Cutie Please Marry Me Again

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Chapter 1

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" In the

luxurious presidential suite of the five-star
hotel, Hansen Richards’s bushy eyebrows were
slightly twisted. He sat lazily and casually on the
leather sofa and crossed his perfect long legs.
As if he was as noble as a king, he asked coldly
without any expression on his handsome face.

Jenna Murphy was so heartbroken. She had

long gotten used to his indifference and
alienation, but her heart still felt painful as if it
had been cut by a knife!

The corners of her mouth twitched and her

eyes darkened. She smiled faintly and said
straightforwardly, "I agree to divorce."

Hansen was stunned and was very surprised by

her answer. His cold and dark eyes narrowed
slightly, and he looked up at her.

Jenna stood in front of him in a deep V-style

white chiffon skirt with a bare shoulder. The
skirt fit her beautifully. Her long hair fell in
flowing ringlets over her shoulders, which made
her look casual but elegant, and there was a
quiet smile on her face.

How could a woman who was talking about

divorce be so calm and smile so brightly? It was
just what she wanted!

Anger flickered in Hansen's eyes. He wore a

cold smile on his face!
"However, I have a condition." Jenna licked her
red lips, as if she had made up her mind, "I want
50 million compensation."

Sure enough, she was well prepared and


Hansen gave a cold smile, and his handsome

face was full of contempt and disgust. Wasn't
she just for the sake of money? It had been

He slowly lit a cigar and took a deep breath.

Surrounded by smoke, Jenna couldn't see his
expression clearly!

"Since when did he start smoking?" Jenna was

secretly shocked. He never smoked before, and
there was a light and fragrant scent of mint on
him that charmed her!

The pain in her heart gradually spread out, as if

a needle was stuck in her heart and the pain
densely surrounded her!

In order to have the courage to say this, she had

been constantly persuading herself since she
came out of the hospital.

Three years ago, Hansen proposed a divorce,

but she didn't agree!

When she was still very young, Jenna had been

in love with this indifferent and handsome man.
For many years, loving him seemed to have
become a part of her life. Even if he was as cold
as frost and hated her, she had never thought
about getting a divorce. Instead, she went to
America alone to avoid the divorce.

But a few days ago, she received a phone call

from the hospital. Her father died in a car
accident and her mother was still lying in the

The disdain in Hansen's eyes made her heart

hurt. But at the thought of the huge amount of
medical expense, she really had no choice!

An uneasy and impetuous atmosphere

enveloped them.
Hansen silently put out the cigarette butt, and
his keen eyes rested on her bare cleavage .

Jenna left him for three years. How many men

had she been with in the past three years? How
horny was she? How could she dress up like this
to seduce him today? Was she really shameless
to this extent for money?

The anger in his heart was like boiling lava. His

eyes were cold, but his sexual desire was
aroused, which made him feel hot.

It seemed that since Hansen saw Jenna, his

desire had begun to surge!
"As long as you sleep with me for one night, I
will agree." He put his long arm on the back of
the sofa, tilted his head slightly, and gave her a
cold gaze, with a scornful smile on his perfect
lips. Hansen had an innate domineering

What did he take her for? Jenna gasped and


It had been three years, and he hated her even


Jenna felt a coldness rose from her heart. All

expectations had vanished from her mind. Her
beautiful face turned pale, and she felt all her
efforts were all in vain.
Yes, he would never fall in love with her. It was
just her wishful thinking and she was asking for

After three years of hard work in the United

States, she had learned the character of being
able to take temporary set backs!

"Deal!" Jenna raised her head slightly, took out

the signed divorce agreement from the delicate
purse and handed it to Hansen, "Mr. Richards,
no pay no goods. After tonight, we will have no

"Very good!" The veins on Hansen's forehead

twitched. He smiled coldly and crooked his
finger at her.

Jenna endured the humiliation and took a small

step forward, with a smile on her face as
always, charming and lovely!

Hansen stared at her straightly. At that

moment, he seemed to see her sadness and
helpless. He didn’t know why there was a
strange pain in his heart.

It must be an illusion. Because within a second,

Jenna’s face was full of charming smiles, which
made him extremely disgusted!

How could he care about such a woman?

Jenna saw her fear in his dark and cold eyes!

Her heart was beating fast. At this moment, she

really wanted to turn around and run away, but
this idea was denied by herself!

"Please me." Hansen's voice was cold and

overbearing. He leaned against the sofa, slightly
raised his head and loosened his collar. He was
so indifferent that no one wanted to get close
to him.

