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Indoor and Built Environment
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Simulation analysis and thermal ! The Author(s) 2020

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comfort assessment of indoor

DOI: 10.1177/1420326X20908920
environment of the heritage

building in gate tower

Qunli Zhang1,2, Hongbao Zhai1,2 , Xinchao Zhang1,2

and Fang Liu1

The thermal comfort inside heritage buildings in China is mostly achieved with the use of split air
conditioning and radiator heating system. Due to inefficiencies in the design of those systems, the
regulation of air temperature is generally inadequate. To meet the thermal comfort requirements of
the partial significant room, which is the meeting hall area, and to preserve the external walls and
facade, this paper simulates and analyses typical working conditions of air control schemes in the
gate tower and suggests the use of a floor-type fan coil air conditioning system. The results show
that the proposed air distribution system can maintain a temperature of 295 K in the summer, which
meets the thermal comfort requirements of the meeting hall. This method takes into account the
requirement for thermal comfort, as well as the requirements of heritage preservation. Our proposal
contributes to the growing literature, which studies methods of improving the thermal comfort of the
indoor environment of heritage buildings.

Heritage building, High-ceiling large space, Temperature field, Computational fluid dynamics
Accepted: 3 February 2020

systems, heritage buildings often face problems, such
A large number of heritage buildings has been pre- as uneven temperature and flow field distribution, poor
served well in Beijing. Heritage buildings in Beijing indoor thermal comfort and high energy consumption.
can be divided into three categories, namely the Therefore, ameliorating infrastructure and improving
Royal Garden, the tower building and the heritage offi- the quality of indoor thermal environment are neces-
cial architecture. Those buildings include seven World sary. In Greece, the Hellenic Ministry of Culture decid-
Cultural Heritage sites and 128 National Key Cultural ed to convert a medieval tower built in 1344 into a
Relics Protection Units.1 Some heritage buildings are museum.3 One of the objectives of the conversion was
used as museums, offices or private homes.2 Taking the
National Key Cultural Relics Protection Units as an
example, 37.6% of heritage buildings, including muse- Beijing Key Lab of Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air
Conditioning Engineering, Beijing University of Civil
ums, business offices and historic district/private Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, China
homes, are closely related to people’s daily activities, 2
Beijing Advanced Innovation Centre for Future Urban Design,
as shown in Table 1. Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
The air temperature and comfort inside heritage Beijing, China
buildings are mostly constructed by split air condition-
Corresponding author:
ing and radiator heating system in China. Due to the Qunli Zhang, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and
low efficiency of radiators in high-ceiling spaces and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China.
the inadequate airflow design of the air conditioning Email:
2 Indoor and Built Environment 0(0)

