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TITLE: Managing IT for Business Value INSTRUCTOR: Richard Wong

Office: TBD

As stated in the SFU Calendar

Required materials:
Supplemental case pack: available directly from Harvard Business Publishing (access link TBA)

Course Objectives:
This is the capstone course in the MIS concentration. Course objectives will include:
 Discussing the major management issues in Information Technology from the perspectives of
the IS manager and the business or user manager or other senior decision or policy maker.
 Learning the case method of analyzing complex environments.
 Analyzing an IS issue in a local organization.
 Understanding the application of Analytics and the data driven organization

Course Coverage:
Issues will include:
 IT planning, IS management
 Management of change
 Governance of the IT function
 Acquisition of IS applications
 IT for strategic advantage
 Security and privacy
 Data driven decision-making

Course Organization:
The course will be in seminar format with interactive lectures, case discussions and student-led
discussions and presentations.

Evaluation of student progress will include assessments of both individual and group work. This may
include, but is not limited to, in-class and on-line participation, moderation of discussions, research
projects, case reports, presentations, and examinations. Students are expected to be on-time, well-
prepared, and ready to contribute to the classroom discussion for each and every class.

Outline subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.

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