3rd Sem Previous Year QP

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C 24650 (Pages: 2) Name...

Reg. No.


JUNE 2017

(2011 Admissions)
Time: Three Hours
Maximum: 75 Maa

Part A

Write short notes any six

of the following.
Each question carries 5 marks.
1. Doctrine of severability.

2. Right against self incrimination.

3. Doctrine of legitimate
4. Right to free legal aid.

5. Concept of creamy layer.

6. Due process of law.

7. Protection against double jeopardy.

8. Reasonableness of restrictions.

(6x 5 30 marks)
Part B

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 10 marks.
1. X, a civil surgeon made a disclosure of his patient's disease to the relatives of the girl to whom he
decided to marry. Based on the information that the man was HIV
infected, the proposed marriage
between them was called off. The patient filed a writ petition
against the doctor and the hospital
authorities contenting that the disclosure of the information of disease amounted to violation of his
right to privacy under Article 21 and that it was illegal and against medical ethics. Decide.

Turn over
2 C 24650
2. A registered NGO filed a public interest litigation under Article 226 to restrain the Union ofIni

and the Ministry of lnformation and Broadcasting and the State of Kerala from telecasting .
horror serial through Doordarsan on the ground that it was likely to spread false or blind bele
and superstition amongst the public. Discuss

Scheduled Tribe boy married Y, a forward

3. X. a a girl belonging to caste. After
sought admission to PG course under reservation quota for scheduled tribe. Is Y entitled to the
benefit of reservation? Discuss.

(2x 10 = 20 marks

Part C

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 12.5 marks.

1. Analyse the concept of equality under Article 14 of the Constitution.

2. Explain the concept of freedom of press under Article 19 (1) (a) of the
3. Discuss the scope and extent of
religious Freedom under the constitution of India.
(2 x 12.5 = 25 marks
2199 Name.
Reg. N o . . ***


e: Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A
Write short notes on any six of the following.
1. Explain Doctrine of Eclipse.
2. Scope of Public Interest Litigation.
3. Is Judiciary a State.
4. Can Fundamental Rights be waived.

5. Reasonable Restrictions.
6. Right to Health under Article 21.
7. Explain " Equal pay for Equal work".

8. "Creamy layer" in backward class.

(6 x 5 = 30 marks)
Part B
Answer any two questions.
1. Owing to mismanagement in a spinning company the management threatened to close down the
mill. The Government by an Act took
over the control and management of the company. The Act
was challenged by a shareholder as
Article 14. Decide.
2. Charges of corruption were levelled against Nandhini and in the course of inquiry she was called
to the police station to answer certain written
questions. Nandhini refused to answer and claimed
protection under Article 20 (3). Decide.
3. A foreigner was prohibited from entering a defence area. He challenges it as violation
to of his right
move freely under Article 19. Decide its validity.
(2 x 10 =
20 marks)
Part C
Answer any two questions.
1. Explain the meaning and scope of personal liberty under
Article 21 of the
2. Explain in the light of decided cases the meaning of State as Constitution.
defined by Article 12 of
3. Explain the various methods of amendnment of the the Constitution.
amended ? Constitution. Can Fundamental Rights be

(2 x 12 =
25 marks)
Reg. No..


APRIL 2014

me : Three Hours Maximum: 75 Marks

Part A

Write short notes on any six of the follouwing.

Each question carries 5 marks.
1. Whether Indian Constitution is Federal or Unitary.

2. Right to Health under Article 21.

3 Objectives of Directive Principles of State Policy.

4. Doctrine of Ultra Vires.

5. Right to free legal aid.

6. Preventive Detention.
7. Explain equality before law and equal protection of law.

8. Double Jeopardy.
(6 x 5 30 marks)

Part B

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 10 marks.

1. All political activities within the campus are banned and the students are forbidden from organizing
or attending meeting other than official ones within the campus. This rule of a college was
challenged as violative of Article 191 (a) and 191 ( ) of the Constitution. Decide.
2. Air India regulation Provides that an air hostess will have to retire from service upon attaining
thirty five years of age or on marriage whichever occurs earlier. An air hostess wishes to challenge
this. Advise her.

3. A, was sentenced to death. Even after two years, the sentence was not executed. He claims protection
under Article 21. Decide.
(2 x 10 = 20 marks)
53574 (Pages:2)
Reg. N o . .

APRIL 2019


(2011 Syllabus Year)

Maximum: 75 Marks

ne : Three Hours

Part A

Write short notes on any six of the following.

