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Mata Kuliah : English Phonology

Jurusan/Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Dosen Pengampu : Sianna, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : This course mainly discusses English sounds, phonemes, distinctive features, syllables, connected speech, stress,
and Intonation.
CPL yang dibebankan pada mata kuliah : The students will be able to identify, explain, and apply the elements and rules of English sounds based on
theory in order to have a good pronunciation.

Minggu Kemampuan akhir yang Bahan kajian (Materi Bentuk dan Estimasi Pengalaman belajar Kriteria penilaian Bobot
ke- direncanakan pembelajaran) Metode Waktu mahasiswa dan indikator penilaian
1 Students will be able to: - Speech organ Online Class TM: Explaining, showing, The accuracy in 10
- Basic concept of via Zoom 1x2x50 and giving some Explaining,
1. Identify their Speech organ BT: examples related to showing, and
2. Explain basic concept of
1x2x60 the term of phonology giving some
Phonology BM: given in group or examples related to
1x2x60 individually the term of
phonology given
2 Students will be able to: - Segmental Phonemes: Online Class TM: Determining the PoA The accuracy in: 15
Consonants via Telegram 1x2x50 and MoA of Determining the
1. Determine the segmental BT:
- Place of consonants PoA and MoA of
Phoneme: Consonants 1x2x60
Articulation:Consonants consonants
BM: Write the
2. Determine and identify the - Manner of Articulation:
1x2x60 transcription of Write the
consonants based on their Place Consonants
words using IPA transcription of
of Articulation and Manner of
symbols words using IPA
Articulation using minimal pairs
Pronounce the
consonants based on Pronounce the
their Place of consonants based on
Articulation and their Place of
Manner of Articulation and
Articulation Manner of
3 Students will be able to: - Segmental Online Class TM: Determine and Determine and 15
1. Determine the segmental Phoneme:Vowels via Telegram 1x2x50 identify the vowels identify the vowels
Phoneme: Vowels - Vowels Classification: BT: based on tongue based on tongue
1x2x60 position, lip rounding, position, lip
2. Determine and identify the Lip rounding BM: jaw height, tenseness rounding, jaw
vowels based on tongue position, Tongue position 1x2x60 using minimal pairs height, tenseness
lip rounding, jaw height, Jaw height using minimal pairs
tenseness using minimal pairs Tenseness Pronounce the vowels
3. Pronounce the vowels based on
based on tongue Pronounce the
tongue position, lip rounding, jaw
position, lip rounding, vowels based on
height, tenseness
jaw height, tenseness tongue position, lip
4. Write the transcription of words rounding, jaw
using IPA symbol Write the transcription height, tenseness
of words using IPA
symbol Write the
transcription of
words using IPA
4 Students will be able to: - Diphthongs Online Class TM: Determine the The accuracy in: 10
- Triphthongs via Telegram 1x2x50 segmental Phoneme:
1. Determine the segmental BT: Diphthong & Determine the
Phoneme: Diphthong & 1x2x60 Triphthong segmental
Triphthong BM: Phoneme:
2. Pronounce diphthong & 1x2x60 Pronounce diphthong Diphthong &
triphthong correctly & triphthong correctly Triphthong
3. Identify the words which is Identify the words Pronounce
rhyme to others which is rhyme to diphthong &
others triphthong correctly
Identify the words
which is rhyme to

5 Students will be able to: - Syllable Online Class TM: Define and determine The accuracy in: 15
- Structure of English via Telegram 1x2x50 the syllable in a word Define and
1. Define and determine the BT: determine the
syllable in a word syllable 1x2x60 Determine the onset,
syllable in a word
2. Determine the onset, BM: peak/nucleus, and
peak/nucleus, and coda of the 1x2x60 coda of the syllable Determine the
syllable onset,
Identify the structure
3. Identify the structure of English of English Syllable peak/nucleus, and
Syllable coda of the syllable
Identify the
structure of English

6 Students will be able to: - Suprasegmental Online Class TM: Identify the The accuracy in: 15
phonemes: via Telegram 1x2x50 suprasegmental Identify the
1. Identify the suprasegmental BT: Phoneme: Intonation, suprasegmental
Phoneme: Intonation, stress, Intonation 1x2x60 stress, juncture Phoneme:
juncture Juncture BM: Intonation, stress,
2. Practice the way to produce Stress 1x2x60 Practice the way to
suprasegmental Phoneme: produce
Intonation, stress, juncture in suprasegmental Practice the way to
words or group of words Phoneme: Intonation, produce
3. Identify the weak and strong stress, juncture in suprasegmental
syllable words or group of Phoneme:
words Intonation, stress,
juncture in words
Identify the weak and
or group of words
strong syllable
Identify the weak
and strong syllable
7 MID TEST (Formative evaluation to make any improvement of teaching and learning process based on assessment) 10
8 Students will be able to: - Phonological rules Online Class TM: Explain the basic The accuracy in: 10
- Features of via Telegram 1x2x50 concept of Explain the basic
1. Explain the basic concept of BT: phonological rules concept of
phonological rules phonological structure 1x2x60 phonological rules
2. Identify and determine the BM: Identify and determine
features of phonological structure 1x2x60 the features of Identify and
phonological structure determine the
features of
9 Students will be able to: - Basic concept and Online Class TM: Analyze and The accuracy in: 15
types of assimilation via Telegram 1x2x50 determine the Analyze and
1. Analyze and determine the BT: Assimilation Process determine the
- Examples of 1x2x60
Assimilation Process
2. Make the assimilation rules of assimilation process BM: Make the assimilation Assimilation
particular sounds in words 1x2x60 rules of particular Process
3. Grouping some words containing sounds in words
Make the
sounds that undergo assimilation
Grouping some words assimilation rules
containing sounds that of particular sounds
undergo assimilation in words
Grouping some
words containing
sounds that

