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Soc Sci 150 Synch Meeting Sept 13, 2022

Methodology and Structuralism

Structuralism – order in

- Order to understand organism, need to understand the parts

Culture- values, rituals, language

Purpose: parts are going to be there to keep society going

Function: socio-anthro (structuralism)

- Group cohesion, want order, integration

- People connected with one another
- Maintains order

Form: The Structure

Reason: Function

Why does structure exist

Structuralist and Fucntionalist

Its an exchange/ gift

Every gift there’s a requirement for reciprocity

You accept it and required to reciprocate the gift

No gift is w/o any requirement of reciprocity

There is an expectation that you give me something

In reality: gift-giving is part of culture -> in communication/language/ love language

- Your communicating something to me

There were rules when communicating “How are you?” it’s already structured by saying “okay naman
po” ruled answered

How we are? Did you really want to know how we are? Or following a structure of politeness

Function of structure: keep group cohesion

Women are better because the grew up valuing communication

Men grew up not being masculine because value competition not very valuable communication.

If you want the guy to bond with you, you have to participate in the activities he likes, they like activities.
Ex. Playing online games, the girl should also be playing the game. It will equate to bonding

For guys, guy needs to share (communication)

Guy friendship for girls: low-maintenance

Guys not meeting for a long time: awkward

Girls not meeting for a long time: exciting, maintaining a friendship

Males do not push their bonding to be communication

Sociology- 1st Phd was a female

Guy should learn how to listen

Girl communicate because communicate to relate tension not for you to tell them what to do.

Structured way of answering: when girls communicate you side with her

Gift-Giving in structure of communication means a lot of things

In US, we are classified as passport Pacific Islanders (Moana)

San Butchman
Rowing the boat to the datu is bayanihan its utang na loob

It’s the balanggay

Mana- spirit

Traditional societies- everything is meaningful

One of the weakness of Filipino culture – walng personalan, trabaho lang (no such thing), everything will
be taken as personal

Gift-Giving: requires reciprocity in the Philippines

Example: British they are very prim and proper, they are very ordered. In English culture, if give a gift,
there is no reciprocity (no meaning). It’s just a gift, don’t return the favor.

If naka-gift wrap and my ribbon

If no gift wrap or ribbon, there is a need of reciprocity Ex. Bring wine in the next party

Anything that is exchanged requires a return, because that is the order

If you don’t return the favor it ruins the integration

Filipino: “walang utang na loob” “ingrado”

In modern society: Nawala na yung meaning accdg to mauss

- It’s so much more individualistic less integration

Accdg. Durkheim “Mechanical and Organic Similarity”

- Mechanical Solidarity: important in the sameness

- Pinaka-ayaw ng Preindustrial Archades: Hunter gatherer, agriculturar
o We want sameness
o We hate difference, variation, divergence
o Ex. Walang gay dito
o Values sameness
o PH is agricultural
o Pre-industrial Archade: structure is important
 Dad mo ko need moa ko i-respect

- Modern society: accdg to Durkeheim

o Accept each others uniqueness and individuality
 Rule is say “kamusta ka na”
o Not constrained by social rules: focus on individual
o Not bound by meanings

Normalize this: stop grind culture (work 16 hrs a day), prioritizing yourself over others, not replying
kaagad sa text mo, cutting off toxic family members/people, eating alone, letting men cry, women not
having children

- Exists in our generation because growing up in a modern sociey.

- Destroying the rules of pre-industrial rules
- Removing rules and being you. All about you

Parents should not expect to have children to have bank account in the future. Children to not want to
be in-debt to their parents

Society had structure has rules, because it needs order

Stop mocking teenage pregnancy, don’t look down on it.

-Not completely allow

When you give a gift we follow rule

Economics in Gift-Giving:

Game of thrones:

- Follow the rules

- Exchange kingdoms
- Bonded with each other
- In Europe, that’s what they do
- Marriages, combine the army’s and united
- Exchange our sons and daughters
- Strengthen of economic bonds

Ethics and morality

- Treating a human being right

- Ethically correct
- Justice and Immorality: breakdown of society
- When people create there own rules
- Ex. Gen Z most suicidal: anomy suicide (tao lumalaki na walang rules)
- There are no more rules in bounding you to do things


Documentary: what is a woman?

- Transitioning doesn’t make you happy

Please classify Japan if it’s

- Japan is both
- Highly modern and tradition
- Altruistic suicide: because im a worthless person, because I do not contribute to society
- Not proper members of society, maybe I wont be a burden to society
- Mechanical Solidarity
- Technology is modern
- Values is mechanical,
- Very sexist, racist
- Shame and hiya

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