Bach question carries 5 marks.

1. Right to privacy. 2. Double jeopardy.

3. Freedom of Press. 4. Reasonable classification.

. Judicial review. 6. Freedom of religion.

Freedom of assembly. 8. Abolition of Titles.

(6x 5 30 marks)
Part B

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 10 marks.
1. A16 year boy was convicted for committing an offence and he was
sentenced to six
imprisonment and fine by the Magistrate. After the judgment of the Magistrate months
offenders Act 1958 came into force which provided that a probation of
person below 21 years of
be ordinarily sentenced to age should not
imprisonment. Is he entitled to the benefit of the new legislation
2. The validity of an Act which put restrictions on advertisement of drugs and
of drugs having magical
qualities for
curing disease was challenged on the
on advertisement
abridged the freedom of speech and expression under ground that the restriction
3. An employee was dismissed from Article 19 (1) (a).
service as a result of an
inquiry conducted by Decide
Commissioner under the Public Service Inquiry the an
commission of offence under 1PC and Prevention Act
1960. Later on
on he was

the employee was challenged as

violative Art. 20 (2)
prosecuted for the
of Corruption Act. The prosecution ne
of of the Constitution. started agains
Decide. ganst
(2x 10 =20
D 53574

Part C

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 12.5 marks.

the Constitution.
1. Explain the concept of other authorities under Article 12 of
Constitution of India.
2 Explain the notion of right to life and personal liberty as enshrined in the
3. Analyze the constitutional rights of minorities with the help of decided cases.
(2 x 12.5 = 25 marks)
(Pages: 2) Name..o.
THIRD SEMESTER Reg. No. ee**eec*e********e**
B.B.A. LL.B.
JUNE 2017
(2011 Admissions)
e: Three Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Part A
Answer any six of the
Each question following.
carries 5 marks.
Explain 'statutory offences'.
What is meant by defence of
superior orders.?
What are the different stages
of a crime?
. Explain the extra territorial
jurisdiction of IPC.
5. Distinguish between crime and tort.
5. How is 'public servant' defined
in the IPC?
7. Distinguish between
fabricating false evidence and giving false
. Examine the criminal responsibility of evidence.
children under the Indian
criminal law.
(6x 5 30
Part B marks)
Answer any two
Each question carries 10
is in a flat in marks.
the eighth floor
on fire. People in the front courtof the building with his cousin's two years old
ehild to the blanket. Knowing thatyard of the building hold out a blanket and daughter, which is
t unfortunately the child died theto fall may kill the child he dropped the asked A to drop the
due shock caused by fall. Decide. child to the blanket,
There was
dispute between Madhav and Ram
be work done in Madhav's over
factor While proceedingpayment
dues claimed
by Ram in respect of
Ram and another worker to the
factory in
One of which hit Ram and heRajuand started pelting stones to the car. a
Madhav was stopped

the trial. Decide. died. Madhav was prosecuted and he Madhav fired three rounds,
took the plea of self defence in

Turn over
2 C 246

11. Trilok, an attender of the electricity board was prosecuted for abetting an engineer ofthe Rros
to the complainant. The ene.
receiving a of money as bribe for providing power connection
was acquitted and Trilok was punished for aiding the engineer to receive the bribe. He animeol.
12. A sudden altercation and fight ensued between A party of six persons and B party of five persn
Kumar, not a member of either party tried to intervene and received a fatal blow on his hes
consequently he died. All the eleven persons were prosecuted for forming unlawful assembly a

for the murder of Kumar. Decide.

(2x 10 = 20 mar

Part C

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 12.5 marks.

13. What are the foundations of the right ofprivate defence ? Examine the various limitationsimpo.
on this right.

14. What do you mean by inchoate crimes and explain how it is incorporated in the PG.

15. Explain McNaughten rule and critically evaluate the scope of the rule in the Indian crimnal=

16. Explain the punishments prescribed under the IPC. When solitary confinement can be
(2 x 12.5 25mar
D 53575 (Pages: 2) Name..
Reg. No..
APRIL 2019


(2011 Syllabus Year)

Maximum: 75 Marks
Time : Three Hours
Part A

Write short notes on any six of the following.

Each question carries 5 marks.

1. Explain mens rea and actus reus.

the differences between intention

and knowledge.
2. Explain
3. Infancy as a defence.

