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Students I.D: Surname: RANA First Name: Module Code: Module Name: Operation Management Programme: Submission Date: Thursday 30th June 2011 Assignment Name: Quality In Management Process

Quality In Management Process Of Reliance Telecommunication & Tata Teleservices

QUALITY PROCESS DEFINATION Quality process uses a phased approach designed to support the entire product life cycle from inception, design and development, through rollout, to updates and support. Quality process works to clarify business objectives, layout a possible development path, and generate rough estimate based on assumptions. Assumptions are examined and either verified or brought into line with reality. Quality process can help assess the place of product or services in current and future market condition and recommend technical or design changes that would lead to business advantage.

Overview of Reliance Communication

http://www.relianceglobalcom.com/ Reliance Globalcom provides global communications services to Service providers, Enterprises and Consumers across the globe through its high performance and resilient global network. With a service footprint spanning 230 countries and territories, Reliance Globalcom offers unrivaled reaches, depth and breadth, with a flexible combination of services to support the needs of its global customers via a complete hybrid proposition. Its ability to combine the best elements of network ownership with access to multiple carriers and technology providers ensures its managed solutions meet the specific requirements of each of its customers.

http://www.intecbilling.com/reliancecommunications.aspx GROWTH OF RELIANCE COMMUNICATION. Reliance Communications Limited (RCOM) is Indias foremost truly integrated telecommunications service provider. The company is looking to ensure flexibility in biling, while maintaining scalability for its rapid growing market, optimizing revenues and minimizing revenue leakage. The alliance with Intec began in 2002 with the development of Intecs Singl.eView convergent billing platform, followed by Interconnect for inter-carrier settlement and inter-mediates for mediation.

Intecs Singl.eView solution enabled reliance communication to support diverse business needs, both in scale and functionality, giving the company critical time-to-market advantage.

http://easyinv.blogspot.com/2011/03/relianc e-communications-achilles-heal.html TO WHAT EXTENT R.COM IS SUCCESSFUL AND WHERE IT LACKS BEHIND IN SATISFYING CUSTOMERS NEED ACCORDING TO QUALITY PROCESS Reliance communication has largely satisfied its customers to a great extent. And this is the reason it has earned a large market share. Compounding to the competition (+) huge loan book of about Rs. 30000 crores (+) huge cost incurred for dual license: GSM and CDMA (+) 2G Scam have been R.Coms headache. Compounding to this is the Number portability issue, which gave Indian mobile phone users the options to retain phone number while the customer can switch his operator. As a result dissatisfied

customers are free to switch over to some other company Rather than satisfying the exiting customers with better quality and facility, R.Com was busy selling new, cheap model mobile phones. And they were busy adding up number of subscribers, only to see them switch to other companies due to poor services. Now a report states that less than 5 million cellular subscribers had opted to switch carriers using the mobile number portability option. Of these a net 1,92,761 customers switched to unlisted Vodafone Essar, while Idea cellular was next, with net gains of 1,50,789 customers. But Reliance Communications was a net loser of 3,06,417 customers.



http://www.tataindicom.com/t-aboutus-ttsorganiztion.aspx Tata Teleservices Limited spearheads the Tata Groups presence in telecom sector. The Tata group includes over 90 companies, over 3,95,000 employees worldwide and more then 3.5 million shareholders. Incorporated in 1996, Tata Teleservices is the pioneer of the CDMA technology platform in India. It has embarked on a growth path since acquisition of Hughes Tele.com (India) Ltd by the Tata group in 2002. It launched mobile operation in January 2005 under the brand name TATA INDICOM and today enjoys a pan-India presence through exiting operation in all of the Indias 22 telecom Circles. The company is also market leader in the fixed wireless telephony market. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India through independent surveys has rated the companys network as

The Least Congested in India for six consecutive quarters. Tata Teleservices Limited has also become the first Indian private telecom operator to launch 3G services in India under the brand name Tata DOCOMO, with its recent launch in all nine telecom circles where it bagged the 3G licenses. In association with its partner NTT DOCOMO, the company finds itself favorably positioned to leverage this first-mover advantage. With 3G Tata DOCOMO stands to redefine the very face of telecoms in India. Tokyo-based NTT DOCOMO is one of the worlds leading mobile operators- in Japan; the company is the clear market leader, used by nearly 55% of countrys mobile phone users The Tata Teleservices Limited bouquet comprises four other brands as well Virgin Mobile, Walky (which is the brand for fixed wireless phones), the Photon Family (the

companys brand that provides the verity of options for wireless mobile broadband access, and T24). TTSL recently entered into strategic partnership agreement with Indian retail giant future groups to offer the mobile telephony services under a new brand name- T24- on the GSM platform. Today Tata Teleservices Limited along with Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Ltd, serves over 85 million customer in more than 4,50,000 towns and villages across the country, with a bouquet of telephony services encompassing Mobile Services, Wireless Desktop Phones, Public Booth Telephony, and Wireline Services. TTSLs bouquet of telephony services includes mobile services, wireless desktop phones, public booth telephony, wireline services and enterprise solutions.


