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Model 1

[1] (X) is a transition element is located in the first transition series

4th ionization 5th ionization 6th ionization 7th ionization

potential potential potential potential
4500 6300 12300 15200
The element lies after in the same series found in group …………….

a) IIB b) VIB c) IVB d) VIIB

[2] M is an transition element is used as catalyst in the conversion of water gas into liquid fuel
by Fischer-Tropsch method which of the following happened easy in normal condition………..
a) M2+ M3+ b) M3+ M2+
c) M M3+ d) M3+ M4+
[3] the correct equation represents the reaction
shown in the graph is ………………
a) C(g) ⇌ B(g) + 2A(g)
b) C(g) ⇌ B(g) + 3A(g)
c) C(g) ⇌ B(g) + 2A(g)
d) B(g) + 2A(g) → C(g)
[4] by comparing between reduction process at blast and midrex furnace we find that …………

a) the two furnace used the same oxidizing agent and different reducing agent.

b) the two furnace used the same reducing agent and different reducing agent.

c) the two furnace used the same reducing agent and oxidizing agent .

d) the two furnace used the different reducing agent and oxidizing agent .

Page 1
[5] All the following paramagnetic elements but when it reaches to maximum oxidation state
becomes diamagnetic except……..
a) Ti b) Sc c) Co d) Cr
[6] In the following reaction : Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) = MgCl2(s) + H2(g) , all the following can increase
the rate of chemical reaction except ……………….

a) increasing concentration of HCl with the same volume

b) converting magnesium into powder

c) increasing temperature at the beginning of the reaction

d) increasing volume of HCl with same concentration

[7] According to the properties of ions of the following elements (1-Sc 2-V 3-Ni 4-Zn)
Which pair of the following can’t absorb any light?
a) 1 & 3
b) 2 & 4
c) 1 & 4
d) 2 & 3
[8] adding drops of acetic acid on water which species are found in the produced solution

a) CH3COO- , H2O and H3O+

b) CH3COOH ,CH3COO- , H2O and H3O+

c) CH3COOH , H2O and H3O+

d) CH3COOH ,CH3COO- , H2O , H3O+ and OH-

Page 2
[9] What is the value of X for iron III chloride crystals FeCl3.XH2O? …….
If you know that, the mass of the sample before heating was 2.705 g and is constant mass
after heating was 1.625 g. [Fe = 56 , Cl = 35.5 , H = 1 , O = 16]
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
[10] The two elements which attracted to magnet by same force found in group ………. &
column ……………. In periodic table.

a) IIB ,7

b) VIB , 9

c) IVB , 10

d) IIIB , 8

[11] to obtain iron III salt from yellowish gray iron ore by …………………….respectively.
a) roasting – reduction in midrex furnace – adding dil. HCl
b) roasting – reduction in blast furnace – adding dil. HCl
c) roasting – reduction at 500oC – passing Cl2 above the product
d) roasting – reduction by mixture of CO & H2 – passing Cl2 above the product
[12] lead II acetate solution gives white ppt. with ……ions but black ppt. with ……..ions
a) sulphate , thiosulphate
b) sulphate , chloride
c) sulphate , sulphide
d) sulphate , sulphite
Page 3
[13] iron II sulphate can be converted into iron III sulphate by ………………….
a) heating then adding conc. acid
b) adding conc. Acid the heating
c) thermal decomposition the reduction
d) heating then adding dil. acid
[14] if you have four elements A,B,C & D their electronic configuration are:

A: [Ar] 4s2,3d6 B: [Ar] 4s1,3d10 C: [He] 2s2,2P2 D: [Ne] 3s2,3p1

Interstitial alloy Substitutional ally Intermetallic

a Mixing A with B Mixing A with C reacting A with B
b reacting A with C Mixing B with D Mixing A with D
c Mixing B with D Mixing A with D Mixing A with B
d Mixing A with C Mixing A with B reacting B with D

[15] a precipitate is formed in all the following cases except…………….