4. What are the essence of the offence of criminal conspiracy.

5. Explain the offence of Riot.

6. What is an unlawful assembly?

7. Explain the ingredients of Sedition.

8. Write note on:

1. Life imprisonment.

2. Necessity.
(6x5 30 marks)
Part B

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 10 marks.

officer in conformity with the commands
1. Ma soldier fires on a mob by the order of his superior
the law. Has M committed any offence?
inhabited house at midnight for committing robbery
2. X instigates Y and Z to break into an resisted by P,
with for that purpose. Y and Z break into the house and being
provides them arms
and 2.
one of the inmates, murder
P. Here, explain the liability of X, Y
a robbery and thus
town for the purpose of facilitating
3. P sets fire an inhabited house in a large
the person?
causes the death of a person.
Whether P is liable for the death of
Turn over
D 53575

that a
at B, falsely informs the magistrate
is about to be committed
4. A, knowing that a dacoity direction and thereby facilitating the
committed at C, a place in a n opposite
dacoity is about to be
of A.
commission of the offence. Examine the liability
(2x 10 20 marks)
Part C

Answer any two of the following.

Each question carries 12.5 marks.

. Define abetment and discuss the various methods by which abetment is possible.

Explain the concept of joint criminal liability. What is common intention and how does it differ
from common object?
What are incomplete offences ? Explain the various stages in the commission of a crime.

Define the terms intention, knowledge and reckless. Explain how each one is incorporated in the
provisions of IPC?
(2 x 12.5 = 25 marks)
60817 Name.ssoeeeesoeo*
Reg. No..


ime Three Hours
Maximum: 75 Marks
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.
1. What the
are characteristics of legal right?
2. What are the modes of acquisition
of ownership?
3. Explain the theory of positive law as propounded by Austin.
4. Distinguish between Authoritative and Persuasive
5. What is meant by
incorporeal possession ? What are its essential elements ?
6. What is contingent interest ? State the difference between Contingent and Vested
Write a note on Golden rule of interpretation.
8. State the legal status of an unborn person.
(6x 5 30 marks)
Part II
Answer any two questions.
Each questions carries 10 marks.
9. Distinguish between Supreme and Subordinate legislation and state the different
subordinate legislation. forms of
10. Discuss the legal personality of corporation.
11. Examine the advantages of legislation over precedent.
12. What is ratio decidendi ?
Explain the method of finding ratio of a case.
(2 x 10 =
20 marks)
Part III
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 12.5 marks.
13. Critically assess the contribution of
sociological school of jurisprudence.
What is possession ? Explain the various modes of
15. Discuss custom as a
acquiring possession.
source of law.
Explain the various theories of
(2 x 12.5 = 15 marks)
C 24649
(Pages:2) Name..o
Reg. No..as
JUNE 2017
(2011 Admissions)
ime: Three Hours
Maximum: 75 Marks
Part A
Answer any six of the
question carries 5 marks.
1. Explain Ethical School of jurisprudence'.
2 Write notes on
precedent as a source of law.

3 What is mens rea ?

4. Explain vicarious liability

5. Explain the circumstances which weaken the binding force of precedent.
6. What are the purposes of punishment ?

7 Write notes on distributive and corrective justice.

8.Write notes on natural person'.
6x5 30 marks)
Part B

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 10 marks.

9. Critically evaluate Hart's concept of'rules'

0 What is 'ownership' ? Distinguish between vested and contingent ownership.
Distinguish between substantive ialaw and procedural law.
12. What are the :
the advantages of legislation as a souree of law over precedent ?

(2 x 10 20 marks)

Turn over
APRIL 2016

me Three Hours Maximum : 75 Mar

Part I
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.
Write a note on Ratio decedendi.
. Distinguish between legal and equitable ownership.
3. State the difference between right in rem and right in personam.
Explain the reformative theory of punishment.
5. Explain the legal status of dead man and unborn person.
6. Distinguish between sole ownership and co-ownership.
7. "Right and duties are co-relative"-Explain.
Write a note on separation of law and morals.
(6 x 5 = 30 marks)
Part II
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 10 marks.

SDefine State. What are the essential elements of a state ?

0. What are the merits of administration of Justice ?
What is codification ? What are the various kinds of codification ?
2. What is Precedent? What are the kinds of precedent ?
(2 x 10 = 20 marks)
Part III

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 12% marks.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of incorporation,
Whatare the various theories about the nature of
15. Compare the historical legal person?
and sociological school of
What custom? What are the requisites
of a custom
(2x 12% = 25 marks)
4091 Name..
Reg. No...



