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……………………….. NĂM 2022

Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút
(Đề thi gồm 55 câu trắc nghiệm, 65 câu tự luận trong 9

I. SPEAKING: (2 points)
Candidates have 5 minutes for the preparation of their talk according to the topic given. The
maximum time for their task is 5 minutes.
1. A family in which there are many generations living together usually has conflicts. Get ready
to talk the audience the conflicts.
2. Covid – 19 is seriously infectious disease. Get ready to talk to the audience about the way to
protect yourselft
3. Last summer holiday, your family visited a famous place in Vietnam. Get ready to talk to the
audience about your holiday.
4. Who is your closet friend? Get ready to talk to the audience about him/ her.
5. After graduating from high school, some students want to learn in a university, some others
want to join in a vacation school. Get ready to talk to the audience about your choice.
6. Talk about the most memorable experience in your life.
7. Talk about a competition you have ever seen or joined.
8. Imagine you are a tourist guide. Get ready to describe the most beautiful place in your country
9. Name a person whom you admire. Describe the person and say why you admire him/her
10. What is your opinion about violence at school? Get ready to Get ready to talk to the audience
about this.
II. LISTENING. (3.5 points)
Part 1. Listen and fill in each blank with ONE word/number. You will listen twice .( 2 points)
Christopher Columbus was an (1) ________ from Italy. He sailed from Spain to the
Americas on three (2) __________. On October 12 th, (3) _________, he arrived at the islands of
the Bahamas and then went to Cuba. On his third (4) __________ he landed in America.
Actually, Columbus was not looking for America. He only wanted to sail from Europe to
Asia. Spain wanted to (5) _________ more with Asia, so the Spanish king gave Columbus (6)
_________ to go. Columbus and his men found a new world, but they didn’t know it.
Columbus started a (7) ________ in America and became a governor. Later, he lost his
(8) _________, but he was still rich. He brought back (9) ________ from America. When
Columbus died, he was buried in Spain. Many countries (10) _________ his life with Columbus
Part 2: Listen and complete the notes below by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
in each blank. You will listen twice. (0.5 points)
Customer number Example: 5062 7840
Name (1) ________________
Date of birth (2)__________________
New address 18 King Street, (3) _____________
New telephone number (4) __________________________
Billing period (5) __________________________
Part 3: Listen and choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) which fits best each question according
to what you hear. You will listen twice. (1 point)
1. The plan will leave Gatwick Airport at _________________.
A. 6.30 am B. 8.25 am C. 2.25 pm D. 4.30 pm
2. The people who are taking part in the trip_________________.
A. is a small group B. are small goups
C. is quite a large group D. are quite small groups
3. The transport from Athens Airport will be _________________.
A. by boat B. by plane C. by coach D. by train
4. The hotel is booked for _________________.
A. two nights B. three full days
C. three days and a night D. two days and a night
5. Group members will then have free time on _________________.
A. Monday B. Saturday C. Thursday D. Friday
6. They will _________________ for the rest of the day .
A. go shopping B. have nothing planned
C. have something done D. will visit historic sites
7. On Saturday they’re off to _________________.
A. Ireland B. the isles C. the island D.Queensland
8. The group will see the Greek Islands and _________________.
A. will go by bus B. will travel by submarine
C. will visit by plane D. will travel by boat
9. They will be able to _________________.
A. go a sight seeing and camping B. cruise around and sleep on board
C. go camping and sunbathe D. sailing boat and sleeping on board
10. At last , the tour organiser will give them _________________.
A. brochure B. luggage C. tickets D. guide book
III. LEXICO – GRAMMAR. (4.5 points)
Part 1. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. (1.5 points)
1. ___________ the weather forecast, it will rain heavily later this morning.
A. On account of B. According to C. Because of D. Due to
2. I read the contract again and again __________ avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. in view of B. in terms of C. with a view to D. by means of
3. It's a shame they didn't pick you up, but it doesn't _______ out the possibility that you might
get a job in a different department.
A. strike B. cancel C. draw D. rule
4. I reckon Mark is ________ of a nervous breakdown.
A. in charge B. under suspicion C. on the verge D. indicative
5. Many local authorities realize there is a need to make _______ for disabled people in their
housing programmes.