a) KCl / HgNO3
b) BaCl2 / Na2CO3
c) NaHCO3 / H2SO4
d) H2SO4 / BaCl2

[16] in the following equilibrium PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) ⇌ PCl5(g) KC = X

So the value of KC for decomposition half mole of PCl5 is …………
a) X
b) 2X


Page 4
[17] in the following reaction MgSO4(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) → MgCO3(S) + Na2SO4(aq)

Which of the following substances can do the same rule of MgSO4 in the previous reaction?

a) H2SO4

b) NH4Cl

c) MgCl2

d) K2SO4

[18] When mixing same volume of HCl & Ba(OH)2 each of them have same concentration so
the produced solution ……………

a) turns the color of litmus paper to violet , the acid and base are completely consumed

b) is basic and half volume of base still without reaction

c) is acidic and half volume of acid still without reaction

d) turns phenolphthalein to red and half volume of acid still without reaction

[19] on adding concentrated sulphuric acid to solid salt (XY2) a colorless gas is evolved which
doesn’t be oxidized by the effect of sulphuric acid, and on adding diluted sulphuric acid to a
solution of (XY2) a white ppt. is formed so what is the chemical formula of that salt ?

a) Ca(NO3)2

b) Mg(Cl)2

c) CaCl2

d) FeCl2

Page 5
[20] determine the PH of solution made by dissolving 10g of NaOH in 0.8L to give aqueous
solution of NaOH. (Na=23,O=16,H=1)

a) 0.49




[21] Mixture of sodium hydroxide & calcium carbonate its mass 8g react completely with 100
ml of 0.4M of hydrochloric acid, the % of sodium chloride in mixture equals ……………..
[Ca= 40, C=12,O =16]

a) 25%

b) 75%

c) 50%



CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

M= M=0.4M
V= V=0.1L ( )CaCO3= ( )H2SO4

n=1 n=2 No. of moles of CaCO3 = 0.02 mole

Mass of CaCO3 = No. of moles x m.m = 0.02 x (40+12+3x16) = 2 g

% of CaCO3 = (2/8) X100 = 25 %
% of NaCl = 100-25= 75 %

Page 6
[22] on adding drops of red phenolphthalein to mixture of 5ml of 2M H2SO4 and 10ml of 2M
NaOH, the color will ……..

a) change into colorless

b) change into blue
c) change into green
d) remain red

2NaOH + H2SO4→ Na2SO4+ 2H2O

M= 2M M=2M
V = 10mL V=5mL
n=2 n=1

( )Base ( )Acid

(10)base = (10)acid so the medium will be neutral has no effect on any indicator.

[23] All of the following can be a reason for not appearing brown ring, except

a) add little amount of iron II sulphate

b) use iron II sulphate previously prepared

c) preparing it near to the flame

d) make the reaction medium acidic

[24] when a battery is connected to operate a radio, the following reaction occurs inside the
battery A + X2+ → A2+ + X , all the following are correct except ……….

a) oxidation potential of A > X

b) reduction potential of X > A

c) mass of X increases while mass of A decreases

d) A receives electrons from X

Page 7
[25] 0.2 mole of a compound MCl2 is combined with 14.4 g of water to form a formula of
MCl2.nH2O so, n = ………… *O = 16 , H = 1 +
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
Answer (b)
[26] if the ionization degree of organic monoproptic acid 3% its concentration 0.2M what is its
PH value?

a) 2.2

b) 5.2

c) 2.5

d) 5

[27] sparingly soluble salt composed of Y3+ and W- its solubility degree can be calculated by

a) √

b) √

c) √

d) √

YW3⇌ Y3+ + 3W-

Conc. S 3S

Ksp = [Y3+] [W-]3 = (S)x(3S)3 = 27 S4 , S= √

Page 8
[28] if the concentration of calcium ion 1 x10-8 mole/L what is the value solubility product of
calcium phosphate





[29] to protect a metal M from corrosion we have to …………..

