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Name: HUDA A.


Subject: SCE 133

Lesson 3

Learning Activities:

Activity 1

Directions: Briefly describe each of the following teaching strategies.

1) Lecture and Recitation

 This teaching strategy, it help students to understand and organize the body of
knowledge with the help of teacher by teaching them the lesson and it allow
students to remember and apply what is taught.
2) Field trips
 This is a hand on experience which allow teacher and student to visit a place
outside the regular classroom which is designed to achieve certain objectives,
which cannot be achieved as well by using other means.
 For example: Biology teachers and students could observe organisms in their
native habitat to describe behavior and other biological functions of living
3) Role playing and Simulation
 In this strategy, it allow students to explore concept, practice skill and value their
learning through in real life situation.
4) Concept mapping
 This strategy, it allow students to have their critical thinking by having their own
understanding and ideas on the given concept.

Activity 2

Directions: illustrate and identify some of the concept mapping.

 This chart shows the relationship between main ideas, such climate change, and
supporting details.

Learning Evaluation:

Directions: Answer the following questions.

1) How important it is to use other teaching strategies?

 It is important for the teacher to use other strategies for the students to feel
exciting for what they are leaning and never feel bored during class. Because
strategies using different teaching strategy you will engage, motivate and reach
the students in your classes, whether in person or online.
2) Before conducting a field trip, the teacher should orient the students. What should
you include in the orientation?
 I think I should include the about safety precautions. And they should know what
they are going to do and not to do where the DOs and DON'Ts should be
informed to them to keep their safetiness.
3) Enumerate other learning learning/ strategies? Explain what it is and how it should
be used.
 ELABORATION - This is where the students explain and describe ideas with many
details. This strategy asks students to go beyond simple recall of information and
start making connections within the content. Students should ask themselves open-
ended questions about the material, answer in as much detail as possible, then
check the materials to make sure their understanding is correct.
 CONCRETE EXAMPLES - Use specific examples to understand abstract ideas. Most
teachers already use this strategy in their own teaching; it’s a natural part of
explaining a new concept. But what we don’t necessarily do is help students extend
their understanding by coming up with examples of their own.
 DUAL CODING - Combine words and visuals. When information is presented to us, it
is often accompanied by some kind of visual: An image, a chart or graph, or a graphic
organizer. When students are studying, they should make it a habit to pay attention
to those visuals and link them to the text by explaining what they mean in their own
words. Then, students can create their own visuals of the concepts they are learning.
This process reinforces the concepts in the brain through two different paths,
making it easier to retrieve later.

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