Please him? Jenna was at a loss.

After being married for so many years, he was

always moody and cold to her. The marriage
between them had already existed in name
only! If it weren't for the fact that he was drunk
that night after they got married...

"What? You don't want to do this? If you don’t

like it, please go out of here. I don't have much
time." Seeing Jenna standing still, Hansen said

Fine! Jenna gritted her teeth and her face

turned red. She suddenly bent over and picked
up his face to bite his lips.

Her red lips pressed against his cold lips with a

faint fragrance. Hansen was absent-minded for
a moment.

This was the first time she had taken the

initiative to kiss him since they got married. But
this was not a kiss. It was as if she was gnawing
at a bone. When he thought that she was
pretending to be innocent, he felt an unknown
anger. He suddenly turned his head, and
Jenna's kiss hadn’t fall on his lips. She slipped
and fell into his arms.

"You can't wait to throw yourself at me?"

Hansen's voice was cold. He was full of
hormones and his hot breath sprayed on
Jenna's face. Before she could get away, he
lifted her up with his arm and threw her on the
soft bed.

Hansen's hands quickly tore off her dress.

Her fair and smooth skin and perfect figure

showed up in front of him with a fatal

"This is what you are willing to do." Hansen

gave a sneer, and he suddenly bent his head
and kissed her!

He had experienced how good it felt as early as

that night. However, the more beautiful a
woman was, the more she was good at disguise.
He hated her very much!

But this time it was almost impossible for her to

get his tender treatment.

Jenna felt a great deal of physical pain during

the intercourse, and she felt heartburn. She
used to be infatuated with him, but he only
treated her coldly and rudely.

This night was just a deal! Jenna knew it very


Since there were some things that must be

paid, then she should be happy, so she was
painful and joyful! What's more, she had always
loved the man in front of her!

When Jenna gradually regained consciousness,

it was already early in the morning, and Jenna
felt a tearing pain all over her body!

She trembled and got up to put on her clothes

neatly. She frowned in pain, but she disguised
with a fake smile.

Jenna had a bright eyes that narrowed when

she smiled, which made everyone like her.

Just like now, although her family was broken

up, even she and Hansen, who she had loved
before, was no more than flirting, she still
smiled calmly.

Hansen was standing in front of the

floor-to-ceiling window, with the faint yellow
light shining on him. His tall and straight back
looked a little lonely, and his eyes were deep
and indifferent!

Was it finally over? Jenna felt relaxed, but her

heart was so heavy that she could not breathe!
The future would be very difficult, and all this
was just the beginning. There were still many
things she had to do...

"Can I leave now?" Jenna said to Hansen word

by word with a cold look on her face.

After a few steps, she turned her head again.

She raised the check in her hand and smiled at
Hansen Richards, who was staring at her with
no expression on his face, "Goodbye, my

Jenna waved at him gracefully and left lightly.

Hansen's body was a little stiff, and his eyes

were very gloomy!
Chapter 2
In the largest hospital in A City, the white sheet
set Sara Garver's face terribly pale. She frowned
even as she was in a coma and her face was full
of horror.

Jenna Murphy's face was haggard, and she held

her mother's hand tightly. Her slender fingers
were white in effort, and she clenched her
teeth, feeling sad!

The operation was very successful, and Sara’s

life had been saved!

In order not to delay the best time for

treatment, Jenna begged Director Harris, a
good friend of her father's, in the past few days.
She promised that she would pay back the
money in time, then the hospital agreed to
operate on her mother.

It was just that after the operation, her mother

had been in a coma!

Jenna was devastated when she thought of all

this, but she suppressed the desire to cry. She
turned and walked outside. she needed to go
home to get a change of clothes.

The 28th floor of Heartfly Community.

The bell rang, awakening Jenna's almost

decadent will. She walked out of the elevator in
a daze, and several large suitcases were thrown
out of the door. The house was ablaze with
lights, and there were several people in it.

What was going on?

Jenna was stunned and her heart beat faster.

She ran a few steps into the living room.

In the well-decorated, wide living room, uncle

James Murphy’s family was looking around the
living room, and everyone was very excited.

"Daddy, I have never dreamed that such a

gorgeous house will belong to us from now on."
Minnie Murphy was very excited, and her face,
which looked a little like Jenna, was full of
greed and vulgarity. Her cheeks were flushed
with excitement, and she smiled comfortably
and happily.

"Yeah, it never occurred to me that there would

be such a good thing." James agreed with a

"Dad, mom, Minnie, look who’s there?" William

Murphy suddenly cried out in horror.