a) connect M to metal with lower oxidation potential
b) connect M to metal with higher reduction potential
c) connect M to metal with lower reduction potential
d) connect M to metal with lower chemical activity
[30] iron connected with another metal M with wire, iron were rusted while metal M won’t
rust that means ………………….
a) iron will receive electrons from metal M
b) Metal M will receive electrons from iron
c) metal M is more active than iron
d) iron act as oxidizing agent
[31] On charging lead accumulator one of the following will happen……………….
a) coating the cathode with a layer of PbSO4
b) decreasing the quantity of sulphuric acid
c) coating the anode with a layer of PbSO4
d) increasing concentration of sulphuric acid

Page 9
[32] during oxidation reduction reaction in fuel cell, all the following happened except ……….

a) transferring of electrons towards anode

b) transferring of electrons towards cathode

c) oxygen is converted into hydroxide ions by reduction

d) hydrogen is converted into water by oxidation

[33] a galvanic cell its diagram is H2/2H+ // 2M+/2M , emf of this cell =0.8V what is the standard
oxidation potential of the electrode M

a) -0.8V

b) +0.8V

c) +0.4V

d) -0.4V

[34] on passing 19296 C in electrolyte contains cations of divalent metal, 5.6g of that metal
deposited. What the atomic mass of that metal?

a) 56 g/mole

b) 28 g/mole

c) 112 g/mole

d) 84 g/mole

[35] The difference between number of carbonatoms of most active cycloalkane and alkane
which used directly in preparing simplest aromatic compound by………………………..carbon

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

Answer: (c)
Page 10
[36] The no. of electrons to deposit 54 grams of silver (Ag=108) during electroplating …..

a- half Avogadro’s number

b- Avogadro’s number

c- double Avogadro’s number

d- three times Avogadro’s number

[37] Electroplating process was performed on a slit of copper by passing a quantity of
electricity of 0.5 F in aqueous solution of AuCl3 (plating on one side only).
- What is the volume of precipitated gold layer? ……….. cm3
(Knowing that, the atomic mass of gold is 196.98 and its density is 13.2 g/cm3)
a) 2.487
b) 4.974
c) 1.244
d) 3.731

[38] arrange in descending order according to boiling point

a) ethylene glycol > phethalic acid > ethanol > diethyl ether
b) phethalic acid > ethylene glycol > ethanol > diethyl ether
c) phethalic acid > ethanol > ethylene glycol > diethyl ether
d) ethylene glycol > phethalic acid > diethyl ether > ethanol
[39] which of the following pairs apply markonikoff’s rule when excess of HBr is added
Page 11
[40] catalytic hydration of propyne gives ……
a) propanone
b) propanal
c) propanoic acid
d) propanol
[41] the correct arrangement for the steps of preparing propane form propanoic acid
a) neutralization , dry distillation
b) hydrogenation ,reduction , dehydration
c) dehydration, reduction, hydrogenation
d) reduction, dehydration, hydrogenation
[42] the correct arrangement for the steps of preparing ethane form propanoic acid
a) neutralization , dry distillation
b) hydrogenation ,reduction , dehydration
c) dehydration, reduction, hydrogenation
d) reduction, dehydration, hydrogenation
[43] to convert alkyl halide to dihydric alcohol
a) oxidation, dehydration ,alkaline hydrolysis
b) alkaline hydrolysis, dehydration, oxidation
b) alkaline hydrolysis, oxidation, hydration
d) catalytic hydration , oxidation ,alkaline hydrolysis

Page 12
[44] how to convert heptane into simplest aromatic compound ?

a) catalytic reforming

b) catalytic reforming , oxidation

c) catalytic reforming , oxidation, neutralization

d) catalytic reforming , oxidation, neutralization, dry distillation

[45] to get dibasic acid from mono basic acid …

a) halogenation then oxidation

b) alkylation then reduction

c) halogenation then hydrolysis

d) alkylation then oxidation

[46] adding excess HBr to CHCCH2COOH gives ………

a) 1,1-dibromobutanoic acid
b) 2,2-dibromobutanoic
c) 4,4-dibromobutanoic
d) 3,3-dibromobutanoic
[47] all the following pairs are isomers for C4H8O2 except ………..
a) butanoic acid and propyl methanoate
b) butanoic acid and ethyl ethanoate
c) propyl formate and methyl propanoate
d) ethyl propanoate and ethyl ethanoate

