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Requesting Grant to LG & RD Projects (Proposal of NTPC)

Protection and Promotion of Healing hot Springs water of

District Nagar owes its most lasting fame to its hot sulfur springs, which, legend has it, have
miraculous healing powers that can cure most diseases of the skin, joint aches, blood pressure,
obesity, and many more.

Springs are the gifts of nature on the earth as they contribute about eighty essential nutrients that
are involved in more than 7000 enzymatic processes in the human body. European balneologists
have recommended spring mineral waters for different therapeutic applications and experienced
here in the past. As Nagar has many of hot springs .Currently at Hakochar and Nagar Proper
beside main road hot springs were possible to managed them for national and international
tourists as healers and sport activity while it will provide earning system too.

If there is magic on this planet.It is contained in water.

Nagar area is located in Karakorum and Himalayan geothermal area, one of the four major
geothermal areas in Pakistan, with rich geothermal resources, and many hot spring flow-out
points. With the enthusiasm of developers on hot spring tourism, as well as the policy support
from government for investment enterprises, the number of hot spring resorts in Nagar was
famous in the past but currently is increasing now, and the scale is gradually becoming larger.
The comprehensive quality of the hot spring resources in Nagar is higher than others, of which
the temperature is at medium and low temperature suitable for human body. It is rich in a variety
of minerals and trace elements beneficial to the human body. There are not only the type of
common hot springs of bicarbonate, sulfuric acid, and chloride, but also the types of rare
elements such as oxygen and bittern. The radon hot springs that are special to Hakhochar Nagar
have the scarcity of resource development, which are easy to form characteristic brand products,
and provide favorable conditions for the diversification of hot spring products for tourists and
public . As the hot spring consumers become more and more mature, development of hot spring
tourism needs the hot spring tourism products with differentiation. The NTPC grasps the
development trend of hot spring tourism, takes the development road of "hot spring +" product ,
which integrates health and leisure needed by modern people into the life and work, and
highlight the characteristics of hot spring tourism products through the integration and
innovation of cultural themes


Nagar is situated on north of Pakistan and has a large number of hot springs . There are over 8
sources of such springs and Within this geographical and cultural peculiarities certain unique
traditional health practices have evolved, prominent among which is Hakochar Bul therapy well
known oldest therapy of past times. The study highlights that Ghamadass as a therapeutic
landscape has an important role in maintaining health and well being in the district. The study
points to the need for appropriate studies on the social and symbolic healing elements related to
Nagar landscapes, as well as the need for developing a comprehensive strategy for strengthening
their culturally specific health management roles,promotion of tourism, introducing healing
herbs and spring hot waters to entire world . Well Planned Baths, established Hot Tubs and offer
a swim in it to visitors and travelers.

In 1896, Dr. Robertson of Gilgit agency hospital alongside some British doctors came here for a
picnic and they were astonished to see so many lepers of then British India, Nagar Khas Polo
ground and Ghamadass Nagar , laying on the grounds around the hot springs, hoping for a
cure.This water belongs to Allah, who has kept in it Shifa (healing) for patients.It is hard to tell
whether the stories surrounding the waters are folklore or whether there is any truth to them-- but
it is certain that for the locals of Nagar, the hot sulfur springs are a miracle of God thriving in
their small town ridden with disease.while the counteries such as Japan,England, America has
traditionaly relay on them

The springs have been an attraction for patients for centuries from all over Gilgit and its

Nagar Hot spring and the world practice of Hot springs healing water

In the field of complementary and alternative medicine hot spring water therapy or balneology is
a term used for healing by bath as well as consumption of both hot and cold water. The
international consensus among balneologists is that a cure should last for at least three to four
weeks at a hot spring resort. A cure may consist of three stages: 1) spa adaptation–adjustment to
the new envir-onment, 2) a possible spa crisis, when symptoms externalize as part of the natural
healing process but can be unpleasant, such as malaise, fever, headache, insomnia and pain, and
3) regeneration, when an overall improvement of the indicated condition can be observed.
Balneotherapists have noted that benefits derived from spa therapy can be extended for up to 10–
12 months after

treatment (Konrad et al., 1992;Tishler et al., 2004). Onsen ryohou’ is an endogenous healing
approach with a very long history in Japan, unlike acupuncture and herbalism, which

are mainly imported from China. It has been influenced by European balneology but maintains
many particularities, depending on the numerous varieties of mineral waters. It is necessary to

follow the rules of bathing in medicinal hot springs. Unlike in Japan, in countries like France,
Germany and Italy insurance coverage is possible if a doctor recommends and evaluates effects,
according to a care plan. There are also certain procedural differences between the Japanese and
the European traditions. Unlike in Europe, in Japan bathing is done at 42–43 1C, bare bodied.
Indifference point, the midway point where neither heat nor cold is felt, for bath water is 35–36
1C for Japanese, a little higher than for Europeans

From cultural traditions to modernization a journey

Nagar Hot springs related healing practices have an inherent link with the cultural traditions of
Japan as exemplify in the relationship between spirituality and hot springs. Benefits of hot water
with- out fire were recognized as part of the worship of natural forces from early days. Owing to
this, like every sacred place, Nagar is full of legends depicting their discovery by animals, which
are often reflected in the toponymy.

