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Jurnal Penelitian & Artikel Pendidikan

Effectiveness and Media Used in Teaching Listening with

Metacognitive Strategies
Asma’ulkhusna1, Laela Fitriningrum Muninggar2, Nur Isnaeni3, Pradita Nindiya
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Email :,,,

Teaching listening adalah salah satu keterampilan yang diperlukan siswa untuk
memahami bahasa Inggris. Pada pembelajarannya dibutuhkan media yang sesuai untuk
menjembatani proses belajar siswa agar lebih mudah. Review artikel ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui keefektifan strategi metakognitif. Menggunakan media yang sesuai dengan
kebutuhan siswa adalah salah satu solusi dalam pembelajaran listening ini. Pada artikel
ini digunakan metode dengan mereview artikel-artikel lain yang relevan. Hasil review
artikel menunjukkan bahwa strategi metakognitif dalam teaching listening cukup efektif
dengan beberapa media yang digunakan.
Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran Mendengarkan Bahasa Inggris, Strategi Metakognitif
dalam Pembelajaran Teaching Listening, Keefektifan Strategi Metakognitif dalam
Pembelajaran Mendengarkan, Media dalam Pembelajaran Mendengarkan
Teaching listening is one of the skills needed by students to understand English. In
learning, appropriate media is needed to bridge the student learning process to make it
easier. This review article aims to determine the effectiveness of metacognitive
strategies. The use of media in accordance with the needs of students is one solution in
this listening learning. This article uses the method by reviewing other relevant articles.
The results of the article review show that metacognitive strategies in teaching listening
are quite effective with several media used.
Keyword : Teaching Listening, Teaching Listening in Metacognitive Strategies,
Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategies, Media in Teaching Listening

Listening is the process of receiving and responding to a message in the form of
voice communication through the sense of hearing in the form of the ear. Listening is
good for pronunciation, in that the more they hear and recognize English being spoken,
the extra they soak up suitable pitch and intonation, pressure and the sounds of both
man or woman phrases and people which mixture together in linked speech
(Baimbetova Zhazira et al.,)
There are several difficulties in skills this is in Listening experienced by English
learners, namely (1) Listeners can't control speed of speech of the person speaking
deliver the message, and they feel the message sent is gone before they can understand
the content of the message (2) The listener does not have opportunity to ask the speaker
to repeating or clarifying messages conveyed (3) The limited vocabulary possessed by
listeners (4) Listener failure to recognize and understand the 'signs of sign' sent by the
speaker who cause the listener to be wrong in understand the content of the message it
receives (5) Error interpreting message received, so that the contents of the message
submitted is accepted or interpreted differently by listeners (6) No able to concentrate
on various things (7) Worries about and the methods and materials taught by the teacher
with the material heard through audio device or native speaker English (Underwood,
In teaching listening, a teacher is asked to apply three stages of teaching, namely
pre-teaching, whilst-teaching and post-teaching (Baimbetova Zhazira et al.,). The pre-
teaching stage aims to prepare students with the material to be heard. Whilst -teaching
stage aims to help students understand the text they hear. And the post-teaching stage
aims to help students make connections between what they heard their own ideas or
Classified of listening strategies: cognitive, metacognitive, and socio-affective.
These strategies can be applied in learning, in order to help make learning to listen
easier. In this article we will discuss one of the listening strategies, the strategy is
metacognitive. Metacognition is our ability to think about our own thoughts or
"cognitions", and broaden the mind about how we process information for various
purposes and manage the way we do it. It is the ability to contemplate what fills our
mind at any given moment.
Aims to analyze and evaluate what we think. Metacognitive strategies are
management techniques used by learners to take control of their learning through
planning, monitoring, evaluation, and modification. For example, to plan metacognition
planning strategy, the listener will describe the purpose of the listening activity, which
is captured by the sense of hearing to respond to it. Metacognitive listening strategies
have been used in teaching listening using the mother tongue or the first language used
for decades, but research on metacognitive listening strategies in teaching foreign
languages is still rarely done. Because it is rarely used in learning and foreign
languages, this metacognitive strategy has been tried to be used. Whether metacognitive
strategies are effective or not in their use. One of the strategy metacognitive
effectiveness is the printing and electronic media. Through this will be discussed the
effectiveness of metacognitive through various media..
This study for review purposes several articles from reputable journals are
published in 2013-2021, focusing on teaching listening in metacognitive strategies. This
study tries to determine (1) Are metacognitive strategies effective when applied in
teaching listening English? (2)What media can be used in metacognitive strategies in
teaching listening? Before analyzing the effectiveness and media used in metacognitive
strategy, it would be beneficial to explore related theories of metacognitive strategies.