Table 1. Existing heritage buildings in Beijing. contribute to the solution of a number of energy issues.
Instead, the use of active air conditioning system to
Classification Number Proportion (%)
maintain a comfortable indoor environment became
Tourist attraction 78 62.4 necessary. In addition, heritage buildings require high
Museums 21 16.8 indoor aesthetic design standards and the air condi-
Business offices 15 12.0 tioning system equipment should fit well with the tra-
Historic district 11 8.8 ditional decoration style.
The Crucifiers complex in Venice, Italy, was refur-
bished to function as a university campus.12 The air
to ensure acceptable thermal and acoustic comfort con-
handling units were fitted around the complex, and
ditions; meeting the requirements for modern meeting
each one was installed in the garret of the respective
halls in the refurbishment of the Palace Museum in
building. The main piping was embedded in the fur-
Beijing, China, such as maintaining comfortable,
nishings installed along the perimeter walls, together
stable air temperature and humidity. Therefore, a ren-
with a large number of fan coils serving these apart-
ovation project began in 2004,4 which in the end
ments. Secondary piping for rooms was inserted into
achieved stable temperature and humidity levels by
new structures, such as internal partitioning walls or
the use of a relatively quiet floor plenum air supply mezzanine floors. The installation of the heating, ven-
system. Regarding thermal comfort, a church near tilating and air conditioning system does not affect the
Bologna, Italy, was renovated so as to function as a exterior or interior decorative art of the old buildings.
meeting hall. The reconstruction achieved thermal Renovated buildings need to satisfy the partial sig-
comfort while preserving the historical and artistic nificant room environmental requirements because of
value of the building.5 different functional requirements. The concept of con-
One way to improve indoor thermal comfort is the trolling the overall indoor environment in order to pre-
use of the building’s passive thermal performance. serve architectural culture is rather uneconomical. An
According to the dynamic energy simulation of air curtain system has been suggested to separate tra-
Palazzo Ex-INPS, the most suitable, energy efficient ditional parts of old buildings from large-space exhibi-
choice is the replacement of old window glasses with tion halls. Luo et al.13 investigated the geometry and jet
low emissivity ones, the application of thermal insula- flow parameters to determine in theory their effects on
tion plaster and renewing the thermal insulation of the the efficiency of isolation and the suitability of the
roof slab.6 The domed vernacular houses of Harran, operation mode, respectively.
was built mainly by brick and stone, mortared and plas- A method was proposed for microclimate analysis
tered by mud. This was one of the best examples of that deals with artwork preservation and ensures opti-
renovation which achieved minimum energy consump- mum indoor air quality.14 It comprised monitoring and
tion.7 Penang shop houses can be cooler than modern data analysis with the use of non-invasive equipment
buildings by regulating the indoor air temperature and for the preservation of the building’s structure, art-
reducing the peak temperature.8 The installation of works and quality of air.
internal envelope insulation, cool roof coatings and Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling is
window retrofit constitute the best option to improve widely used in the design and application of ventilation
the energy efficiency of building envelopes.9 systems.15 Song16 evaluated air temperature and veloc-
For traditional architecture, the traditional passive ity distributions under heating conditions using a com-
cooling method is to use window openings to regulate mercial CFD software. Liang et al.17 used CFD
air flow into the indoor thermal environment, thereby method to simulate indoor airflow in both the
maintaining pleasant climate conditions to ensure the reduced-scale and real-size atrium models with hybrid
comfort of residents.10 Traditional Japanese concepts ventilation. Under a given heat gain and fresh air
for comfortable living in the summer include the use of parameters, he obtained an optimal exhaust-supply
thermal buoyancy-driven natural ventilation by letting air ratio for the minimum cooling load of the air con-
out warm air through the ceiling.11 ditioning system in the atrium. In Lecce Cathedral,
However, heritage building preservation ought to scholars used CFD to confirm the lowest temperature
comply with local policies and standards. Any proposal gradients and determine the most appropriate air flow
of retrofitting the envelope must consider the historical to preserve the monument.18 The use of CFD has been
and architectural value of the building, avoid further very effective in the renovation process as means to
destructive interventions in the walls and minimize the compare effects of different schemes to ensure a com-
visual impact of renovations. Accordingly, excessive fortable thermal environment for building occupants.
interference with the envelope was deemed unaccept- This paper suggests a floor-type fan coil air condi-
able from a conservation perspective, even if it would tioning system to meet the partial significant room
Zhang et al. 3