A. assitance B. conditions C. admittance D. provision
6. It turned out that we _________ rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several
A. hadn't B. should have C. mustn't have D. needn't have
7. All three TV channels provide extensive _________ of sporting events.
A. coverage B. vision C. broadcast D. network
8. No matter how angry he was, he would never ________ to violence.
A. resolve B. recourse C. exert D. resort
9. ________ as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideals of the period in which it
was created.
A. Ranking B. To be ranked C. Being ranked D. In order to be ranking
10. _________, the people who come to this club are in their twenties and thirties.
A. By and large B. All together C. To a degree D. Virtually
11. I am afraid that you have _________ the deadline, so we can't take your application into
A. missed B. met C. delayed D. put off
12. The main aim of the campaign is to raise _______ of the issues involved.
A. knowledge B. awareness C. attention D. acquaintance
13. After so many years, it is great to see him _________ his ambitions.
A. get B. realise C. possess D. deserve
14. It was confirmed that the accident was caused by human ________.
A. error B. slip C. fault D. blunder
15. The roadworks made ________ to the hotel from the main road difficult.
A. entrance B. approach C. access D. ways in
Part 2. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (1 point)
The black widow spider’s notoriety is not without foundation. However, an element of
exaggeration has led to certain _______ (1. CONCEPT) regarding its evil nature.
Firstly, this spider is not as dangerous as is often thought. While it is indeed one of the
most __________ (2. VENOM) species of spider, its venom being fifteen times stronger than
that of the prairie rattlesnake, its bite injects such as amount of venom by __________ (3.
COMPARE) that it is unlikely to kill humans. In fact, _________ (4. FATAL) are rare.
Black widows bite only if they are touched or their web is threatened. Furthermore, only
the adult female is poisonous. Those most at risk from the female are the spider’s natural pray-
insects-and male black widow spiders. The latter are vulnerable as the female is _______ (5.
SOLITUDE) by nature, and has been known to kill and eat the male after mating. Such
________ (6. OCCUR) are rare, but they explain how the spider got its name – and its
Nevertheless, the ______ (7. PLEASE) effects of this spider’s bite should not be
__________ (8. ESTIMATE), and if you live in a temperate climate and have a fireplace in your
home, it is advisable to take ________ (9. CAUTION). Black widow spiders often inhabit wood
piles, so you should wear gloves when handling firewood. Furthermore, since black widow
spiders are ________ (10. RESIST) to many insecticides, you should regularly clean out likely
hiding places.
Part 3. Identify error in a passage. (1 point)
Lin Content
1 Human and primates, the family of apes, gorillas, and chimpanzees, among
2 others, divide many common traits. While primates are deemed the most intelligent of
3 animals, most researchers believed they lack the capacity to produce language.
4 However, a research project in the 1970s at University of Georgia showed promise that
5 chimpanzees have the ability to learn a certain language, just as human children do.The
6 project used several chimpanzees as test subjects in which Lana, a female chimp was
7 the study focus. Though the primates lack the vocal constructions to make human
8 speech patterns, the researchers created a language called Yerkish, using lexigram
9 made up of symbols that represent sounds and words. 125 symbols were placed on a
10 keyboard, which Lana was taught how to use the board to communicate with the
11 researchers. She successfully expressed her thoughts by pressing different keys in
succession. In some cases, she used up to seven at times.

Part 4. Complete each sentence with correct form of one of the two-word verbs . ( 1 point)
bring out do up slow down save up hang over
mix up grow up go with dress up run for
1. Silence ________the theatre as the audience awaited the opening curtain with expectation and
2. Having seen a sharp bend ahead, Tim pressed hard on the brake pedal to _________.
3. Charles Dickens was born near Portsmouth, Hampshire on 7 February 1812, but relocated to
and _________ in Camden Town in London.
4. Barrack Obama has decided to _______ the American presidency in the election that will take
place next year.
5. Because I hate ________ my shoes, I have bought a pair of shoes without any laces.
6.Sarah wanted to buy some curtains that would _______ his furniture, so she had brought a ph
oto of her sofa with her to the store.
7. Kate had been __________ in order to buy a new laptop, but then she decided to use the
money on the guitar lessons instead.