Everyone's head instantly turned to Jenna, who

was standing at the Hidden Latch. Her face was
as pale as snow, and she looked weak. She
looked at them calmly and sharply.

"Well, Jenna, you're here." James Murphy was

stunned for a while, then he came to himself
and smiled awkwardly, "Now that you're here,
okay, I have something to tell you."

Jenna's mouth curved into a cold smile.

"Jenna, it's like this. Your father died in a car

accident. According to the ancestral system of
the Murphy family, the Murphy family’s
property has always been handed down to
man, so these houses, stock and some property
can only be given to William." James explained
without shame.

"Really? But my lawyer told me that this is my

father's property, which should belong to me.
You are forcing me to do so. Please leave now,
or I will call the police." Jenna raised her
eyebrows, looking cold, and her tone was

Would she be scared of them?

Of course not!

Jenna had always been different!

When her father was alive, he supported

James's family selflessly. But now her father
died just a few days ago. And they had come to
invade her property, and they came with great
pomp to plot her fortune! Jenna was very
“Jenna Murphy, don't be ungrateful. It's your
honor to talk to us now. Let me tell you, My
father’s name is written on the property
ownership certificate of this house! All your
property should belong to us! If you are not
convinced, you can call the police. I'm afraid
that the police will come at that time, you will
be the one who is driven out of the villa
because of the trespassing." Minnie stepped
forward with a big smile on her face, staring at
Jenna with her beautiful eyes and saying

Sure enough, they had already planned

everything, and Jenna had no chance to resist at

Jenna finally understood what a real shameless

person was!

Anger surged in her heart, and her hands

clenched and then loosen.

Her father Javon's portrait was placed in the

middle of the living room. He had big eyes and
bushy eyebrows and a loving smile on his face!

Jenna's eyes turned red the moment she saw

her father's face. She felt a lump in her throat
and felt like a knife was cutting it in her heart.

In front of the dark red TV cabinet, Jenna

carefully picked up her father's portrait and
gently touched it. Hansen's contempt and
coldness suddenly appeared in her mind.
Fortunately, even when her father passed
away, he still didn't know her marriage with
Hansen was in name only. That made her feel
more at ease, at least her father rested in

The melodious ringtone of the mobile phone

rang out of time!

"Hello," Jenna habitually said.

"Half an hour later, I want you to be in my

office." Hansen's deep magnetic voice was
always so overbearing.

Didn't they already got divorced? Why should

he boss around! Jenna snorted in her heart, but
a bright smile appeared on her face. She asked
in a sweet voice,

"Hansen, what is it you want to see me about?"

Jenna's voice was soft but loud enough for

everyone in the living room to hear clearly.

In an instant, the living room was so quiet that

even the sound of a needle falling to the ground
could be heard.

Jenna seemed to be able to hear their flustered

heartbeats, and a disdainful sneer appeared at
the corner of her mouth.
"What do you think, my ex-wife? Don't you
want this divorce certificate? Or you want to
use it as a chip to get money from me?"
Hansen's words were full of sarcasm. Jenna's
heart suddenly tightened, her face turned pale,
and soon she regained her composure. She
smiled sweetly and said, "Hansen, wait for me,
I'll be there soon."

After saying that, she hung up quickly!

The expression of James's family changed, and

Minnie's face was full of jealousy!

He was Hansen, the president of the Richards

Group. He was one of the top ten influential
figures on the world's wealth list. He was a
famous young talent! In A City, he was the only
one who had great power. He could get
everything he wanted!

Of course, they couldn't afford to offend such a


However, those with discerning eyes knew the

relationship between Jenna and Hanse was
titular. They had already planned to hit her
when she was down.

But Jenna was talking to Hansen intimately just

now. Was it a rumor?

"Of course, that apartment belongs to you and

your mother. You can live well in the future. I’ll
help you if there is any difficulty. After all, we
are still family." James smiled and threw the
real estate certificate of the apartment in the
suburbs to her.

"Hey, aren't you still the wife of the president of

the Richards Group? This bagatelle matters
nothing to you. And after all, you're still a
member of our Murphy family. You should
think more about us if you have any benefits in
the future." William's mother was also taking
pleasure in her misfortune and said

Jenna’s eyes were as sharp as a knife, and she

sneered coldly!

"Auntie, uncle, I'll give you three months to

return all the things you've taken from my
father to me. Otherwise, we'll meet in court.
Don't blame me for being merciless." She held
her father's portrait in both hands and looked
at their eyes coldly. Her voice was cold. She was
not cowardly, but calm, which made them more
panicked and dare not to look at her. They all
avoided her eyes.

