Windrose 171118045809

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 Wind rose is a graphic tool to give a short view of how wind speed &
direction are typically distributed at a particular location.

• Wind roses were followed after

compass rose.

• Compass rose is a fig on compass,

to display orientation of cardinal
directions & intermediate or
intercardinal directions.

Cardinal directions – N,S, E & W

Intercardinal direction – NE, SE, NW, WS.
Secondary intercardinal - NNE, ENE, ESE etc.
• The modern wind rose used by meteorologists gives the percentage of the time the
wind blows from each direction during the observation period.


The numbers around the outside edge of the circle represent

Concentric circles represent percentage of time.
compass points.
The colour bars of the wind rose refer
to the speed of the wind in miles per
hour (mph)

• Concentric circles – time %

• Nos around – compass points ( direction).

• Colour bars – wind in mph.

• Using a polar coordinate system of gridding, the frequency of winds over a long time
period is plotted by wind direction, with color bands showing wind ranges.

• The directions of the rose with the longest spoke show the wind direction with the
greatest frequency.

Great frequency

Low frequency

16 points are used

• Useful representation coz a large quantity of details summarized in a single plot.

• 8 points of compass can be used to record the direction of wind, 16 points can be
used for more accuracy.
Include the wind
patterns in a particular
place of interest.
Include also the
instruments used to
measure winds.
Include the maximum
tabulated wind
velocitiess in Japan/
India. Monthly, yearly
and over the decade
etc. Any particulary
devastating winds may
be included with
sketches if available.

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