8. Even though two of the bands are dead, a new ‘The Beatle’ album called Love was recently
9. Brendan was worried about having to _________ for the boss’ retirement dinner as he didn’t
own any formal clothes.
10. He _________ his grandmother’s phone number with his girlfriend’s, which led to some
embarrassment for him.
Part 1. Read a passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. (1 point)
The ability to weep is a uniquely human form of emotional response. Some scientists have
suggested that human tears are (1) _____ of an aquatic past – but this does not seem very likely.
We cry from the moment we enter this world, for a number of reasons. Helpless babies cry to
persuade their parents that they are ill, hungry or uncomfortable. As they (2) _____, they will
also cry just to attract parental attention and will often stop when they get it.
The idea that having a good cry do you (3) _____ is a very old one and now it has scientific
validity since recent research into tears has shown that they (4) _____ a natural painkiller called
enkaphalin. By fighting sorrow and pain this chemical helps you feel better. Weeping can
increase the quantities of enkaphalin you (5) _____.
Unfortunately, in our society we impose restrictions upon this naturally (6) _____ activity.
Because some people still regard it as a (7) _____ of weakness in men, boys in particular are
admonished when they cry. This kind of repression can only increase stress, both emotionally
and physically.
Tears of emotion also help the body (8) _____ itself of toxic chemical waste, for there is
more protein in them than in tears resulting from cold winds or other irritants. Crying comforts,
calms and can be very enjoyable – (9) _____ the popularity of highly emotional films which are
commonly (10) _____ “weepies”. It seems that people enjoy crying together almost as much as
laughing together.
1. A. witness B. evidence C. result D. display
2. A. evolve B. change C. develop D. alter
3. A. better B. fine C. good D. well
4. A. contain B. retain C. hold D. keep
5. A. construct B. achieve C. provide D. produce
6. A. curing B. treating C. healing D. improving
7. A. hint B. symbol C. feature D. sign
8. A. release B. rid C. loosen D. expel
9. A. consider B. remark C. distinguish D. regard
10. A. named B. entitled C. subtitled D. called
Part 2. Read and answer questions. (1 point)
The word 'guitar' was brought into English as an adaptation of the Spanish word 'guitarra’,
which was, in turn, derived from the Greek 'kithara'. Tracing the roots of the word further back
into linguistic history, it seems to have been a combination of the Indo-European stem 'guit-’,
meaning music, and the root '-tar’, meaning chord or string. The root '-tar' is actually common to
a number of languages, and can also be found in the word 'sitar’, also a stringed musical
instrument. Although the spelling and pronunciation differ between languages, these key
elements have been present in most words for 'guitar' throughout history.
While the guitar may have gained most of its popularity as a musical instrument during
the modern era, guitar-like instruments have been in existence in numerous cultures throughout
the world for more than 5.000 years. The earliest instruments that the modern eye and ear would
recognise as a 'normal' acoustic guitar date from about 500 years ago. Prior to this time, stringed
instruments were in use throughout the world, but these early instruments are known primarily
from visual depictions, not from the continued existence of music written for them. The majority
of these depictions show simple stringed instruments, often lacking some of the parts that define
a modern guitar. A number of these instruments have more in common with the lute than the
There is some uncertainty about the exact date of the earliest six-string guitar. The oldest
one still in existence, which was made by Gaetano Vinaccia, is dated 1779. However, the
authenticity of six-string guitars alleged to have been made prior to 1790 is often suspect, as
many fakes have been discovered dating to this era. The early nineteenth century is generally
accepted as the time period during which six-string guitars began taking on their modern shape
and dimensions. Thus for nearly two hundred years, luthiers, or guitar makers, have been
producing versions of the modern acoustic guitar.
The first electric guitar was not developed until the early twentieth century. George
Beauchamp received the first patent for an electric guitar in 1936, and Beauchamp went on to co-
found Rickenbacker, originally known as the Electro String Instrument Company. Although
Rickenbacker began producing electric guitars in the late 1930s, this brand received most of its
fame in the 1960s, when John Lennon used a Rickenbacker guitar for the Beatles' debut
performance on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964. George Harrison later bought a Rickenbacker
guitar of his own, and the company later gave him one of their earliest 12-string electric guitars.