Page 13
[48] two organic compounds X & Y ; X contains no methyl groups and Y contains no methylene
groups so all the following about X & Y are incorrect except …………….

a) X may have molecular formula C3H8

b) Y may have molecular formula C4H10O which is alcohol that can’t be oxidized

c) X its alkaline hydrolysis produce ethylene glycol

d) Y may have molecular formula C4H8

[49] If 3-pentanol reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid 180oC to give A and also 3-
pentanol reacts with acidified KMnO4 to give B
Compound A Compound B
a 2-pentene O
H3C – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – C – OH
b 3-pentene O
H3C – CH2 – CH2 – C – CH3
c 2-pentene O
H2C – CH2 – C – CH2 – CH3
d 3-pentene H3C – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CHO
answer c

[50] Compound which used in dyes with molecular formula CH2O2 reacted with the simplest
secondary alcohol and formed compound A which contain………methyl group

Page 14
Model 2
[1] on adding (NH4)2CO3 to all the following salts , precipitate is formed except with ……….

a) CuCl2

b) CaCl2

c) Fe(NO3)2

d) KNO3

[2] we can use NH4OH solution to differentiate between all the following except ……………..

a) FeSO4 , Al2(SO4)3

b) AgCl , AgI

c) Fe(NO3)2 , Fe(NO3)3

d) Na2CO3 , NaCl

[3] the highest number of unpaired electrons are found in orbitals of element in group

a) IIB

b) VIB

c) IVB


Page 15
[4] What is the molecular formula of hydrated magnesium sulphate, if it contains 62.26 % of its
mass crystalline water? …….
[Mg = 24 , S = 32 , H = 1 , O = 16 ]
a) MgSO4.9H2O
b) MgSO4.10H2O
c) MgSO4.11H2O
d) MgSO4.12H2O
[5] M is an transition element its oxide is used as strong oxidizing agent in the dry cell which
of the following conversions happened easy in normal condition………..

a) M2+ M3+

b) M3+ M2+

c) M M3+

d) M3+ M4+

[6] a student carried out the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid in two
experiments A&B

He used 1g of powdered magnesium He used 1g of powdered magnesium
and 20ml of 0.1M hydrochloric and 40ml of 0.1M hydrochloric
a) the rate of A is faster than B

b) the rate of B is faster than A

c) the rate of A and B are equal

d) the rate of B is double A

Page 16
[7] when dil. HCl is added to three solid salts A, B & C in case of (A) a gas evolved and oxidized
at the mouth of the tube , in case of (B) a gas evolved and turns acidified potassium
dichromate into green , in case of (C) there is no gas formed
a) (A) = nitrite , (B) sulphite , (C) sulphate
b) (A) = nitrate , (B) sulphide , (C) sulphite
c) (A) = nitrite , (B) sulphate , (C) sulphite
d) (A) = nitrate , (B) sulphate , (C) sulphite
[8] during midrex furnace and blast furnace reaction ……………
a) the mass of ore decreases as result of the oxidation of impurities
b) the mass of ore increases as result of formation of pure iron
c) the mass of ore decreases by getting rid of oxygen
d) the mass of ore is still constant
[9] to get black iron oxide from iron III chloride,…………
a) adding dil. HCl – oxidation – reduction at 350oC
b) adding basic solution – thermal decomposition – reduction at 250oC
c) oxidation – reduction – thermal decomposition
d) thermal decomposition – oxidation – adding base
[10] 21Z is transition element but 30Y is non-transition element because……
a) both Z3+ and Y2+ are colorless solutions
b) in Z 3d sublevel is partially filled but Y 3d sublevel is completely filled in atomic or oxidation
c) Z lose 3 electrons at once
d) both Z and Y do not have variable oxidation states

