Exercise Training Guidelines For Multiple Sclerosis Stroke and Parkinson Disease

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Exercise Training Guidelines for Multiple Sclerosis,

Stroke, and Parkinson Disease
Rapid Review and Synthesis
Yumi Kim, MS, Byron Lai, PhD, Tapan Mehta, PhD, Mohanraj Thirumalai, PhD,
Sangeetha Padalabalanarayanan, MS, James H. Rimmer, PhD, and Robert W. Motl, PhD

Abstract: The translation of knowledge from exercise training research into the clinical management of multiple sclerosis, stroke, and Parkinson
disease requires evidence-based guidelines that are uniformly recognizable by healthcare practitioners and patients/clients. This article synthe-
sized resources that reported aerobic and resistance training guidelines for people with multiple sclerosis, stroke, and Parkinson disease. Sys-
tematic searches yielded 25 eligible resources from electronic databases and Web sites or textbooks of major organizations. Data were extracted
(exercise frequency, intensity, time, and type) and synthesized into three sets of recommendations. Exercise guidelines for multiple sclerosis
consistently recommended 2–3 d/wk of aerobic training (10–30 mins at moderate intensity) and 2–3 d/wk of resistance training (1–3 sets be-
tween 8 and 15 repetition maximum). Exercise guidelines for stroke recommended 3–5 d/wk of aerobic training (20–40 mins at moderate in-
tensity) and 2–3 d/wk of resistance training (1–3 sets of 8–15 repetitions between 30% and 50% 1 repetition maximum). Exercise guidelines
for Parkinson disease recommended 3–5 d/wk of aerobic training (20–60 mins at moderate intensity) and 2–3 d/wk of resistance training (1–3
sets of 8–12 repetitions between 40% and 50% of 1 repetition maximum). This harmonization of exercise guidelines provides a prescriptive
basis for healthcare providers, exercise professionals, and people with multiple sclerosis, stroke, and Parkinson disease regarding exercise
Key Words: Exercise, Rehabilitation, Guidelines, Neurologic Diseases
(Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2019;98:613–621)

ultiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, and Parkinson disease

M (PD) are among the most common, nontraumatic causes
of mobility disability brought about by damage within the cen-
tral nervous system among adults in the United States and
From the Rehabilitation Science, School of Health Professions, University of worldwide.1–3 There are an estimated 1.1 million adults living
Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama (YK); University of Alabama with MS in the United States and 2.5 million adults with MS
at Birmingham/Lakeshore Foundation Research Collaborative, Birmingham,
Alabama (YK, BL, TM, MT, SP, JHR, RWM); Department of Physical Ther- worldwide.1 There further are an estimated 6.8 million adults
apy, School of Health Professions, University of Alabama at Birmingham, living with stroke2 and nearly 1 million adults living with PD
Birmingham, Alabama (BL, RWM); and Department of Health Services Admin-
istration, School of Health Professions, University of Alabama at Birmingham,
in the United States.3 MS, stroke, and PD have different causes
Birmingham, Alabama (TM, MT). and neurological trajectories but result in similar and substan-
All correspondence should be addressed to: Yumi Kim, MS, University of Alabama tial personal burden based on compromised mobility and cog-
at Birmingham/Lakeshore Foundation Research Collaborative, 4000 Ridgeway
Dr, Birmingham, AL 35209. nition, and/or symptoms such as fatigue, depression, pain, and
YK did the article selection/screening, data extraction/synthesis, writing, and editing. reduced quality of life and participation.4 Such consequences
BL did the data cross-check, exercise guideline summary, writing, and editing. require the application of rehabilitation, over-and-beyond tradi-
TM, MT, and SP did the reviewing and editing. JHR did the exercise guideline
summary, reviewing, writing, and editing. RWM did the exercise guideline tional medical treatments, as an approach for managing the dis-
summary, reviewing, writing, and editing. eases and associated manifestations over time.
All the authors approved and critically revised the article.
This study was supported by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living,
There has been substantial interest in the benefits of exer-
and Rehabilitation Research (Grant Number 90REGE0002). The National cise training as a rehabilitation approach for managing the con-
Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research is a sequences of MS, stroke, and PD.4 Indeed, the quantity of
center within the Administration for Community Living, Department of Health
and Human Services. The contents of this article do not necessarily represent the literature on exercise training among these groups has ex-
policy of these groups and you should not assume endorsement by the US panded substantially for the past decade.4 The benefits of exer-
Federal Government. cise training have been documented in Cochrane reviews of
Yumi Kim is in training.
Financial disclosure statements have been obtained, and no conflicts of interest have MS,5 stroke,6 and PD.7 The common benefits from exercise
been reported by the authors or by any individuals in control of the content of participation can include improvements in physiological ca-
this article.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear
pacity (e.g., aerobic endurance, muscular strength/endurance,
in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article walking ability), symptoms (e.g., fatigue, depression), and
on the journal’s Web site (www.ajpmr.com). quality of life.4,8,9 Collectively, the evidence demonstrates that
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0894-9115 exercise training is an efficacious approach for managing the
DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001174 common consequences of MS, stroke, and PD, and this