To address research questions, the literature method is the method used in this
article review, which aims to answer the researcher's questions. Documentary research
is a data collection method that aims to find data and information through documents,
both written documents, images, pictures, and electronic documents that can aid the
writing process. The three stages used in this article review are:
Journal Selection: Researchers search journals in reputable databases such as
ERIC. Literature study taken from this article review is sourced from The Canadian
Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, ALLS, AIAC Flourishing
Creativity & Literacy, European Association for Computer Assisted Language
Learning, The Excellence in Education Journal, MEXTESOL Journal, RIED journal,
English Language Teaching, International Journal of Instruction, Journal of Language
Studies, European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, Journal of Education
and Learning, International Education Studie, Journal of Education, Social and
Behavioral Sciences, Language Teaching and Research, and The EUROCALL Review.
Article Selection: In the first attempt, we selected entire articles based on the
specific keywords, such as teaching listening, teaching listening metacognitive strategy,
effectives of teaching listening, media of teaching listening in the release schedule of
2013-2021. The keywords used, aiming to find articles related to the objectives of the
study. This attempt generated 1923 articles. Next, abstracts of articles were specifically
reviewed and selected based on the search effectiveness of metacognitive strategies and
media of teaching listening and in this article review, obtained 539 articles left. To
narrow the focus used, this article adopts 20 titles from several articles.
Data Analysis: This study was analyzed using a qualitative data approach. The
analyzed data were selected by grouping them into spreadsheets which were categorized
into several sections, including media and the effectiveness of metacognitive strategies
in teaching listening and then report them descriptively.


The results of the research in this review article include three conclusions,
namely trends in teaching listening, the effectiveness of metacognitive strategies and the
media used in teaching listening. it is discussed and used to varying degrees.
Based on inclusion criteria, 20 scientific articles were analyzed to describe the
effectiveness and media of teaching listening metacognitive strategies. Table 1 is the
summary of the scientific articles that met the inclusion criteria.
Table 1. Summary of Scientific Articles that Meet the Criteria
No Title Media Effectiveness

1. A Metacognitive Online/internet With metacognitive strategies,

Instructional Guide to related to listening will have an effect on increasing
Support Effective student achievement, especially in
Studying Strategies the final exam. Students choose
their own guides that are used for
learning, one of which is an online
learning instructional guide.
Thereby reducing the impact of
anxiety on the final exam.

2. Validation of ‘Self- Metacognitive With the questionnaire (MLSQ),
perception of ESL Listening Strategy educators will more easily
Learners’ Listening Questionnaire evaluate difficulties in learning to
Comprehension (MLSQ), then listen to their students. So that
Problems and proceed with the educators try to improve ways of
Metacognitive discussion. learning to listen more clearly and
Listening Strategy Use’ discuss, so that students better
Questionnaire understand what they hear.

3. Multimedia listening Dialogic interaction Students will have a better

comprehension: understanding of listening with a
Metacognitive dialogical interaction with the
instruction or teacher or mentor. This interaction
metacognitive will spur students' understanding
instruction through of what they hear, which is
dialogic interaction followed by responding to it. So
that students will be motivated
and more active to increase
understanding of what is heard as
a medium for exchanging ideas.

4. Application of Meta- Pre-test and post- With pre-test and post-test. Pre
Cognitive Strategy test listening test by listening 1 time and post
Instruction in Listening English, discussion test by listening 2 times. Students
Comprehension to the are prohibited from asking friends,
Level III Student so the teacher knows the ability of
Teachers each student. Then students in
pairs write what they hear. It
trains to focus on what is heard
and know its meaning. Then
continued discussion. Thereby
increasing the ability to remember
what has been heard and

motivates to listen better.