Paul McCartney also used a Rickenbacker bass guitar for recording. The Beatles continued to
use Rickenbacker guitars throughout their career, and made the instruments highly popular
among other musicians of the era.
The Fender Musical Instruments Company and the Gibson Guitar Corporation were two
other early electric guitar pioneers, both developing models in the early 1950s. Fender began
with the Telecaster in 1950 and 1951, and the Fender Stratocaster debuted in 1954. Gibson began
selling the Gibson Les Paul, based partially on assistance from jazz musician and guitar
innovator Les Paul, in 1952. The majority of present day solid-body electric guitars are still
based largely on these three early electric guitar designs.
Throughout the history of the guitar, an enormous number of individuals have made their
mark on the way in which the instrument was built, played and perceived. Though some of these
individuals are particularly well known, like the Beatles or Les Paul, the majority of these people
are virtually invisible to most modern guitar fans. By looking at the entire history of the guitar,
rather than just recent developments, largely confined to electric guitars, it is possible to see
more of the contributions of earlier generations.
Questions 1-5. Complete the sentences. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the
passage for each answer. Write your answer in the numbered box.
1. Despite differences in ______, 'guit-' and '-tar' appear in the word for 'guitar' in many
2. Instruments that we would call acoustic guitars have been made and played for approximately
3. The ________ of acoustic guitars have not changed much in 200 years.
4. Les Paul, the well-known ________ guitarist, was involved in the development of the electric
5. Most ________ of the guitar know little about its rich history.
Questions 6-10. Complete the summary. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the
passage for each answer. Write your answer in the numbered box.
Instruments similar to the guitar have been played by musicians for over (6) ________
years. What we know about many of these instruments comes from (7) ________ rather than
actual physical examples or music played on them. In some ways, these early stringed
instruments were closer to (8) ________ than the guitar as we know it today. We do have
examples of six-string guitars that are 200 years old. However, the (9) ________ of six-string
guitars made by guitar makers who are also known as luthiers before the final decade of the
eighteenth century is often open to question.
Although the electric guitar was invented in the 1930s, it took several decades for electric
guitars to develop, with the company Rickenbacker playing a major part in this development.
Most (10) ________ electric guitars in use today are similar in design to guitars produced by the
Fender Musical Instruments Company and the Gibson Guitar Corporation in the 1950s.
Part 3. Cloze test: Read and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (1 point)
True relaxation is most certainly not a matter of flopping down in front of the television
with a welcome drink. Nor is it about drifting (1)_______ an exhausted sleep. Useful though
these responses to tension and over-tiredness (2)_______ be, we should distinguish between
them and conscious relaxation in (3)_______ of quality and effect. (4)_______ of the level of
tiredness, real relaxation is a state of alert yet at the same time passive awareness, in which our
bodies are (5)_______ rest while our minds are awake.
Moreover, it is as natural for a healthy person to be relaxed when moving as resting.
(6)_______ relaxed in action means we bring the appropriate energy to everything we do, so as
to have a feeling of healthy tiredness by the end of the day, (7)_______ than one of exhaustion.
Unfortunately, as a result of living in today’s competitive world, we are under constant strain and
have difficulty in coping, (8)_______ alone nurturing our body’s abilities. What needs to be
rediscovered is conscious relaxation. With (9)_______ in mind we must apply ourselves to
understanding stress and the nature of its causes (10)_______ deep-seated.
Part 4. Read the passage and decide which answer (A B, C or D) best fits each gap. (1point)
A. More than 90 percent of all schools in the country are wired with at least one Internet
B. Only 6 percent of the population in developing countries are connected to telephones
C. Only 16 percent of the rural poor, rural and central
D However, access alone is not enough
E. On some Native American reservations only 60 percent of the residents have a telephone.
F. Teens and children are the two fastest-growing segments of Internet users
G. We use e-mail and the Internet to communicate instantaneously with friends and business
associates around the world
H. Nearly half of college-educated people have Internet access, compared to 6 percent of those
with only some high school education
I. Women hold about 20 percent of these jobs and are receiving fewer than 30 percent of the
computer science degrees
J. It will require greater equality across diverse groups whose members develop knowledge
and skills in computer and information technologies

The Digital Divide

Information technology is influencing the way many of us live and work today. We use the
Internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make airline reservations, and
explore areas of interest. (1) ____________. Computers are commonplace in homes and the
Although the number of Internet users is growing exponentially each year, most of the
world’s population does not have access to computers or the Internet(2) __________. Although
more than 94 percent of U.S. households have a telephone, only 42 percent have personal
computers at home and 26 percent have Internet access. The lack of what most of us would
consider a basic communications necessity – the telephone – does not occur just in developing
nations. (3) ___________. The move to wireless connections may eliminate the need for
telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier to equipment costs.
