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Conflict Studies and Negotiation Theory

Lecture 1

1. The formation of conflictology as a separate scientific branch occurred

in the XX century
2. The first international conflict Resolution Center was established :
a ) In 1972 in the United States
b ) In 1986 in Australia
c ) In 1989 in Germany
Lecture 2
3. Conflict according to K. Boulding is :
a ) Conflict is a universal phenomenon inherent in be regulated all living things , it cannot be
avoided , but it can
b ) Causes of conflict include inequality and factor ) social polarization ( based on the economic
c ) Conflict is a natural driving force social
4. Conflict according to L. Coser is :

a ) The positive role of conflicts in ensuring the resilience of social systems

b ) It is impossible to avoid conflicts in society , you need to influence the specifics of their course

c ) Conflict is a universal phenomenon inherent in all living things , it cannot be avoided , but it can be

5. Conflict according to G. Simmel is :

a ) Conflict is a natural driving force social development

b ) Conflict is a social anomaly

c ) The positive role of conflicts in ensuring the resilience of social systems

6. Conflict according to K. Marx is :

a ) Causes of conflict include inequality and social polarization ( based on the economic factor )

b ) Conflict is a natural driving force social development

c ) Conflict is a social anomaly

7. Heraclites

8. Herodotus

9. Plato

Lecture 3

10. Pre - conflict ( latent period ) is :

a ) is perceived as the presence of an immediate threat to the security of one of the parties to the
interaction or socially important interests

b ) is the part of the conflict that begins with the incident and ends with the weakening of the struggle ,
the transition to the end of the conflict

c ) is the course of its development over time , change under the influence of various internal
mechanisms , as well as external factors and conditions .

11. Escalation is :

a ) is perceived as the presence of an immediate threat to the security of one of the parties to the
interaction or socially important interests

b ) is the part of the conflict that begins with the incident and ends with the weakening of the
struggle , the transition to the end of the conflict

c ) is the course of its development over time , change under the influence of various internal
mechanisms , as well as external factors and conditions .
12. How many levels does Friedrich Glasl distinguish in the model of conflict escalation :




13. United Nations (UN) ООН

14. North Atlantic Treaty Organization — NATO Нато

15. Greenpeace

16. European Court of Human Rights ???

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