Beam Column Connection Plate Girder mcq-1

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628 when the longest span does n

of continuous fillers are considered approximately equal not

329. Spans
exceed the shortest span by more than (c) 15% (d) 20%
(b) 10%
(a) 5% is
for filler joists near the middle of end span
330. The bending

w ( ) w
(c) 12
(a)0 10
where w Dead load plus live load per unit length of span,
L Span, centre to centre of supports.
the minimum thicknese
centre to centre should not excecd......
331. The spacing of filler joist
slab having imposed load up to 2500 N/m.
of the structural concete (c) 8 times
(d) 9 timnes
(a) 6times (b) 7 times
concrete is arched between
the filler joists, the thickness at the
332. When the underside of the

crown should not be

less than (d) 100 mm
(b) 70 mm (c) 85 mm
(a) 50 mm .. the depth
not exceed
centre to centre of supports, should
. . .

333. The span of filler joists

to the top of the structural concrete.
from the underside of the joist (d) 45 times
(6) 25 times (c) 35 times
(a) 15 times
the of filler joists centre to centre
of supports should not
334. In case of cantilever fillers, span
structural concrete.
from the underside of the joist to the top of the
exceed 12 times the depth
(6) Wrong
(a) Right diameter D mm. The minimum
beam has width B mm and
335. The rolled steel section used in cased
width of the finished cased beam is given by
(a) (B+ 50 mm) (6) (B+ 100) mm (c) (B +D+ 100) mm (d) 2(B +D) mm
336. Which of the following statement is correct? to transverse loads.
(a) Plategirders are deep structural members subjected
and angles riveted together.
(b) Plate girders consist of plates construction.
used for spans upto 100 mm in building
(c) Plate girders are economically
(d) all of the above
337. The vertical plate of a plate girder is termed as
(a) web plate (b) flange plate (c) plate
cover (d) none of these
A web plate is called stiffened, when
the ratio of clear depth to thickness of web is greater than
(b) 65 (c) 75 (d) 85
(a) 55
and C.G. of tension flange of a plate girder,
339. The distance between C.G. of compression flange
is known as
(b) effective depth (c)cleardepth (d) economical depth
(a) overall depth
. . of span.
340. In general, the depth of plate girder is kept as . .

(a)to (6)toT 6
341. The clear depth of a plate girder is the
(a) depth between outer surface of flanges
(b) distance between C.G. of compression flange and C.G. of tension flange
(c) distance between vertical legs of flange angles at the top and at the bottom, in case
stiffeners are not used
(d) depth which gives minimurm weight of plate girder
Sruc Desig 629
342. Whenthe
lepth of plate girder is less than 75 cm,
then such girders are knowna s
deep plate girders
(a) (6) shallow plate girders
ic) economcal plate girders
(d) none of these
Asteel welded plate girder is subjected to a maximum bending moment of I500 kN-m. If the
43 ermissible bending stress is 165 N/mm', then the most will
economical depth ofthe girder
haximump e r m i

ncn most cconomical

(a) 600 mm
(6) 800 mm (c) 1000 mm (d) 1200 mm

conomical depth of the plate girder is defined as the
The economi

a depth between outer surfaces of flanges

(6) distance between vertical legs of flange angles at the
top and at the bottom
id depth which gives minimum weight of plate girder
depth which gives maximum weight of plate girder
en tthe
345. When depth of a girder is atleast eight times the depth of vertica leg of the flange angles,
girders are known as shallow
plate girders.
(a) Yes (6) No
M the
46. In a plate girder, it 1s maximum bending moment, a, is allowable bending stress, and t is
ness of web plate, then the economical depth of plate girder (d) is equal to

)0.t.0 (b)1t.
(6) 1.1M M
(c) 2.t.0o (d)3.1

147, The weight of a plate girder varies 1 percent for... .variation in the depth ofthe girder.
(a) 5% (6) 10% (c) 15% (d) 20%
348. The economical depth of a plate girder is assumed 15 to 20 percent less than the calculated
(a) Agree (b) Disagree
349. For all practical purposes, self weight of girder is taken as
00 ) 200 c) 300 (d) WL
where W Total superimposedload, and
I Span ofplate girder in metres.
350. According to Vawter and Clark formula, the economical depth of web plate of a plate girder is
approximately equal to
(a) (Mia, (b) 2.5 (Mlo,"" () 3.5 (Mlo, (d) 4.5 (M/a
where M= Maximum bending moment, and

o,Allowable bending stress.

. As per IS : 800 1984, the maximum thickness of a plate girder web plate should not be less
. for vertically stiffened webs.
(a) d/85 (b) d/ 200 (c) d/250 (d) d/400
where d= Clear depth
of plate girder.
352. The agonal
siagon buckling of web, in a plate girder, occurs when the ratio of clear depth to the
nckness of web
exceeds 85.
a) True (b) False
630 Civil Engineering
353. Bearing stiffeners are used in a plate girder
(a) to avoid local bending failure of the flange
(6) to avoid local crippBing and crushing of web
(c) under concentrated loads and at the points of supports
(d) all of the above
354. In a plate girder bridge, the thickness of web is less than d / 200, where d is the unsupported
depth of web. The web plate should be provided with
(a) vertical stiffeners (6) horizontal stiffeners
(c) end stiffeners (both vetical and horizontal stiffeners
355. When torsional restraint at the ends ofplate girder is provided only by stiffeners, then moment
of inertia of the stiffener about the centre line of the web shall not be less than