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Kim et al. Volume 98, Number 7, July 2019

presents the possibility of knowledge translation through the stroke, and PD using the following three electronic data-
patient-provider interaction in the context of comprehensive bases: PubMed, CINAHL, and Google Scholar, for the pe-
health care. riod of inception date through April 2018. The electronic
The promotion of exercise through the patient-provider search strategy included multiple search strings of key terms,
interaction has been identified as a new avenue for addressing such as exercise/physical activity, prescription/recommendation/
the problem of physical inactivity among people with MS.10 guideline, and MS, stroke, or PD. An example of a search string
This requires that healthcare providers and exercise profes- is provided in Appendix I (Supplemental Digital Content 2,
sionals have clear guidelines on exercise prescription for pro- http://links.lww.com/PHM/A766). These searches were updated
motion of behavior change among patients/clients. Such in September 25, 2018, to identify articles and reports that could
guidelines should specify the type and dose of exercise neces- have potentially been published during the preparation of this
sary for improving outcomes and managing comorbid condi- article for submission.
tions. The guidelines further should be based on the highest Textbook chapters on exercise guidelines for persons with
level of evidence for increasing the likelihood of being translated MS, stroke, and PD were included in this article. Three text-
into clinical practice.11 Of note, there are multiple existing guide- books were identified, and these were published by the
lines for describing exercise prescription in MS, stroke, and PD, American College of Sports and Medicine (ACSM): ACSM's
and this can be overwhelming and confusing for clinicians and Resources for Clinical Exercise Physiology; ACSM's Exer-
providers who do not have substanial training in exercise be- cise Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases and Dis-
havior. This observation alone supports that consolidating abilities; and ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and
and harmonizing the existing resources into a single resource, Prescription.14–16 The prescriptions in textbooks seemly dif-
in-and-of-itself, are of value for clinicians and providers. The fered from the articles and seemed to be based on expert ex-
creation of summary guidelines for MS, stroke, and PD can perience and opinion. Thus, inclusion of the textbooks in
serve as a beacon for clinicians in selecting and providing an this article is warranted for a complete and comprehensive
appropriate prescription, and the guidelines might differ based synthesis of available guidelines.
on the degree of preparedness for exercise. Such an effort can The final search strategy involved an extensive Internet
further assist researchers in evaluating the question of exercise search for organizations that provided information and re-
dosage. The question of exercise dosage is an important prior- sources for people with MS, stroke, and PD. The organiza-
ity in MS,12 stroke,6 and PD.7 tion Web sites were then reviewed for exercise information
Currently, there is no literature review that examines and and guidelines. The review of organization Web sites was
consolidates existing sets of exercise guidelines for people with performed between June 15 and 30, 2018.
MS, stroke, and PD. This article describes a rapid review and
consolidation of the literature on exercise guidelines for people Eligibility Criteria
with MS, stroke, and PD. The primary aims of this review were
Identified resources had to meet two or more of the fol-
to (1) identify, report, and consolidate the existing exercise pre-
lowing criteria to be included in this review: (a) targeted adults
scription guidelines for people with MS, stroke, and PD and (2)
with MS, stroke, or PD (18 yrs or older); (b) reported exercise
harmonize the existing prescriptions into a set of general and
guidelines incorporating recommendations for full or partial
advanced exercise guidelines, when possible, per disease
inclusion of frequency, intensity, time, and type; (c) provided
group. The advanced exercise guidelines would differ from
recommendations for muscular strength and/or cardiovascular
the general guidelines based on the degree of preparedness
endurance; (d ) published in peer-reviewed journals; (e) en-
and experience for exercise training.
dorsed or commissioned by prominent organizations (i.e.,
textbooks, reports); ( f ) available on organization Web sites;
METHODS and (g) published in English. Resources were excluded based
This rapid review followed the Preferred Reporting Items on the following criteria: (a) nonresearch publications (i.e.,
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) conference presentations, study protocol, dissertations); (b)
Statement.13 This study also conforms to all PRISMA no inclusion of exercise guidelines for either aerobic fitness
guidelines and reports the required information accordingly and/or muscular strength; (c) exercise recommendations
(see Supplemental Checklist, Supplemental Digital Content 1, based on a single study (e.g., recommendations generated
http://links.lww.com/PHM/A765). Using systematic review within the discussion section of a single published exercise trial).
procedures, resources that reported exercise guidelines were
identified, reviewed, synthesized, and aggregated into specific Data Extraction
exercise recommendations for MS, stroke, and PD, separately. The electronic search strings were created and refined
This was supported through the inclusion of exercise guide- with the help of a librarian. The primary analyst narrowed these
lines identified in books as well as online Web sites of major searches by filters based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria
organizations related to exercise and the three groups (e.g., of this review, including age, English language, and human
American College of Sports Medicine, American Physical subject research. After retrieving articles, the primary analyst
Therapy Association, and American Heart Association). conducted article selection/screening and data extraction pro-
cesses by following a series of steps: (a) duplicate articles were
Search Strategies excluded; (b) all articles were screened for eligibility at the ab-
Systematic searches were conducted on April 10, 2018, stract level; (c) remaining articles were screened in-depth at the
to identify articles and reports on exercise guidelines for MS, full-text level; (d) data were systematically extracted into three