Page 17
[11] comparing between A and D

A Fe2O3 + 3H2O(V)

CO Dil. HCl
B C + H2O

D + NH4Cl

a) the have same cation and D has higher magnetic moment

b) the have same anion and A has higher magnetic moment

c) they are colored and have same magnetic moment

d) they are colorless and A has higher magnetic moment

[12] during reaction CuCl changes into CuCl2 , all the following are correct about that reaction

a) the color of solution disappear

b) attraction force to magnet increases

c) the produced compound proves that copper is a transition metal

d) magnetic moment of the produced compound equals scandium

[13] when diluted sulphuric is added to a solid salt, a gas is formed when this gas is passed for
a short time in lime water, it becomes turbid . and when dil. H2SO4 is also added to a solution
of the same salt, a precipitate is formed so the salt is ……..

a) calcium bicarbonate

b) magnesium carbonate

c) sodium carbonate

d) copper bicarbonate

Page 18
[14] 8 g of sodium carbonate was dissolved in 100mL of water , if 10mL of the produced
solution neutralize with 35mL 0.27M of HCl acid find percentage of Na2CO3.
[Na=23, H=1, O= 16, C=12]
a) 24.9%
b) 62.5%
c) 76.3%
d) 42.7 %
Na2CO3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H2O+ CO2
M= ? M=0.27M
V= 0.01L V=0.035L ( )Base = ( )Acid
n= 1 n=2 molarity of Na 2CO3 = 0.4725 M
No. of moles of Na2CO3 = MxV= 0.4725x0.1=0.04725 mole
Mass of Na2CO3= no. of moles x m.m = 0.04725 x (2x23+12+3x16) = 5 g
% of Na2CO3 = = 62.5%

[15] 2g of potassium nitrate and potassium bromide dissolved in water and 20ml of 0.4M
silver nitrate is added till complete precipitation. What is the percentage of bromide in the
sample? (K=39,Br=79.9,Ag=108)
a) 42.52
b) 31.96
c) 23.87
d) 27.23
KBr + AgNO3 → AgBr+ KNO3
M= M=0.4M
V= V=0.02L ( )KBr = ( )AgNO3
n=1 n=1 No. of moles of KBr = 8x10-3 mole
Mass of KBr = no. of moles x m.m = 8x10-3 x (39+79.9) = 0.9512g
KBr → Br
1 mole → 1 mole
118.9 g → 79.9 g
0.9512 g→ X g mass of Br (X) = 0.6392g
% of bromide = x 100 = 31.96%

Page 19
[16] We can differentiate between potassium nitrite and potassium nitrate by all the following
except ? ………….
a) Acidified potassium permanganate solution with sulphuric acid
b) Acidified potassium dichromate solution with sulphuric acid
c) Diluted hydrochloric acid
d) Barium chloride solution
[17] the following equilibrium reaction: 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g) , we can
increase the dissociation of SO3 by ………….

a) increasing amount of O2

b) increasing pressure

c) decreasing temperature

d) increasing temperature

[18] when siderite is heated in closed vessel and allowed to reach equilibrium , the partial
pressure of CO2 equals …………….

a) KC


c) Kp


[19] what is the POH of sulphuric acid 0.2M

a) 13.6 b) 0.39 c)0.69 d) 13.3

Page 20
[20] what is the change in PH for pure water when 0.04 mole acetic acid is added to it and the
volume becomes 200ml (Ka = 1.8x10-5)

a) increases by 2.7

b) decreases by 4.3

c) decreases by 2.7

d) increases by 4.3

[21] 20% of XOH with concentration 0.1M is ionized in aqueous solution, the ionization
constant Kb of this equals

a) 4x10-3

b) 5x10-5

c) 2.5x10-5

d) 5x10-3

[22] given that solubility product KSP of CaF2 = 3.9x10-11 so its degree of solubility = ……….

And concentration of fluoride ions = ………….

a) 2.14x10-4 , 4.27x10-4

b) 2.14x104 , 2.14x10-4

c) 4.27x10-4, 2.14x10-4

d) 4.27x10-4, 4.27x10-4

Page 21
[23] What happen to PH value of :

X= water when adding solid KOH to it.

