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High Frequency Communication

Session Meta Data

Author R Kishore

Version No 1.1

Release Date 13.07.2021

Revision History

Date of Revision Details Version Number

• mmWave
– mmWave frequencies often refer to the frequency range from 30GHz to
– Such frequencies are designated as Extremely High Frequency (EHF)
– The wavelength of which is between 10mm to 1mm
Band Designation
Spectra in mmwave

 Areas of the squares illustrate the

available licensed and unlicensed
spectrum bandwidths in popular
UHF, microwave, 28 GHz LMDS,
and 60 GHz mmWave bands in
the USA.
 Other countries around the world
have similar spectrum allocations.

Source: Robert W. Heath, Robert C. Daniel, James N. Theodore S. Rappaport,

Murdock, Millimeter Wave Wireless Communication, Prentice Hall, 2014
Spectrum Allocation
Wireless Personal Area Networking in mmwave

 WPANs often connect mobile devices such as

mobile phones and multimedia players to each
other as well as desktop computers.
 Increasing the data-rate beyond current
WPANs such as Bluetooth and early UWB was
the first driving force for 60 GHz solutions.
 The IEEE 802.15.3c international standard, the
WiGig standard (IEEE 802.11ad), and the
earlier Wireless HD standard, released in the
2008–2009 time frame, provide a design for
short-range data networks (≈ 10 m).
 All standards, in their first release, guaranteed
to provide (under favorable propagation
scenarios) multi-Gbps wireless data transfers to
support cable replacement of USB, and gigabit
Multimedia HD streaming in mmwave

 60 GHz provides enough spectrum resources to remove HDMI cables

without sophisticated joint channel/source coding strategies (e.g.,
compression), such as in the wireless home digital interface (WHDI)
standard that operates at 5 GHz frequencies.
 Currently, 60 GHz is the only spectrum with sufficient bandwidth to
provide a wireless HDMI solution that scales with future HD television
technology advancement.
Wireless Local Area Networking in mmwave
 Wireless local area networking. WLANs,
which typically carry Internet traffic, are a
popular application of unlicensed
 WLANs that employ 60 GHz and other
mmWave technology provide data rates
that are commensurate with gigabit
 The IEEE 802.11ad and WiGig standards
also offer hybrid microwave/mmWave
WLAN solutions that use microwave
frequencies for normal operation and
mmWave frequencies when the 60 GHz
path is favorable.
 Repeaters/relays will be used to provide
range and connectivity to additional
Wireless Backhaul

 Wireless backhaul and relays may be used to connect multiple cell sites and
subscribers together, replacing or augmenting copper or fiber backhaul
Millimeter Wave Cellular Network


 Illustration of a mmWave cellular network. Base stations communicate to users

(and interfere with other cell users) via LOS, and NLOS communication,
 Beamforming used
 The phantom cell concept where control information is sent on microwave
frequencies and data is sent (when possible) on mmWave frequencies.
The attenuation (dB/km) in excess of free space propagation due to
absorption in air at sea level across the sub-terahertz frequency bands.
Channel Properties
 Macroscopic channel properties, known as largescale channel
effects, by describing the expected signal propagation power loss as
a function of distance between the tx and rx
– traditional path loss due to electromagnetic wave transmission and the
impact of antenna gain, as well as atmospheric loss due to molecular
– physical size of raindrops being on the order of the propagating
 Microscopic view of the received signal fluctuation, also known as
small-scale channel effects
- For example, with indoor communication this could include the speed of
moving objects, room dimensions, building materials and their surface
roughness, furniture, path obstructions, antenna radiation patterns, the
polarization of the radiated waves, and the presence of people.
Free Space Path Loss



Free Space Path Loss
• Small directional antennas that have substantial gain that can offset, and even
reduce, the path loss compared to UHF and microwave frequencies
• Discussed
– Basic concepts of mmWave wireless
– mmWave propagation characteristics
Test Your Understanding
• What is the mm wave frequency band?
• Why it is called so?
• What is the motivation behind mmwave?
• Why mm wave spectrum is preferred?
• What are the possible applications of mmwave?
• Robert W. Heath, Robert C. Daniel, James N. Theodore S.
Rappaport, Murdock, Millimeter Wave Wireless
Communication, Prentice Hall, 2014.
Thank you !

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