thermal comfort requirements and to ensure the exte- The gate tower is frequently used as a meeting hall.
rior preservation of heritage building in Beijing. We Despite its high-ceiling and large spaces, only the meet-
used CFD simulations to analyse the indoor environ- ing hall area needs to meet the design standards of air-
ment under three typical conditions and suggest ways conditioning environments, and the gate tower is not
to improve the thermal comfort of the indoor environ- used every day. So the air conditioning systems must be
ment of heritage buildings. taken into consideration to meet indoor thermal comfort
requirements in the partial area and part time. Indeed, a
more suitable air conditioning system is essential.
Heritage building description
The building we selected for our case-study is a gate Air conditioning scheme
tower (Figure 1) in Beijing, made of wooden enclosures
with sloping roofs, large eaves and wooden pillars in Special requirements of air conditioning
the interior. The structure is made of wood and the
The design of a new air conditioning system is neces-
roof is made of tiles. Wooden columns are evenly dis-
sary to protect the old building and improve thermal
tributed horizontally inside the building. The building’s comfort. Given the usage of the building, the air con-
envelope has no insulation. It suffers from effects of ditioning system does not need to cool the entire area
high-ceiling large space, poor airtightness and low ther- during the summer. Therefore, the inner space has been
mal resistance. The building stands on an elevated posi- divided according to function. Because the schedule for
tion 30 m above sea level; with a length of 50 m, a width the use of the meeting hall is uncertain and flexible, the
of 25 m and a height of 15 m, it covers an area of air conditioning system must be able to quickly adjust
1263 m2. Compared with other heritage buildings in the indoor thermal environment. In addition, the
Beijing,19 the gate tower has a larger internal space equipment cannot interfere with the exterior and inte-
and longer history, as it was built in the years of the rior decorative art of the building.
Ming Dynasty. To meet the building’s functions, the interior of the
The current air conditioning system used in this gate tower was divided into two parts, the meeting hall
building is shown in Figure 2. Six indoor units are area and the peripheral area (the plan is shown in
fitted in the main area and air ducts are installed on Figure 3). The meeting hall area (defined by the eight
the upper part of the pillars. An investigation found pillars) was divided into smaller areas by folding
that this system is not only inefficient and provides screens set between adjacent pillars. To be more spe-
poor thermal comfort, but that it also interferes with cific, four lateral folding screens (folding screen size:
interior decoration. 5 m  1 m  3 m) and three frontal folding screens

Figure 1. Appearance of the gate tower.

Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.
4 Indoor and Built Environment 0(0)

Figure 2. The current air conditioning scheme of the gate tower.

Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

Figure 3. The air conditioning area division of the gate tower.

Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

(6 m  1 m  4 m) were used to separate the central area will would offer a comfortable thermal experience (the
into three smaller spaces. specific layout is shown on the right-hand side in
Figure 4). Compared with the system currently in use,
Air conditioning system the floor-type air conditioning system would be more
reasonably arranged and preserves the traditional ele-
During the summer period, the cooling area is the
ments of the building much more efficiently. Moreover,
meeting hall area, which is separated from the interior
the new air conditioning system would occupy less
of the gate tower. A comparison of the current air con-
space than the current one.
ditioning system and our suggestion is shown in
Radiators were selected for heating in winter. Their
Table 2. The new air conditioning system we suggested
layout is consistent with the style and decoration of the
should focus on thermal comfort, ease of installation
building. Natural ventilation would be used during the
and has a capacity to preserve the building. In the transitional seasons to maintain a comfortable environ-
summer, a floor-type fan coil air conditioning indoor ment indoors.
unit (ultrathin mute fan coil) was installed in the cen-
tral meeting hall, and the condensate and refrigerant
pipes were laid beneath the floor, as shown in Figure 4 Modelling
(left-hand side). The air conditioning devices were
placed at the bases of folding screens to keep them
Construction parameters
out of sight and preserve the traditional decorative We investigated the performance of the new floor-type
style. The adjustment of the angle of the device grille air conditioning system and radiator heating system
Zhang et al. 5

Table 2. Comparison of proposed and current air conditioning schemes in the summer period.

Proposed scheme Current scheme

System form Floor-type air conditioning system All-air air conditioning system
Cooling area 125.05 m2 1263.29 m2
Equipment Indoor unit combined with folding screens Air duct; air-conditioning air-supply
Pipeline Air-conditioning condensate duct and Air duct
refrigerant duct
Indoor thermal and Higher thermal comfort standard Basic humiture standard
humid environment
Operability of scheme Simple and convenient construction Complex construction
Appearance effect Little effect on decoration Seriously impacts the decoration style

Figure 4. Floor-type air conditioning system.

Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

with the use of CFD simulations (the two models used Because personnel activities take place within a lim-
for CFD simulations are shown in Figure 5). ited area, we focus only on the area within 5 m.
During the summer period, as these folding screens The area in office area (0–2 m tall) has large air flow
would limit the area that needs to be kept cool, we disturbance and a dense grid, and the remaining area
focused our model on the meeting hall area. The has a relatively sparse grid. We selected a renormaliza-
model is 22.5 m long, 9.1 m wide and 5.0 m tall, as tion group k-e two-equation turbulence model
shown in Figure 5(b) (meeting hall area). We simplified according to the CFD software.20 We assumed a
the representation of the suspended ceiling, because it is standard-wall function for the area near the wall sur-
not a crucial factor and has little effect on airflow face and we used the SIMPLE algorithm for speed–
organization. pressure coupling.21
For the purpose of simulating radiator heating
and natural ventilation, we added peripheral areas
in our spatial calculations. This model is 50.3 m Simplified hypothesis
long, 25.1 m wide and 15.0 m tall, as shown in The air flow in a mechanical ventilation room is
Figure 5(a) (interior area of the gate tower). The size unsteady turbulent flow. We made the following
of the middle gate is 6.0 m  4.0 m and the size of the assumptions and simplifications to the physical
side doors on both sides is 4.0 m  4.0 m. The dimen- model22:
sions of the large windows are 1.0 m  1.0 m and
those of the small windows are 0.5 m  1.0 m. 1. The indoor air is a low-speed, incompressible gas,
The door is on the south side and the window is on which conforms to the Boussinesq assumption;
the north side. 2. The indoor air flow is a quasi-steady turbulent flow;
6 Indoor and Built Environment 0(0)

Figure 5. Physical model of the gate tower interior space. (a) Interior area of the gate tower and (b) meeting hall area.
Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

3. The energy dissipation caused by the viscosity of boundary conditions for the air conditioning system
air is negligible for the purposes of the energy are shown in Table 3.
4. Because the temperatures of the wall surfaces are Mesh generation
similar, radiative heat transfer between solid wall
The meshing method could significantly affect the accu-
surfaces is negligible; racy of calculations. Dense meshing is required in areas
5. The air flow at the air outlet has equal flow rate; where the air parameter varies greatly, such as at the
6. The load incurred by human is negligible. corners of the building. Excessive fine meshes are not
necessary when the air parameters change less, as they
Governing equations and boundary would increase the amount of calculation with little ben-
conditions efit in the accuracy. The numerical model of the total
interior area of the gate tower contains 2,099,801 grids,
The divergence form of the fluid mass conservation
and the numerical model of the meeting hall area con-
equation is expressed as in equation (1) in terms of
tains 1,756,546. A study of grid independence showed
the liquid density, q, the liquid velocity ~
that the results were accurate and efficient.
þ divðq~
uÞ (1)
@t Results

The law of conservation of energy is expressed as in Cooling conditions in summer

equation (2) in terms of the three velocity components, This study simulated the temperature and flow field,
ux , uy and uz , the mass force, ~
f, the viscous stress, sij , cooled by floor-type air conditioning system in the
the heat flux q meeting hall area. The floor-type air outlet is fitted at

"  # "   #      
@ u2 u2 @ @t @ @T @ @T @ðux pÞ @ðuy pÞ @ðuz pÞ
q eþ þD q eþ ~
u ¼ pq þ K þ K þ K
@t 2 2 @t @x @y @y @z @z @x @y @z
@ðux sxx Þ @ðux syx Þ @ðux szx Þ @ðuy sxy Þ @ðuy syy Þ @ðuy szy Þ @ðuz sxz Þ @ðuz syz Þ @ðux szz Þ
þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ q~
f ~
@x @y @z @x @y @z @x @y @z

