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My take on the test: CHAMPION

3. Do you agree or disagree with your 4 letters personality?

I almost completely agree with my result. I consider myself as a person that connects better with emotions and
intuition in general rather than facts, such as a main character in a movie giving flavor to the story while doing
an unexpected choose based on faith. The only point I am not completely sure is between been extrovert or
introvert, I never know how to judge myself at this point as I would say I am in the middle, I can be both at any
time depending on the situation and the mood.

4. Do you agree or disagree with the leadership described?

I do agree with the type of leadership that is described as I definitely that human capital is the main reason of
success at any project. If you identify what does it motivates your employees/teammates you will always get
better results as they will have a reason in common to do the good thing. Apart from these, been present since
the beginning of any project could mark the difference between succeed and failure as you can ensure that the
basic are well explained.

5. How could you mitigate the potential dangers?

First of all, I would propose a daily check-list to ensure that tasks from the most important projects are getting
done at the time they are needed. Also, projects should be reviewed by more than one person (not only the
leader) it could be included personal with more experience to ensure no details are missed. Finally, projects
should be started since an adequate date and tasks should be divided in a fair way, in case of more complex
management tasks, personal could be capacitate in order to help to not overload the leader.

6. What will you do about the development suggestions?

I honestly consider myself as a puntual person so I would not focus on this aspect. By the other side, starting to
focus on details could be a good start, maybe hearing some team suggestions if they have an innovative idea.

7. Do you identify with the tittle?

I do not identify with the tittle “Campeón” personally because deffects as been unpuntual and missing details
are not aspects that I would expect from a “champion”. It is meant to say that the fact of been able to identify
people is what I would expect from a leader identified as a champion cause I consider that a very notable skill,
still I would expect some improvements in specific aspects from these kinds of leaders.

8. Provide a conclusion

In summary I would consider myself a person in half of the road of becoming a how’s described a champion. I do
honestly consider this kind of leadership one of the best that are mentioned on the test as it is more focused on
getting to know the team to understand their motivation, as well as learn from them. Despite this, there are
some aspects that should really be taking in count in order to become the best way of leadership in my opinion.
Thanks to the test I could identify that the best type of leader would be the one that cares and do know how to
connect with their employees, do know how to work since the very moment of starting a project and, lastly but
not less important, never stops learning.

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