Earth Science - Quarter 2 Learner's Packet 8

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
SDO -Ligao City
Tuburan, Ligao City

Quarter 2 – LEARNER'S PACKET 8

Tyrone Jay M. Almuena

11- Gauss

Jiji Matias
Subject Teacher
Answer the following.
SET A: Arrange the following in order from oldest (D) to most recent (A) by
writing a letter in blank.
1. ____B____ Mesozoic Era
2. ____D____ Precambrian Time
3. ____A____ Cenozoic Era
4. ____C____ Paleozoic Era
SET B: Answer the following questions based on what you have just learned.
1. Why is the geological time scale used to show Earth’s history?
Considering that the earth is extremely old and its time span is so great,
studying its past necessitates thinking about events that occurred millions,
perhaps billions, of years ago. Therefore, scientists use the geologic time
scale to illustrate the sequence in which events on Earth have occurred. It
divides up the history of the earth based on life-forms that have existed
during specific times since the creation of the planet.

2. How would you rewrite the following sentence to make it true?

Geologist subdivide periods into era.
Geologist subdivide eras into periods.

3. How did geologist decide where one division of the geological time
scale ends and the next begin?
The divisions of the geologic time scale depend on events in the history of
life on earth.
SET C. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the blank.
Column A Column B
__A___1. A unit of geologic time that subdivided A. Period
eras. B. Geological time scale
__C___ 2. A long unit of time used to divide the time C. Era
between Precambrian time and the present.
__B__ 3. A record of the geologic events and the
evolution of life forms as shown in the fossil
Quaternary Giant Mammals, Humans Modern humans develop and ice
sheets are predominant- Ice age.
Holocene Humans flourish.
Tertiary Mammals First horses appear and tropical
plants dominate. Grasses spread
and whales, rhinos, elephants and
other large mammals develop.
Sea level rises and limestone
deposits form in S.C. Dogs, cats,
and apes appear. Horses,
mastadons, camels, and tigers
roam free in S.C.
Cretaceous T-Rex/Dinosaurs First snakes and primates appear.
Deciduous trees and grasses are
common. First flowering plants.
Mass extinction marks the end of
the Mesozoic Era, with the demise
of dinosaurs and 25% of all
marine life.
Jurassic Gondwanna Dinosaurs Pangea still breaking apart.
Dinosaurs flourish “Golden age of
dinosaurs”. First birds appear,
and North America continues to
rotate away from Africa.
Triassic Reptiles First dinosaurs and first
mammals-small rodents appear.
Life and fauna re-diversify, rocky
mountains form. First turtle fossil
from this period, and Pangea
breaks apart.
Permian Amphibians Last period of the Paleozoic.
Pangea forms. Reptiles spread
across continents. The
Appalachians rise. 90% of Earth’s
species become extinct
due to volcanism in Siberia. This
marks the end of trilobites,
ammonoids, blastoids, and most
Pennsylvanian Giant club mosses and Modern North America begins to
horsetails, tree ferns, form. Ice covers the southern
seed ferns and cordaites hemisphere and coal swamps
formed along equator. Lizards and
(conifer-like trees). winged insects first appear.
Mississippian Marine invertebrates: First seed plants appear. Much of
Bryoza, Brachipods, North America is covered by
Blastoids, Crinoids. shallow seas and sea life
flourishes (bryoza, brachipods,
Devonian Fish Pre-Pangea forms. Oceans are
still freshwater and fish migrate
from southern hemisphere to
North America. Present-day
Arctic Canada was at the equator
and hardwoods began to grow.
Amphibians, evergreens and ferns
appear. The Acadian Orogeny,
leading to S.C. metamorphism.
Silurian Invertebrates First land plants appear and land
animals follow. Laurentia collides
with Baltica and closes Iapetus
Sea. Coral reefs expand and land
plants begin to colonize barren
land. First millipede fossils and
sea scorpions (Euryptides) found
in this period.
Ordovician Cephalopods, The 1st animals with bones
Invertebrates appear, though dominant animals
are still trilobites, brachiopods
and corals. The beginning of the
construction of South Carolina. A
very cold time in Earth’s history:
there was a great extinction due
to ice caps in present-day Africa.
Four main continents: Gondwana,
Baltica, Siberia.
Cambrian Trilobites, Marine Explosion of life. All existing phyla
invertebrates (trilobites come into being at this time. Life
and brachiopods) forms in warm seas as oxygen
levels rise enough to support life.

Supercontinent Gondwana forms
near the South Pole (note position
of present-day Florida)

II. Answer the following questions.

1. How would you describe the relationship among the units—era, epoch,
and period—into which the geologic time scale is divided?
Eons are the largest spans of time in the geologic time scale and the longest
subdivision, based on the abundance of certain fossils. Eons are divided into smaller
units called eras. Eras are next to longest subdivision, marked by major changes in
the fossil records. Eras are subdivided into periods. Periods based on types of life
existing at the time. While periods are subdivided into even smaller time spans
called epochs. Epochs are the shortest subdivision, marked by differences in life
forms and can vary from continent to continent.

2. As shown in the geologic time scale, Ages of certain group of species go

extinct and another group emerges. What do you infer will be the next
group to dominate the Earth?
With all of the phenomena that are happening in the present, it is no wonder that
it will be worse in the near future. In the latest news, the volcanic eruption of Tongga
caused numerous signs and warnings of tsunamis in different parts of the world. The
melting of the polar ice caps continues, and there will come a time when the entire
planet will be covered in water, and only species capable of living underwater may
survive. So I infer that fishes will dominate the earth again.

3. Illustrate the vast diversity of life that has been present on Earth over
time by using the geologic time scale. Write your illustration in the box.
Output will be rated using the scoring rubrics on the next page.

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