According to the design specifications in Beijing, the the bottom of the screens and its angle to the floor is
outdoor temperature for air conditioning in the 60 . Simulation results showed that the cooling air can
summer is 306.8 K; the outdoor temperature for heat- suffuse each area with moderate air velocity and with-
ing in the winter is 264 K and the outdoor wind velocity out strong draught under the set boundary conditions,
during transitional seasons is 1.9 m/s. The settings of as shown in Figure 6.
Zhang et al. 7

Table 3. Boundary conditions for the air conditioning system.

Numerical value
Name Type boundary Numerical value in summer in winter (K)

External wall Isothermal 303 K 278

Inner wall Isothermal 300 K 283
Suspended ceiling Isothermal 301 K 280
Floor Isothermal 300 K 283
Folding screen Isothermal 299 K 283
Supply air outlet Speed inlet 3 m/s, 289 K –
Return air inlet Pressure outlet 0 Pa for relative pressure –
Radiator wall Isothermal – 328

Figure 6. Vector-graph and streamline pattern in the meeting hall area with floor-type air conditioning.
Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

The air temperature can generally be maintained Heating conditions in winter

at 295 K within a 4.0 m height in the meeting hall
In winter, the calculation range of radiator heating
area, which satisfies the requirements for indoor com-
includes the meeting hall area and the peripheral
fort. Figure 7 shows the temperature distribution at
area. Simulation results showed that the temperature
various heights. With increasing height, the distance achieved by the radiator heating is slightly lower, under
from the fan coil unit is longer and the temperature the given conditions listed in Table 3. The air temper-
is higher. ature can be maintained at 283 K in the interior of the
A comparison of the temperature fields in the three building, and the temperature at the local of the folding
seating areas of the meeting hall is shown in Figure 8. screen can be maintained at 285 K (as shown in
Figure 8 also shows that cooled air enters the seating Figures 9 and 10).
areas with moderate velocity. Because of the difference The heating requirements are difficult to meet
in cooling area and due to the location of the fan coil, because of the area’s size and the small number of radi-
the temperature at the east and west sides of the meet- ators. However, as we mentioned above, style and dec-
ing hall areas would be slightly higher than that in the oration of heritage buildings must be preserved. Hence,
middle meeting hall area. there is a limit to the number of radiators that can
The air temperature in the meeting hall area is be installed. Therefore, a floor-type fan coil unit heating
lower than 295 K. Therefore, the floor-type air condi- system is more suitable for the meeting hall area
tioning system can operate under higher outdoor tem- and ensures that the temperature is maintained within
peratures. If needed, the temperature and velocity of an appropriate range. This would be conducive
the forced air can be adjusted to raise the air temper- to energy conservation and tackle effectively the
ature and maintain thermal comfort in the meeting problem of uneven temperature distribution in the meet-
hall area. ing hall.
8 Indoor and Built Environment 0(0)

Figure 7. Temperature field in the meeting hall area with floor-type air conditioning.
Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

Figure 8. Temperature field in the meeting hall seating area with floor-type air conditioning.
Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

Natural ventilation in transitional seasons smaller than that of the doors, a high-wind-speed
Doors as inlets of air. The air velocity field when the area is formed near the windows.
doors are arranged as inlets of air were simulated.
The results showed that the natural ventilation air Windows as inlets of air. If windows are arranged as
speed is comfortably under set conditions. The air natural inlets of air, then doors become outlets of air.
speed can be maintained at 1.2–1.8 m/s within Simulation results showed that the natural ventilation
the height range of the working area (see Figures 11 air speed is lower in the height range of the office area,
and 12). Because the total surface of the windows is in fact less than 0.3 m/s and lower than the required
Zhang et al. 9

Figure 9. Temperature field in the interior area with radiator heating.

Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

Figure 10. Temperature field in the interior seating area with radiator heating.
Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

values (see Figures 13 and 14). This low air speed occurs Assessment of thermal comfort
because the high folding screen at the north side diverts
We used the predicted mean vote/predicted percentage
air flow away from the meeting hall area and makes it
of dissatisfied (PMV/PPD) and the standard effective
difficult to meet the comfort requirements.
temperature (SET) index23 to assess the thermal
10 Indoor and Built Environment 0(0)

Figure 11. Temperature field in transitional season when the door is used as a natural wind inlet.
Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

Figure 12. Tangential velocity field in transitional season when doors are used as a natural air inlet.
Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

comfort. The calculation results (as in Table 4) showed (slightly cold) and that of the existing scheme is 1.20
that floor-type air conditioning is much more comfort- (slightly warm). The PPD index decreases from 35.25%
able than the current scheme. in the current system to 17.82% for the proposed new
According to ISO7730:2005,24 a PMV value between system. Floor-type air conditioning system ensures sig-
–0.5 and þ0.5 indicates comfort. The results showed nificant improvement of occupants’ thermal comfort,
that the PMV value of the proposed scheme is –0.78 especially during summer periods.
Zhang et al. 11

Figure 13. Temperature field in transitional season when windows are used as natural inlets of air.
Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

Figure 14. Tangential velocity field in transitional season when windows are used as natural inlets of air.
Note: Please refer to the online version of the article to view the figures in colour.

To evaluate thermal comfort, a few more factors guarantee a suitable environment, even though the
must be taken into consideration. Because the thermal PMV value does not fall within the required range.
resistance of formal clothing (usually a requirement for In addition, the PMV value shows that the floor-
events and activities appropriate for a meeting hall) is type air conditioning system has higher cooling capac-
higher,25 the floor-type air conditioning system can ity than required. The supply air temperature can be
12 Indoor and Built Environment 0(0)

Table 4. PMV/PPD index results. • In winter, due to the large size and wooden structure
of the building, the radiators inside the building
Floor-type fan
coil system All-air system cannot heat the area properly and the air tempera-
(proposed (existing ture in the meeting hall area is only 283 K.
scheme) scheme) • In the transitional seasons, natural ventilation can
be used to ensure thermal comfort. When the air
Air temperature 295.0 K 301.0 K enters through the door on the south side and exits
Radiation temperature 299.8 K 299.8 K
the window on north side, air temperature and air
Relative humidity 60% 60%
Air velocity 0.25 m/s 0.1 m/s speed would meet the occupants’ thermal comfort
Thermal resistance 0.61 clo 0.61 clo requirements.
Metabolic rate 1.2 met 1.2 met
PMV –0.78 1.20 Authors’ contribution
PPD 17.82% 35.25% Qunli Zhang conducted the numerical simulations and struc-
SET 295.5 K 302.3 K tured this article. Hongbao Zhai analysed the results and
PMV: predicted mean vote; PPD: predicted percentage of dissatisfied; drafted the article. Xinchao Zhang added supplementary sim-
SET: standard effective temperature. ulations and Fang Liu oversaw language editing. All authors
read and approved the final version of the article.
increased to establish a more comfortable indoor envi-
Declaration of conflicting interests
ronment for heritage buildings.
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Discussion article.
CFD modelling is widely used in the design and instal-
lation of ventilation systems. The design we proposed Funding
in this study can be used as a starting point for future The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
research on thermal comfort and air flow simulation in port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
similar buildings under different conditions (different article: This study was supported by ‘The Fundamental
purposes, spatial arrangements or heat loads). For Research Funds for Beijing Universities’ (Project No. X18185).
example, in museums, because most of the energy
load required to preserve artefacts is dissipated in the ORCID iD
empty space, a CFD simulation of air distribution may Hongbao Zhai
be essential in designing energy efficient heating and
cooling systems to preserve the exhibits.
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