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Volume 98, Number 7, July 2019 Exercise Guidelines for MS, Stroke, and PD

spreadsheets based on diagnoses and seven subdomains, in- program and/or people who seek greater benefits from ex-
cluding first author, year, exercise frequency, intensity, time ercise training.
and type, and special considerations; (e) data retrieved from
textbooks and organization Web sites were coded by the same
format; and ( f ) extracted data were cross-checked for accuracy
by a second analyst. RESULTS
The extracted data were aggregated into tables, and the Results of the study selection process are provided in a
findings were reviewed and summarized into three descriptions PRISMA flowchart in Figure 1. The search strategy returned
of exercise guidelines per disease group by a senior author. The 469 articles from the electronic databases (MS, n = 107; stroke,
descriptions were then reviewed by an expert review panel for n = 309; PD, n = 53) that resulted in 18 eligible articles for in-
consensus. The panel consisted of three researchers who had clusion (MS, n = 8,17–25 stroke, n = 6,26–31 PD, n = 432–35).
advanced knowledge with MS, stroke, and PD, an adapted There were seven additional resources from three textbooks14–16
exercise specialist, a rehabilitation engineer, and a health and four organization Web sites (MS, n = 236,37; stroke, n = 138;
services researcher/biostatistician with a specialization in PD, n = 339–41). The list of resources that were identified and re-
disability outcomes research. Importantly, all members of viewed through textbooks and Web sites is provided in Appen-
the review panel had five or more years of experience with dix II (Supplemental Digital Content 3, http://links.lww.com/
rehabilitation research, particularly exercise training in PHM/A767). All three textbooks provided guidelines for MS,
MS, stroke, and/or PD. stroke, and PD. Some organization's Web sites provided exer-
The panel reviewed, discussed, and negotiated toward cise guidelines for more than one group. For example, the
agreement on a consensus provision regarding a general and, American Physical Therapy Association and the National In-
when possible (i.e., enough evidence to support it), an ad- stitute for Health and Care Excellence included guidelines
vanced exercise prescription. The goal of the general exercise for both MS and PD. Appendix II (Supplemental Digital Con-
prescription was to provide a recommendation for people tent 3, http://links.lww.com/PHM/A767) identifies the dupli-
who are irregularly/infrequently physically active. The ad- cate information between published studies and organization
vanced prescription was created to provide a recommendation Web sites, when it exists. Collectively, 25 resources were in-
for people who are regularly participating in an exercise cluded in the final review. The extracted data from individual

FIGURE 1. The PRISMA flow chat.

