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"Try for something, for your dream", my father suggested to me.

I was 14 years old and my dream was to

become a biro-writer. I wanted to become an architect too and was very good at drawing. In architecture, the old
teachers would always say that if you would not draw, you should use a computer. That was the instruction I
had to obey. Whenever I want to draw something, I always use the computer. Anyhow, I was not very good in it
but I tried hard to become good at it. When I looked at the drawing of a building, I understood a little bit what
was what but I would never finished the drawing. I was not related to my drawing and therefore unable to finish.
"Try for architecture", my father insisted. "Try for biro-writing", my mother said. That evening, I locked myself
up at home. I felt alone. I had to realise that I would not become what I liked. So I had to start seeing things
clearly. I was writing with a computer, not with a biro anymore. I had to see that I was not a biro-writer anymore
but an architect or biro-writer. Something changed. That night, I did not sleep well. The next day I wanted to
talk to somebody. I went out, 'till late in the night. I found a place where I could talk to somebody. I looked at
the smile and felt immediately that I would be alright. In a moment, I felt the good will and felt that I was saved.
I had feelings to become something and that I would become what I wanted. I could realise that I was on the
way to become a biro-writer again. The way was open. I became who I wanted and I knew that nobody has the
power to lock me up. No one can lock me up and I would become a biro-writer again. I woke up the next day
and lived an nice day without a lock. A few weeks later, my father said to me, "try for what you like". As an
architect. My mother added that I had started to leave my drawing for people to look at. They say that children
always have their own vision. As a child, I did not have anyone in my vision, but now I felt that I should be an
architect. Surely, I had thoughts about making my own way. I would make a little way on my own. I was proud
of starting to make my own way. Begin again, live it, and save it. [/story] Thanks to Mitzi for telling us. She
made a long story into the sampler and has certainly won it with the story.

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