http://www.tata.com/company/profile.aspx? sectid=5UOAOqSGf7Q The Joint Ventures, subsidiaries, associates Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra): formally Hughes Tele.com (India) Virgin Mobile India: a brand franchise arrangement with Virgin Mobile Group Tata DOCOMO: joint venture with Tokyo-based NTT DOCOMO T24: Strategic partnership with Future Group Viom: merger of telecom tower operations of TTSL and Quippo Telecom Infrastructure

Location: The company is headquarted in Mumbai, India


http://www.medianama.com/2010/09/223tata-teleservices-issues-genius-failstatement-against-voice-telemarketing/ TO WHAT EXTENT TATA TELESERVICES LTD IS SUCCESSFUL IN SATISFYING THE CUSTOMERS AND WHERE DOES IT LACK BEHIND IN SATISFYING THEIR NEEDS. As discussed above Tata Teleservices Limited is emerging with variety of products to satisfy its customers. And it has been successful in satisfying its customers to a large extend. But there is also a negative side of where Tata is lacking behind in satisfying the customers.


Under criticism, and clearly identifiable as one of the major sources of SMS SPAM Tata Teleservices (TTSL) is trying to shift public perception towards telemarketing calls. Hypocritically, TTSL is strongly condemning these calls, suggesting that while voice calls are nuisance, SMS SPAM is just disturbance. Its ridiculous justification about this was: email and text intrusion, though not a happy intrusion are far more acceptable than telemarketing voice. The opinion of the customer is that He was getting 3-4 spam calls a month, and was getting 2-3 spam SMS a day. While it is easy to identify where SMS are coming from, which is why TTSL gets much of the blame, one cant quite tell which telecom operator is servicing the calls centers. But the question here is was there as many calls, as there are SMS?

According to the crowd-pleaser-statement, Just because some of the glitterati do not find time to put their number into the NDND (National Do Not Disturb) registry, the system is not able to block by design such intrusion into their privacy TTSL is just drawing even more attention to itself. So there is a quick fix suggestions from a customer to TTSL that: Put a price on your pipe; stop selling SMS like a commodity.



One of the complaint of customer using Tata Indicom was: Customer was not preferring to call in customer care since last one year as the line of Tata Customer Services was always getting busy and was not be able to connect to any customer executives.

Another customer complained that he had booked for a broadband connection. He even got in touch with the sales person and he visited customers residence, as per procedure even collected all the necessary documents and the customer paid him 500/- as cash 50/- as his charges. He was promised that the connections in 2 days but has not received it yet.


Next is the case of customer harassment: Here even though the customer paid his outstanding bills amount before the due dates and no dues was pending from his side, still his outgoing and incoming calls were banned. Caller tunes does not work: Another case was of caller tune activation. As the caller tune was not activated and the charges of it was cut from the balance. When the customer tried it once again the same problem was repeated.


Ridiculous behavior of the service people: This was the case of customer staying in Bangalore who took a new connection of Internet and was working good initially, but later showed lots of problem in connecting. When customer tried to connect to the services people he was not giving a good and satisfying response. And the services people answered him very rudely.

These were some of the complaints of unsatisfied customers.


http://essaysforstudents.com/print.htnl? essay=305/3 COMPETITIVENESS OF RELIANCE COMMUNICATION WITH REFRENCE TO IMPROVEMENT OF QUALITY OF PRODUCT The cost competitiveness of large telecom companies, caused mainly by the sheer size operations, along with the low tariff on network service, have enabled these companies to offer lower call rates, improved service facilities and promotional schemes and offers. This facilities high retention rate of consumers due to increased customers loyalty as well as attracting new users of the services together. Airtel which is one of the competitor of Reliance Communications was the first cellular service provider to start customer centers, where customers could pay there

bills, apply for new connections and touch and feel new handset models. While Reliance Communications provides CDMA handsets for as low as Rs 2000 and is steadily slashing STD and ISD call rates. Its trademark Web world outlets are a one-step shop for all related services for Reliance customers.


http://www.tatateleservices.com/t-aboutusaffirmative=action.aspx COMPETITIVENESS OF TATA TELESERVICES IN REFRENCE WITH IMPROVEMENT OF QUALITY OF PRODUCT Tata Teleservices Limited believes that for accelerating growth and competitiveness in the rapidly developing economy, organizations must promote and expand job/income generation opportunities for all the sections of the society in the workplace. Tata Teleservices Limited recognize that diversity in the workplace positively impacts business. For the socially disadvantaged, the company will create equal employment opputunities. It also will also undertake initiative that will increase generation potential for the socially

disadvantaged communities. It will also encourage development of business entrepreneurship from members of the socially disadvantaged communities through their participation in the companys Distribution Channels and other business arenas on the basis of equal merit. It will undertake to provide scholarship and help materially and through various other initiatives like voluntary coaching / mentoring of meritorious / deserving students across the country. Affirmative action initiatives will conform to the Corporate Sustainability objectives of Tata Teleservices and will aim at developing the disadvantaged sections of the society.