Who has Internet access? Fifty percent of the children in urban households with an income
over $75,000 have Internet access, compared with 2 percent of the children in low-income, rural
households. (4)_________. Forty percent of households with two parents have access; 15 percent
of female, single-parent households do. Thirty percent of white households, 11 percent of black
households, and 13 percent of Hispanic households have access. (5)_________. The digital
divide between the populations who have access to the Internet and information technology tools
is based on income, race, education, household type, and geographic location. (6)
Another problem that exacerbates these disparities is that African-Americans, Hispanics, and
Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. (7)____________. The result
is that women and members of the most oppressed ethnic groups are not eligible for the jobs with
the highest salaries at graduation. Baccalaureate candidates with degrees in computer science
were offered the highest salaries of all new college graduates in 1998 at $44,949.
Do similar disparities exist in schools? (8)__________. The number of classrooms with
Internet connections differs by the income level of students. Using the percentage of students
who are eligible for free lunches at a school to determine income level, we see that nearly twice
as many of the schools with more affluent students have wired classrooms as those with high
concentrations of low-income students.
Access to computers and the Internet will be important in reducing disparities between
groups. (9)___________. If computers and the Internet are to be used to promote equality, they
will have to become accessible to populations that cannot currently afford the equipment which
needs to be updated every three years or so. (10)___________. Students will have to be
interacting with the technology in authentic settings. As technology becomes a tool for learning
in almost all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a means to an end rather than an end in
itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power.
Part 5. Read the passage and choose the best answer. (1point)
A recent survey of crime statistics shows that we are all more likely to be burgled now
than 20 years ago and the police advise everyone to take a few simple precautions to protect their
The first fact is that burglars and other intruders prefer easy opportunities, like a house
which is very obviously empty. This is much less of a challenge than an occupied house, and one
which is well-protected. A burglar will wonder if it is worth the bother.
There are some general tips on how to avoid your home becoming another crime statistic.
Avoid leaving signs that your house is empty. When you have to go out, leave at least one light
on as well as a radio or television, and do not leave any curtains wide open. The sight of your
latest music centre or computer is enough to tempt any burglar.
Never leave a spare key in a convenient hiding place. The first place a burglar will look is
under the doormat or in a flower pot and even somewhere more 'imaginative' could soon be
uncovered by the intruder. It is much safer to leave a key with a neighbour you can trust. But if
your house is in a quiet, desolate area be aware that this will be a burglar's dream, so deter any
potential criminal from approaching your house by fitting security lights to the outside of your
But what could happen if, in spite of the aforementioned precautions, a burglar or
intruder has decided to target your home. Windows are usually the first point of entry for many
intruders. Downstairs windows provide easy access while upstairs windows can be reached with
a ladder or by climbing up the drainpipe. Before going to bed you should double-check that all
windows and shutters are locked. No matter how small your windows may be, it is surprising
what a narrow gap a determined burglar can manage to get through. For extra security, fit
window locks to the inside of the window.
What about entry via doors? Your back door and patio doors, which are easily forced
open, should have top quality security locks fitted. Even though this is expensive it will be
money well spent. Install a burglar alarm if you can afford it as another line of defense against
A sobering fact is that not all intruders have to break and enter into a property. Why go to
the trouble of breaking in if you can just knock and be invited in? Beware of bogus officials or
workmen and, particularly if you are elderly, fit a chain and an eye hole so you can scrutinise
callers at your leisure. When you do have callers never let anybody into your home unless you
are absolutely sure they are genuine. Ask to see an identity card, for example.
If you are in the frightening position of waking in the middle of the night and think you
can hear an intruder, then on no account should you approach the intruder. It is far better to
telephone the police and wait for help.