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Kim et al. Volume 98, Number 7, July 2019

TABLE 1. Recommended exercise prescriptions for adults with mild to moderate MS

General Aerobic Exercise Advanced Aerobic Exercise General Resistance Exercise

How often? 2–3 d/wk 5 d/wk 2–3 d/wk
How much? Gradually increase the duration of The duration of the exercise bouts The exercise bouts should range from
exercise from 10–30 mins over time. can approach 40 mins. 1 to 3 sets between 8 and 15
repetitions of each exercise.
Try to do 5–10 exercises.
How hard? These activities should be performed Intensity of exercise can approach Pick a resistance that you can
at a moderate intensity. 15 on the 20-point RPE scale. finish 8–15 repetitions of the
Moderate intensity of exercise is Alternative way of measuring last set comfortably.
usually between 11 and 13 on the intensity of exercise is 70%
20-point RPE scale. VO2peak or 80% HRpeak.
Alternative way of measuring moderate
intensity of exercise is 40%–60%
VO2peak or HRpeak
How to? Some options for activity include: Some options for activity include: Resistance training activities mainly
• Ergometry (arm, leg, or combined) • Same as general guidelines target major/large muscle groups:
• Walking (overground or treadmill) • Running • Weight machines
• Aquatics (including swimming) • Road cycling • Free weights
• Elliptical • Elastic bands
Special considerations • Overall progression should start with either duration or frequency and finally progress intensity per tolerability of the person.
• Rest your muscles 2- to 4-min duration in between sets and muscle groups.
• Rest your muscles for at least 1 day between strength training sessions.
• Aerobic and resistance training can be performed on the same day as aerobic exercise training, depending on tolerability.
• MS-specific symptoms (i.e., fatigue and heat sensitivity) should be identified and discussed before prescribing an
exercise routine.

resources are provided in Appendix III (Supplemental Digital score of greater than or equal to 4. The remaining resources
Content 4, http://links.lww.com/PHM/A768). did not clearly specify the EDSS range for mild to moderate
These resources were consolidated into general exercise and rather used terms regarding functional status (e.g., high
guidelines for MS, stroke, and PD and advanced exercise functioning MS, patients with little or no motor defi-
guidelines for MS and stroke. The expert panels did not aggre- cit).17,20,24 The exercise prescriptions identified for persons
gate advanced exercise guidelines for PD based on a lack of with mild to moderate MS (EDSS scores between 0 and 6.5)
supporting evidence. The general, aerobic exercise prescrip- are provided in Table 1.
tions are appropriate for persons who are not currently under-
taking an aerobic exercise program or who are irregularly/
infrequently physically active. The advanced, aerobic exercise General, Aerobic Exercise Prescription
prescriptions are appropriate for persons who are regularly un- The frequency ranges between 2 and 3 d/wk and should
dertaking a chronic, aerobic exercise program (e.g., ≥6 mos generally start with 2 d/wk and progress toward 3 d/wk over
and meeting the previous general prescription) and who seek time. The duration of the exercise bouts ranges between 10
greater benefits from aerobic exercise training. The general, re- and 30 mins and should gradually progress from 10 to 30 mins
sistance exercise prescriptions are appropriate for persons who over time. The intensity should be moderate and range between
are not currently undertaking a resistance exercise program or 11 and 13 on the 20-point rating of perceived exertion (RPE)
regularly engage in resistance/strength training. scale, or between 40% and 60% peak oxygen consumption
(VO2peak) or peak heart rate (HRpeak). The modality of exercise
is listed in Table 1. The overall progression should start with in-
Multiple Sclerosis creases in either duration or frequency. Progressions in inten-
This rapid review of the literature and resources regarding sity should be based on the tolerability of the individual with
exercise prescriptions in MS identified an opportunity for de- MS, only after duration and frequency are well tolerated.
veloping general and advanced guidelines for aerobic exercise
training and general guidelines for resistance exercise training.
Among the resources on exercise guidelines for MS, six re- Advanced, Aerobic Exercise Prescription
sources (n = 6/13, 46%)18,19,21–23,37 explicitly reported sever- The frequency can approach 5 d/wk; the duration of the
ity using a range of scores from the Expanded Disability exercise bouts can approach 40 mins; the intensity can ap-
Status Scale (EDSS).42 Of those, four studies described an proach 15 on the 20-point RPE scale, 70% VO2peak, or 80%
EDSS range between 0 and 6.5 as mild to moderate. One re- HRpeak. The modality can include the same as the general
source22 interpreted an EDSS range between 0 and 8 as mild guidelines but may be extended into running and road cycling.
to moderate. Another37 interpreted moderate as an EDSS The overall progression should start with increases in either

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Volume 98, Number 7, July 2019 Exercise Guidelines for MS, Stroke, and PD

TABLE 2. Recommended exercise prescriptions for adults with mild to moderate poststroke

