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| Communicate bs applitaet | Atfperent hosts. (local hos j Logical Cemommitatiom, Com | ob piyp ically Gnnected te “eae View pein ” PIl Pryenspoot lay ew Atul tiple tied 7 dembeidonng Seat. Te prefer * ' peer-& “pees” Co Verte tyanspoot entr xem what ar the. Functions ie PR TRensperr LAYER FUACTIONS 1. TE breoks messeges inp (Prckoks 2 4. @crss Eke Wud! tote lene (ayes > Responsible fox delve of lao naiighsouning nodes aver a link [pede | )” Mw layers host -& hast Aeliony | delieny 6 | Hd two hests, Z ensprat Layer. protaes bo - process clelivery etn ellek port Of & Message ono Pr0less bo anothe pingeam oF Dir DAIRY: ee eee Process - Bx recess Delivery ¥< Dumoen of Tesla layey ey inned with CamScanner AP press on Needs sesvices fram host Caled paver Parameters Usecl for Com ' Lecat post Qe %. Remote hosk ae Define Transport layey protocol bal oft Fpasponr Layer “Besricold bee Me aie ; s TCP/ Lp protocol Lies a Eaang Erthes a modiuicatien Gn a Combmoen These Protocol ¢ , fae \- Svermtr PRerecol; pte s e Prmbocel US & Simp prweeeel with necites flow Ppple'catiey Transport ; es Logreal Channel — FY: Simple protecel np Teanspott layes ab sendls Gets & me ssa. from tts applitarios Out Of ie Sends the pect. Oy ee ve ee coal Provide Coy oy Requcst Came fron li a pase a Fis seroten\ Pagpemen “Toenspat layer af He Pendle ¥ FlceM PhansrnussCn’“Semrvites eee ae bite comes : Deliver ret ; a | oo eee a= | eae ale oo Sender wee — Receive ; cig 450M 5 flr Ha Gimp pomore E inte Gate maby toms Sienple prprocel fm, (0 _ "Gach Ehanspert Tage! Csondmier Reaves) (Se muchne with a Finite number of Shakes Fhe Machine stag oo Ph oane at chebos tnbil an teal se SS all ii Scanned with CamScanner i | that are actually lott y zy Prebecol. | Dingrem of Setecine- Rep ees] lagieal Channels ; Stak, buenet eceroutadged Acirewladged owt ofader O rmes EXpLonorion : Rindlows: the Celecpive 1D Send wintoo 9) Relive windo ie ce Q9-4 = ¥ | far & '& maz Seguence pumbers from 0 1 | ize of Eke wtnelow 'g’ [1s in the Go -Back- ~ | The R&Cuve window in Selactve-Repeat | dey m one th G@O-Balk -N! . | anes basi Of tke retaive Unndow Soma as Of Eke Send unindow € Mattinum fog, | The Stlachve- Repeal prvtecel Albwt as many as site op tke yelewe window be armve Out of crdey kept mul Eeve es a Sek % Conbecucwa bo be delivered lo the appl'tation layer. To vbliable protocol tke Peavey pover eas fou | Ove of orden be the application layer. oi | tn the Selocthve ~ Repeak prrtocol an alkno. | number clopines fhe £2 pusnce Num boa OY Patkel- Yelowedl, bas Scanned with CamScanner Sab De : List thes DEE 4 ae TESS hak ave the 1. Layers Create edditioral OV’ 2. Mad colerachons between Layers l= Sole « diane ala pre any tao Ppplitatilms Ce _ Ppplicetons, what ate the uses & Pranspat layer I. Usen Jatagrom protocol 2. Prensmisstion Contrst Pastecol 2. patergsam Congestion Cobst yg Slream Contect Transp Scanned with CamScanner froth hendey anc] Receiver Sender Sanels one pactert Acknowlecly ment before Sencléng To detect. Qrrupted packets, 2 each daka patieek | then a packet arrives: ae ex site, ) LE 16s checksum Us incorrect, te poet! | and Silently descarded ; ie é endl wttndew EXPLONATION 9 Stop-and- Wolk protecel 7 of the Re de tars Seypal Fos tenclea ” ecthes Corrupted s Lose Every time Gerdes Sends a packet, rb Slaves oa , Tf an acknowledgment arrives befere ee “expirt Eke -imer 18 SkopPed and Gender Senels the next P Ig the brmer ovprres) the Sender