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Work Immersion as One of the Relevant Features in K12 Curriculum

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation in the K12
Curriculum. As a senior high school student, we have to undergo work
immersion in an industry that directly relates to our postsecondary goal.
Through Work Immersion, we, as students, are exposed to and become familiar
with work-related environments related to our field of specialization to
enhance our competence. Specifically, we can be able to gain relevant and
practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry experts and workers,
appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories
taught in school, enhance our technical knowledge and skills, enrich our skills
in communications and human relations, and develop good work habits,
attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare us to meet the
needs and challenges of employment or higher education after graduation.
One of its implications is that it gives us "real workplace" experience, providing
us with a set of technical-vocational and livelihood skills that can help us make
more informed career choices and improve our employment prospects.
Through immersion, we can typically develop greater cognitive flexibility,
demonstrating increased attention control, better memory, and superior
problem-solving skills, as well as an enhanced understanding of our primary
language. Work immersion aims to better equip us senior high school students
for college, work, or business and to develop our lives and careers. It also allows
us to have a smooth transition from school to work after we gain valuable
experience. Work immersion is a stage where we, as graduating students, can
show our skills and talents when it comes to our chosen courses. And also,
because of this work immersion, we can also apply what we have learned
during our class hours. Thus, immersion is really beneficial for us students to
enhance our skills and to enlighten our minds about the things we lack. And it
is considered as a stepping stone for us to practice and develop ourselves for
what we have chosen. At this stage, we may realize how our chosen courses
may work in the future so that we have an idea of what our course will bring, if
it’s really suitable for us, or if we have found it a boring one. In conclusion, work
immersion learning in the K12 curriculum has the purpose of developing our
second language acquisition and the learning of academic content and
cultural situations. Hence, as a student we should be able to communicate
and interact competently with more people in more places in an increasingly
independent world community. And also, work immersion provides us senior
high school learners with opportunities to become familiar with the workplace,
simulate employment, and apply their competencies in areas of specialization
or applied subjects in an actual work environment to prepare us for all
curriculum exits.

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