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School of Civil, Environmental, and Geological Engineering

1Q2223 - Prelim Final Exam

Name: Dela Torre, Kim Exequielle R. Date: Sept. 8 2022

Course: Science, Technology and Society – A19 – Module Exam 21Professor: Jill Dalisay

Climate Changes in The Philippines

Over the past decade, The Philippines is experiencing a lot of disasters and
catastrophic events every year. Currently, there is climate change in the Philippines. Because
We all know that the Philippines is one of the most vulnerable in terms of climate change.
According to a report issued in 2019 by the Institute for Economics and Peace, the
Philippines is the country most vulnerable to climate change. Between 1958 and 2014, the
Philippines experienced a 0.62°C increase in yearly average mean temperature, with a
growing rate of change throughout time. More rainy days have been seen recently due to
climate change, which has increased rainfall volume and intensity. The evidence available
demonstrates that the change cannot be accounted for just by natural variation. The most
recent scientific analyses have confirmed that the observed rise in greenhouse gas
concentrations from human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and changes in land
use, is what is most likely to be responsible for the warming of the climate system since the
middle of the 20th century. But why do even we have those data a lot of people don’t know
what is the real thing about climate change and what will be the effect of it if we don’t stop
global warming. We still experienced global warming in the Philippines It’s Because they
have less Awareness of it. They are not serious about it. And they don’t know what will be
the Consequences of it.

But how We can Fight and reduce the effects of climate change and global warming? The
first is by mitigating it. Mitigation can help us if we will conserve water, practice climate-
friendly gardening, help conserve and restore our environment, and also by using renewable
energy. By using renewable energy sources and reducing the Used of fossil fuels. We can
reduce the effects of climate change in our country. Because it has been seen as the solution
of our government in the midst of climate change. Using renewable energy as part of the
mitigation process has a lot of benefits in our country one of these is the economic boost our
country uses renewable energy. Our government can create and give a lot of jobs. Because
spending on renewable energy can give more jobs than spending on fossil fuels can do. By
that, we can the pollution in our country and we can solve one of the critical problems here in
our country.

Secondly, the Philippines needs to have a plastic roadmap. With that, we can reduce the use
of plastics and also we can promote the use of recycling. We all know that less plastic equals
less carbon dioxide and less carbon dioxide equals fewer greenhouse gasses. Having a plastic
roadmap gives a lot of benefits not only for the country but for the people too. If we can do
that we can fix the plastic problem here in our country. Because base on a recent study In

School of Civil, Environmental, and Geological Engineering
1Q2223 - Prelim Final Exam
2020, an annual report from the DENR Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) projected
waste generation in the country to hit 23.6 million tons in 2025, from 21.4 million tons in
2020. Also, The first EPR study WWF released in 2020 also found that 35% of the plastic
items consumed by Filipinos leak into the open environment while 33% are disposed of in
sanitary landfills and open dumpsites, with only 9% recycled. The data said that the
Philippines have less knowledge of what is the benefits of recycling and have a roadmap. But
if we propose a roadmap in our country we cannot only know how to use recycled plastic
properly. But we can also reduce our problem with plastic and toxic pollution.

Thirdly, the Philippines need to phase out committed coal-fired plants. Because we all know
that coal-fired plants are one of the highest pollution makers in our country. So if we
Successfully phase out coal-fired plants. Not only the pollution we can fix but such as
benefits like limiting biodiversity loss and respiratory diseases. Since there are a lot of cases
of respiratory diseases in our country we can fix them and reduce the problem of it by
limiting pollution and using more alternative sources than the use of coal-fired plants. To
phase out a lot of coal-fired plant factories is also like To rapidly scale up the deployment of
clean power generation and energy efficiency measures in our economies, and supporting
other countries to do the same, recognizing the leadership shown by countries making
ambitious commitments, including through the Energy Transition Council.

In conclusion, the climate change awareness, preparedness, and seriousness of the country
haven’t changed much in the past decade. Because based on the data every year climate
change in our country still rises and we don’t take care of much of it. While it has improved
slightly, it is still minimal even if compared to the past years. If the current circumstances for
the stated reasons continue to be ignored, it will only get harder to develop and reduce its
effects of it. And the government agencies are the only ones who can help us and the country.
There are a lot of agencies in the Philippines that can help us to fight against climate change.
Like the DENR They have the power to phase out a lot of coal-fired plants and reduce the use
of fossil fuels in our country also they have a lot of knowledge on how we can use renewable
energy to use at our everyday life.

School of Civil, Environmental, and Geological Engineering
1Q2223 - Prelim Final Exam

Climate change in the Philippines
Everything you need to know about climate change in the Philippines
Renewable energy tops Marcos admin’s climate change agenda
Countering Climate Change With Renewable Energy Technologies
WWF-Philippines proposes three-year roadmap to reduce plastic was
Coal-Fired plants
DENR On phasing out coal-fired plant

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