Time:Three Hours Maximum: 75 Marks

Part I
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.
1. Examine the relationship between law and morality
2. -

"Ownership is either vested or contingent" Comment.

3. Explain the doctrine of prospective overruling.
4. Distinguish between Civil and Criminal justice.
5. Discuss the theories with regard to the relationship between State and Law.
6. Explain the relation between Custom and Prescription.
7. "Law is not the right alone or might alone but he perfect union oftwo"- Explain.
8. Write a note on obiter dictum.
(6 x 5 30 mayks)
Part II
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 10 marks.

9. Discuss the important characteristics of analytical school of jurisprudence.

10. Discuss how far the doctrine of stare decisis has been followed in the Supreme Court of India.

11. "Possession is nine points in law"-Comment.

12. What is codification? What are its merits and demerits of codification?
(2x 10 20 marks)
Part III
Answer ay two questions.
Each question carries 12% marks.
13. Examine legislation as a source of law.
14. What is meant by person? What arethe diferent kinds of persons?
16. "A right is an interest recognized and protected rule of law". - D

16. Discuss the theories of

punishment. = 25 marks)
(2 x 12
Reg. No...
APRIL 2019
(Legal Method, Indian Legal System and Basic Theory of Law)
(2011 Syllabus Year]
lime: Three Hours Maximuna: 75 Marks
Part A
Answer any six of the following.
Each question carries 5 marks.
1. Explain 'Analytical School of Jurisprudence'.
2. Write notes on legislation as source oflaw.
3. What is litera legis ? State the exceptions.
4. Explain the position of animals and dead persons in law.
5. Explain the rights of an unborn person.
6. What are the conditions to be looked into for a valid custom ?
7. Write notes on Reformatory school of punishment.
8. What are the characteristics of 'corpus possessionis' ?
(6x 5 = 30 marks)

Part B

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 10 marks.

9. Critically evaluate the natural law theory.

10. What are the secondary functions of law?

11. Examine the importance of 'stare decisis' in common law.
12. Explain the concept 'ownership'. What are the various classifications of ownership?
(2 x 10 = 20 marks)

Part C

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 12% marks.

13. Critically evaluate the positivist theory oflaw.

14. Write an essay on 'administration of justice' and the role of law.
international law.
15. Analyse the opinions of various schools of jurisprudence regarding
16. Legal right in its wide sense includes liberties, powers and disabilities. Explain.
(2 x 12% = 25 marks)
(Pages: 2) Name.sea
Reg. No.... ******


Time: Three Hours

Maximum: 75 Marks
Part A
Answer any six
1. What do you
mean by compound
journal entries ?
State importance of Accounting standards.
3. What is prepaid
expenses? Write
adjusting entry for
Distinguish between Hire Purchase and prepaid expense.
5. Briefy explain types of Branches.
6. What do you mean by Generally Accepted
7 Write
Accounting Principles (GAAP)?
a short note on
manufacturing account.
What is the rule of real
account? State types
of real accounts.
(6x 5 30 marks)
Part B
Answer any two questions.
Distinguish between a journal and a
2. What are the broad
classification of capital and revenue on
3. On 31st December preparing final accounts ?
2015, Head Ofice account in Madras
Rs. 24,000. On the Branch book shows a credit
same day, the
Madras Branch account in Head balance of
balance of Rs. 28,00o. Office book shows a
On verifying the
books it is found that
the branch before goods sent by Head Office to the branch but
the closing date amount to not received
Rs. 3,000. by
Show how the
adjusting entries will appear in the books of
Head Office and Branch.
(2 x
10= 20 marks)

Turn over
Part C

Answer any two questions.

1. Define Accounting. What are its limitations?

2. Enter the following transactions in journal:


January 1 Manpreet purchased business for Rs. 5,00,000.

2 Purchased machine from Mahesh Bros. for Rs. 1,00,000 for which the
paid freight on Manpreet's behalf Rs. 1,000.
3 Installation charges of machinery amounted to Rs. 5,000.

4 Received an order for Mukesh for goods worth Rs. 5,000.

5 Goods given free sample Rs. 1,000.
6 Goods stolen by an
employee who is absconding Rs. 2,000.
7 Claim being made for
Rs. 500.
pilferage of goods, insurance company paie
3. Prepare Trial Balance from the undermentioned
particulars taken from the books of a trader:
Cash in hand Rs.
12,000 Plant and machinery .

