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now ahora

then luego, después

later más tarde, después

today hoy

yesterday ayer

tomorrow mañana

late tarde

early temprano

again otra vez

before antes

after después

soon pronto

far lejos

near cerca

here aquí

there allí

everywhere en todas partes

nowhere en ningún lado

somewhere en algún lugar

outside fuera, afuera

inside dentro

around alrededor
always siempre

never nunca

frequently frecuentemente

sometimes a veces

rarely casi nunca, rara vez

seldom rara vez

usually normalmente, generalmente

often a menudo

daily diariamente

monthly mensualmente

weekly semanalmente

yearly anualmente

everyday cada día

every + "día" (Ej: every Monday) cada lunes

on + "día" + "s" (Ej: on Mondays) los lunes

once a week una vez a la semana

once a year una vez al año

twice a month dos veces al mes

twice a year dos veces al año

three times a week tres veces a la semana

three times a year tres veces al año

A group of friends had decided to go to the beach to spend a few days. They checked into the
hotel and went up to their room to drop off their luggage, but they noticed a peculiar smell, as if
they had forgotten to take out the garbage or hadn't flushed the toilet. However, everything
seemed to be in order, so they left and did not return until late at night.
The odor had gotten noticeably worse throughout the day and was almost unbearable, so
maintenance was called in to locate its source. The person they were sent looked under the beds,
inside the closets, even sniffed the drains and vents, but couldn't find the source of the smell. In
the end, they cleaned the room with generous amounts of scented products, turned the ventilation
to maximum and wished the group of friends good night. The plague was, for the moment,
masked, and since they were exhausted, they went to bed. One of them hid her bag under the
mattress, as she used to do in hotels.
They all slept well into the morning: great rays of sunlight were already entering the room, heating
it extremely. The stench was still there and stronger than ever. One of the women, already irritated
enough, called the maintenance department again to complain. He then called the hotel manager
to complain some more. A small army of management and maintenance staff soon showed up,
and once again they searched everywhere to no avail. However, everyone agreed that the smell
was unbearable, so the management offered to change the friends' rooms.
They gathered their things to go down to the hall, but when the lady who had hidden the purse
reached under the mattress, she touched something that looked suspiciously like a human hand.
The mattress was removed from the top of the bed and there, in a hole between the box springs,
was a dead man. It was clear that he had been murdered in the bedroom and the killer had hidden
him between the mattress and box spring. He had trimmed part of the springs from the box spring
so that the body would not form a bulge on the bed.

Sergio Michel Pérez Mendoza (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, January 26, 1990) also known as
Checo, is a Mexican racing driver.

Temporada Categoría Equipo Carreras Victorias Poles VR Podios Puntos Pos.

2004 Skip Barber Escudería Telmex 14 0 0 0 0 77 11.º


2005 Fórmula BMW Team Rosberg 19 0 0 0 0 37 14.º

2006 Fórmula BMW ADAC Berlín- 18 0 0 0 0 112 6.º
ADAC Brandenburg

2006-07 A1 Grand Prix A1 Team México 2 0 0 0 0 35† 10.º†

2007 Fórmula 3 T-Sport 21 14 14 0 19 376 1.º

Británica - Clase

2008 Fórmula 3 Británica 22 4 0 1 7 195 4.º

2008-09 GP2 Asia Series Campos Grand 11 2 0 1 3 26 7.º


2009 GP2 Series Arden 20 0 0 1 2 22 12.º


2009-10 GP2 Asia Series Barwa Addax 4 0 0 0 0 5 15.º


2010 GP2 Series 20 5 1 5 7 71 2.º

2011 Fórmula 1 Sauber F1 Team 17 0 0 0 0 14 16.º

2012 Fórmula 1 20 0 0 1 3 66 10.º

2013 Fórmula 1 Vodafone 19 0 0 1 0 49 11.º


2014 Fórmula 1 Sahara Force 18 0 0 1 1 59 10.º

India F1 Team

2015 Fórmula 1 19 0 0 0 1 78 9.º

2016 Fórmula 1 21 0 0 0 2 101 7.º

2017 Fórmula 1 20 0 0 1 0 100 7.º

2018 Fórmula 1 12 0 0 0 1 62 8.º

Racing Point 9 0 0 0 0
Force India F1

2019 Fórmula 1 SportPesa Racing 21 0 0 0 0 52 10.º

Point F1 Team
2020 Fórmula 1 BWT Racing Point 15 1 0 0 2 125 4.º
F1 Team

2021 Fórmula 1 Red Bull Racing 22 1 0 2 5 190 4.º


2022 Fórmula 1 Oracle Red Bull Disputándose



Now the ambition of the man from Guadalajara will lead him to fight for better results for the 2022
season. After experiencing the stage of growth in Formula 1, Checo Pérez said that he is ready to
seek a world championship. Recently in a conversation with the TAG Heuer podcast, the Mexican
confessed what his dream is that he intends to fulfill with the Austrian team.
After seeing what his teammate achieved at Red Bull and the work that has led him to improve,
Pérez stated that he is ready to become world champion and at the start of the 2022 season he
will do everything in his power to close this year as the best in the world in the sport of maximum

The career I want to study has a duration of 4 to 5 years, so in about 5 years I see myself either
working in a graphic design company or concluding my studies.
My things to do are the following:
1. finish high school
2. Take my university entrance exam
3. continue studying in what I like the most, which is graphic design
4. finish my studies
5. look for a job where I can do what I like and feel comfortable
6. go on a trip
7. being able to have my own house
1. Hello, I'm very happy. My name is Daniela and I would like to see if you could answer
some questions. Do you agree with this?
R= of course yes yes
2. What do you think you will do when you are of legal age?
R= lately I have thought about that and the truth is that I don't know, I would like to do many
things, like going out with friends, family, leaving the city, discovering new places
3. Have you ever planned to go out with friends to a beach or something similar?
R= yes many times, but unfortunately we have never been able to relish it
4. I see, which is the place you want to visit first?
R= the truth is there are many places that I would like to visit first but I think the one that excites
me the most is Merida
5. Well, then I guess you plan to celebrate your birthday in the place, sharing with your
Friends and family, where would be your ideal place to celebrate?
R= I really would like to be able to take everyone somewhere outside the city, but not everything
could, so the ideal place to celebrate it would be at home

6. I suppose you plan to close your party in a colossal way, my question is how it would be
are you doing it or are you going to do it?
R= I hadn't thought of that, but now that you mention it, I could ask everyone to come dressed as a
character from a movie and in the end each and every one of them will have to go do some scene
that their character does
7. That's great, well suppose you can take everyone to Merida for your birthday, what would
you do there?
R= the truth is that the first thing I would do would be to go to the beach and spend the whole
afternoon there, then we would go somewhere to celebrate
8. My God, that seems great to me, and the last day you are there, what would you do?
R= Well, the truth is that if you want to go somewhere alone or buy things for souvenirs or do
something together to relax, that would be great.
9. Excellent, I think your plan is great, changing the subject a bit. If you could go to visit a
foreign country, what would it be?
R= the truth is that I would like to visit Italy, it seems to me that it is one of the most beautiful
places, apart from the fact that I would very much like to visit the Roman Coliseum
10. That's great, the truth is that Italy is also one of my favorite countries, but tell me, who
would you take?
R = I would go with my mom, my dad and my brother

very well, well thank you very much for your time and it was a pleasure to meet you

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