (New Course)
Paper: V
: Ro‖
No. . . "` ・・
oo● ● ●


Ti me: 3H膊 。 Mar k8: 100

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Part-t and oNE qu*tion

NOTE: Attempt FtvE guesfions ln att. FouR Quesfibns from
from FartJt. Atl questions carry equal marl<s'

not i on of Rul e of 助 Ⅳ as expomdedby Pr ol AⅣ . Di “ ノ

What yOu
Q, 1. Phase el abor at es i n“ 滅 l 憮 診
under st end by t he mOdem concept of Rul e of Law7

露 織鷲驚嘉W窯議l 濾意黛鮮
PLお e dt t or at est he conceμ of Seput i on of p∬ 1∬
Q。 2。
and l J oS?What r ol e t he separ at i on of power s pl ays f

asoS f or gr om Of Del egded bgi si t t m?

Q. 3. What i s Del e3at ed Le」sl at i t t What ar e t t var i oい

Hcase i ndi c曲 面 Ous c騰 si ncat i on of Del cFt ed Lt t Ы at i t t b t t my"st i Ct i on t t Del egat ed
Lcgi si at i on?

on?Pl eaSe expl am t he concept i n dedi ・
Q. 4. What お meant by J udi ci d Cont r ol of な i mi ni smt i ve Di g輝

Q. 5。 What do you l Qow about J udi ci al Revi ew under t he US COnst i t ut i on?Pl ease exphi n t n det ai l t he
l t t mar k cases of j udi Ci al r evi ew: 1‐ Mar bw V Madi son( 1803) 2‐ McCul l ochV Maw13nd( 1819) ?

Q. 6. WFi t t nOt e on Ⅲ おi bWi ng

→neJ 面 sdi ct i om H“ i pl e or Do職 仙〕of Ul m Vれ s

りRevi ew of Fi ndi ngs of Law and Fi ndi ngs of Fact ,

Page l of 2 P. T. 0.

Q. 7. 鶴 P五 nci pl es oFNat ul J st i ce occupy a uni que pl ace i n t t mi ni st t t i ve l at t Pl 黎 dabont e and

expl ai n t he cOncept i n det ai l ?Do you t t i nk t he P‖ nci pl es of Namal J ut t i ce ar e uni f om ar ound t he
wor l 碑 `
Q. 8. Pt ase epl ■ n i n det al i t he Consdt ut i onal Law Remedi "Publ b Law Remedi es avat i abt t t o t he
電酵 。 Ved I 押 守?Under what a轟 ●b Of t he Const i t ut i on of Pε 雌曲雌徹躍 ar eヽ
Pり` 磁 t O施 脚轟


Q. 9, Denne and Expl dn t he f ol l owi n3:

→ Pr O宙 dent Fundり Ri ght of Appea1 0r Repr mnt at i on→ Tet t i nat i onoFSer v議 .

Q. 10。 What i s t t pr ocedt e of i nqui r y by t t e i nqui r y or l cer or i nqut r y commi t t ee under t he Oovemment
Semnt s∈ &D) Rul es, 1973?

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SubieCt Administrative Law (New Course) Paper: V
:Ro‖ No."...."".・・
%..。 。。

・ o・・ ●0● ●●●●●●
Time1 3 Hrs. Marks:100

NOTE:Д empt FryE q“ esJO■ s h att FOυ R Q“ esl'0,S from Pa"│′ and ONE q“ es″ o"
“ Parf‐ 肌 Д〃q“ es″ o■ s cary equar maFkS.


0助 .I Administrative law aims at instituting good govemance and establishing rule of

law, however, in absence of effective control mechanism, it may be instnrmental to
injustice. Analyze this statement fully.

0ル・ Whtt is deLgated bgisl盤 on?Whtt are basic p五 nciples of delegated legislation
' enunciated by supe五 or courts in Paki曲 置?

0腸・J What do you understand by Judidd Control ofttmi五 rative discretior Exphin。

2施 .イ Discuss in detail thc Principles of Audi Alteram Partem and Netlo Judexa in
Causa Sua?

0節・J What ari the prerogiiive writs and constitutional remedies available to aggrieved
person? Are there any restriction on the scope of Writ jurisdiction?

Page 1 ot2 P.T.0.

Q-No.6 Explain the phenomenon of growth of administrative law? Also elaborate the
concept of separation of power in comparatrive perspective, i.e, UK, Pakistan and

Q.Na.7 Discuss the composition role and effectiveness of the office of Federal
Ombudsman in deail?

Q.No.8 llt/rite note on following:

(a) Doctrine of Ultra vires
(b) Review of Findings of Law and Finding of Facts
Q,No.9 What is the procedure of inquiry by Inquiry Offrcer or committee underthe
Government Servant (E & D) Rules, 1973?

Q.No.l0 Explain misconduct? lVhat are the various grounds and kinds of penalties irnposed
on civil ssrvant proved gutlty of misconduct?

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