250 w (6)
250 250
where d Overall depth of the girder,
= Maximum thickness of compression flangge,
R Reaction on bearing, and
W Total load on the girder.
356. Ina plate girder, the vertical stiffeners are provided when the ratio ofclear depth to the thickness
of web exceeds
(a) 50 (b) 65 )75 (d) 85
357. Which of the following statement is wrong?
(a) Vertical stiffeners are also termed as transverse stiffeners.
6) When two angles are used for the vertical stiffeners, then they are provided on either side
of web.
(c)When single angle is used for the vertical stifeners, then they are placed alternately on
opposite sides of the web.
(d) none of the above
358. The allowable shear stress in stiffened webs ofmild steel beams decreases with
(a) decrease in the spacing of the stiffeners (6) increase in the spacing of the stiffeners
(c) decrease in the effective depth (d)increaseinthe effective depth
359. In a plate girder, the vertical stiffeners are provided at spacing not greater than... and
not less than 0.33 d.
(a) 0.5 d (6) 0.75 d (c) 1.25 d (d) 1.5 d
where d=Distance between flange angles.
360. The length ofoutstanding leg of vertical stifener may be taken equal to 1/20thofclear depth
of girder plus 50 mm.
(a) Correct (b) Incorrect
361. Awelded steel plate girder consisting oftwo flange plates of350 mmx 16 mm and a web plate
of 1000 mmx6 mm requires
(a) no stiffeners (6) vertical stiffeners
(c) intermediate vertical stifeners d)vertical and horizontal stiffeners
362. Horizontal stiffeners, in addition to vertical stiffeners, are provided on the web of a pa
girder, when the ratio of clear depth to the thickness of web exceeds
(a) 50 (b) 100 (c) 150 (d) 200
uctures Design

sh. Intermediar
ediate vertical stiffeners are
provided in plate girders to
eliminate web buckling (b) eliminate local buckling
transfer concentrated loads
(c) (d) prevent exressive deflection
yp rcal
section ot a crane girder is

shown in Fig. 15.18. The function of the

pJ64. i s to

ncreasetorsional stiffness
ncrease lateral buckling strength
Fig. 15.18
increase moment of inertia about vertical axis
()all ofthe
along the span of a welded plate girder, where webis spliced, the bending moment

165. the girder has top flange, web and bottom flange plates of equal area,
hemdingmomentwhi. ent which would be taken by the splice plates would be
M (6) MI3 (d) MI13
(a) (c) MI7
orizontal stiffeners in plate girders are used to
(increase the bending strength ofweb of the web
(b) increase the shear capacity
local buckling of the web the flange
cprevent (a) prevent local buckling of
thickness of
361. At leastone horizontal stiffener should be in which the
placed in the plate girder
less than
web is
the (d) di4
(a) d/200 (b) di 100 (c) d/60
ered = Depth of the web.
ovided if the depth of the web
368. Intermtermediate vertical stiffeners in plate girders need to be

(a) 501 (b) 85 (c) 125 (d) 175 tw

where Thickness ofthe web.
are designed to resist
369. Gantry girders
(a) lateral load (6) longitudinal loads

(c) lateral and longitudinal loads (d) laterl, longitudinal and vertical loads
370. Vertical stiffeners in plate girders are provided
to increase bearing strength of web (b) to prevent local buckling of the flange
(c) to prevent local buckling of the web (d) none of these


1. (6). (c) 2. (a) 3. () 4. (6) 5. (a) 6. (c)

7. (a) 8. (6) 9. (c) 10. (b) 11. (c),(d) 12. (d)

13. (d) 14. (6) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. d) 18. (a)
19. (a) 20. (c) 21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (a)
25. () 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (a) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. ) 33. (b),(d) 34. (a),(c) 35. (a) 36. (b)

37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (b) 41. (a). (6) 42. (c)
43. (d) 44. (6) 45. (d) 46. (b) 47. (c) 48. (c)
49. (c) 50 (a) 51. () 52. (b) 53. (d) 54. (a)
55. (c) 56. (b) 57. 6) 58. (d) 59. (d) 60. (a)
61. (a) 62. (b) 63. () 64. (d) 65. () 66. (b)
67. (d) 68. (a) 69. (b) 70. (c) 71. (d) 72. (a)
eelStructures Design 633
299. (c) 300. (c) 301. (d) 304. (d)
302. (a) 303. (c)
305. (c) 306. (d) 307. (d) 310. (b)
308. (b) 309. (d)
311. (6) 312. (a), (b) 313. 316. (a)
(a) 314. (b) 315. (c)
317. (d) 318. (d) 319. (c) 320. 321. (b)
(D). (A), (C), (B)
322. (a) 323. (b) 324. (d) 327. (c)
325. (b) 326. (a)
328. (d) 329. (c) 330. (a) 333. (c)
331. (d) 332. (a)
334. (a) 335. ib) 336. (d) 337. (a) 338. (d) 339. (b)
340. (c) 341. (c) 342. (b) 343. (c) 344. (c) 345. (b)
346. (b) 347. (b) 348. (a) 351. (b)
349. (c) 350. (d)
352. (a) 353. (d) 354. (a) 355. (a) 357. (d)
356. (d)
358. (b) 359. (d) 360. (b) 361. (c) 363. (a)
362. (d)
364. (d) 365. (a) 366. (c) 367. (a) 369. (d)
368. (b)
370. (c)

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