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Characteristics of Living Organisms

M – Movement – The movement in muscles for humans and slow growth movement in plants

R – Respiration – The ability to get energy from food (Glucose + oxygen  Carbon Dioxide + Water)

S – Sensitivity – The responses to stimuli and ability to be sensitive to changes in the environment

G – Growth – The ability of an organism to increase in size using materials from food

R – Reproduction – The ability to produce offspring

E – Excretion – The ability to remove waste products from the organism

N – Nutrition – The ability of plants to make their own food and animals to eat other organisms

C – Control – The ability for an organism to maintain its internal conditions

Animal and Plant Cells

Nucleus  Controls the activities and functions of the cell. Contains the DNA of the cell and the
chromosomes which have the genes of the cell.

Cytoplasm  A gelatinous liquid which fills the inside of a cell made of water, salts and organic

Cell Wall  A tough layer of non-living material on the outside of plant cells which is made of
cellulose. This ensures the wall is strong and keeps the cell shape rigid.

Cell membrane  Thin layer on the outside of the cell which is partially permeable and controls
what is allowed in and out of the cell.

Vacuole  A space in the cell filled with cell sap which acts as a store for dissolved sugars, mineral
ions and other solutes. (Vacuole is permanent in plant cells but is only temporary in animal cells)

Mitochondria  The organelle responsible for respiration in the cell to produce energy.

Ribosomes  Acts as a site for protein synthesis in the cell.

Chloroplast  The organelle in plant leaves which absorbs light which is used for photosynthesis.
Enzymes control reactions inside cells

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