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ExXpLANnrrion - Plaintext AnD CIPHERTEXT The original ansage befese betng Hensformect, ts called Ploinext | After the message ts thansfoamed, 15 Collocl Cip HERTEXT, ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION \ _ EReryp Lan Algerithm Lkansforms the Plaintert ke Crphesterk , P b&CRypTIEN PLepRITH ELansforms fhe Cuphorter ¢ hack ino plain- bert Tho serdes uses an encryption Olycrttr,, and The Yeowes Uses a deryppim algerithm CIpHER : to vefer Entayplion and decryption elgovithms as Cupheas cipher is used ke deffertat Categories of algarithars In oypkepuphy This 1s not b evyesy Sender -rececves palr nerds | theta Very own Unique Cepher for o Secure Communication | one ephet can Serve milltons of Commun! cating patrs Key: A key vs & pumber (or) SL Of Numbers thal Cher Scanned with CamScanner A520 aleesithm, operates on TO SPGYPE a massage, Neod an Enlyptivn algarithm eRe Key and the platntert, Create the Cipherto To decype a MOSSege Neod a le coyption al gortlbn & elecryplien leey and Cuphortert , Reveal the orty/nal PlevnterE 4 Taso CATEG RIES oF ERYPRG RAPHY : Cryptography i; |e Symmetaic- ke B symmetric - eee sy ee ey. 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Confictenne lity Transrltied message muse Sense bo only the tnbended Ye@rvet, To all ofkeas the message Must se gorbege. 4 Message Tereegary | \ { The dora must-arvive at The vetoes exactly as They ware sent l i Must be No changes clusing the Kansmisstoy, nee ther accedenelly’ Nor Calietous ly MW MEStAG Purtyerntl~TICN, Dervice heyeme) Messeg2 tnteguiliy dorsag eo Pretkontitatron tke veledvey neocls bo he cure y the ‘Sencloa4 Hdlontily and rmpester has (lol gent Ke message GO mecca NON RepplATion); Ar Sencles must net he able b elony Sencling oy Mrisage that de ov sla in fact , clecl tend), The buclen of proof fells on tho Recor, PW ENTITY AuTHENTICDTION . CO User Ldentification We Enrty oo ver WS Vesifred pricx f& altss fy the System Fesorees Chile os Te paket the jnperests bf UniVertity and the Salen Scanned with CamScanner (FIRE WALLS + DEFINITION A Fivewal) ¢S & clovite Croutes (9 Compulet) Frspalled! 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