Jenna picked up the apartment property

ownership certificate on the ground and held
her father's portrait tightly. She took her
luggage and left step by step while they looked
at each other.

She was very hurt, and hatred filled her heart.

Love, family affection, all disappeared. Her

expression was so calm. Her body seemed to
have run out of strength.

She was not afraid of them, and she knew how

to protect herself, but she really didn't have
much energy to think about it now. After all,
these were not the most important things.
What's more, they had already proved the
truth. Now for her, what she needed was
patience and time!

Chapter 3
"Lady, who are you looking for? Do you have an

Jenna had just arrived at the reception when

Hansen's secretary asked coldly and arrogantly.
Jenna felt sad. After being married to Hansen
for many years, no one knew that she was the
wife of the president, and no one recognized
her. Even for this place, she had never stepped
foot in. Today she was here, but she was to get
the divorce certificate.

"I was invited by Hansen." Jenna's voice was

cold. They all bullied the weak and feared the

Sure enough, when the secretary heard the

name of Hansen, she hurriedly picked up the

"Lady, please go in." Soon, the secretary smiled,

and she politely waved her hand at Jenna.
Jenna walked past her and went straight to the
president's office.

Inside the luxurious office with a frame, the

windows were bright and the tables were clean.
It was very unique.

Hansen was a very tasteful man. His life had

always been exquisite and delicate. Although
the frame of the office was luxurious, it was not
vulgar at all.

The red wide desk was on one side. In the

opposite beige leather sofa, Hansen leaned
back on the sofa. Aria McAdams, who had a
delicate figure, was sitting on his thigh, with her
hands around his neck, and her whole chest
was attached to his broad chest.

The two of them were passionately kissing each


Jenna was stunned. Her whole body trembled.

It turned out that the reason why he specially
asked her to come to the office to get the
divorce certificate was just to humiliate her.

Feeling sore and uncomfortable in her heart,

she turned around and was about to leave.

"Stop." Hansen shouted coldly. Although he

kissed with Aria as if there was no one else, he
had seen Jenna.
Jenna's heart hurt, and her footsteps were so
heavy that she couldn't take a step.

"Babe, you go out first." Hanse finally ended

this hot kiss. His long arm fell on the waist of
Aria, and his big hand moved restlessly.

"Why, honey?" Aria was well-behaved and

gentle, pouted her mouth and acting cute.

"Be obedient." Hansen frowned slightly and

said in a colder tone, "I have something else to
do. I'll take you to pick up your father's gifts

"Really?" Aria opened her eyes wide and her

eyes were full of excitement. She was overjoyed
and stood up obediently.

Hansen really agreed to see her father. In this

case, he agreed to marry her! Aria blushed with
happiness on her beautiful cheeks. Her eyes
were bright. Finally, this day was coming.

Hansen smiled slightly, but his eyes turned to


Aria's heart was like filled with honey and she

left with satisfaction. When she passed by
Jenna, she raised her head and looked

Soon, there were only two of them left in the


Jenna’s heart was already numb with

disappointment. The strong scent of Aria has
persisted, as if it were a reminder of what had

Jenna was very uncomfortable and felt a little


"Where's the thing?" She calmed herself down

and stretched out her hand. She just wanted to
end it as soon as possible and avoid being
humiliated! She didn't want to stay in this place
any longer.

"Don't worry!" Hansen smiled evilly and stood

up gracefully from the sofa, slowly approaching
her. His handsome face was full of inquiries,
and ridicule, "You are in such a hurry to divorce.
Have you already found your lover?"

Jenna was angry in her heart, but she smiled

sweetly. Looking at the slight smile on his
mouth, she suddenly wanted to slap him. It was
he who forced her to divorce all the time, but
now it turned out to be her anxiety.

"Mr.Richards, we are no longer related. Please

respect me." She was expressionless. Her eyes
were as cold as ice, and her voice was hard. This
was the first time for her to speak so harshly to
him in all these years.

Hansen was shocked for a moment, and his

eyes darkened, How dare Jenna talked to him
like this? But soon he realized they had
divorced. His throat was slightly tight, and a
trace of loss flashed in his heart.

He stared at her with burning eyes,

remembering last night, and the corners of his
mouth curled up slightly.

"Why don't you sleep with me again tonight?