Y= KOH solution by adding amount of water to it

a) PH increases in the case (X) but decreased in the case (Y).

b) PH increases in the case (Y) but decreased in the case (X).

c) PH increases in both cases (X) & (Y).

d) PH decreases in both cases (X) & (Y).

[24] In the equilibrium if Kc = 0.1 so, …………
a) K1 = K2 b) K1 < K2 c) r1 > r2 d) [Prod.] > [React.]

[25] in the following equilibrium reaction:

N2(g)+2O2(g) ⇌2NO2(g) if Kp =20 and partial pressure of O2=1atm and partial pressure of N2=0.2
atm what is the total pressure of the mixture?
a) 2 atm
b) 20 atm
c)21.2 atm
d) 3.2 atm

[26] metal (X) can replace Y2+ ions from its salt solution but can’t replace Z2+ ions from its salt
solution, so we can protect pure metal X by coating with a layer of Y which called …….. or by
coating with a layer of Z which called ………….

a) anodic cover , cathodic cover ,

b) cathodic cover , anodic cover ,

c) anodic cover , anodic cover ,

d) cathodic cover , cathodic cover ,

Page 22
[27] A is more active than B on putting a rod of element A in a solution contains ions of B (by
knowing that element A is monovalent & B is trivalent) which of the following is correct?
a) number of moles of A dissolved double no. of moles of B deposited
b) number of moles of A dissolved equal no. of moles of B deposited
c) number of moles of A dissolved triple no. of moles of B deposited
d) number of moles of A dissolved one third no. of moles of B deposited
[28] during recharging process of lithium ion battery all the following are correct except ……
a) the battery acts as electrolytic cell
b) reduction process occurs at –ve pole
c) oxidation process occurs at +ve pole
b) oxidation process occurs at –ve pole
Ag+/Ag Ni2/Ni Mn2+/Mn Pb2+/Pb
0.8 V -0.23 V -1.03 V -0.126 V
Then the cell diagram which produces the highest emf is ……….
a) 2Ag/2Ag+//Mn2+/Mn
b) Mn/Mn2+ // 2Ag+/2Ag
c) Ni2+/Ni // 2Ag/2Ag+
d) Mn/Mn2+ // Pb2+/Pb
[30] Which pair of the following compounds has the general
formula CnH2n-2? ……………
a) A / B
b) B / C
c) C / D
d) D / F
[31] The more branched compound for the molecular formula C6H14 contains ……………. methyl
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

Page 23
[32] the ratio between number of sigma bonds to pi bonds in molecule X which produced from
catalytic reforming of octane equals

a) 3:2

b) 6:1

c) 3:1

d) 4:1

[33] what is the volume of evolved chlorine gas at STP on passing electric current 10A for 0.5
hour during electrolysis of molten sodium chloride (Cl=35.5)


b) 4.18 L

c) 1.04L

d) 0.21L

[34] In the following shape three glass beakers :

- What is the correct arrangement for these metals according to the strength of reducing?
a) X > Y > W < Z b) Z < W < Y < X
c) Y < X < W < Z d) Z < W < X < Y

Page 24
[35] The two open chain hydrocarbon C5H12 & C6H12 have

a) the same physical state and same chemical properties

b) the same physical state and different chemical properties

c) the different physical state and same chemical properties

d) the different physical state and different chemical properties

[36] three different compounds X,Y & Z have the same molar mass =60 g/mole but different
boiling points X > Y > Z ; X reacts with NaHCO3 ,Y is completely oxidized into acid

a) X: ethanoic acid , Y: 1- propanol , Z: methyl formate (C=12,H=1,O=16)

b) X: 1- propanol, Y: ethanoic acid, Z: methyl formate

a) X: methyl formate, Y: 1- propanol , Z: ethanoic acid

a) X: ethanoic acid , Y: methyl, Z: formate 1- propanol

[37] study the following diagram and answer giving that A is open chain C3H6
catalytic hydration oxidation

