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Fluency Vocabulary Grammar Content
and accent

Smooth flow Almost error-free Very good; wide range

No grammatical errors
Quick, continuous flow Awareness of accent Uses appropriate and new Excellent level of description;
Speaker self-corrects
Natural pauses Genuine effort to sound like a words and expressions additional details beyond the
without hesitation
No hesitations native speaker Interesting response required

Occasional hesitation, Comprehensible, generally Two or fewer syntax errors
Good, appropriate vocabulary Good level of description; all
searching for words correct Minor errors that do not
Generally good response required information included
Speaker can self-correct and Occasional error impede communication
respond to hints

Vocabulary is just adequate to

Hesitating respond

Frequent errors that confuse Adequate description; some
Visibly translating before No attempt to vary basic Frequent errors Self-corrects
listener and require guessing additional details should be
responding expressions on some
at meaning provided
Can rephrase and respond

Frequent hesitations, searches

for words
Many errors (agreement, verb

Translates questions before Inadequate vocabulary or
Many errors that interfere with forms) Description lacks some critical
response incorrect use of lexical items
comprehensibility Errors in basic structures details that make it difficult for
Repeats question word before Communication difficult
Errors impede communication the listener to understand
Eventually responds

Constant searching for Most structures incorrect

Most sentences contain errors Does not complete responses

vocabulary, verb tense Constant use of infinitive; no
Many utterances are Responds with one or two Description is so lacking that
Memorized phrases conjugation
incomprehensible words the listener cannot understand
Does not complete Listener understands only
Little communication Vocabulary repeated
sentences because of past experience

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