How much do you need? I'll satisfy you." His
majestic body came closer and closer. He held
her delicate chin with his fingers and smiled

"I don’t need it!" Jenna nimbly flashed and

avoided his touch. Her face turned completely
pale. She was trembling all over and said in a
harsh tone, "Give me the certificate."

B*stard, even if they got divorced, he would not

forget to humiliate her.

Falling in love with him was her disaster in this


The delicate woman in front of him avoided him

as if she was avoiding the jinx, which made
Hansen very uncomfortable.

It had always been a woman who took the

initiative to flirt with him. Although Jenna in
front of him looked delicate and weak, she
was always calm and indifferent, which made
him feel vexed.
He slowly walked to the desk, picked up the
divorce certificate that he had prepared, and
handed it to Jenna. He said coldly, "Remember,
if you tell grandma what happened between us,
I won't forgive you. You should know what I am
capable of."

Threatened? Jenna was cold but quick!

Grandma was the most respected person for
Hansen. At that time, he was also ordered by
his grandmother to marry her.

She turned around and blinked her bright eyes,

which were full of determination. She smiled
calmly and raised her eyebrows, saying, "Mr.
Richard, you think too highly of yourself. From
now on, we will be passers-by. I won't interfere
with you."

She reached out her hand to grab the divorce

certificate in his hand, turned around, and left,
leaving a decisive back for him.

As soon as the elevator door was closed,

Jenna's disguise disappeared in an instant. She
was so sad that she could not stand up straight.
She squatted down and buried her face in her
palm, and her tears burst out.

Her heart still hurt.

"If you don't yield to fate, you have to face up

to difficulties in adversity!" Javon's words
lingered in her ears.
Jenna gradually regained consciousness from
the pain and numbness in her heart.

The dazzling light came, and the elevator door

slowly opened.

The tall figure flashed in. It was familiar. The

strong hormones lingered in the narrow
elevator, which made her so panicked that she
raised her head.

Hansen's gloomy and handsome face appeared

in front of her.

After a moment of shock, Jenna was about to

run away in a hurry.
Hansen's powerful big hand quickly grabbed her
arm. Jenna was very thin, as if it would break as
soon as her arms were pulled. The strength in
his hand was unconsciously softened and
constrained her in front of his chest. Their
breaths were connected, and he could smell her
unique fragrance. He hesitated, but there was a
trace of anger in his heart. She was obviously
such a fragile woman, but she was more proud
and cold than anyone else!

"Half a month later, it's grandmother's 90th

birthday. Grandma clearly wants to see you. I
hope you can come." Hansen hesitated, and his
tone was a little stiff.

Was this asking her for help?

Hansen didn't know what Jenna did to charmed
grandma. Today, his grandma actually to tell
him that she was going to see Jenna at her
birthday party.

He respected his grandmother very much and

did not want to go against her will. After all, she
was already 90 years old. So he deliberately
asked her to get the divorce certificate. In fact,
he was begging her. All in all, they had already

"Please let go of me." Jenna frowned slightly

and turned her face to avoid his breath as much
as possible. She felt sad. She had been married
for so many years, and he had never been so
active to approach her. Now she was divorced.
For his grandmother, he was begging her. Jenna
said, "You should let Aria go. In any case, the
truth will come to light."

Jenna's beautiful face was pale and thin, and

her eyes were desperate and cold. The words
she said were indifferent and decisive.

She was sad and desperate. At the moment

when the elevator door opened, Hansen saw a
fragile and sad Jenna. Over the years, he
treated her like nobody and never paid
attention to her. But at that moment just now,
he could feel her sadness.

He let go of her hand unconsciously and took a

step back.
Jenna ran away as if she had escaped from him.

She stumbled away, and she seemed to fall

down the next second.

Hansen suddenly had a concern in his heart,

“Did something happen to her?"

"You deserve it, Jenna Murphy! It serves you

right to be sad.” Then the sudden hatred rising
from his heart covered up the inexplicable

Chapter 4
In the night of A city, the dazzling lights
reflected the halo in the night sky, and the
starlight was sparkling. The pedestrians on the
street passed by in a hurry.

Jenna strolled along the busy street, lost in


The wide LCD screen on the business square

was playing the scene of beautiful and sexy Aria
being interviewed alone, which attracted
everyone's attention.

In the past three years in America, she could

know from some exclusive entertainment
magazines that there was a woman stay with
Hansen, who was Aria. Aria had been with him
for three years. To be exact, after she had left,
Aria was with him.
She, Aria, and Hansen were all classmates of
University C!

During university, Aria was a famous beauty.

