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Religious Education School

Based Assessment
Topic: Seventh-Day Adventist Code Of Ethics

Candidate's names: Neiliah Joshua Atkins Vannessa Brown Tavin Robb


Candidate's number

Centre Number:10003

Teacher’s name: Ms.C.Fearon

School: Excelsior High School

Year of exam: 2021-2022

Title: Exploring the lifestyle of the Seventh-Day Adventist denomination.
Table Of Contents

Title Pages

Statements Of Aims……………………………………………………………………………..3

Information Collection………………………………………………………………………….4

Summary Of Findings………………………………………………………………………….5

Analysis and Interpretation……………………………………………………………………..6


Statement Of Aims
1. Why are the Seventh Day Adventists expected to adhere to certain codes of Ethics?

2. To Describe and explain in-depth the practices and teachings of the Seventh Day

Adventist denomination.

3. To explore the differences between the teachings of the Seventh Day Adventist and the

Catholic Church.
Information Collection

How When Where

Conducted an interview with October 23, 2021 Personal residence

pastor Kerr Retired pastor Hagley Park Seventh-day

Adventist Church

Consulted relevant online November 3, 2021 › wiki

resources from the internet

Consulted relevant books November 5, 2021 Excelsior education centre library

Summary of findings

The Seventh-day Adventists are a group of believers who specifically preach the advent of Christ

with emphasis on the sabbath. The Sabbath is observed as a holy day because it is written in the

Bible that God rested on the seventh day and commands us to keep it holy. It is believed that the

sabbath begins from the sunset of Friday to the sunset of Saturday. The Adventist denomination

shows reverence to the holy day by worshipping in their church from sunrise of the sabbath to

sunset and they don’t engage in secular activities on the sabbath.

The Seventh Day Adventists base their denomination on the Latin saying "sola scriptura" which

means only by scripture. They base all their rules on everything that is written from the Bible and

they have a special set of guidelines called the '28 fundamental beliefs.' Some of which include

The remnant, millennialism, the second coming of the rapture, and eternal life in heaven with

God after death.

The Seventh-Day Adventists have strict dietary laws. This stems from the passage of scripture

Leviticus 11, which states that only animals with a split hoof and that chews the cud are

considered clean and permitted to be eaten such as goats and cows. Although Swine (pigs) have

a split hoof it is not allowed to be eaten because of the Bible story showing Jesus exorcising

demons out of a man and casting them into a herd of swine, therefore they are considered to be
unclean. Only seafood with fins and scales is allowed such as fish. Crabs and other mammals

with shells are prohibited.

Adventists live modest lives with a strict code of ethics. They dress modestly and believe that

they are a representation of God and they are to reflect His character in everything they do, this

includes the way they dress.

Analysis of Data
The Seventh Day Adventist is a denomination in the Christian Religion. They observe Saturday

rather than Sunday as their special day of worship. This is a day for rest and meditation and

meditation and it is called the Sabbath. On Sabbath, the ordinary affairs of the six working days

should be laid aside and no unnecessary work should be performed. Although from the Christian

religion many other churches do not see the sabbath as the Adventist community. The Saturday

Sabbath brought the Seventh Day Adventist into conflict with both commercial interests one

being that they wouldn’t work on Saturdays and another being with the other Christian

denominations because they wouldn’t treat Sunday as a holy day. Adventist families join

together on Friday evenings to celebrate the Sabbath.

The Seventh Day Adventists believe in a number of things on which they base their religion, one

specifically being Millienalism. This is that the second coming of Christ is close at hand and that

it will be literal, personal, and visible worldwide. On that day they believe that the righteous

dead and living will be risen and taken up with him to heaven. Contrary to other denominations

Adventists believe that when people die they stay dead and rest until God comes while the

Catholic Church believes that when people die their body leave their soul and is taken to Heaven

or Hell.
Personal health is specifically mentioned in the Adventist doctrine. They are to regard their

bodies as temples of The Holy Spirit, therefore they have a special set of rules when it comes on

to the food they eat. They avoid eating meat that they consider unclean and do not use tobacco

alcohol or other recreational drugs. Whereas Catholics are allowed to do so. They believe that

what is good for the body is good for the soul and that is their religious duty to observe the laws

of health.

The Seventh Day Adventists believe in dressing modestly, simple and neat. They believe that the

way you dress portrays how someone sees your character. The skin should be covered at all

times because it is believed that true beauty does not consist of outward adornment but in the

imperishable ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit. This includes no makeup, no jewelry except

for the wedding ring, no revealing clothes, men are not allowed to wear hats, and women are not

allowed to wear pants in the church.

The Seventh Day Adventists base their denomination on the Latin saying "sola scriptura"

which means only by scripture. They place extra emphasis on the Sabbath which begins at sunset

on Friday and ends at sunset on Saturday in which God created the Earth in six days and rested

on the seventh day, as a result, he commands that it be kept holy and that no work, business

transactions, recreational activities and other forms of activity unrelated to the sabbath be done.

This is used as a way to avoid personal opinions from taking over the priority of the teachings of

the bible. They base all their rules on everything that is written from the Bible and they have a

special set of guidelines called the '28 fundamental beliefs.

● Online Source

"Seventh-day Adventists." (2009, July 30) BBC News.

● Book Source

Smylie J.H, and Gordon M.J (2021)

Brittanica Adventist Encyclopedia


Accessor, 5 November 2021

Figure showing foods considered clean and unclean in the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.
Figures showing the dress code of both men and women in the Seventh Day Adventist

Figure showing the Seventh-day Adventist’s book of 28 fundamental beliefs called "Believe"

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