1. A well-protected house________.
A. is less likely to be burgled. B. is regarded as a challenge by most criminals.
C. is a lot of bother to maintain. D. is very unlikely to be burgled.
2. According to the writer, we should________.
A. avoid leaving our house empty.
B. only go out when we have to.
C. always keep the curtains closed.
D. give the impression that our house is occupied when we go out.
3. The writer thinks that hiding a key under a doormat or flower pot________.
A. is predictable. B. is useful.
C. is imaginative. D. is where you always find a spare key.
4. What word best replaces “desolate” in paragraph 4?
A. isolated B. populous C. dissatisfying D. depressing
5. The phrase “aforementioned precautions” in paragraph 5 refers to steps that________.
A. will tell a burglar if your house is empty or not.
B. are the most important precautions to take to make your home safe.
C. will stop a potential burglar.
D. will not stop an intruder if he has decided to try and enter your home.
6. Gaining entry to a house through a small window________.
A. is surprisingly difficult.
B. is not as difficult as people think.
C. is less likely to happen than gaining entry through a door.
D. is tried only by very determined burglars.
7. According to the writer, window locks, security locks and burglar alarms________.
A. cost a lot of money but are worth it. B. are good value for money.
C. are luxury items. D. are absolutely essential items.
8. The writer argues that fitting a chain and an eye hole________.
A. will prevent your home being burgled.
B. avoids you having to invite people into your home.
C. is only necessary for elderly people.
D. gives you time to check if the visitor is genuine.
9. What word best replaces “scrutinise” in paragraph 7?
A. glance B. gaze C. search D. examine
10. The best title for the text is________.
A. Increasing household crime. B. Protecting your home from intruders.
C. Burglary statistics. D. What to do if a burglar breaks into your home.
V. WRITING. (5 points)
Part 1. Write a summary basing on a given text (from 80-100 words). (1.5 point)
Today, the majority of the world's population may not be vegetarians, but vegetarianism
is rapidly gaining popularity. People who decide to become vegetarians generally have very
strong feelings about the issue and may choose a vegetarian diet for different reasons. Health
issues, awareness of environmental problems and moral issues are three common arguments in
favor of vegetarianism that are quite convincing.
Many non-vegetarians claim that a vegetarian diet does not give a person the necessary
vitamins and proteins that their body needs. However, doctors and medical associations say that
a vegetarian diet is able to satisfy the nutritional needs of people of all ages. All the nutrients and
proteins one's body needs can be found in vegetables, nuts and grains, as well as in dairy
products. Eating meat may be an easy way to get the protein one needs, but it is not the only
Vegetarians also argue that the meat industry is the source of many environmental
problems that could be eliminated if people ate less meat or even stopped eating it altogether.
Raising livestock for the meat industry takes a huge toll on the world's natural resources; for
example, forests are cut down to clear land for crops to feed livestock or for pastureland. This in
turn leads to an increase in global warming, loss of topsoil and loss of plant and animal life.
Finally, many people refrain from eating meat for ethical reasons. They object to taking
the life of another living creature in order to satisfy their hunger. Moreover, they argue that we
inflict great pain and suffering on animals that are raised for meat. Poultry and livestock raised
on factory farms are kept under abominable conditions, confined in areas that hardly allow them
to move, fed with antibiotics and, in the end, they are cruelly slaughtered.
Becoming a vegetarian might not appeal to everyone, but it is a choice that is gaining
popularity as our awareness of health and environmental issues as well as our concern for animal
welfare is growing. It is also becoming more feasible as restaurants and supermarkets
increasingly cater for the vegetarian market.
Part 2. Write a report describing a chart or graph. ( 1.5 points)
The chart below shows the amount of time an average student spends on various subjects
in certain years from 1995 to 2007. Study the chart carefully and comment on the proportion of
time they spend on these subjects every two weeks.


45 Natural
40 sciences
25 English
15 Social
10 sciences
1995 2000 2005 2007

Part 3. In about 350 words, write an essay on the following topic. (2 points)
Soft-skills are more and more needed for future jobs”.
What do you think of that matter? Write an essay of about 350 words to support your points.
________THE END________

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