She was sexy, beautiful and enchanting. She
was the dream lover of all men. However, Jenna
always disliked her and felt that she was
hypocritical and scheming. So Jenna didn't want
to have too much contact with her.

But at that time, Aria was very enthusiastic

about her. For a period of time, they almost
became good friends who told each other

Jenna felt a stabbing pain in her heart. She did

not understand why Aria would come to
Hansen’s side.

"Miss McAdams, I heard that you're the lover of

Hansen Richards, the president of the Richards
Group. You've been with him and support him
secretly for three years. Is that true?"

Aria smiled noncommittally and gently opened

her red lips, “Please leave us some private
space, thank you!"

"Miss McAdams, can you tell us which stage

your relationship with Mr.Richards is in? Is it
true that you have got a marriage certificate in
"I'm sorry. Let's not talk about my relationship
today. Please pay attention to the press
conference of the Richards Group." Aria smiled
sweetly and said charmingly.

"Miss McAdams, I heard that you're going to

enter the entertainment circle. Is that true?"

Aria smiled generously, "It will happen when it

happens. If the time is right, it may be


Jenna breathed a sigh of relief, and the light

flashed away in her eyes. She turned away from
the screen.
"Miss Murphy, you have to be prepared. There
are a lot of doubtful points in this car accident. I
am afraid it will be difficult to get any results in
a short time." Lawyer Bolton frowned and said
with a heavy expression.

Jenna's hands were slightly clenched, trying to

keep calm.

Her father, Javon, the Minister of Finance of A

city, was a famous figure in the officialdom not
long ago. But on the night before the election of
the head of the Finance Department, on the
way home, his car was knocked over by a
strange luxury car that suddenly rushed over.
The news report was just a brief introduction,
and even no one knew that the person in the
car accident was Javon, the candidate of the
future director of the Ministry of Finance.

Such a miserable car accident has gone


Obviously, this was a deliberate cover-up, and

all media news was blocked.

This was definitely a conspiracy!

Jenna's eyes were full of caution, and her nails

sank into the flesh, but she felt no pain.
"Miss Murphy, it's a pity that you father can't
come back to life after death." Lawyer Wang's
words were heavy and helpless, "Without
definite evidence, the police can't get involved."

The blue sky and white clouds outside the

window were beautiful like always, but Jenna
seemed to be suffering in the living hell, and
her heart was full of endless bitterness.

Her father was very upright, and there was not

much savings in her family. From childhood to
adulthood, her father had strict requirements
on her, and he did not give her much material
enjoyment. But her father taught her a lifelong
lesson in how to behave. Her reserved words
and deeds, cheerful and lively personality, and
calm style of doing things were all formed by
her father's influence.

"Miss Murphy, we can only see an unlicensed

luxury car on the police's surveillance camera!"
Lawyer Bolton opened the folder, took out a
photo from it, and handed it to her.

Jenna took the photo with trembling hands, and

her fingers seemed to be stiff due to the force
of bending.

Her bright eyes filled with tears.

She fixed her eyes on it. In the photo, her

father's car was knocked over and blood was all
over the ground!
Tears rolled down her face silently, blurring her
eyes. She stared at the photo with her eyes
wide open, not wanting to let go of any
suspicious details!

Suddenly a chill rose from the bottom of her

heart, and her eyes were fixed on the luxury
car, which looked so familiar!

Her face quickly turned pale!

Others didn't know about this luxury car, but

she remembered that it had appeared on the
day of her marriage! Even though the color of
the car had changed and the license plate was
gone, but she still recognized it.
It was a car produced by the Richards Group
overseas. It was a limited edition luxury panica,
and there were only five in the world. Two of
them were in A city, and one was in the
Richards Group.

Could all this have something to do with Hansen


Chapter 5
Jenna stood up in shock!

Based on Hansen's hatred for her, what could

he not do? And all of this showed that only
powerful people could control this conspiracy!

Obviously, Hansen had the right to do so!

Jenna suddenly felt cold all over, curled up into
a ball, and her face was as pale as paper.

"Miss Murphy, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Lawyer Bolton asked worriedly when he saw
Jenna's pale face and trembling body.

After a long time, Jenna shook her head silently,

and the light in her eyes was no longer dim.
There was a blazing light in her eyes, and her
long eyelashes were slightly trembling, covering
up all her thoughts.

"Hansen Richards, if this is really what you did, I

will never forgive you, and I will make you pay
for it." Jenna's mouth curved into a cold smile.
In the conference hall on the 88th floor of the
palatial Triumph International Hotel.