Yesends bho prey Pack » ASSuming. fhe Packer uray esther lost &D Corup only one Pelleot and ono ecknecdedgment gp the PE any time "Sp Stop-and- wait Proteco), the acknowled always, tn modulo -2 arithmekrc, The Saji of tho next pulkee x pected, / Pipelaning Networking and other Frees, a baste by 6 befare the Previous bask ercled, Known as PIP ~ Scanned with CamScanner Ikeep « copy of Ha penk patirks Arrive 5 * Several data packats and! ack Channel ak Same~ lemma DiPER AM Go Send esindow ie Seq tear Numbers. = The Sequence numbers are mecluly Where, im + gre of The S$epucnta Number A cicrowledgmont Nombeas Pn Pek nouledgment Mumbea in th and difins the Sequence number of Nant pai be aavive eae Send ustrelow; mel The Sere wndow és an abhect Concept dafinng an Imaynang box o% neaxtimum SIZe=2"_) wth Uren: Yarra blog Sp Sn cod Sriz.. me Sead unrdew Con Slide one mesa Clots thang nae erur- free Ck esikh Alene Greater Han (oy Cxuad bo & dnd ss Ehan Sr Crtodulay Prithmolic) arrives. , Receive estndow Fs an abstract Contept alefinng an imaginary bow Ca Sie 4 with a single variable Ky. The window Slides when a Correct packot has a Shdeng eccuts one Slee aha Emo Scanned with CamScanner PE beans per yen Called a. Pork Newber, 5 ch Turning on tha. estinatzon hogs Pes, Pert numbeo oko |b-big inkeg client program dopenas ji randomly by Exenspore es Xe 1s known Ephemeral port hewhey The enternat has cleceded bp use U Nuambeas fox Servers, called Wellckroen pare The destin tien Ip addres¢ loge rot h Adiferene Asks in the world. apeos the host ha Tie post number clofines one of pretaites om hes What ae the Ronges & Trnp? The Ranges: [ Internet. /ssignecl Nember / 3B Ranges: x iP% ' well-known Posts; pore 74nging frum 6 bo ond contriled by TAN ae 2. Registered Ports: parts ranging from 1624 to 4161 exsseyned( G0) Conballed by LANA. only be rvegiste & prevent duplication ; 3. Dyntmic pats: ports ranging from 29,192 by necthey Conbrlead Nok regrskered sed by These axe 2phomenal forts.” # The Combinakon ef an Sp addvecs anda 1s called a Soceot address”, Sexyey Protestes Degena dultiplescing on who ts meanl by | Murr ielexing Many-to- ene RelatimsheP ard 7g we Prrotoco! alapes messages fam clifjeank pr luff eran etd by asscyned Lt numbers. Q 4 (en Prfeer Adding. tke header, the Ae passes Hea patkee & Ea N/w Layer 2 + what do you meant by DemultiPleal EE any and VEpuLT ah Sprantper layer pyetervs ataqiams fa Crem checking and alropping of He he delivers each messege be apprprale, Scanned with CamScanner z Trans le - a ee — Goneclionlass Service: be ancthe sth no poad for (OP Connecter ybleare . % The pellets are noe Dom lest boo may arrive out of Segcan UDP is. Connecticaless. Gonnscttem driented Service : a %. Connecti vs Data ate Hansfeored, AL We Ord fa Co released tcp ‘and SCP are conrecti Explain ‘briokly ccbett’ UP toy “Discus Upp [ver berrgene Dikerent CF UbP> TP ene! Pppletatnn layer “Transport lagea Netware layea Date lnk layer = Undealginy tan Br |_ WAN technoleg y Physical layer rip: pesiepon of UDP,TCp and SCTP 10 DEFINITION UbP tS called a Connectialess, nreliable prvtccol. Lt dees mut ead anything Eo Eke of Tp exCpt Prviclea Process-bo- process Co c - instead of pest-le-hest Ca ca aay oe J with CamScanner Moe Cove math about Sencleng a Small mass math loss Cnterackron Dus Using TCP Gm Serp. Us DATPG ROM ~ he header of & bytes, Pq. Use seer Guaee pose. Number : pitti Sovace host. (6 bits long anges form 3 | Jf Sore hose &s the Serves C Serve: the post rumbex ¢s a well-Known | [oot Destination fort number: | hese. 16 bres long. destmegnnm hese ts Sewer Ccleent Sendtr He poe numbex rs a well-Krown pest pombey TL deetrnatun hese is cent, the Pest Pom by paveess. rennrag ¢ header ‘Checteaaete er to ie eres over the aterm Cheader Plus data). ‘ Scanned with CamScanner z Services 2 Flew ancl Enver Cont F 3. EnGpsulation and Decapsa ‘To Send a message * The upp pavtocel @ncapsule Messages fn an TP elatagree. E of . what ade Ea ses 4 eee Sree List-out Eka @ 1 upp Sucteble Far ev provers Aeg west -yesponse Communttstiony | bit flow and anv Conlat/. ? 2. ‘Surieba fos a Process | Carns Conti Nechantias ec. TTP CTamal File 2 Fe ts a Stulab Hanspie prteel few, 4. Used fia nianagement pyolosses a Osi 5 unp 1s used fey Some ube Uptaleny Such as RIPL Reuting Prfermatie ee ai pool sae : p | _teonsnc 80 Conirrol PROT Teco] ny ceo Top Connectrm created Prlevte pie virtual Comnectum between pup The tw cng ais TCP uses flo And Cxwt Gnfail mechani TAampot level. Top ts Collad ¢ Reliable Lanspnt protece( Tep Seances: whae ane the Servites Top? 1, [procest —E0 - Parcees Commynieati20 > Well newn Osed by TCP. 2 Stream Delivery Cewite. > Te oliver dlapa a6 a St 3 Sercking ard Recaving bpp ‘ i Segments, ~ [Fudl- Duplex Coro muni cata ve Fe Peleadle Sewite., Teta a no field oder, Tie Pratds Called Sequena [eres vepes byte number B "Tha by bes of Cate - Ake Numbered by TCP, The | Jenerated Number f | "Tle value dp Ele Sequsete numbto defines Ha. Number of Frast date by . "Oke volwe Y the aceneuledgmunt bE toLines tke Number of tha Next byte oe p Veleve , The acknowledgment Nvwbea CS Cum 2+ Flow Cmbol 4 3. ex Conbol | 4. Con ce ned) hee q Se 2 ap: Drow and Exp’ DEFINITION: fy Pactat tn TCP IS calted jepemer ©2R Ep SEGMENT: aa | | | | | Options and Peeling ‘Scanned with CamScanner g Bet Debhsess 16 wit fred Cf applécakiun prpan io host Pssiscalien pest addeess~ 1p pig. %& applitatm Pepam io host Sequence nlemier 9) pip Jee) ko frst bye of data Centas RtCpss Streem Ehons post To tasuve Connectivity , cath R s During Connection Establishment €é ruenbex (enamels Ee Init Seg ) tsually eLegperent 09 each Lckpewledgnet Nombes 39-bit feleld Aopaes thak yeCeiver og Segment c Brpecling & Ee 6 theo prey, Heades length: 4. pit bicld inclitabes @ bybe wtrds in the “top fender ~ length of heacler dfs Yo ond The volute vg beeld Ips £ Cokyr a0: Reseaveel ¢_grt field veserved foo Gobel: 6. difpasent Conbol bits one teonmore ag bis ap be fopaba tine, Control FIELD l vee [ Ace] « Se [ ons | Ace | [ra br > gent potatee Is va Led. = Ack > ACKnowbdgment 1 valtd, 2 Psy > Request fos Push cy o Rese the Connection 2 ae a5 SypchrontZe Lap to nce NUMEEBS ¥ Ate He Comnectron ‘ ‘Scanned with CamScanner J y i F pe Services | Tep and Upp Ube Tep povides a Connecttom | Stream Rewyice . ee (D Tep cloes noé support mu | GD The Unté of iformation | Ts called 4 Sogmenk. Gy when Tep gende a Segment ma Kemet Ofkar end bo ac ( ei epee 1 © cee (D tshen TeP yetives Gate from the Ehe Connection, jk Sends an ankenbule TCP atarntarns a Chetleseam on iks hex W zp datagrams con gee duplicad Tep musk clescaad . deplircscba | VD Tep provides $1nd coneel : (vi) Tep Connection vs a by bee eam, nok Siaeam. Y 0. tep toes rok inkeypact tha Contents & all. Discuss che Operatiim 8 Top Conpeckon TEP ConNECTION ES TRALLCHMON Pare a Aim [~~ fo Establish the Conntekin , one Séde Ese | Passively wats for an Op Coming Capné chine executing the LISTEN ancl Accept pPrimibves | Sener trasition —=> Client ten Sener prassi Ceme-oue CoML) EEE ona The State morted 1257645 is rn fact bum deppaent See of GE Cleiene- and aoBirer Undergo im Scanned with CamScanner Tet Stores for TOP S-no| “mn Lo) CLosep 2 Lis nen z Vy - SENT 4 SYN - RVD Ly | ESTPRLIS HED 6 FIN- wait -2 i FIN - WRIT -2 8. | Close - wair q Time - WRIT lo. LAST -ACk MN CLos int adelress wetep Seeds & Yr segment arel moves by Symj-CenT Stee, Sy tPCK - esmBLAmD, ol ae When Elenk pretess Mo more data be SLn¢)a Com Called MCHVE cloce. ~The Cerver process U6Sles a passive open comp Server 1p geet to Livny stake and romans # Prssrvbley tnttl Vk releive. Syn Segmon 1 OF bey FeCrisng the Passive Close Command, gener Gand) KIN Segment & chine and Qaes b ‘Lre7- fr rinal Bk, when ACK Cogment received from client the Sewer Gest le Close “Slate. 3 ~The client prmtss Lo Tep to Aequest a Connechem be a Speetpic f fw Second FIN, ag Fast Fin veCoivedd , Atk ten fr copplrcalion te C Second FIN TeCewved fee 2msi Lime-o Secend j=in Sen both sides Sima tsuas an echve open c pes ~waiT Stee be rack’ Stake, Scanned with CamScanner PE Oe : Work pGent as well as EXplannrieny : € The Size of Hha wirebanes eae, Cwnd thae 1s CRecesved tuynelbes LA Gnger * The Sotace does mt have bo Serda ful 24 data x The wsindouw Can be openad Cor Claed by but Should not be Shrunk. = The ssunatien Can Send) An ack rev any time at long as it aloes Mok yepule Shrinking ewiinclow, x The Receives Can Lemporavily Chut ea window , the Senclea Aowever can ala. a Segment Of 4 byte after the winder foun, a ‘Scanned with CamScanner INITIO DESCRIPTION ~ Tep prvedes rela * Coniem) inclucle: mechanisms few (ost gegments, oxt-of ordes Sey Segments, +R Lever Cenbo!l algo a mee after they are cleeected lever wn aod by tree bools. 4. Chaxsurt & Ciick sum 7 Lach Scyment tnClucles a chetesum ke Chic fix a Corrupted 2gments If che Segment cs Conupted, 1 tS déttard TCP and 1s ConScdered as Lost. * Tep wes a |6-BE Chetksum ck atand: MEN T. = ¥ eS. Accnoukedgment be Cen, data Segments. ‘ Atk Segments clo Nok GN ure. ane nok accnowledlge ) aie x Ree-tRpngnnisston: a a ee pg Re-kRansantston OCCUS Ch the Vebrancmesse Limey expires (on Ehroe duplitate Atk Segments No zetiangnrsseon Eimer is Set fa an Roe $e RA NSANSSLON. _PFTR _RTo CRe- Transmssion Exe = 04k h: No lame - puc timer iS Set few Segment Comey an ackrodedgmenk, ere cs no SGment 1s retenk The value of RTD i dynamic re tePp and Updes besecl of Round -Trip- Time CRT. Ge cegments. Re tRemsi slow AFTER THRE Doplicene Pek TS. ane Segment 1s West and ee Ee ardex SegmsrtS cannot be Saved Climited biyes Sze), 0 follow He three duplicate ACK mule and TH _ Fhe misserg Segment immadcately Te Sefdred fo = si Scanned with CamScanner R é Derinitiot/ D Th te Omp Size of Ue Congescom oJTndow mer) Cngaton & clatected, Dingaomt / CONCEPT op) CONGES Qenr tay Goaate Cand ploTIN The. Gender Starts with Crund=4 ACKs Gavive, He aeknwleclged Segments Gs Puaged firm ts hare & Now ome etbra empty Syment Slot lo ern. The Size of the Congestton wxtincleud U6 UnCreatec! b The Size F wrnelow ct now & After sending frye Sagmen, Tedving fVe acknowledgments fey them rf The Sige of Eke Gonget tron wantloys now th an Ack aarives, cwrel = Cwnd + € Start =a Cwndeé pfeev 1RTT > Chen Bfler 2 RIT —> Ownd =ty2 After BRITT > Cund = (43 a ila Woe Con Rol: DEFINITION 1 3 Congesteon Gnbol ¢s Eke ncimber Of Packeks Tn Ceateaén (ovel at Which pe ep uses diffrent polreros Co eke Webwork ConGeSTION WINDOW: To Cont the Numbes Of Tep uses