10 Students will be able to: - Types of assimilation: Online Class TM: Identify and The accuracy in: 10
Progressive via Telegram 1x2x50 determine the words Identify and
1. Identify and determine the words BT: undergoing determine the
undergoing progressive assimilation 1x2x60 progressive words undergoing
assimilation and forming the rules (Perseverative) BM: assimilation and progressive
2. Identify and determine the words Regressive assimilation 1x2x60 forming the rules assimilation and
undergoing reggressive (anticipatory) forming the rules
assimilation and forming the rules Identify and determine
the words undergoing Identify and
reggressive determine the words
assimilation and undergoing
forming the rules reggressive
assimilation and
forming the rules
11 Students will be able to: Dissimilation process Online Class TM: Identify and The accuracy in: 10
via Telegram 1x2x50 determine the words Identify and
1. Identify and determine the words BT: undergoing determine the
undergoing disimilation process t 1x2x60 disimilation process t words undergoing
2. Drawing the rule of BM: disimilation process
dissimilation of sound change 1x2x60 Drawing the rule of
dissimilation of Drawing the rule
sound change of dissimilation of
sound change
12 Students will be able to: - Epenthesis: Online Class TM: Analyzing some The accuracy in: 10
Anaptyxis via Telegram 1x2x50 process of Epenthesis Analyzing some
1. Analyzing some process of Exrescence BT: process of
Epenthesis Prothesis 1x2x60 Grouping some sounds Epenthesis
2. Grouping some sounds Paragoge BM: sircumstance
sircumstance undergoing 1x2x60 undergoing epenthesis Grouping some
epenthesis to draw the rule of the to draw the rule of the sounds sircumstance
sound change sound change undergoing
epenthesis to draw
the rule of the sound
13 Students will be able to: - Metathesis Online Class TM: Analyzing the process The accuracy in: 10
via Telegram 1x2x50 of Metathesis Analyzing the
1. Analyzing the process of BT: process of
Metathesis 1x2x60 Grouping some sounds Metathesis
2. Grouping some sounds BM: sircumstance
sircumstance undergoing 1x2x60 undergoing metathesis Grouping some
metathesis to draw the rule of the to draw the rule of the sounds sircumstance
sound change undergoing
sound change
metathesis to draw
the rule of the sound
14 Students will be able to: - Deletion: Online Class TM: Analyzing some The accuracy in: 10
Elision via Telegram 1x2x50 process of Deletion Analyzing some
1. Analyzing some process of BT: process of Deletion
Deletion Aphaeresis 1x2x60 Grouping some sounds
2. Grouping some sounds Syncope BM: sircumstance Grouping some
sircumstance undergoing detetion Apocope 1x2x60 undergoing detetion to sounds sircumstance
to draw the rule of the sound Gemination draw the rule of the undergoing detetion
change sound change to draw the rule of
the sound change

15 Students will be able to: - Nasalization Online Class TM: Analyzing the process The accuracy in: 10
- Velarization via Telegram 1x2x50 of Nasalization and Analyzing the
1. Analyzing the process of BT: Velarization process of
Nasalization and Velarization 1x2x60 Nasalization and
2. Grouping some sounds BM: Grouping some sounds Velarization
sircumstance undergoing 1x2x60 sircumstance
nasalization and velarization to undergoing Grouping some
draw the rule of the sound change nasalization and sounds sircumstance
velarization to draw the undezaqrgoing
rule of the sound nasalization and
change velarization to draw
the rule of the sound
16 Final Test (Evaluation process to know the students learning achievement) 10

1. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonethics-3rd ed. By David Crystal, 1993. Great Britain: T.J. Press.
2. Morley, Rebecca (2019). Sound Structure and Sound Change: A Modeling Approach. Berlin: Language Science Press.
3. Peter J. Roach - English Phonetics and Phonology_ A Practical Course-Cambridge University Press (1991)

Parepare, 27 Februari 2021

Dosen Pengampu,
Sianna, S.Pd., M.Pd.
NBM. 1184641

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