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(Fill it with √ on the correct answer)

1. Mike wants to go and see the Tower of London.

o   True
o    False
2. It never rains in London in August.

o   True
o    False
3. Jen doesn't remember the correct gate number.

o   True
o    False
4. Mike has terrible memories about his trip to Germany.

o   True
o    False
5. There are three flights leaving at ten o'clock.

o   True
o    False
6. Mike knows which airline they are flying with.

o   True
o    False
7. There's a problem with the British Airways flight.

o   True
o    False
8. They are going to walk to the gate.

o      True
o    False
(Fill it with √ on the correct answer)

1. Graham has been asleep for the last three hours.

o     True
o    False
2. Barbara couldn't see the Rocky Mountains because of cloud.

o     True
o    False
3. Barbara ate chicken and rice for dinner and a pear for dessert.

o     True
o    False
4. Graham is hungry because he didn't have breakfast.

o     True
o    False
5. Graham slept after the plane passed Chicago.

o     True
o    False
6. Barbara watched a Brad Pitt movie.

o     True
o    False
7. They will meet Barbara's father at the hotel in Los Angeles.

o     True
o    False
(Fill it with √ on the correct answer)

1. Why doesn't Hilary believe in UFOs

     she's never seen one herself
     it wouldn't help her organization's reputation
     she never says
     they belong in the movies
2. What does the story of the snail illustrate?
     the size of Alaska
     the expense of space travel
     that humans move as slow as snails
     the enormous distances involved
3. Why were some scientists worried in the 1960s?
     we were trying to contact potentially dangerous species
     we were wasting money on failed policies
     we sent inaccurate maps
     nobody knew where to send the probes
4. What changed in SETI policy more recently?
     the scientists who were worried won the argument
     we ran out of money
     we decided to let the aliens come to us
     politician criticized the cost of SETI
5. Why would neighboring alien civilizations be aware of us?
     because we are looking for them
     because we are noisy
     because our planet is very bright
     because they want to find us
6. What reason does Hilary NOT give for why we haven't encountered any aliens
     because this part of space might be empty
     because close-by civilizations might be dead
     because we may be technically incapable of hearing them
     because the government may be hiding this information
7. What issue seems to most concern Hilary about our own planet?
     its potential for destruction
     its widespread poverty
     its isolation
     its pollution
(Fill it with √ on the correct answer)

1. Susan's teacher is a 35-year old from the city of (…………..)

2. There are about (…………..) students in the class.

3. The lessons are in the local  (…………..)

4. The best student in the class is a (…………..) girl called Miko.

5. The student James wants to go to (…………..) next year.

6. Most of the students come from (…………..)

7. One of Susan's classmates is a friend of (…………..)

8. In today's lesson, they learned how to ask someone's name and some

(Fill it with √ on the correct answer)

1. Susan is working in her office.

o     True
o    False
2. Ben can't cook.

o     True
o    False
3. Ben has an electric cooker in his house.

o     True
o    False
4. The matches are in the fridge.

o     True
o    False
5. Ben needs to press the orange knob for about five seconds.

o     True
o    False
6. There is a DVD manual that Ben can read.

o     True
o    False
7. The weather is sunny.

o     True
o    False
8. The cat's name is Tommy.

o     True
o    False

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