Task (b)


Definition Of Six Sigma And TQM


ctsheet.pdf WHAT IS SIX SIGMA? In statistical terms, the purpose of Six Sigma is to reduce process variation so that virtually all the products or services provided meet or exceed customers expectations. This is defined as being only 3.4 defects per million occurrences. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/total_quality_m anagement WHAT IS TQM? TQM i.e. Total Quality Management is an integrative philosophy of management for continuously improving the quality of the products and processes. It is used around the world the world. TQM functions on the premise that the

quality of products and processes is the responsibility of everyone who is involved with the creation or consumption of the products or services offered by an organizations. But as we have to discuss any one theory out of it so I would like to choose SIX SIGMA and like to give a descriptive idea of it.




Six Sigma is now according to many business development and quality improvement experts, the most popular management methodology in history. Six Sigma is certainly a very big industry in its own right, and six sigma is now an enormous brand in the world of corporate development. Six Sigma began in 1996 as statistically based methods to reduce variations in electronic manufacturing process in Motorola Inc in the USA. Today twenty-something years on, Six Sigma is used as an all encompassing business performance methodology, all over the world, in organizations as diverse as local government departments, prisons, hospitals, the armed forces, banks, and multi-nationals corporations. While Six Sigma implementations continues apace in many of the world s largest corporations, many organizations and suppliers in the consulting and training communities have also seized

on the Six Sigma concept, to package and provide all sort of Six Sigma branded training products and consultancy and services. Six Sigma has also spawned many and various business books on the subject. Six Sigma, it might seem is taking over the world. Six Sigma is arguably a very clever way of branding and packaging many aspects of Total Quality Management that exist in their own right, regardless of the development of Six Sigma.



As we have seen in the discussion of level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of Reliance Communication that there are many

customers which are dissatisfied with the services of Reliance Communication. Six Sigma is the process of reducing the variations so that it can virtually meet the customers expectation. Here customers of Reliance Communications are dissatisfied as rather then satisfying and concentrating on its current customers with better quality and facility, R.com was busy selling new cheap model mobile phones. If the Reliance Communication applies Six Sigma process it can redefine its vision and regain the confidence of customers. By doing this it can bounce back. N secondly it can even trigger desperate strategic partnership. Due to this many variations that are occurring in providing services can be reduced.

Thus Six Sigma can be a good tool for Reliance Communication to satisfy its customers.



Under Tata Teleservices Limited we have studied that customers are totally dissatisfied with many facts like

Poor customer services TATA Indicom is scam Harassement of customers! Caller tunes does not work

Ridiculous behaviour of Tata Indicom services people. New connections problem, etc.

By using Six Sigma concepts Tata Teleservices can improve its services in the

above references By applying Six Sigma TTSL can provide best customer services as it can appoint the best staff who are well trained in Six Sigma field who are experts in maintaining relationship with customers. Secondly by applying this knowledge the employees working in the TTSL can meet the requirements of customers expectations. By this TTSL can get a good customer feedback and the customers will show more interest in the companies new developments. Thirdly by applying Six Sigma TTSL can fix its position in the market by enlarging its customers base. So there are many benefits of applying Six Sigma concepts for bith Reliance Communication and TATA Teleservices




1. 2.

www.qualityprocess.com http://essaysforstudents.com/print/html? essay=30513


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

www.relianceglobalcom.com www.tatateleservices.com www.tataindicom.com www.tata.com www.medianama.com www.complaintsboard.com www.businessballs.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/six_sigma http://easyinv.blogspot.com/2011/03/rel iance-communications-achilleshead.html



According to my study for both the companies, RELIANCE as a well known ambani group has been well known since years on national as well as international level. Moreover TATA GROUP OF

COMPANIES holded by the great business tycoon ratan tata has also shown a good performance since years of the business industry and the service sector. Both the companies have been well known for targeting not only the upper higher class but also the middle income group as in the countries like India a huge amount of population consists of middle income group. Reliance has done a great job in the service sector which has been the most grooming sector in the whole world .since years and years of the business being established reliance has shown a positive graph insipte of facing the burden of huge loans and the 2G scams. On the other hand, TATA GROUP OF COMPANIES have also shown a tremendous growth in the grooming service sector. recently the company has announced that they are going to open there own offices where in they would appoint ladies who are not able to go for the full time job due to their family and

children, as a result they would assign them part time jobs where in they can come anytime and go according to their own wish after completing the work.


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