General Aerobic Exercise Advanced Aerobic Exercise General Resistance Exercise

How often? 3–5 d/wk 5–7 d/wk 2–3 d/wk
How much? Gradually increase the duration of The duration of the exercise The exercise bouts should range from
exercise from 20 to 40 mins over time. bouts can approach 60 mins. 1 to 3 sets between 10 and 15
The duration can be obtained through repetitions of each exercise.
multiple 10-min bouts across the day. Try to do 8–10 exercises.
How hard? These activities should be performed Intensity of exercise can approach Pick a resistance between 30%–50%
at a moderate intensity. between 14 and 16 on the 20-point and up to 50%–80% of 1-RM.
Moderate intensity of exercise is usually RPE scale.
between 12 and 13 on the 20-point RPE scale. Alternative way of measuring
Alternative way of measuring moderate intensity of exercise is
intensity of exercise is 40%–59% HRR. 60%–80% HRR.
How to? Some options for activity include: Some options for activity include: Resistance training activities mainly
• Ergometry (arm, leg, or combined) • Same as general guidelines target major/large muscle groups:
• Walking (overground or treadmill) • Elliptical • Weight machines
• Aquatics (including swimming) • Free weights
• Recumbent stepping • Elastic bands
Special considerations • Overall progression should start with either duration or frequency, and finally progress intensity per tolerability of the person.
• Rest your muscles 2- to 4-min duration in between sets and muscle groups.
• Rest your muscles for at least 1 d between strength training sessions.
• Aerobic and resistance training can be performed on the same day as aerobic exercise training, depending on tolerability.
• Cardiovascular risk factors should be screened before prescribing an exercise routine.
• Heart rate and blood pressure monitoring should be carried out.

duration or frequency, followed by increases in intensity as tol- should perform both aerobic and strength exercises in a seated
erated by the individual. position (e.g., recumbent bike, weight machines) and under
General, Resistance Exercise Prescription
The frequency ranges between 2 and 3 d/wk and should
generally start with 2 d/wk and progress toward 3 d/wk over Stroke
time. The exercise bouts should range from 1 to 3 sets between This rapid review of the literature and resources regarding
8 and 15 repetition maximum (RM) and consist of 5–10 exer- exercise prescriptions in stroke identified an opportunity for
cises. Resistance training should mainly focus on major/large developing general and advanced guidelines for aerobic exer-
muscle group, especially the lower limbs, and include those mus- cise training and general guidelines for resistance exercise
cle groups that are the weakest and/or most functionally deficient. training. Among the resources on exercise guidelines for
There should be adequate rest between sets/muscle groups of stroke, three resources (n = 3/10, 30%)27,29,31 noted that the
between 2 and 4 mins. The modality of exercise is provided existing exercise recommendations were mainly generated
in Table 1. There should be a day of rest between resistance based on individuals with mild and moderate severity during
training sessions, but the sessions can be performed on the same subacute and chronic stages of recovery. The specific measure
day as aerobic exercise training, depending on tolerability. of severity was not provided from any of resources. The exer-
cise prescriptions identified for mild to moderate stroke are
Special Considerations provided in Table 2.
An exercise prescription for people with MS should
promote a safe and individualized exercise regimen. Thus, General, Aerobic Exercise Prescription
before prescribing an exercise routine, MS-specific symptoms/ The frequency ranges between 3 and 5 d/wk and should
characteristics (i.e., fatigue and heat sensitivity) should be generally start with 3 d/wk and progress toward 5 d/wk over
identified and discussed,17–25 and the exercise prescription time. The duration of the exercise bouts ranges between 20
should include appropriate modifications. For example, indi- and 40 mins, with a gradual progression from 20 to 40 mins
viduals with high heat sensitivity should exercise in a cool en- as tolerated. If a duration of 20–40 mins of continuous exer-
vironment, and a cooling fan should be readily available for cises cannot be achieved in a single bout, the duration can be
the person during the exercise sessions. When individuals ex- obtained through multiple 10-min bouts across the day. The in-
perience symptom exacerbation, either daily variation in tensity should be moderate and range between 12 and 13 on the
symptoms or relapse, the exercise program may require mod- 20-point RPE scale and 40%–59% heart rate reserve (HRR).
ification or be temporarily discontinued until the symptoms The modality of exercise is provided in Table 2. The overall
are stable.14–16,19,25 Risk of falling should be considered for progression should start with either duration or frequency and
individuals with MS, and individuals with high risk of falls finally progress intensity per tolerability of the person.