Capital 10,00,000 Sales
12,00,000 Furniture
B/P 1,50,000
2,20,000 Bad debts reserve
Opening stock 10,000
3,50,000 B/R
Sundry debtors 2,00,000
5,00,000 Rent
Sundry creditors 1,00,000
2,40,000 Salaries
Wages 1,60,000

(2 x
12 =
25 mar
60815 (Pages: 2) Name.esaeeaeseo oe****e*************-

Reg. N o . .


ne : Three Hours Maximum 75 Marks
Part A

Answer any six questions.

Each question carries 5 marks.

1 Explain the meaning of accounting.

2. What do you mean by Accounting standards?
3 Why do you prepare final accounts ?
What is meant by outstanding expenses ? Give its adjusting entry.
5. Write short note
manufacturing account.

6 What are the objectives of

Branch Accounting?
7. Mention some important methods of providing depreciation.
8. What are the differences between Consignment and Sale?

(6x 5 30 marks)
Part B

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 10 marks.
1 What is a Trial Balance ? State any four functions of a Trial Balance.
2 A company purchased machinery worth Rs. 6,00,000 on lst October 2006 and decided to
it at 10 % depreciate
per annum on diminishing balance method.
On 31st March 2009 the
company decided to depreciate it at 10 % per annum on fixed
method from the beginning and to instalment
adjust the difference, in depreciation arising from the change of
method to the profit and loss account.
Show the machinery account for the
years 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09
year closes on 31st March assuming that the financial
every year.
Record the following transactions in the journal of Vishal:
May 1 Commenced business with cash Rs. 5,00,000

2 Goods purchased from Mohan for cash Rs. 50,000


3 Goods purchased from Ajay Rs.


Turn over
2 C6

Ajay Rs. 5,000

Goods returned to

Rajiv - Rs. 40,000
8 Goods sold to
12 Rajiv returned 10 % of goods.
(2 x 10 20 ma

Part C

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 12% marks.

Why do consignors send goods at loaded price ? What are the adjusting entries to arrive at
profit ?

2. Distinguish between Hire Purchase and Installment system.

3. What do you mean by grouping and marshalling of Assets and Liabilities?
(2 x 12% = 25 mar
53571 (Pages: 4) Name...
Reg. No.
APRIL 2019


(2011 Syllabus Year)

me: Three Hours Maximum: 75 Marks
Part A

Answer any six questions.

Each question carries 5 marks.

1. What do you mean by accounting ? What are the qualitative characteristics of accounting
2. Briefly describe the modified principles of: Materiality, Consistency and Conservatism.
3. What are the features ofincomplete accounting records?

1. Distinguish between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure.

5. What is meant by Instalment Purchase dontract ?

6. What is a closing entry ?

7. What is hotel accounting?
8. What are the rights of hirer ?
6 x 5 30 marks)

Part B

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 10 marks.

9. Give the necessary adjusting entries for the following items:

(a) Closing stock-10,000.
(b) Salary outstanding-2,000.
(c) Unexpired insurance-3,000.
(d) Rent received in advance-5,000.
(e) Interest due but not received-600.
Depreciation on fixed asset @331

Turn over
2 D 53571

(g) Bad debts written off-3,000.

(h) Provision for doubtful debt @ 10 %.

i) Provision for discount on debts @2 %.

G) Allow interest on capital@ 10 %p.a.

(k) Charge interest on drawing 12 % p.a.

Other information: Fixed asset 60,000, Debtors 2,03,000, Creditors 1,00,000, Capital 5,00,000,
Drawing 20,000.

0. Distinguish between departmental accounts and branch accounts.

1. The following are the balances from the ledger of Sagarika hotel on 31st March 2016.

Share capital 56,865 ; Freehold premises 46,800; Glass and china 1,101 Furniture and
fittings 8,934 linen 840 ; Cutlery and plates 390; Rates taxes and insurance 1,713
Salaries 2,400; Wages 4,305; Laundry 951:Coal and gas 2,160: Electric light 1,128 ;
General expense 1,710; Visitors account 1,354 ; Sundry creditors 2,575.

Stock on 1-4-2015 : Wines 1,239 ; Spirits 378, Beers 165, Minerals 147; Cigars and

cigarettes 114 ; Sundry provision and stores 183 coal 150.

Purchases: Meat 3,627 ; Fish and poultry 3,960 ; Sundry provisions and stores 5,220
Wines 1,881; Spirits 2,190;Bears 1,152; Minerals 1,050; Cigars and cigarettes 240.
Sales: Wines 3,870;Spirits 4,335, Beers 1,863, Minerals 2,160; Cigars and cigarettes 390;

Charges: Meals 23,829;Rooms 9,375; Fires in bed rooms 582; Washing charges 219.