The science behind it

The therapeutic effects of thermal springs have been academically referred to as ‘thermalism’ or
thermal medicine. Aside from the general thermal warmth which can offer a sense of instant
relaxation and a general feeling of comfort, there is a mineral element to these natural hot spring
waters which, when absorbed through the skin, flush the body with certain chemical compounds
akin to pharmaceutical medicines.

One example of this is the minute, trace amounts of naturally occurring lithium which can be
found in the waters of some natural hot springs. These tiny, yet sufficient amounts are enough to
provide a calming effect and to help bathers which are afflicted with late night
sleeplessness.Sulfates are another medicinal mineral which can be found in natural spring water.
As sulfates are cited to help reduce inflammation, it is no wonder why these natural hot springs
are said to be healing waters.

Visiting natural springs as a sustainable activity

Visiting a natural hot spring is a unique experience where the traveler is able to relax in nature’s
warm healing waters and be completely surrounded by a peaceful and harmonized natural
environment. As our modern day medicinal are derived from naturally occurring properties, it
should be no big surprise that thermal spring waters which are full of minerals, could contain
some of these properties. As people over time have bathed or ingested these waters and felt
better, be it physical or mental, it would stand to reason that the waters do have, in some way or
another, healing properties. So wouldn’t it then be worth the time to visit these natural hot spring
healing waters when one finds themselves in a destination within proximity for a visit. It will
boost up tourism in Nagar and whole Gilgit Baltistan.

If the traveler wishes for a truly sustainable and safe journey, it is recommended to utilize the
services of a local persons. Locals generally act as guides, usually as a part of ecotourism
services. This not only is to the advantage of the traveller by providing information regarding
safety practices in the thermal spring area in addition to valuable cultural education – as local
locals have the good stories and know the best spots – but also contributes to the local
communities in the thermal spring area by directing tourism monies back into the local
communities and in its sroundings many of stalls of handicrafts, wooden crafts, gems, fruits dry
fruits small shops will be best idea to increased economy.

Nagar has the world’s longest living history and, among the oldest cultures, its health care
system ranks high for good health t low cost and very fertile land (The making of frontier.
Book ., By A.G Durand). Several informal health, food and hygienic practices integrated into the
modern lifestyle may have contributed to this good health status. One among such may be the
Nagar related healing practices, which are deeply embedded in the geographical and sociology-
cultural landscape of Nagari life. Nagar facilities continue to be popular in Nagar though the
healing aspects are not adequately promoted. It is known from old times, that it can ameliorate
lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and degenerative diseases related to
ageing such as rheumatism. This article highlights the development of Nagar as an important
healing practice, their policy regulations and institutionalization, and the major challenges they
face today. These natural resources were depleting today no any care or policy or any single
institute is present in whole district.

we Nagar tourism Promotion team NTPC requests and conclude that during 2022 annual Plan
budget must be allocated or through local government and rural development schemes allocate
funds and project to maintained baths, bath tubs,huts etc in Hot spring areas .First phase at
Hakochar and near Nagar Polo ground there are hot spring water and offer baths beside the KKH
and Nagar road will increased the tourism as well as low cost centuries old treatment to public

from long ago , the sector has been neglected, as evident locals as well as of government
maintained these natural resources and any research carried out yet . A healthy lifestyle approach
can be an educative function of Nagar and a strategy in reducing the demand on public health
spending. This will have t be contextualized and planned based on the culturally specific health
and well-being roles of such landscapes. As this project will boost up tourism and introducing
healing techniques in the world too.

currently NTPC recommend at least a hut and two bath rooms will full equip Tubs and other
necessities at Hakochar Ghamadass hot Spring and a hut and two baths at Nagar Khas polo
ground and offer a hot spring healing bath to tourists and travelers.

Health Strategy of Hot Springs and Sports Health

taking a bath in hot springs and sports are activities conducive to health. Nagar is rich in herbals
and water resources, so we can actively promote the construction of Nagar tourism industry
combining with sports training base, driving-biking landscape line, forest hiking line, and
outdoor sports base. In addition to enriching the content of leisure travel industry and enhancing
the quality of outdoor sports tourism of tourists and the public, we can also let visitors to
eliminate physical fatigue by taking a bath in hot springs after outdoor training, riding, walking,
mountaineering, andrifting and so on to form characteristic industrial chain through the
combination of hot springs and sports, attract tourists, and promote consumption. We can
introduce the atest international hot spring health concept, pay attention to the exploration and
improvement of health function of micro element in Nagar hot spring resources, and combine
with traditional medicine .

connection with tourism

Strategies for Hot Springs and Cultural Experience


Culture is the soul of tourism, and cultural needs is the

fundamental driving force of tourism, so tourism process is actually a cultural experience and
enjoyment. For the tourism products with heavy trend of homogeneity like hot spring tourism,
the regional history and culture is the soul and characteristic of hot spring tourism development,
which is the enduring vitality of hot spring tourism industry. Nagar area should integrate the
immigrant culture and the third line construction culture, integrate and develop local culture
represented by the old forts style culture, enrich the cultural connotation of hot spring products
based on spring resources and local context and traditional culture. ethnic customs, and
traditional handicrafts into the construction of explanation, landscape pieces, hotels, restaurants,
car parks in hot springs scenic spots to create the hot spring + culture" experience products that
enable visitors to fully mobilize the sensory behavior including vision, smell, touch, sniff, and

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