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Kim et al. Volume 98, Number 7, July 2019

TABLE 3. Recommended exercise prescriptions for adults with mild to moderate PD

General Aerobic Exercise General Resistance Exercise

How often? 3–5 d/wk 2–3 d/wk
How much? Gradually increase the duration of exercise from The exercise bouts should range from 1 to 3 sets
20 to 60 mins over time. of 8–12 repetitions of each exercise.
How hard? These activities should be performed at a moderate intensity. Pick a resistance between 40%–50% and up to
Moderate intensity of exercise is usually 13 on the 60%–80% of 1-RM.
20-point RPE scale.
Alternative way of measuring moderate intensity of
exercise is 60%–80% HRpeak or 40%–60% HRR/VO2R.
How to? Some options for activity include: Resistance training activities mainly target
• Ergometry (arm, leg, or combined) major/large muscle groups:
• Walking (overground or treadmill) • Weight machines
• Aquatics (including swimming) • Free weights
• Elastic bands
Special considerations • Overall progression should start with either duration or frequency, and finally progress intensity per tolerability of
the person.
• Rest your muscles 2- to 4-min duration in between sets and muscle groups.
• Rest your muscles for at least 1 d between strength training sessions.
• Aerobic and resistance training can be performed on the same day as aerobic exercise training, depending on tolerability.
• The exercise training should be undertaken during medication cycles or in an “on” state.

Advanced, Aerobic Exercise Prescription of aerobic training, lifestyle physical activity is encouraged
The frequency ranges between 5 and 7 d/wk; the duration through short bouts of indoor/outdoor walking that might
of the exercise bouts can approach 60 mins; the intensity can be complemented with activity monitors (e.g., pedometer, accel-
approach between 14 and 16 on the 20-point RPE scale and be- erometer) for motivating and self-managing behavior change
tween 60% and 80% HRR. The modality can include the same among participants.27
as above in the general guidelines but may be extended into el-
liptical training. The overall progression should start with ei- Parkinson Disease
ther duration or frequency and then finally progress intensity
This rapid review of the literature and resources regarding
per tolerability of the person.
exercise prescriptions in PD identified an opportunity for de-
veloping general guidelines for both aerobic exercise training
General, Resistance Exercise Prescription and resistance exercise training. Among the resources on exer-
The frequency ranges between 2 and 3 d/wk and should cise guidelines for PD, three resources (n = 3/10, 30%)33–35
generally start with 2 d/wk and progress toward 3 d/wk over clearly described the range of severity in terms of the Hoehn
time. At the early stages of the program, resistance training and Yahr scale.44 The remaining resources14–16,32,39–41 did
should target major muscle groups and include 8–10 exercises not provide a specific measure of severity. The exercise pre-
with 1–3 sets between 10 and 15 RM per exercise, performed scriptions identified for mild to moderate PD (Hoehn and Yahr
at 30%–50% one-RM (1-RM). At later stages, the training in- scale 1–3) are provided in Table 3.
tensity can be set within 50%–80% 1-RM as tolerated. The
modality is listed in Table 2. There should be a day of rest be- General, Aerobic Exercise Prescription
tween resistance training sessions, but the sessions can be per- The frequency ranges between 3 and 5 d/wk and should
formed on the same day as aerobic exercise training, depending generally start with 3 d/wk and progress toward 5 d/wk over
on tolerability. time. The duration of the exercise bouts ranges between 20
and 30 mins, with an upward range of 60 mins and should
Special Considerations gradually progress from 20 to 60 mins over time. The intensity
An exercise prescription for people poststroke should should be moderate with a target of 13 on the 20-point RPE
promote a safe and continuous exercise regimen. People scale and range of between 60% and 80% HRpeak or 40%
poststroke should undergo thorough screening for cardio- and 60% HRR/oxygen uptake reserve (VO2R). The modality
vascular risk factors that may pose safety concerns. Ideally, of exercise is described in Table 3. The overall progression
heart rate monitoring should be undertaken and occasional should start with either duration or frequency and finally prog-
blood pressure monitoring should be carried out.29,43 Re- ress intensity per tolerability of the person.
garding risk of falls or balance concerns, people poststroke
might perform both aerobic and strength exercises in seated General, Resistance Exercise Prescription
position (e.g., recumbent bike, weight machines, and a body The frequency ranges between 2 and 3 d/wk and should
weight support system can be used in conjunction with the generally start with 2 d/wk and progress toward 3 d/wk over
treadmill).26–31 With an emphasis on the benefit and volume time. The exercise bouts should range between 1 and 3 sets of