Repairs, renewals and depreciations: Premises 348 ; Furniture and fittings 660; Glass and
china 609 ; Linen 390; Cutlery and plates 207.

Cash book debit balance ; Bank 8,148; in hand 219.

Prepare final accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2016. Stock on 31-3-2016
Wines 1,197 Spirits 333, Beers 174, Minerals 357; Cigars and cigarettes 69; Sundry

provision and stores 141 coal 99.

(2 x 10 =20 marks)
3 D 53571

Part C
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 12% nmarks.

Rajesh purchased seven trucks on hire purchase on 1t July 2016. The cash price of cach truck

was 50,000. He was to pay 20 % of the cash purchase price at the time of delivery and the balances

in five half yearly instalment starting from 31st December 2015 with at 5 % per annum.

On Rajesh's failure to pay the instalment due on 30th June 2016, it was agrecd that Rajesh would
return 3 trucks to the vendor and remaining 4 could be retained by him. The returning price of

3 truck was 30,500. Rajesh charges depreciation 20 % per annunm.

Vendor after spending 1,000 on repairs sold away all the three trucks for Rs. 40,000. Show truck

account and vendor account in the book of Rajesh and Rajesh's account and goods repossessed

account in the books of the vendor assuming that their books are closed on June 30th every year.
Anu keeps only incomplete records. The follow ing is her assets and liabilities as on

1st April 2002.

Cash 2,400, Sundry debtors -

9,500, Stock in trade - 13,500, Sundry creditors -

Furniture 5,000.

Her cash transactions for the year ended 31st March 2013 were:


Cash sales 50,000.

Receipt from Debtors 44,000
Interest received 1,500
Payment to creditors 38,000
Cash purchases 30,000
Wages paid 3,200
Salaries paid 4,500

Audit fees 2,400

4 D 53571

On 31st March 2013, the trader has sundry Debtors 14,300, Stock in trade -25,000, Sundry
creditors -10,000, outstanding salary amounted to Rs. 200. Provide depreciation@10 % on furniture.
Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mareh 2013 and a Balance

Sheet as on that date.

What is meant by Non-profit entities ? Differentiate between profit seeking entity and non-profit
seeking entity.
(2 x 12% = 25 marks)
C 24647 (Pages: 3) Name....

Reg. No... ****


JUNE 2017

(2011 Admissions)
Time Three Hours
Maximum: 75 Marks
Part A
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.
1. Define accounting.
2. Distinguish between book-keeping and accounting.
3 What is a closing entry ?
4. What do you mean by incomplete accounting records and what are its features ?
5. What is
branch accounting?
6. What is meant by Non-profit entities ?
7. What is hotel accounting ?
8. What do you mean by capital expenditure ?
(6x 5 30 marks)
Part B

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 10 marks.
9. The following is the receipt and payment account of brothers sport club for the year ended 31st
March, 2016.
Receipt and Payment Account
Dr. Cr.
Receipt Amount Payment Amount
Balance bd 12,000 Salaries and wages 45,000
Subscription 1,80,000 Rent and rates 20,000
Locker rent 18,000 Printing and stationary 8,000
Entrance fee 30,000 Sports equipment 50,000
Life membership fee 40,000 Insurance premium 6,000
Sale of grass 3,000 Dinner expenses 15,000
Interest 4,000 Entertainment expenses 11,000
Investments 60,000
Balance c/d 72,000

2,87,000 2,87,000

Turn over
C 24647

On 31st March 2016, the subscription outstanding amount to 30,000 and salaries outstanding
amount to 6,000. Rent prepaid on closing date amount to 2,000. 1/8 of entrance fee is to be
capitalized. 4 of life membership fee is to be treated as income. 50 % ofthe sports equipment be
depreciated. Interest accrued on investments amount to 3,000. Prepare Income and Expenditure
Account of brothers sport club for the year ended 31st March, 2016.
10. Point out the difference between the hire purchase system and installment purchase system.
11. Distinguish between departmental accounts and branch accounts.
(2x 10 20 marks)
Part C
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 12% marks.
12. The following balances have been extracted from the book of Aswathy as on 30th June 2016.
Particulars Dr. Amount Cr. Amount
Capital 30,000
Drawings 5,000
Debtors and Creditors 20,000 10,500
Loan 9,500
Interest on loan 200
Cash 2,000
Provision for bad debts 700
Stock 6,800
Delivery van 10,000
Bank 500
Land and buildings 12,000
Bad debts 600
Purchase and sales 56,500 1,00,000
Returns 8,000 1,500
Carriage 5,500
Office and general expenses 15,000
Advertisement 3,500
Discount 500
Bill receivable and Bill payable 6,000 2,000
Rent 3,400
Rent for sub letting 300

