Assignment 11

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Full Name: Melita Gelasia Student no.: 210907506

Reading 1
Give the scale 1-5 for each of the following reasons for charity along with your argument.
(Scale 1: totally disagree; Scale 5: totally agree)

1st Reason : Giving to charity makes you feel good.

Scale : 1 2 3 4 5
Argument : I think giving charity can make us feel good because so happy to can help other people. Other
than that, when we give charity to people, it can make us feel good (fulfilled). So many people
want to help others, such as giving charity for orphanages.

2nd Reason : Giving to charity strengthens personal values.

Scale : 1 2 3 4 5
Argument : Some people thought that helping others (giving charity) can become something good in their
life. Some people believe that when they help others, it will provide sustenance. After being
noticed about that, the person who giving charity to other ussualy can be a wealthy person, and
his/her personal values become strongrt like known as a philanthropist.

3rd Reason : Giving is more impactful than ever.

Scale : 1 2 3 4 5
Argument : People who gives charity will feel that is more impactful than ever because they can see and
interact with others. Also, with our help, it can change someone’s life to be a better life.
Sometime we feel that 10 thousand rupiah is priceless but for people who don’t have that
amount of money it can be very impactful for them.

4th Reason : Giving to charity introduces your children to the importance of generosity.
Scale : 1 2 3 4 5
Argument : I agree about it, introducing generousity for our children is very important. Generosity must
be grown and used to it since their childhood, so that it can build our children’s personalities.
As their parents, we can show them the act of grnerousity such as giving charity and donating,
so that we can be their role model.

5th Reason : Giving to charity encourages friends and family to do the same.
Scale : 1 2 3 4 5
Argument : Giving charity is an action that makes a positive impact, not only for the people who are
giving, but also for others too. When we are doing something good, such as giving charity, we can make others
to do the same. They can be motivated after they saw what we were doing. Of course, it’s one of the positive

Reading 2
From the reading passages, list the philanthropists’ contribution and give your personal comment.

His contribution: Gates has given away nearly $50 billion over the years to various nonprofits. The Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation was founded in 2000 to “improve the quality of life for
individuals around the world.” With billions of dollars to use, the foundation has done
everything from providing educational resources in Chicago to healthcare support in
Nigeria. And then, Bill and Melinda have not only found a way to make the world a better
place, but they’ve also developed a common goal of giving back that helps strengthen their
connection as a couple.
What I/We think about him: Bill Gates is known as a philanthropist person. He is not only smart and creative
but also known as a generous person. it’s such a great personality that he loved
to help others. The amount nominal that he donated wasn’t little, so it can very
helpful to others. Honestly, I didn’t know that Bill Gates is a philanthropist, all I
know was he is rich person who created Microsoft, but it turns out he's also a

His contribution: he gave more than $46 billion for charity and Buffett has given some portions of his wealth
to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, the
Howard G. Buffett Foundation, Sherwood Foundation and the NoVo Foundation. He also
helped put in place a charge for other ultra-rich individuals to do the same

What I/We think about him: Warren Buffett is a philanthropist too. Not only donating and giving charity, but
also help some people like Bill and Melinda Gates, and others. He’s rich but he
is very humble. In my opinion, He really intends to help people, and of course
his help has already changed someone else’s life better.

Her contribution: she donated millions of dollars through the Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation,
contributing more than $140 million to The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls.
she also supported causes like Time’s Up, N Street Village and the Museum of African
American History and Culture

What I/We think about her: Oprah Winfrey is someone who is inspiring and motivating. She didn’t come from
a rich family, she was raised in a poor family in Mississippi and enduring sexual
abuse. It’s so painful, but she can fight it and show it to many people by help
others. In my oponion, she has a high sympathy for others.

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