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Volume 98, Number 7, July 2019 Exercise Guidelines for MS, Stroke, and PD

8–12 repetitions, between 40%–50% 1-RM and up to 60%– balance, mobility, performance of activities of daily living, and
80% 1-RM. Training should include 8–10 exercises per set symptoms of fatigue.45
targeting major/large muscle groups that are important for ev- However, there was one inconsistency among the resources.
eryday function (e.g., walking or climbing steps). The modality Some resources recommended that aerobic exercise can be
of exercise is included in Table 3. There should be a day of rest performed on the same day as resistance exercise,22 whereas
between resistance training sessions, but the sessions can be per- others recommended aerobic and resistance training should
formed on the same day as aerobic exercise training, depend- be conducted on separate days.14,18,19,21,24,25 To that end, further
ing on tolerability. research is required to explore whether combining or isolating
aerobic and strength training is appropriate and necessary for
Special Considerations individuals with MS and further elicits a difference in training
An exercise prescription for people with PD should im- adaptations and benefits.
plement effective exercise regimen in a safe environment.
The exercise training should be undertaken during medication
cycles or in an “on” state. The exercise further should include Stroke
visual and auditory cues that promote movement coordination. The aerobic and strength exercise guidelines for people
Supervised exercise training is recommended for safety. This is with mild to moderate stroke during the subacute and chronic
particularly good for individuals with high risk of falls and bal- phase were relatively consistent across the identified resources.
ance concerns, and persons with more advanced PD might per- People poststroke should generally aim to achieve 10–40 mins
form all exercises in a seated position (e.g., recumbent bike, of moderate intensity aerobic exercise, 3–5 d/wk. These guide-
weight machines)32–35 or using body weight support during lines were relatively higher in frequency and duration compared
treadmill walking. with those reported for MS and PD and likely represent the in-
verse relationship between aerobic training and the lowered risk
of further cardiovascular events, such as a subsequent stroke,
DISCUSSION within this population.46 Other benefits from aerobic training in-
This rapid review consolidated and harmonized the clude improved aerobic capacity, walking endurance, cognition,
existing resources on prescriptive guidelines for exercise train- and reduced cardiovascular risk factors (e.g., blood pressure and
ing among people with MS, stroke, and PD into a single, con- cholesterol).28,47 With regard to resistance exercises, people
venient resource for healthcare providers, fitness professionals, poststroke should train 2–3 d/wk (1–3 sets of 8–10 repetitions,
and researchers. This review provided a general exercise pre- between 30% and 50% 1-RM) to increase muscular strength
scription for MS, stroke, and PD as a translational method of and reduce the energetic demand of daily activities.47–49 Of
highest level of rehabilitation research into clinical practice. note, the panel observed that there were far fewer recommen-
This review further provided advanced prescriptions of aerobic dations for strength training. This may be due to the previously
exercise for people with MS and poststroke, who are currently questioned safety or detrimental effects (e.g., exacerbated
undertaking regular exercise, but seek greater demand for pro- spasticity) of resistance training within this population.
moting physiological adaptation. The exercise guidelines were However, current reports have demonstrated that there is
identified and harmonized across peer-reviewed journals, book no evidence to suggest resistance training is unsafe for this
chapters, and organization's Web sites. These resources were population, even within the early stages of postrehabilitation
harmonized into general exercise prescription recommenda- discharge (3 mos).50
tions for MS, stroke, and PD, as well as advanced exercise pre- Of note, the panel had one interesting observation regard-
scriptions for MS and stroke. Further discussion was provided ing aerobic training in stroke. Some resources (n = 4/8, 50%)
on the implications and applications of the resulting exercise recommended that aerobic training should be performed up
prescriptions, as well as existing gaps in knowledge. to 5 d/wk,15,27–29 whereas others recommended a maximum
of 7 d/wk (n = 2/8, 25%).26,30 Earlier resources seemed to report
Multiple Sclerosis the latter. Because there has been a large growth in randomized
Aerobic and strength exercise guidelines for people with controlled exercise trials in stroke over the recent years,4 the ex-
mild to moderate MS were relatively consistent across the pert panel's decision was aligned with more current resources,
resources. This consistency may be associated with the which may have had a larger pool of evidence from which to
wealth of evidence that has been generated in this popula- recommend a lesser volume of 5 d/wk of training.
tion.9 Indeed, a recent scoping review of exercise literature
reported that clinical trials of exercise and physical activity
were most prevalent in MS compared with stroke and PD,4 Parkinson Disease
and these studies are often the basis for generating exercise Based on the available resources, the exercise guidelines
recommendations. The literature we summarized consis- for people with mild to moderate PD should be 3–5 days of
tently indicated that moderate intensity aerobic training weekly moderate intensity aerobic exercise performed between
should be performed 2–3 d/wk in 10- to 40-min bouts. By 20 and 30 mins per bout. An additional 2–3 days of weekly re-
achieving these guidelines, people with MS can potentially sistance training were recommended with 1–3 sets of 8–12 rep-
improve their cardiovascular fitness, mobility, and symptoms etitions, between 40%–50% 1-RM and up to 60%–80% 1-RM.
of fatigue and depression.21,22 This should be complemented Anticipated benefits may include reductions in tremor and
by 2–3 days of weekly resistance training, from which antici- bradykinesia,51 enhanced balance, gait, and improved qual-
pated benefits could include the following: improved strength, ity of life.7,52,53 However, PD seemingly had the least