The isomer of C is ……….

a) propanone

b) propanal

c) propanoic acid

d) propanol

Page 25
[38] The correct arrangement for the steps of preparing 1,1-dibromoethane from suitable
hydrocarbon …..
a) adding 2 moles of HBr to ethyne
b) adding 1 moles of Br2 then 1 mole of H2 to ethyne
c) adding 2 moles of Br2 to ethyne
d) adding 1 moles of Br2 to ethene
[39] Which one of the following choices represents the correct expression about the bond
length in the following compounds: (C6H6, C2H6, C2H4)
a) C6H6 < C2H4 < C2H6
b) C6H6 < C2H6 < C2H4
c) C2H4 < C6H6 < C2H6
d) C2H6 < C2H4 < C6H6
[40] Reduction of salicylic acid gives ……..
a b c D

[41] the correct arrangement for the steps of preparing aliphatic dibasic acid from monobasic
a) oxidation, reduction , dehydration , baeyer’s reaction
b) reduction , dehydration, oxidation , baeyer’s reaction
c) reduction , dehydration, baeyer’s reaction, oxidation
d) dehydration, reduction , baeyer’s reaction, oxidation

Page 26
[42] the correct arrangement for the steps of preparing dihydric alcohol from alkane

a) halogenation , alkaline hydrolysis, oxidation

b) halogenation , alkaline hydrolysis, dehydration ,oxidation

c) oxidation , halogenation, alkaline hydrolysis, dehydration

d) halogenation ,oxidation, alkaline hydrolysis, dehydration

[43] the correct arrangement for the steps of preparing simplest alkane from simplest alkyne

a) catalytic hydration ,oxidation ,neutralization by NaOH, dry distillation

b) dry distillation , neutralization by NaOH, catalytic hydration , oxidation

c) neutralization by NaOH, neutralization by NaOH, catalytic hydration , oxidation

d) oxidation, dry distillation , neutralization by NaOH, catalytic hydration

[44] to get monobasic aromatic acid from aromatic compound the steps are……

a) reduction ,alkylation, oxidation

b) nitration alkylation, reduction

c) reduction ,halogenation, hydrolysis

d) nitration, halogenation oxidation

[45] to get picric acid from sodium heptanoate the steps are ………….

a) dry distillation , catalytic reforming, alkaline hydrolysis , nitration

b) dry distillation , nitration, catalytic reforming, alkaline hydrolysis

c) nitration ,dry distillation , catalytic reforming, alkaline hydrolysis

d) catalytic reforming, alkaline hydrolysis , nitration, dry distillation

Page 27
[46] the product of reduction of (CH3)3CCOOH

a) 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanol

b) 2,2-dimethyl-1-propnanol

c) 2,2-dimethyl-1-butanol

d) 2,2-dimethyl-1-pentanol

[47] what is the number of isomers found in the mixture produced from reaction 1-mole of
propane with two mole of chlorine in U.V completely?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

[48] The opposite shape represents an electroplating cell of

metallic jug by a thin layer of silver. As anode & cathode have the
same mass ,So the difference in mass between the jug and rod by
passing 0.1F will be [Ag = 108]
a) 10.8
b) 21.6
c) 5.4
d) 16.2

Page 28
[49] to precipitate 0.5 mole of element A according to the equation A3+ +3e →A the quantity
of electricity ………..

a) 3F

b) 0.5 F

c) 144750 C

d) 48250C

[50] The correct choice from the following table is ……………

(a) (b) (c) (d)
Alcohol oxidized 2-pentanol 2-butanol 1-propanol 2-propanol
into ketone
Alcohol oxidized 2-methyl-1- 1-butanol 2-propanol 1-propanol
into aldehyde propanol
di-substituted Carbolic acid Salicylic acid Pyrogallol Catechol
derivative from
Tetra-substituted Ortho – nitro Para-nitro T.N.T Picric acid
derivative from toluene phenol

Page 29

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