Hansen, wearing an expensive suit, sat in the

chief seat. His sharp and deep eyes fixed on the
scene on the projector.

An SUV noble model with smooth elegant lines

appeared on the Superwide projector screen in
all directions.

All the executives of the Richards Group sat

respectfully, looking straight forward and silent.

Hansen, who was at work, was no longer

impetuous. He was very serious and pursed his
mouth. He was gentle and elegant.

However, he was strict with the company's

executives. The staff of the Richards Group had
a deep understanding of it. They must be very
careful in doing things without a single mistake,
or they will be demoted in salary and position.
In Hansen’s opinion, there were only employees
who were serious about their work and there
was no subordinate who could only flatter. He
knew how to make good use of others and the
employees could only be judged by their

It was because of this that the Richards Group

was growing so powerful under Hansen’s
leadership that no one could compare to it.
"Mr. Richards, according to the investigation,
this modern SUV car is the latest design of the
car designer of Jing Rui Company in the
American headquarters. As soon as it is on the
market, it has been popular with the people in
Europe and America. The order has reached
more than 100 million yuan." Perrie Peters who
was wearing professional suits, reported clearly
and skillfully.

"That's right, Mr. Richards. The car quickly

became a global hit and its sales are steadily in
the first place. It's more popular than our new
model." Jose Trenton, the assistant, said
nervously and worriedly.

Hansen's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and

no emotion could be seen on his expressionless
face. He stared at the car on the projector and
lost in his thought.

As soon as he saw the car, his eyes lit up and a

smile of approval appeared on his face. The
design of this car was really wonderful! He was
fascinated by the car.

For a long time, he had never found a car model

that he was satisfied with, but when he saw this
design, he completely understood!

"What kind of a person is this designer?" He

looked calm. After pondering for a while, he
gently opened his mouth,

"Mr. Richards, it is very surprising that this

designer is actually a female. It is said that she
is very young and beautiful." Jose did not hide
his inner surprise, appreciation, and his young
and handsome face was full of worship.

"A female?" Hansen leaned forward slightly,

feeling extremely surprised. He pointed at the
meeting table with his finger, and then he
looked at the screen again with his deep and
divine eyes.

A young and beautiful woman could design

such a noble and generous car, and could also
cater to the admiration of men to the car. Such
a woman should have a lot of ideas. Hansen
stared at the perfect car, and he was thinking
about something.
It had to be said that the appearance of this
model was smooth, which was his style. It
almost explained the model of the car in his

What kind of woman could have such talent?

"This car has a good name called modern Adia.

It's given by the designer. It's said that she
designed it for her beloved man." Perrie
explained seriously, "Coincidentally, she is from
A city. Now she has returned to A city."

"Oh!" Hansen had an idea. He raised his head

slightly, and there was a mysterious expression
on his side face.
"I'll see her in three days." There was a flash of
light in his eyes. He held the back of the soft
chair with his fingers, leaned back, and opened
his mouth slightly.

Hansen had a unique sense of commercial

information. According to his intuition, this
female designer would be a rare talent. Now,
although there were many cars in the Richards
Group, there were not many products that
could really catch the eyes of the public. Now
that the Richards Group was in the period of
transition, he couldn't miss such an

Whatever he wanted, he would get. What's

more, no one could resist the temptation of a
big sum of money.
The Moon River Mansion was quiet and

Jenna had stayed here for a whole day. She

curled up in front of her father's tombstone.
Her heart was broken, she was painful and sad.

She sat still, like an ice sculpture in the snow, as

if it would melt into water at any time.

"Daddy, I can't make Hansen fall in love with

me. He will never love me. We are divorced."
Her voice was small and weak, like a mosquito
buzzing. Jenna's lips were dry and cracked. She
hadn't eaten or drunk for a day and night. She
didn't feel hungry at all. She could only feel
heart hurt.

"Daddy, I don't want to tell mommy, I'm afraid

she'll be sad." Jenna opened her dry lips and
said hoarsely, "Daddy, I don't want to have
anything to do with him anymore, and I don't
want to see him anymore. But, the car that hit
you to death belongs to the Richards Group. I
know the car. I can't be wrong. I can't let you
die for injustice. Only by working in the Richards
Group, can I have the opportunity to find out
the truth. No matter who killed you, I will make
him pay the price!"

Her fingers were tightly holding the cold

tombstone, and blood flowed down from her
tender white hands. Drops of blood dripped on
the white marble, and she bit her red lips until
they turned white.