5. The Impact of Strategy Dialogues, speaker, Listening will improve students'

Instruction on Iraqi MLSQ understanding ability. Students are
EFL Learners’ (Metacognitive directed to listen to a dialogue,
Listening Listening Strategy write down what they hear. Then
Comprehension and Questionnaire) complete the blank sentences to
Metacognitive Strategy test understanding, choose a true
Use or false statement after listening to
a monologue. It is a simple
process that can gradually
increase comprehension in
listening. They are taught to think
aloud, are introduced to text
combined with listening. They use
another audio text using the
strategies taught, write down what
they heard, the listening activity
and the practice of listening again.
The MLSQ (Metacognitive
Listening Strategy Questionnaire)
method will improve the ability of
teachers to try to improve the
quality of listening or the media
used to make it easier for students
to understand in learning to listen.

6. Metacognition as The audio news The effectiveness of the social

scaffolding for the trainer app MALL app, ANT in supporting
development of the development of metacognition
listening in learning to develop listening
comprehension in a comprehension in the context of
social MALL App distance learning. ANT provides

students with an implicit and
explicit metacognitive listening
strategy to support them in the
learning process during and after
using this software. ANT is
claimed to provide an effective
way to fill the shortage of teacher
attendance, support, and guidance
media. / Long term.

7. Media-Support components of The media supports language

Teaching and Learning media such as the learning and facilitates the entire
of English Language as computer, radio, learning process and help teachers
a Second Language: television, internet, overcome limitations in areas such
Eliminating text disc and as pronunciation and vocabulary
Stereotypes educational films to properly teach students. This
allows students to learn the
process in progress, not the

8. Metacognitive Strategy audio texts Effectiveness of teaching listening

Instruction as a Means through a metacognitive strategy.
to Improve Listening While learning strategies by
Self Efficacy among themselves cannot adequately
Iranian Undergraduate prepare EFL students to
Learners of English. experience complete success in
understanding audio text, they do
appear to help listeners understand
what is being said at a high level.
with which he deciphers key
words, phrases, or the gist of the

9. EFL Learners’ recordings in The use of these metacognitive
Perceptions towards English strategies is necessary to infuse
Meta-Cognitive into the teaching and learning of
Strategy Use in English listening skills in the classroom.
Language Listening Learners elieve that these
strategies play an important role in
helping them ecome good
listeners of foreign languages.
Therefore it is necessary to
implement metacognitive
strategies in the teaching and
learning handooks especially the
listening manual.

10. The effect of - The metacognitive strategy trainer

metacognitive listening is particularly fond of student
strategy training on listening; Therefore should
listening integrate into listening instruction
comprehension in programs to help foreign language
Iranian EFL context learners ecome more effective

11. Metacognitive - With the advent of computer-

Strategies to Chinese aided independent learning,
College English English listening and speaking has
Learners: A Real Gold become more difficult for the
or only with a Golden English learners in Chinese
Cover colleges. Metacognitive strategies,
often applied in process-based
approaches, place more emphasis
on the listening process.

12. EFL Learners' Participants, Cognitive exploration of

Listening Instruments, & Data metacognitive listening strategies
Comprehension and Collection and their relationship to listening
Awareness of comprehension across desire
Metacognitive patterns of 386 10th grade EFL
Strategies: How Are learners using two tools: (a)
They Related? Cognitive metacognition
Listening Questionnaire.

13. Assessing the In this study, a As an assessment tool for

Metacognitive quantitative method browsing basic cognition and
Awareness among was used. accessing those cognitive
Foundation in perceptions during the first
Engineering Students semester of the FIE program.
Students showed an improvement
in the number of metacognitive
subprocesses. Also as a
benchmark for the future
development of the effectiveness
of the teaching and learning

14. English Learning This research uses a English learning The strategies
Strategy and survey method by commonly used by first year
Proficiency Level of distributing students include six direct and
the First Year Students questionnaires indirect strategies, including the
different strategies used students
with different levels of English

15. On the Relationship of Data obtained Learn English increase self-

Students' English through confidenceoys encourage girls
Learning Beliefs and questionnaires and improve their aility to e confident
Learning Strategy in interviews. and guideoys to use more memory

the University strategies and social strategies to
improves quality English taught in
ordinary universities.

16. Students’ Perceptions Audio only and According to the students'

on Using Different video media perception, the majority of
Listening Assessment methods participants considered video
Methods: Audio-Only media to be an excellent tool for
and Video Media assessing their hearing because it
provided authentic, meaningful,
and real-life context. Students are
only aware of the traditional
(audio-only) method used to
assess listening skills from
elementary through college.

