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План-конспект: Заняття № 2

Тип заняття: практичне

Тема. На залізничному вокзалі. Замовлення квитків.
Мета заняття. Ознайомити студентів із новими лексичними одиницями по темі,
розвивати навички усного, писемного та діалогічного мовлення. Виховувати любов
до пізнання світу.
Методи: розповідь, бесіда, діалогічне мовлення, розповідь, бесіда, діалогічне
мовлення, відео.
Матеріально-технічне забезпечення та дидактичні засоби, ТЗН: навчальна
презентація, гаджети (роздатковий матеріал)
Структура заняття
1. Організаційна частина
1.1. Перевірка готовності студентів до заняття.
2. Актуалізація опорних знань (питання контролю)
What are the reasons of making a business trip?
Name the advantages and disadvantages of each way of travelling
3. Мотивація навчальної діяльності (питання, задачі, проблемні ситуації)
Travelling by train is inexpensive and efficient especially if you have plenty of
time and a good company
Перелік практичних завдань:
1. Study the active vocabulary
A railway station A coach/a carriage
A passenger A compartment
A counter/a booking office A berth
A ticket An upper berth
A single ticket A lower berth
A return ticket A ticket inspector
A platform Luggage
2. Read the text and answer the questions
Travelling by Train
It's common knowledge that nowadays people travel a lot. They travel
on business and for pleasure, about the country and abroad. Those who wish
to travel have at their disposal various means of transport: express trains and
big ships, cars and jet airliners.
Although we all agree that the future belongs to the air transport, the
railway is still one of the most popular means of communication. Of course,
if people are short of time and have to travel a long distance they usually
travel by air. But if they have time they prefer to go by train.
With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the
comfortable corner seat of a carriage you have a splendid view of the
country-side. If you are hungry you can have a meal in the dining-car and if
the journey is long you can have a comfortable bed in a sleeper.
1. Why do people travel a lot nowadays?
2. Which is the most popular means of communication? Why?
3. What are the advantages of travelling by train?
3. Read the text and pay attention to the underlined words or phrases. What
do they mean?
At the Railway Station
A big railway station is a very busy place. Let's imagine that we
are in one of them.
There are a lot of platforms at which trains come in and go out. A
train is standing at one of the platforms ready to leave. The porters are very
busy carrying luggage to the train or pushing it on their trucks. On another
platform the train has just come in. Some passengers are getting out, others
are getting in. Those who haven't got their tickets in advance are waiting in
queues at the booking-office. At the bookstalls people are choosing books,
magazines and newspapers for the journey. There are a lot of notices in a big
railway station. You may see ENTRANCE and EXIT. There is also a
WAITING-ROOM where you can relax until it is time to board your train. If
you are hungry or thirsty you'll go to the REFRESHMENT ROOM.
If you don't know the number of the platform from which your
train leaves, look for the notices ARRIVALS and DEPARTURES. They will
tell you the number of the platform.
When you arrive in a large town you may leave your heavy
luggage at the station. In this case you will look for the CLOAK ROOM or
You will also see the notice BOOKING OFFICE. This is where
you buy your ticket. If you don't know the time or the platform your train
leaves from you'll go to the INQUIRY OFFICE or the INFORMATION
4. Answer the questions using the sentence structure:

😀 + can + verb
 How can you describe a big railway station?
 Where can passengers wait for the train?
 Where can passengers buy tickets?
 Where can passengers get information about the time and the platform the
train leaves?
 Where can passengers leave their heavy luggage?
5. Listen to the dialogues and complete the sentences
A: When does the London train ______, please?
B: _____. Platform 3.
A: What time does it ____ London?
B: You should be there at ____,     but you may be a bit late.     
A: Do I have to change?
B: Yes. You _____ at Lewes    and East Croydon. 
A: Which ____ do I ____ for Victoria, please?
B: ____. This end of Platform ___.
A: When does it ___ __?
B: It gets there at ____.
A: ____ I change?
B: No. It’s a through ____.
4. Підведення підсумків
Put the words in the correct order /impossible /modern / travelling /without/is / has / advantages/ travelling /train/its

3. there/ express/ and /long-/ trains / slow/are/distance.

4. the / carry/ a /ofpassengers/ /goods /still /railroads/ today /lot/and

5. a / you / speed/ comfort / pleasure /with/ train /have /and /combined

5. Видача домашнього завдання та для самостійної роботи
Make up your own dialogues using the following words and phrases
Dialogue 1 (At the inquiry office)
Which train, change, a through train, arrive, platform, how much.
Dialogue 2 (At the ticket office)
Ticket, unfortunately, leave, arrive, single, return, upper berth, first
class, suit, credit card.

Викладач: ____________________________________ Н.Д. Ковальчук

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