"I don't want to, I don't want to do this, but he

is a devil." She cried in a low and depressed
voice, and there were no tears in her dry eyes.

Even if she was humiliated and was treated like

nothing, she could take it. But no matter what,
she couldn't bear him kill her respectful father,
her closest person in the world!

She buried her head deeply on her knees and


She was almost sure that if it wasn't him, it

would be someone connected to the Richards
Group! And who else would hate her except

The sunset was very red in the evening.

She stood up slowly, her thin fingers brushing

the hair on her forehead, and her pale face was
full of determination.

She gently took out her mobile phone from her

bag and made a phone call.

"Mr. Trenton? I promise you." Her eyes were

cold, but her voice was soft and generous.

"Well, very good." Jose's excited voice came

from the other end of the phone, "Miss
Murphy, I will report to Mr. Richards
immediately. The company will send a car to
pick you up tomorrow. Mr. Richards will meet
you personally."

Jenna sneered, and replied softly, "Okay."

Having married Hansen for many years, she

knew that he liked the car. In order to suit his
tastes, she also fell in love with the car. She
was all alone for many lonely days. Only these
cold car models accompanied her. She devoted
herself to the design of the car. She wanted to
design a car that Hansen wanted to drive,
maybe in this way, he would notice her.

Of course, a luxury car was matched with a

proud and noble man like Hansen. During the
three years in America, she devoted herself to
the study of men’s preference. Finally, she got
the essence!

Every time people looked at her with all kinds of

puzzled eyes, she smiled slightly. Of course, a
woman learning the design of a car seemed to
be unusual, but she didn’t care about others’

She wanted to design a unique car for her

beloved man, which made him surprised,
appreciative and even fall in love with her.

She really did it!

The car she designed not only caused a

sensation all over the world but also attracted
his attention. He wanted to hire her, but she
didn't love him anymore.

She didn't know what he should think when he

saw that the person he wanted to hire was her.
A mocking smile appeared on Jenna's face, and
her eyes were cold.

"I'll only stay here for three months. Don't

worry, daddy." Jenna once again crouched
down and stroked her father's smiling face on
the tombstone, muttering...

The spacious office was elegant and noble,

which was very consistent with Jenna's
Jenna was wearing a pure white professional
suit. The long skirt made her figure more
graceful. Her waterfall-like hair naturally hung
down on her shoulders. Her smooth skin was
shining like jade, and there was a confident and
decent smile on her face. She looked gentle and

She stood in front of the large floor-to-ceiling

windows on the 86th floor and looked into the

Once again, she stepped into the Richards

Group. She had become the female designer of
The Richards Group, who was honored as a
distinguished guest.
The work placard on the dark red desk bore the
“Chief Designer Jenna”, which was respectable.

There were a light and polite knock on the door.

There was a flash of malicious light in her bright

eyes in a flash. Her voice was indifferent and

"Come in, please."

The smart and capable Perrie came in.

"Miss Murphy, do you like this office?" Perrie

asked with a smile on her face. For some
reason, she always felt that this elegant and
beautiful young designer in front of her,
although her smile was gentle, she had a chill
that kept people at arm's length. Perrie did not
dare to get close to Jenna. But after all Jenna
was a female designer hired by the Richards
Group at a high price. She did not dare to
offend Jenna at will, otherwise, President
Richards would fire her.

"Miss Murphy, this is what President Richards

specially selected and arranged for you.
President Richards said that you can design a
model that all men are keen on, then you must
be different. He thinks you are both intelligent
and beautiful. President Richards appreciates
you very much. He is afraid that you are not
used to staying here, so he specially selected
this office for you. We hope you will like it." The
shrewd and capable Special Assistant Peters's
words were soft.

Hansen personally set up an office for her?

Jenna's heart beat faster, but her expression
was calm and there was an invisible sarcasm at
the corner of her mouth. If he knew that the
talented designer was her, would he be furious?

The designer he had spent so much effort to

hire turned out to be his ex-wife, whom he had
always looked down upon. He should be very

The corners of Jenna's mouth were slightly

quirked up. He’s got what he deserved.

For the sake of the company's interests, Jenna

had no idea he would go to great lengths to
cater to other people's preferences! Thinking
about it, the Richards Group that he led could
reach such a level that no one could reach
today, it was also that he paid the hardships
and efforts that ordinary people did not have,
and came step by step.

It was just that in the process of his business,

she did not stand with him, nor did she support
him. He only had the beautiful and sexy Aria by
his side, and the person he loved was not her.

She thought of his contemptuous eyes and felt

upset again.

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