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Kim et al. Volume 98, Number 7, July 2019

consistent recommendations for guiding aerobic and resis- that demonstrated HIIT was a safe and effective means for
tance exercise training. increasing fitness in people with higher functioning MS.54
Regarding people with stable, chronic stroke, one resource
Generalizability of the Guidelines acknowledged that HIIT can elicit greater training effects
and should be performed when safe and well tolerated.28
The guidelines can only be generalized amongst a subpop-
Benefits from HIIT for people poststroke may include improved
ulation of MS, stroke, and PD, particularly those who have
functional, cardiovascular, and neuroplastic outcomes.55–57
mild to moderate severity. Across the resources on exercise
This recommendation was not observed within the resultant PD
guidelines for MS, severity is mainly described using an EDSS
exercise resources and may reflect a less mature knowledge base.
and the ranges are relatively consistent. The expert panel de-
cided that the consolidated guidelines are appropriate for peo-
Study Limitations
ple with mild to moderate MS, who may have a significant
disease progression but still are ambulatory with constant bi- This review had some limitations. These guidelines may
lateral assistance (i.e., EDSS ranges between 0 and 6.5). not be suitable for people with more severe mobility impair-
None of the resources for stroke clearly defined a standard ments, because this was a limitation of the reviewed sources
measure of severity but generally agreed that the guidelines and a limitation of the exercise trials themselves. The existing
are appropriate for mild through moderate severity. If it is recommendations in the literature and on organization's Web
interpreted based on MS, this would imply persons who sites were not tailored based on the severity of the disease or
walk independently or walk with an assistive device. an individual's physiological or psychological profile. Future
The exercise guidelines for PD consistently indicated that studies are warranted that consider providing precise exercise
these prescriptions are appropriate for people with mild to recommendations based on individual level characteristics,
moderate PD based on Hoehn and Yahr scale scores. The ex- such as behavioral factors and preferences.
pert panel agreed and defined that our consolidated exercise
guidelines are appropriate for people with mild to moderate CONCLUSIONS
PD, who are classified as having Hoehn and Yahr scale This is the first article to harmonize the existing exercise
scores between 1 and 3. guidelines for people with MS, stroke, and PD. The guidelines
provide clinicians and exercise professionals with greater clar-
Notable Trends ity in prescribing specific exercise programs among patients/
clients with MS, stroke, and PD. The consolidation of the
There are two trends identified from our expert panel existing guidelines into a single convenient resource might fa-
regarding exercise recommendations for people with MS, cilitate easy translation of knowledge into practice for practi-
poststroke, and PD: (a) overlap and uniqueness in exercise rec- tioners, and this is important for possibly addressing the high
ommendations between disease types and (b) recommenda- rate of physical inactivity in MS, stroke, and PD. The guide-
tions of high intensity interval training (HIIT) across the lines further serve as a foundation for conducting future re-
diseases. The expert panel noted that the exercise prescriptions search on identifying if the exercise prescriptions optimize
for MS, stroke, and PD seemingly overlapped in many aspects. outcomes within in these populations. Overall, the guidelines
For example, exercise guidelines for both MS and PD rec- should advance the prescription of exercise training in MS,
ommended 2–3 days of weekly aerobic training. Across all stroke, and PD.
groups, moderate intensity aerobic exercise was recom-
mended in conjunction with 2–3 days of weekly resistance
training. These similarities between the exercise prescriptions
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