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Advertisemen ts is a form of communicati on that typically

attempts to persuade potentialcust omers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of

product or serviceone el ement in cor porate strate gies to creat e, organize a nd where pos sible control markets, esp

ecially for m ass produced consumer go ods. One ele ment in corp oratestrategi es to create, organize and where

possible control markets, especially for mass produc ed consumer goods. Many adverti sements

are designed to generate i ncreasedcons umption of those products and services through the creation and

reinvention of the"brand im age. Every major mediu m is used to deliver these messages, in cludingtelevi sion, radio,

cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet, carrier bagsand billboards.Ad vertisements

played a vita l role in buyi ng decision. Through adv ertisement,C onsumers are come to know about the product,

its uses, benefits, availability, and brand name of products. At the time of buying a product, th

ey recall the advertisemen tand then they take their buying decision in many cases. 1.2


Consumer behavior is a

complex issu e and significant in marketing. In general it isassociated with psychological status of the

consumer in taking or rejecting buying decision.The most important part of consumer

behavior is the action that taken by the buyer to acceptor reject of an offered product or product

available in the market.B uying decision is a critical stage fro m the point of view of both the customer

and marketer spe cifically in case of durable product. while taking a buying decision by

a consumer he/sheconsid er many aspects related to a product ,price, warranty etc.refrigerat

or is a commondura ble essential house product required by each and every family. It is

impossible to think about any family without a refrigerator specifically in the urban counterpart. In selectingho

use hold products the house maker invariably influences on the buying decision and buying behavior of

the head of the family is also affected in many cases.Of course advertisemen ts always work in

influencing the customer in taking their buyingdecisio n. It is very difficult to measure properly the impact of

advertisemen t in taking buying decision by consumer bit some indication ma y be find out to know the

implication of advertisem ent through some questions.In our study area advertisemen t and buying

decision of house maker in relating torefrigerator has also been giving us an opportunit y to consider the term

consumer behavior and decision making process in general.Cons umer behavior is the study of

when, why, how, and where people do or do not buyaproduct. It blends el ements fro m psychology ,sociology, so

cialanthropol ogyandecono mics.It attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both

individuallyan d in groups. It studies characteristic s of individual consumers su ch asdemograph

icsand behavi oural variables in an attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to assessinfluen

ces on theco nsumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, andsociety in general.

3 Customer be haviour stud y is based on consumer bu ying behavio ur, with the c ustomer pla

ying the thre e distinct rol es of user, p ayer and buy er.Relationsh ip marketingi s aninfluential asset for

customer behaviour analysis as it has a keen interest in the rediscoveryof t he true mean ing of market

ing through the reaffirmation o f the importa nce of thecus tomer or buyer. A greater importance is

also placed on consumer retention, customer rela tionship management, personalizatio n, customization

and one-toone marketing. Socialfunction s can be categorized into social choice and welfare

functions.Res earch suggests that customers go through a five-stage decisionmaking process in

any purchase . This is summarized in the diagram belo w: 4

A Study on the Impact of Advertisement in Taking Buying Decision by Consumer
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