ancthyr Variable Calleol | C Cand), | whose Size Us Cenkellect | GnGestton DETECTION) p Tep Congestum Ut that the | only One feedback from the sw Congestion ACKs The lacie of regular, Limely Teceept ¢ | Eeme-out, © the Stgn of @ Slrong ce Loi The veces ving Of Three. duplicate ALky | Sign of a weak Congestion In the Nf | CoNntresrten! policles * ae TCP, general polity fea harling Gnges buted on three algorithms D Slow S last 2) Congestion Pvotclance 47 (DP) Slow START yo In the Slow - Start olgerithm 7 the Cengestton window (nCreate¢ 2470! Unki/ fe veeches a Ehresheld. = ality Op SERVICE DEFINITION + . re i QS tS an Servite as seething a fle Flow CHP RACTERGTICS, “ Flow ct " Relaaciltey 2 pelay LXPLANOTION : CO Relmailiry : Fa Relvability ot a Chavacteristre. Thaé Lacie of releability means Liscng a packet ay 2K! which enkatle ye kAansmess ton ; é 5 49. tleckwmc Mail, file Ekansfer a Detry a | Sbusce - ly -clestinaktin ely is ne TL Can tolerate delay tn | &%. peleghony, Austo Gnferencing, V! | log-in Raed tninimum delay BD Din: \ rtler ts the Variatctoniitn. ly, for belonging & He Same: fle Titter is defined at He verielton to Be polled High sitter jmbass the differente bay delays és large how sitter means the variation (¢ gmall 4 | po multimadie Commini tein ceals wath ion 2 Pandaore. Different applications ned clifjasent Tr video Comferereing peecl b> genre mil pea Second bm Bbfreth « Color SCreen number of biks in an e-mail may nok Besed om flao Chevacterttaes Nok feamal (oD Univera/ ae Scanned with CamScanner SCHEDULING ae Pacets fram clifferent. flows FT Proessin ‘ Pr geod Scheduling bochniques Eres 9° and apprpmate Manne. ° ( Sekeduling Lechaiques ale FIP and weeghted Pula Gunning FIFO QUvEWNG* . In éiatt th, rivstout > queuing facials Arnal on & buffer Queue) pip Eke node Frater Suntech) WSareedy tb process them — PSERD He Coneopy ' Tk avg anval sake es heghes io é PRIORITY Queuing : [eteats oe Frat suyned bm a “ee _ Arival | Each Priority class has res own Ateye Continucus flowin high-purity > | Ruewt, Packets in Lowpa -prenty Yustues wil Never chance w procesta), Called as _ STprvprion! WEIGHTED FAIR BueING ea Ge The Pal cets aro Skil) assigned by diffewnt Classes Aclmitted & different Queues, Vewevea, he Wellhted based on he PP Cusues, hiyher Pritrty “pleant a Aetgher 100 The Evyning Susitch seleces 3 packoes fr Gteewe , than 2 Peckels fem the Se cmd 4 poceet fromthe hig Queue sf The Cytl Repeake ple process. ~ . = Scanned with CamScanner -. Later a flow con bel 6 full Duplex DIsPDVENTPGES ; : 1 Tep need the ovewhencl Te4qured) | 2. To Mainte'n the onerpected of c ); 3 Compleuity to use fea & Ne Lwark PrppucATIon REQUIREMENTS > 1. End- be- Grd Gnneckion be Leer 2. preess- lo- Protoss delve 3 Multiplexing ard A ng Congestive Control | ss ¢ Dela takegrity aod | Eve Cerne Flu Cntrl . GnG@usrion Pro Dance : | Dic wr [ Diqiml eevipmenT CRpPa _DEFINITTON : s Te ts a technique cmplmented ! | Ly avore! Congestion tes Ubiliky tm Predict pi _ Congestien ards prevent it _ Port lop res Lotth qouken Caloulates the | Gea Under The curve and divas & (value by Lime interval bo a awerage Tueue longs, | Aovensgpiues 7 Bram ically Manag eS Pho i [ite Catndew & qvold Qrgestion . ‘Scanned with camScanner RED [Ronoon tenely perecron [1 DEFINITION ! e Reb 1s also Known as ~ (0) Rarelom early ahop (5 © qusueen Neturrk Scheduler Sucted fio Congestico TR Flow bineRom/ pLGoRiried » ee Scanned with CamScanner

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