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Lesson Plan

Name of Teacher: Qamar Abbas Khan Class: VIII C Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Quadratic Equations Duration: 40 mins Date: 29-03-2022
Attainment target: To solve Quadratic Equations by Graphical Method.
Learning Outcome:
 Students will differentiate between quadratic and linear equations.
 Students will observe change in the curve by changing value of a, b and c
 Students will apply graphical method to solve quadratic equations.
 Students will learn about roots of quadratic equations.

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and

Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the topic? (What are the students doing to help them Resources
Time Day to day assessment
The teaching strategies/ methodology selected) understand the topic?) (What resources will you use
(mins) (How do you plan to assess
that will support the teaching
learning as it is happening?)
and learning activities?)
Teacher will recap previous lesson by asking
difference between quadratic and linear equations. Students will respond to the questions
05 mins Board Marker, Book 2 Prior knowledge
Teacher will ask about three different methods to solve asked by the teacher.
quadratic equations.
Teacher will use Resource Room to practically Computer
Taught concepts will be assessed
demonstrate the changes in the curve by changing the Students will observe and share their
15 mins by evaluating students’
values of a, b and c by using online tool findings about different curves. projector
participation. .
Students will follow the given instructions
Teacher will give a worksheet to students. Taught concepts will be assessed
and will solve the assigned worksheet in 15 mins Worksheet
Pair work by evaluating students’ work.

Wrap up: Teacher will use TILA (Today I have

Students will be responding to the teacher
learned about) Exit Tickets an AFL strategy where 05 mins
for sharing their learning.
students will be asked to respond.
How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation:
Strengths: Areas for improvement:

Identify a way forward to improve this lesson:

Lesson Plan

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