Total 1,55,000 1,55,000

3 C 24647

Additional information
(a) Closing stock 8,750.
(b) Provide 5 o of debtors for bad debt and 2 % of debtors and creditors for

(c) Provide interest on capital at 10% and charge interest on drawings at 5 %.

d) Depreciation delivery van by 20 %.
Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss account for the year ending 30th June 2016 and a balance
sheet as at the date.
13. What do you mean by Hire Purchase System ? What are the rights of hirer?
14. Deepu keeps only incomplete records. The following is his assets and liabilities as on 1st April 2002.
Cash-2,400, Sundry debtors-9,500, Stock in trade-13,500, Sundry creditors-8,000,
Her cash transactions for the year ended 31st March 2013 were
Cash sales-50,000.
Receipt from Debtors - 44,000.

Interest received-1,500.
Payment to creditors-38,000.
Cash purchases 30,000.
Wages paid-3.200.
Salaries paid 4.500.
Audit fees-2.400.
On 31st March 2013, the trader has sundry Debtors-14,300, Stock in trade-25,000, Sundry
creditors-10,000, outstanding salary amounted to Rs. 200. Provide depreciation@10 % on furniture.

Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31t March 2013 and a Balance
Sheet as on that date.
(2 x 12% = 25 marks)
(Pages: 2) Name..
40913 Reg. No...

APRIL 2013

Maximum: 75 Mark
ime : Three Hours

(Write short notes on any six of the following)
Explain the functions of statistics?
What is meant by tabular presentation?
3. Explain various types of secondary data?
4 Explain the term "measure of central tendency"?
5. Differentiate between graphs and diagrams?
6. Explain the term "geometric mean"?
7. Distinguish between correlation and regression?
8. What are the uses of index numbers?
(Answer any two Questions)

a) Explain the characteristics of an ideal classification?

b) Explain the different methods of classifications?

2. Calculate mode from the following table of data:

Size 8 10 15 20
Frequency 2 7 15 12 4
3. Find the regression equation from the data:

(Answer any two Questions) 2x12.5-25
other 6
containing yellow and
CTC are two urns one containing vellow and 4 red balls and the the urn
what is the probability that
n e urn is chosen and one ball is drawn. Ifit is yellow,
selected is the second?
Turn over

2. Construct the cost of living index number from the following data:

Group A B C D E
Index 350 200 240 150 250
Weight 52 L 2
3 The scores of two batsmen Sunil and Mani in six innings during a cricket match are as give
below table. Evaluate which of the two is more consistent in scoring:

10 12 30706010004
Mani 8 9 7 10 T 5 9 10

2195 (Pages: 2) Name.

Reg. No. *****ccesoeee


: Three Hours
Maximum: 75 Marks
Part A
Write short notes on any six of the following.
Explain the use of statistics in
2. Distinguish between simple and complex table.
3. Distinguish between questionnaire and schedule.
4. Explain the term standard deviation.
5. Differentiate between histogram and
6. List out the demerits of arithmetic mean.
7. What are the methods for computing coefficient of correlation ?
8 What are quality index numbers?

6x 5 30 marks)
Part B

Answer any two questions.

1. Explain different types of graphs and diagrams used in statistical presentations

2. Calculate the median from the following table of data
10 12 15 18 20 25 30
Wages (Rs)
8 12 13 10 7
No of Workers 3 5

3 Find out the rank correlation coefficient betweEn poverty and overcrowding from the tahio Lalo

Town A I J
17 13 15 16 6 11 14 9 7
Poverty 12
36 46 35 24 1 2 8 27 22 2
Over crowding 8

(2 x 10 = 20 marks)

Turn over

Part C
Answer any two questions
1. Caleulate SD of the following two series and state which one is more variable :

Marks No.of students

Section A Section B
20-30 5 7

30-40 10 15
40-50 25 30
50-60 5 15
60-70 5 8
2. A card is drawn
from a pack of cards. What is the probability that it is
(1) A Black Card;
(2) A King;
(3) A Queen;
(4) A Spade;
(5) A Spade King; (6) A King Or A Queen?
3. From the following data :

(1) Find the two

regression equations;
(2) Compute the value of x when y 75:
(2) =

AM 36 85
SD 11 8
Correlation coefficient between x and y =
(2 x 12% =25 mark
D 53570 IHRD 2 (Pages : 2) 20 Naame..s
Reg. No.. s*****s


APRIL 2019


(2011 Syllabus Year)

Time Three Hours
Maximum: 75 Marks
Part A

Answer any six questions.

