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BSCE 3 PHILO 1:30 – 3:00 PM FS

"My Three Character Traits That I Habitually Practice Daily"

Building yourself, correcting your toxic traits, and practicing good habits is never easy.
You are your own biggest project. Yourself is always under construction. Everyday we always
choose how we decide for ourselves, everyday we build ourselves, everyday we choose to love
ourselves and it doesn’t matter how long it would take, what’s more important is that we see
progress at the end of the day.

The three character traits that I habitually practice daily are being responsible, to
persevere and to have self-discipline. These are character traits that I’ve been slowly working

Being responsible is an essential trait that I should have especially we are in an online
class set up I have to double up my responsibleness for me to get my school works done and
not be distracted to the social media also, to be responsible in prioritizing my studies, personal
and social life. It is important to have the sense of responsibility in managing your different
obligations, have it balance at all cost. Because if not it would be really a huge problem to deal
with. That’s why as much as possible I have to learn to take responsibility in all my obligations
and accountability to my actions.

To have perseverance is the best way to help me to stay motivated on achieving my

goals and dreams in life even though it gets harder every time, I have to persevere for me to get
the things I am aiming for. It may be hard sometimes but it wouldn’t be the reason for me to stop
from getting the things I want. Giving up is never an option, I should persevere no matter what
because I know that if I put my mind heart to the things I want, I will get it.

Self-discipline is the most important trait to have. Because having a self-discipline will
able me through good habits, to overcome my desires or feelings in order to follow the best
course of action or to rise to my commitments and principles in life. If I have self-discipline, I
would also have a strong sense of self-control in order to reach my desired goals. Without it I
wouldn’t be able to be responsible on my obligations in life and to persevere on my dreams and
goals in life. Discipline is the best trait to work on, it wouldn’t be easy but it is worth it. I’ve
learned it the hard way because ever since I started Grade 7 my mom pushed me to enter
volleyball varsity in University of Cebu – Main and that was the start of learning on receiving
hard discipline and have a sense of time management which is part of being discipline but all
the hardships it was all worth it. Joining volleyball varsity was the best decision that my mom
and I made, I can’t imagine what am I today if I didn’t join. I am happy that somehow, I have the
self-discipline but it should be practiced every day. Everyday I have to continue learning to
control myself.
I have to choose to continue in practicing these traits. I know it would help me
throughout my personal, relational, career and societal obligations it may be difficult but it’s
worth it.

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