17. The relationship - Descriptive statistics from the

between listening Listening Strategy Questionnaire
strategies used by showed that participants used
egyptian EFL college cognitive strategies most often
sophomores and their followed by metacognitive
listening strategies and social strategies.
comprehension and This means that the alternative
self-efficacy cognitive and metacognitive
strategies were the most preferred
strategies among EFL learners.

18. The Impact of Pre-test/ Post-test The results of this quantitative

Listening Strategy study lead us to conclude that
Training on the Meta- learners make significant progress
Cognitive Listening in MALS through instruction in
Strategies Awareness listening strategies, and the
of Different Learner degree of improvement varied

Types among LTs, the hearing group that
improved the most. . Explicit
teaching of listening strategies had
a statistically significant effect on
the perception of metacognitive
listening strategies of different
types of EFL learners.

19. Metacognitive - This study explored metacognitive

Listening Strategies listening strategies used y EFL
Used by Saudi EFL Saudi medical students. The
Medical Students results showed that students
reported using prolem-solving
strategies and direct attention
more often than other strategies.
The results also showed that
prolem-solving strategies were
used significantly more than all

20. Developing students' video-SDG The results show that online video
listening metacognitive SDG learning can effectively
strategies using online allow students to reflect on their
videotext self- awareness of the specific problem
dictation-generation they are addressing, the use of
learning activity listening strategies, and the
insights they need. Strategies used
in metacognitive teaching. The
importance of using cost-effective
online SGD video learning
activities is worth considering in
developing students'
metacognitive listening

knowledge to enhance EFL
listening strategies.

Trends in Teaching Listening Metacognitive Strategies

Teaching listening trends from 20 peer-reviewed articles were categorized into two
points. They are the rate of year publications and research method. The section part
explores each category:
The Rate of Year Publications
The distribution of studies over the years is shown in Figure 1. The table in Figure 1
shows the number of articles collected from 2013-2022. It depicts that the trend of
teaching listening used metacognitive strategies is generally stable over the year (2018-
2021). There are 4 publications in 2017 and it has experiencing a decreased number of
publication in 2018-2021 (n=2).

Year Of Publication
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2020 2021

Figure 1. Number of Year per Publication

Effectiveness of Teaching Listening Metacognitive Strategies
Table 2 shows that effectiveness of metacognitive strategies in teaching listening based
on education level. On the table level higher, secondary, primary has sufficient
effectiveness. while for the level of education that is not known to have effectiveness.
Table 2. Effectiveness Metacognitive Strategies
No. Level Education Effectiveness
1. Higher Level Enough

2. Secondary Level Enough
3. Primary Level Enough
4. N/A Effective

Media of Teaching Listening Metacognitive Strategies

Figure 2 shows the media used in teaching listening about metacognitive strategies. In
this article review, 6 media are used, namely audio, video, online media, text,
discussion, dialogue. The media that is widely used in this article review is through
audio, while online media is still rarely used.

Audio Video Media Online Text Discussion Dialogue


11% 33%



Figure 2. Media of Teaching Listening in Metacognitive Strategies

Previous media-related research teaches metacognitive strategies for listening
skills. Some researchers, argue that the use of video in the classroom can facilitate
student learning and greater participation in lessons due to real-life situations. The
reality depicted in the video used is believed to be natural, real and meaningful (Mirvan,
2013; Woottipong, 2014). Students prefer teachers to use different things in class
because it improves students listening comprehension while being topical (Hasan &
Tan, 2012).
According to one article, students are more interested in learning using video
media because it provides a real picture and is easier to understand. But the habit that is
widely used since the lower class is to use audio media. This has become a habit until
now so that teaching listening learning is not optimal.
And according to some articles on the effectiveness of teaching listening
metacognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies for online learning or listening-related
media can improve students' abilities in final exams. This is because students can
choose their own online media for learning listening.
Several other studies have reported that metacognitive strategies are the most
common among English language learners, followed by cognitive and socioemotional
strategies (Bidabadi & Yamat, 2011). This means that alternating cognitive and
metacognitive strategies are preferred by EFL learners.

This study aims to analyze the media and the effectiveness of teaching listening
in metacognitive strategies. The results of the literature review show that the use of
metacognitive strategies in teaching listening is quite effective, with several means
used.. The most frequently used media is audio or online. with the help of these media,
can help students improve listening skills. It’s effectiveness can be seen from the final
exam results of the students.


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