Each question carries 5 marks.
Write a short notes on any six of the following:
1. Briefly sketch the relevance of descriptive and inferential statistics.
2. State the properties of arithmetic mean.
3. Define coefficient of variation and state its uses.
4. What is regression and discuss its application in business ?
5. Give the significance of values r =+ 1.r =-1 and r =0.

6. Define conditional probability.

7. What is mean, median and mode?
8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of rank correlation ?

(6x 5 = 30 marks)

Part B

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 10 marks.

9. Calculate Median
Wage (less than) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

No. of workers 15 35 60 84 96 127 198 250

10. Find mean from the following frequency distribution

Class 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65 65-75

Frequency 11 19 14 0

Turn over
11. Construct a line graph for the frequency table :

Day Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri

Drinks 300 450 150 400 650

Food 400 500 350 300 500

(2 x 10 = 20 marks)

Part C

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 12.5 marks.
12. A panel of two judges P and Q graded seven dramatic performances by independently awarding
marks as follows

Performance 2 3 4 5 6 7
Marks byP 46 42 44 40 43 41 45
Marks by Q 40 38 36 35 39 37 41
The eight performance , which judge Q could not attend was awarded 37 marks by judge P. If
judge Q has also been present, how many marks would be
to the
expected to have been awarded by him
eighth performance?
13. Obtain the rank correlation coefficient for the
following data
X 68 64 75 50 64 80 75 40 55 64
Y 62 58 68 45 81 60 68 48 50 70
14. Obtain the Standard deviation for the data on scores given below. Also find coefficient of

Score 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70

No. of Students 10 15 25 25 10 10 5
(2 x 12.5 = 25 marks)
53572 Name..seanoo
Reg. No. s


APRIL 2019

(2011 Syllabus Year)

me: Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A

Answer any six questions.

Each question carries 5 marks.

1. Give the importance of Non -Verbal Communication.

2. Explain noise in communication.
3. What is a business enquiry letter ? Suggest some tips to make it effective.

4. What is conversational control, discuss few conversation control, techniques.

5. Suggest few guide lines to effective listening?
6. Enumerate the contents of a Notice.

7. Stages of Negotiation.
8. What is Salutation and Complimentary Close ?

(6x5 30 marks)
Part B

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 10 marks.,

9. Diseuss in detail the process of communication.

10. What are the different purpose for which interview is carried out ?
11 What is an Order Letter, assume you are Rajiv Rao, Administrative Officer 15, Tank Road, New
Delhi. Write A Letter To M.S Delhi Furniture Store, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi, Placing an Order
for School Furniture ?
(2 x 10 20 marks)
Part C
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 12% marks.
12. Enumerate the usual contents of resume.

13. Describe the different letter formats.

14. Explain the various of Reports.

(2 x 12% =25 marks)
0816 Name..sson
Reg. No...


APRIL 2014
Maximum: 75 Marks
: Three Hours
Part A
Answer any six questions.
All questions carries equal marks.
What are the types of business communication ?
What do you mean by para language ?
3. What are the characteristics of an interviewer?
What precautions to be taken while writing a letter to your boss ?
5. What is passive listening?
3. How do you write a memo?
7. What are the various layouts of letters ? Explain.
8. What is kinesics?
(6 x 5 30 marks)

Part B

Answer any two questions.

All questions carry equal marks.
9. Prepare a notice for informing the time and date of placement interview by a reputed company
10. How will you write a complaint letter for the airconditioner which was supplied is found to be
defective to ABC Private Limited. North Sannathi Street, Triplicane, Chennai?
11. Explain the role played by body language in communication.
(2x 10 = 20 marks)
Part C

Answer any two Questions.

All questions curry equal marks.
Prepare a resume to be sent. Mls Roopa Mamuracturing Company, Chennai with a covering letter
for getting a suitable
a n briefly the basic principles to beadiopted in business correspondence.
What are the different types of rts that are generally used in a
Explain. repor large business organisatlo

12% = 25 marks)
(2 x

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