Copy of G7 - SSLM - Q1 - W2 - PANTINOPLE

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Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Grade: ______________________________________ Section: ___________________

Quarter: 1 Week: 2 SSLM No. 2 MELC(s): Recognize that substances are

classified into elements and compounds (S7MT-Ig-h-5)

 Objectives: 1. Identify the names and the symbols of common elements;

2. Recognize some information about the elements that may be
found in a periodic table;
3. Distinguish some elements that are essential for life, their
sources, functions and the resulting deficiency condition.
 Title of Textbook/LM to Study: Science 7 Learners Material Quarter 1
 Chapter: 3 Pages: 26- 41 Topic: Elements and Compounds

Let Us Discover

The Periodic Table of Elements is a tool that aids in identifying the physical
and chemical properties of elements. It helps you remember the chemical symbols of
elements, their atomic size, and their metallic and non-metallic properties. The
horizontal rows are called periods or series. The vertical columns are called groups.
A group is often called a
family because the
elements in it have
similar chemical
properties. An element is
represented by a
chemical symbol, which
symbol may be one or
two letters. The first
letter of a symbol is
always capitalized. For
instance, Au is the
symbol for Gold.

1 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

There are many elements
present in the food you eat —whether
it is a natural food like a banana or
those processed like banana chips,
biscuits, milk, and juice. These are
mostly nutrients which the human body
needs in order to function well. The
product labels, information about the
contents of the food is written —
named as Nutrition Facts and
Ingredients. (figure 1) (Fig.1 Product Label)

Table 2. Some elements essential to life

Element Source Function Deficiency Condition
Calcium milk, cheese, canned fish Essential to formation and Rickets in children;
(Ca) with bones, sesame maintenance of the bones diseases of the bones in
seeds, green leafy and teeth; regulates nerve adults such as softening
vegetables transmission, muscle of the bones and
construction, and blood decrease in bone mass
Magnesium Nuts, legumes cereal Catalyst in the synthesis of Fluid loss due to too
(Mg) grains, dark green energy- carrier molecules; much alcohol intake;
vegetables, sea foods, involved in the synthesis of heart failure due to
chocolate proteins and relaxation of spasms
Potassium Orange juice, bananas, Maintains regular Sudden death during
(K) dried fruits, potatoes heartbeat, water balance fasting, poor nerve
and cell integrity; needed function, irregular
in nerve transmission, heartbeat
carbohydrate and protein
Selenium Liver meat, grain, Part of enzymes; Keshan disease (heart
(Se) vegetables antioxidant disease)
Sodium (Na) Meat, table salt, table Regulates amount of body Headache, physical
processed food fluid; involve in nerve weakness, thirst, poor
transmission memory, appetite loss
Sulfur (S) Some proteins Component of
biomolecules and ions
Zinc (Zn) Liver, shellfish, wheat Part of insulin and some Anemia, stunted growth
germs, legumes 154 enzymes

The active elements of major minerals play an important role in the body.
Calcium and phosphorus are needed to the development of bones and teeth.
Calcium also helps in the blood clotting and muscle action. Table 2 shows some
elements that are essential to our life.

2 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

Let Us Try

Activity 1: Element in a Foil

Let’s do this:
1. Get a piece of Aluminum foil. Describe its properties.
2. Cut the aluminum foil into pieces. Describe the properties of each small piece.
Q1. Are the properties of each small piece similar to those of the whole?

If your answer is YES, therefore, its properties are the same all throughout.
Aluminum is an example of an element.

Let Us Do

Activity 2. The Periodic Table: Its Element- ary!

Every element has a name. In each box of the table, you will find only one name.
One box corresponds to one element. Complete the table below.

Name Symbol Group Number

1. Beryllium Be 2
2. Cobalt
3. Germanium
4. Palladium
5. Boron
6. Yttrium
7. Tin
8. Vanadium
9. Xenon
10. Lead
11. Argon
12. Tungsten

3 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

13. Copper
14. Neon
15. Helium
16. Mercury
17. Nickel
18. Zinc
19. Krypton
20. Antimony

Let Us Apply

Activity 3. The “Matter” on Labels

Using the product labels of any powdered milk found in your home;

1. Name at least three elements present in the Ingredients which are listed in
the Nutrition Facts.
2. Tell how whether the elements present are essential to life or not. Why?
Cite at least 2 evidences/reasons.


Rubrics for “Matter” on Labels.

Points Description
The response provides thoroughly addresses thee points relevant to the
3 concept. It provides strong evidence of information and reasoning. It is
clearly focused and organized showing relevance to the concept.
2 The response provides essential elements relevant to the concept. It
provides some evidence of information and reasoning. It is focused and
organized showing relevance to the concept.
1 The response provides unclear, inaccurate to the concept. It fails to provide
evidence of information and reasoning. There are gaps in focus and
organization of concepts.
0 There is no response, or the reason is completely incorrect or irrelevant.

4 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021


Ferido, M.D., Gutierez, J.R M. (2012). Grade 7 Science Learner’s

Module, Quarter 1,page 26-41

Ferido, M.D., Gutierez, J.R M. (2012). Science 7 Teacher’s Guide,

Quarter 1, page 34-36

SSLM Development Team

Writer: Lenie D. Pantinople
Content Editor: Agnes D. Lepardo
LR Evaluators: Lalaine M. Biboso, Rosalie P. Gillesania
Creative Arts Designer: Reggie D. Galindez
Education Program Supervisor: Science: Edilbert A. Reyes, Ph. D.
Education Program Supervisor – Learning Resources: Sally A. Palomo
Curriculum Implementation Division Chief: Juliet F. Lastimosa
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: Carlos G. Susarno, Ph. D.
Schools Division Superintendent: Romelito G. Flores, CESO V

5 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

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