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“I’m going to go and search the web,” Walter said to me, before leaving the living room.

“He’s going to go
there, when he is looking for more information on nuclear weapons. It’s a good idea to check the web himself,
while he is there,” I myself told Walter. “I’m going to go ahead, and take a shower,” the boy said, on his way
out of the room. A week ago, Walter along with me, made a few uncomfortable discussion about nuclear
weapons. Since this discussion, Walter interested in the Internet. We talked about it, and we ironed out the entire
subject. I was very pleased with it. When Walter came back from the shower, in his favorite matching shirt.
“What shall we do today?” Walter said to me. “What did you find out on the World Wide Web?” I inquired.
“Nothing much I found out. It’s like any other of the Empire on the World Wide Web. I can’t find anything
interesting. But hey — maybe tomorrow, again we’re going online,” Walter joked. Walter entered the shower,
and cleaned himself; whatever that means. When it was time for us to go. “The sky is still sunny, so it should be
great for us,” Walter said to me. “My favorite season," Walter and I said, at the same time. Walter put the
laptop on his lap, on the way to the beach. We could feel the little movements, through the way and the
vibrations that came from moving, from the vehicle. Walter likes to put the laptop in his lap, as much as
possible. “Do you like this part of the Empire?” I inquired Walter about the beach. “I really like this part of
the Empire. It is much better than my previous place. It is ideal for my interests and activities,” Walter replied.
“I am glad that you appreciate it,” I told him. Walter put down the laptop on the beach, and got up to the car.
He returned in only a few seconds, with a bottle of water, a sunscreen lotion, a cap and a baseball bat. “Do you
playing baseball?” Walter said to me. “No. But that’s not for me,” I responded.

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